Hallelujah we bless the name of our great God and we just that he will lead us AR right in Jesus mighty name you may be seated you are [Music] welcome it's needful for us to understand what exactly is the purpose that God wants to achieve in creation for [Music] instance the average believer believes that um God needs people to worship him so as to add to the sense of his being but it's not true because God is existence itself he never began he will never end eternity is not vast enough to contain his Essence why did God create man have you taken time to ask yourself why when we see the vastness of Eternity and we try to understand the being that dwells in that frame of reference what will such a being have to do with Mortal man that is sustained by the breath of his no strees turn with me to the book of Ephesians chapter 1 quickly there were several Revelations when Paul gave his life to Christ and God encountered him on the way to Damascus it was a strange phenomenal encounter he went to meet some brethren in Damascus he was prepared I believe he was given some highlights of the things to expect on the path that he has decided to choose and then he felt so much unrest in his soul wanted some form of ventilation and he went to the Wilderness of Arabia where it is recorded in Scripture that he spent three and 1/2 years seeking God it was in this his three and A2 years Adventure that he had diverse encounters with God many of which he did not share with us in the pages of the Bible some of which he was given Liberty by the Holy Spirit to share with the brethren for many years he had no human language to communicated he went from church to church soliciting for prayers and mobilizing prayers that they church needs to pray for him so that utterance will be granted him to communicate the mysteries of the Kingdom that he has encountered what who is this [Music] God pray that he should receive utterance he should receive that Spirit energized communication that relates the heart of God to the heart of man that's the only way he could describe the things he saw in the wilderness of Aria if my calculations are correct it took him 18 years to write the book of Ephesians The Book of Romans can relate with you sorry can we go high this [Music] night we are going to take our flight we're going to go beyond the shallow places in God and find out the things that bothered people that did business with God in the Deep [Music] places and as we testify about him his presence will begin to break out gradually just break out break out break out and when we have a Quantum of his presence sufficient to water the land unag and even Souls that are not here present will start praying a thunderboat will be broken in the spirit realm and a rushing Mighty Wind will come into this house why did he need to create why did he need to create he was sufficient in [Music] himself it was okay all by himself but we must understand God's motivation for everything he does is his love he dwelt in himself in a circle of unbroken love and his love decided to put him at risk to extend the cycle of that love to create beings that can receive the love appreciate it and live in his reality but you see it happened to be that that which he decided to do being under pressure by his in nature which is his love was going to expose him to some form of pain there was a possibility of him being EXP osed to the kind of pain that he had never experienced in his history Have You Ever Loved Before maybe you love your father you love your mother you know love makes you real love makes you vulnerable there's always a possibility of heart attached to every occasion that you open yourself up to love and that the vulnerability that is connected to your opening your yourself to love is a scenario where that love is rejected come with me quickly Paul stumbled on this in the wilderness of Arabia and IID like us to look at it critically and when we have looked at it to a level when we reach where we want to see we'll get back to our study and then in that our study we'll just touch one or two things and begin to pray and I trust that God will help us in the name of Jesus Christ I must I I I need to make us understand that God has made us part of a very very vast and a big picture that picture is so vast that is a privilege to be part of it and you need to capture this thing with all of your heart so that as you walk this world you have a purpose for every step you take a purpose Ephesians chapter 1 are you with me took about 18 years for him to be able to say the things he said here and the subject of Ephesians 1:1 is the Eternal purpose of God no man apart from Jesus Christ ever spoke about the Eternal purpose of God with so much Clarity other than Paul he was an authority in that area in order for him to say the things he said here God had to take him and F him by the spirit through the dateless existence of Eternity right down to the foundation of the Earth where the Earth was cted in order for him to have author sorry to to say this in fact God took him to an Era which was still Beyond far beyond the season where the Earth was founded for him to have an accurate testimony of what was sustained on the heart of [Music] God God is so fast it's a privilege if the more you study the Bible the more you You Weep and thank him for salvation now let's take a journey into eternity p through the writings of Paul and if we stumble on what I want to emphasize we stop there you can study the rest Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God to the saints that are in Ephesus and to the faithful in Jesus Christ Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ I need to explain that are you still with me now it's needful for us to understand something I said yesterday that God only works as long as his spirit is working okay did you get that all right so on the account of the fall of Man the rebellion of Adam what took place was that the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the old creation and God's purpose which he wanted to bring bring to pass was still in view he still wanted to accomplish his purpose now so this is what he did he put it will be difficult for you to understand [Music] this all right when he withdrew his Spirit from creation and you must understand that you know the revelation of God in the Book of Genesis chapter one The Bible says in the beginning was the in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth God there in Hebrew is Elohim which is the plural for God so the first revelation we see in scripture about God is the Trinity all right you see the Jehovah Witness people if you read their Bible in the Book of John chapter 1 their Bible reads uh uh in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was small G God now you see but by the time we go into the Hebrew you will see the fly behind that kind of translation Elohim is plural aim is plural anakim is plural cherubim is plural you get it and then Elohim plural can you see that so the first revelation of God that came the revelation of the godhead three distin personalities that are not separate they are bound by one Spirit when we refer to God as the father in Hebrew we are talking about AB which means the source somebody say Source everything that has to do with the father has to reveals that he's the source the origin of all things are you with me just in case you want to trace the origin of everything you have to see the revelation of God as The Source because there is no way you can explain how this world is suspended and there are no pillars that holds into the sky and hes downward if you want to know the source you have to find AB God who is the father who is the source when the revelation of him as Son of God as son is is a metaphor all those statements are metaphors to give us insights into the dimensions of God that formed the godhead when we talk about him as son we are talking about the embodiment of God and what I mean about that is based on the fact that there were claims of divine Justice Adam had committed a crime and the crime that Adam committed is a crime of rebellion in order to do a way with that crime the loss of divine Justice had claims upon the Earth and upon humanity and the claims of the law of divine Justice sustain that only a man of sufficient stature that was not a partaker in the Sin of Adam will be able to stand as a substitute for the human race in order to undo that which has been done that was why God had to take a body he had to be a product of the Holy Spirit and the woman he had he was supposed not to be connected to Adam in any form if not he would have been a partaker of Adam's transgression are you with me now so he was a product of the Holy Ghost and a woman so as to boycot the line of Adam in the template and then he will be a being a creature that was separate from Adam he will become the second Adam the second Source in the world of man but you see in order for him to be that he had to have flesh he had to have BS and that's why he had to be formed in the womb of a woman so that you have the lense that makes him function in the at which is flesh bone and blood he therefore became a container and for the first time God's Obsession one of God's Obsession was fulfilled because God was looking for a place of dwelling and when Jesus came into this world for the first time God had a Dwelling Place and that's the Revelation that is in the Book of John chapter 14 but I don't want to press it because some people will fight me here because in John chapter 14 what you think that Jesus said when he said that I go to prepare a place for you you think he was talking about heaven that he was going to heaven to begin to do some construction work but if you check very critically Jesus was not going to heaven when he made that statement he was going to the cross okay let's stop now I I've said this please undertake to study your Bible he was not going to heaven he was going to to the cross and he said he's going to the Cross to prepare a place for us because when he goes to the Cross he'll be pierced and when he's pierced there'll be there'll be his Dimensions will be unveiled and on the strength of the fact that he's pierced he will create accommodation for us so that God can have rooms the spirit you know he the spirit of God embodied Jesus in full measure he was carrying God around he was the container carrying all of God around can you can you take that the Bible says in him the full the godhead was in Dell bodily the entire godhead was working inside of what Jesus and there was no leakage because he was yielded to the Holy Spirit but you will Fast and pray when when a mighty measure of God's spirit comes upon you somebody will insult you and you want to fight then you drain yourself of what you are carrying of all of God but Jesus was so yielded that he maintained and carried all of God and there was no [Music] leakage now what happened is this when he went to the Cross they pierced him so God did not have a place to Tabernacle bodily again so he died refused from him as the spirit from that day henceforth anybody that believes in the work of Jesus that he did on the cross the same Holy Spirit Will diffuse into him so what he was saying was that if he goes to the Cross God will have more rooms and those rooms are your heart and my heart God will not just be dwelling in one entity one body but God will have many more rooms that was what he was trying to say in that scripture and if we go back and use the Greek for Menor in my house are many Mansion do you realize I can I can understand if somebody says in my Mansions are many houses you can understand that but Jesus said in my father's house there are Mansions can you understand that how can there be mansions in the [Music] house he was God's house and because he was going to the Cross mans Sons you and me we're going to be part of the containers that God will be possessing that's what he was saying he was not talking about heaven he was not saying that Jesus was going to join Julius bega in heaven carrying concrete to build you know our knowledge of Heaven our idea of Heaven is so kind God will deliver us and have Mery on us in Jesus [Music] name so every time we call him s we talking about the embodiment of God and God had to be embodied in order for him to satisfy the claims of divine Justice and become the representative personality that we stand on the behalf of the human race closing the chapter of the first Adam and opening another valve of a generation a new race of men a new race of men that do not walk after the flesh but walk after the spirit the way his lifetime has revealed the example of how to live he will raise a new race of men and it happened to be that when he died and was buried the Bible says that he was quickened by the spirit in fact the Bible says in Corinthians the First Corinthians chapter 2 Corinthians CH 3 that now the Lord is that spirit and that is the current situation after Resurrection now so the Lord as father refers to him as the source the Lord as son refers to him as the embodiment of God to satisfy the claims of divine Justice did you get it you didn't get it well by the tape there's no way we can simplify that do you get it it is when God became man that he showed us the culture of Heaven how God expects that the life of man should be lived under the Sun so Jesus's life style was the pattern for all men as of how life should be lived did you get that now so just in case you want to know how the Christian Life should be lived first of all I need to tell you that if your life is not Supernatural your Christian Life there's no super Supernatural Dimensions to your life you are fake because the example Jesus gave us the supernatural was part of it just in case just in case I know you didn't hear that one but I'll keep reciting it everywhere I go in the world if there's nothing Supernatural about your life you are [Music] fake your bet was Supernatural it was not man that decided that You' be born when you gave your life to Christ you experience a new BET which was not according to the will of man but according to the will of God and you cannot be born supernaturally and then you live naturally doesn't follow it doesn't follow now what the average Christian feels about the Christian Life is shortlived is subnormal is abnormal and in order for you to be authentic you must know God as the spirit because God at the Spirit refers to the essence of God you must realize that when Jesus walked this world he could not impact the life that he had because he had to be processed through death burier and Resurrection for the essence of God to come and is in the regime of the essence of God which is the spirit of God that the life of God could be imparted the impartation of the life of God was supposed to raise men that could live the life that Jesus lived upon the face of the Earth every scope of the life that Jesus Liv because the power of God that is in the spirit of God is strong enough to take you beyond the limitations of your Humanity the limitations of the flesh the limitations of lust the limitations of confusion that is the investment the blessing that God placed inside of you the holy spirit with the Holy Spirit God doesn't need to give you any other thing from that point if you know how to relate with him you will become everything that God wants you to be so when we talk about him as the father is we're talking about the source of all things when we talk about him as the son we're talking about the the pattern man the example the representative of the human race such as he has to be in order for him to satisfy the claims of divine Justice when we talk about him as the spirit we're talking about the essence we're talking about the life we're talking about the reality when Jesus said I am the way I am the truth and I am the life he was talking about something that if you are not careful you will not get to know let me you know our brother when he was leading prayers he began to talk about the truth in Greek is not the truth there is not a statement or fact it's not a statement it is the realm of reality what he was saying was that I am the reality reality is the opposite of vanity whereas vanity will fade away with time it will be extinct it it will no longer exist but reality lives forever so Jesus is saying I am the reality now you know that Time You Prayed and you felt that your prayer was answered you knew inside of your spirit that your prayer was answered Jesus is saying I am the one that fished that reality inside that is reality that thing you were encountered inside of you that made you know that your prayers were answered even though you did not see the prayers you prayed is a testimony of a faithful witness teaching you about a real that will live [Music] forever and Jesus is saying just in case you had that furnace inside of you is because you made contact with me because I am the reality H just in case just in case just in case you you read and you saw the notice board you felt as if you will never graduate but in the place of prayer you are praying and God it was as if there was a ministration that some how you were going to graduate and naturally it doesn't seem possible and then until you waited till the time came senate had to sit on the result and then they had to pass everybody but you see before it happened the reality had gone into manifestation and he had finished this on your inside Jesus is saying that fishing is [Music] me can you take can you go can you go further now please please let me advise you as a young man as a young woman grow large in your spirit grow very large give yourself to fasting give yourself to prayer now give yourself to prayer and fasting now that you are young create a base for your life to rest because if you build your life by the reality a time will come when the storms will come and when the storms come people that build their life in this peripherial dimension they will have a lot to cry about because there will be so much losses it in a time of storm the time of disaster that people that build their lives on the reality will begin to rise that's the testimony of a god that is bigger than everything that eyes can [Music] see in order for you to know a spirit you must be delivered from self your Ste your agenda this your purpose because when you begin to know the Holy Spirit he will begin to give you another another Focus another emphasis for your life in fact you don't even get to know who you are in God except you begin to make Jesus make the Holy Spirit your focal point your Pursuit because as you press into God you begin to discover yourself in God a young man came to me I said he has seen the wife he wants to marry I said do you know the purpose of God for your life he say he's still trying to find out say you are not qualified to bring a woman into this [Music] confusion you know ladies suffer please just say Lord have mercy on all the ladies just Lord have mercy they confused man that doesn't know God he's coming to bring somebody and to attach the person to his confusion and problems you are not going anywhere but you need a helper I don't understand it but God will help us in Jesus name as you plunge into the Holy Spirit you begin to discover yourself should I tell you something life in the New Testament as prescribed by the New Testament is a journey that you'll be guided into by the holy spirit is a spirit Journey do all kinds of Bible study you want to do if these people are not praying they're not prayerful they're not fasting so that their Spirit can touch God himself they will never grow teach them anything you want to teach them their life will not change I've been in the I've sat in the office of a teacher for more than 18 years for 12 of those 18 years eh I was beating about the bush trying to put scripture inside their head so that they became knowledgeable in scripture and they became terrible people with scripture then I discovered that until the spirit be poured upon us from on high the Wilderness will still be the same the sin sin in their lives will still be there until the everything Waits until the essence comes down from the day I discovered that I knew Christianity was easy we the ones that made it [Music] complicated I've seen people before two years some of my conver two years in the Lord heavy people because we took them away from the distraction that many people that give their life to Christ go through push them into prayer push them into fasting the the hunger in them will make them study the Bible by themselves the hunger in them will make them look for God and God will begin to become real to them are you with me I went to preach somewhere and the lady I didn't know that she was sent from the water to come and according to her they say they sent her to come and I don't know what to do but they sent her to do but they said they sent her okay and they gave her some equipment the equipment they said they gave her was in her eyes that she just make sure she times me and then make our eyes to jamala you don't need to prepare for that if you know the holy ghost that was the first time I was given the opportunity to preach in a Catholic Church they give the brother that struggled to invite me there give me Grand rule say don't speak in tongue and he repeated again don't speak don't speak don't speak in Tong so I came and he said this one you walk Round the poop no no no we don't do that stand just stand there remain there and don't be led to raise a song in the midst of your salmon don't be [Music] led so I was by the pit and I was just preaching and I was just preaching I was just preaching I was just preaching and then she was there in the meeting trying to gaze to look at the eyes I was just doing my own business and then when I got to a point they became excited said oh you can be excited all right let's make it good I told the man to keep on you just played this to and the guy played and they forgot that they gave me rules and then we sang the song I said right now some God himself has taken over 80% of the people in the hall began to manifest demons all kinds of spirit including the leader that was a woman I blew on her and demons they brought my friend to panel the next day it was that woman that demons left that delivered him see they it will continue like that their lives with their demons will be there until the spirit be God from on your Christianity you can you can be Pious and sacramental there's a way you dress so that people will know that you are for the Lord we did that for many years we're dry and were [Music] Liars I did religion more than you we're empty inside we didn't know God but there's a way we we behave so that people say that guy is sold out he's a he's his Canal on display until the spirit be P you will be carrying doing that or this thing like that emptiness we went into the woods into the on the mountains to look for God when we knew that our work with God was dependent on our Affinity with the Holy Spirit many people didn't believe those days they didn't believe so when we going they say something have possessed us but you see if you don't understand give it 10 years then you know who found God and who did not found him 10 years later I met those Brethren still doing that old religion and and trying to breed Believers from knowing the Holy Ghost 10 years later I will open up my [Music] eyes and I will see you I will see [Music] you in the book of Ephesians chapter 1 Paul tries to give us a knowledge of the foundation of all things he said that everything began from a desire that was sustained in God's heart God just sat in eternity and he just had a desire you are a product of a desire he just had a desire and on the strength of the desire he had he now developed a purpose from that desire and from the purpose he developed he now established a will from that purpose and from the will that that he established he Now set up an administrative procedure to bringing that purpose to pass that's what Paul told us that everything began From The Heart Of God let me show you that before we move Ephesians chapter 1 turn with me according as he has chosen Us in him if your Bible is not borrowed underline chosen chosen there reveals that in eternity passed God exercised his authority we were we were seeds of Eternity and he exercised his authority and brought us into the purpose that he had fashioned he had framed which was a function of a desire that he sustained in his heart can you imagine can you imagine that okay all right let's go according as he has chosen Us in him before the foundation of the world this one began before the world began that we should be holy and Without Blame before him in God I will explain that after some few verses he chose us in him then verse 5 say having predestinated us onto adoption as children by Jesus Christ to himself now he chose us to him in himself with a view that will become his children so God wanted to do what he called reproduction Mass reproduction and this reproduction was going to be after a pattern the pattern that this reproduction was going to take place after was Jesus Christ so Jesus Christ was a manifestation of what God intended every man to be like and that's why in Christianity there's something called confirmation confirmation is the work of the holy spirit that brings us to sustain the very image that Jesus sustained in his soul the very mind that Jesus had that's why you will see some scriptures say let this mind be in you which was also in Christ the environment of that scripture is preaching confirmation that you will not be in the full scope of what God intends for your life until you are fully conformed to the image of Christ are you here if God has called you to be a Bible teacher or a pastor that's the unique part he has placed you in order for you to gain confirmation to the body of Christ to the image of Christ the challenges you are going to meet on that wave God say you are going to be un Greek the challenges that he has set for you in uni Greek were intended to bring you closer and closer into Conformity with the image of his son Jesus Christ which is our corporate destiny that will be conformed to the image of his son do you get that now so God wants children but not just any kind of child children that are conformed to the image of his son do you get it now walk with me walk with me having predestinated on us onto adoption as children by Jesus Christ to himself according to this predestination is a function of his good pleasure it's a function of who somebody please help me somebody help me what is a pleasure is is a desire of your heart so this was what was sustained in the in God's heart this this thing Paul is reading to us now Paul traveled into God's heart God tore his heart open and allowed Paul to see into it that God wanted Sons conformed to the image of the firstborn son Jesus Christ and that this was as a result of that which was sustained upon God's heart as a desire in fact it was because of this desire that God vetoed it and called it his way that's what the Bible is say so you may not understand that what resulted in your creation what resulted in you being sent to unag is something that has its roots before the foundation of the world can you see how limited your mind will be in trying to order your steps in a purpose that's began before the world began the only possibility of your survival is that you must walk with ancient wisdom which is the a wisdom that is embedded in the Holy Spirit the most noble thing for you to do as a Christian is to know the Holy Spirit and to work with [Music] him but you see it is a little bit difficult to know a spirit and that's why I want to give you some indicators some things that will help you walk with the holy spirit so much so that you come to a point where his reality you know him more than you know men number one this one is from personal experience everything I'm saying here now is from personal experience but I'll use scriptures to quot it so that you see that those experiences that I'm talking about are healthy experiences that are certified by the scriptures I give you the result of 27 years of work with God in this few nuggets that I want to drop in your hands to some people it will just be another meeting but I know one or two or three people from this point we enter into a dimension that they will never recover from I know that I know that and 12 years from now 13 years from now 15 years from now 25 years on and they we say those keys opened a door into God and we have not recovered it's not every meeting that is significant it's not every conference that is necessary but there are some that God brings you not because of the of the 3 days he brings you because of something that began before the foundation of the world so that you can establish alignment with that will and that Dominion that have been traveling from eternity that passed through the corridors of your generation and by the spirit of God you'll be fully aligned to represent the interest of that Dominion as it manifests itself in your own day and time can you can you handle that I will never be afraid oh I will never be [Music] afraid I will never be afraid oh I will never be afraid I will never be afraid never be never be go with me to the book of First Corinthians chapter 2 Corinthians chapter 3 let me show you the first point you must know if you are going to get Mastery in your work with the Holy [Music] Spirit [Music] all right are you with me now in the book of uh 2 Corinthians chter 3 2 Corinthians CH 3 I would like you to see something in verse 17 the Bible says now the Lord is that Spirit stop there first let's analyze that now the Lord is that Spirit okay now the Lord is that Spirit you know I I kept talking about this scripture since the first night because the now there suggest to us is actually talking about the regime of Resurrection the Lord become that Spirit wherever the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty the Liberty there doesn't mean you doing anything you want to do but the Liberty there talks about an entrance from the natural into the supernatural Liberty talks about the supernatural opening up so that you can access the realities of that Dimension where the spirit of the Lord is the proof that is there is that the spirit realm you have Liberty to access the spirit realm there's liberty that's a proof that is present now notice this the Bible calls Jesus the Lord did you get it what does Lord [Music] mean sister what does Lord mean the Lord Master good The Sovereign the governor so and the Bible is saying that the Lord is that Spirit the Lord is the same as that spirit so if the Lord if what was used to denote Jesus in that scripture is his lordship then that verse is trying to make us understand that except you consciously subject yourself to the lordship of the Holy Spirit you will never get to see his power in your life [Music] example when I was doing my youth in can we were praying in a prayer meeting and a prophet one of our brothers he he's a notable prophet in the in in canu notable Prophet notable planted he has before I met him he had planted like three churches in Assemblies of God so he was a major Arrowhead in Assemblies of God where schools in Doctrine his testimony among all his fathers people that he walked under was a very favorable one so that's the guy I'm talking about because we cannot recommend a prophet if his history is not known because there are people people that access inspiration frequently before we can trust them he must have a history so that we know that the inspiration that he brings to us is not the inspiration from a different Source in fact let me stop there but this brother I'm talking about is a prophet and we're praying a prayer cell praying in a small prayer group and this guy began to prophesy and Bas if I understood his prophecy well he was saying that yes I have the BSC now but that's all about secular school I I'll be involved with I didn't believe him anyway just he finished prophesy and say Amen when we were posted to Mari to benate for my office and I said all right I had forgotten about what that guy prophesied okay and I went to benate University because some people in the fellowship were lecturers in the school so I said all right you guys go get me admission I want to you know just add something to what I have you know to boost the CV to boost it meanwhile there was a word from God as touching that that it was not his will for me to try anything like that well the guys were influential and they were able to get the admission when the admission was secured I went and paid the school fees and I was now going for registration the moment I paid the school fees got the registration forms I lost my now in the level that I operate with God now losing my peace is a grievous thing because you it might take you 5 minutes to get it back my own it might take two weeks two months in fact it's an offense it's a great danger for my peace to go that's what I live on my peace left so I now started crying I said okay the school I won't go again just come back it took me 3 days for him to come back then my quarter with him was settled anybody that does not know the lordship of the Holy Spirit and Now to respond to that lordship with AE you will not go far with it see have you ever been where snails are all right and you're trying to touch the snail and he goes into his Shir it will take a long time for it to come out the snail is very sensitive I need you to understand that the holy spirit is more sensitive than that snake there are several things you may do he will forgive you but in order for you to enjoy the same relationship you had with him before you will suffer much to gain that same level of stature so that the possibility of committing that kind of crime again will no longer be in you and the higher you go the harder he will be on you the higher you go the more he will streamline your life so that the options around your life are no longer many some of you can still watch a UFA champions league for me that's not part of my life not because it is a sin to watch it but you see the Holy Spirit has restricted me to that extent the more you go the more it restricts you the more you go your path becomes more narrow more narrow because of the lordship of the Holy Spirit when you see somebody that is just broad is free he doesn't know God and in fact it's a risk for you to join yourself to the person because you learn the person's ways it's easy to learn lasciviousness than to walk than to walk with holy [Music] men I lost my peace what was my crime I was going to pay school fees to do a bgd is that a problem but the Lord Spirit had said it is not my will for [Music] you I've seen people before you know after doing mbbs in medical school if you are willing you can do six more years and become a consultant I've seen people before that did the mbbs and then did the 6 years to become a consultant wrote all the exams just about to receive the certificate God said don't receive it come into full-time Ministry now the person has an option either to despise the Holy Spirit and become a consultant or to what go in the direction except you honor him and except accept his government his power will not be strong in your life and I need you to understand that there is in your life at a point a strategic point in your life there will be one issue he will demand from you one in your lifetime there's one major issue that will shake you to your foundation such that if he's not your lord you will not be able to go that far it's on that ground that Champions become chatons will you accept him will you accept his Dominion his government over your life will he accept his Dominion I will open up M when you have walked with him to a point like that he becomes the one that influence every Department of your life you can't even dare fall in love except he has told you that this is where to go you can't D it but you you are free you can love on Friday break it on Sunday morning with prayer and kneel down the altar love again on Tuesday you are free you are free because you are still in charge of your life but the moment the the Holy Ghost takes over and you acknowledge his government he will lead you on a larrow path and that's the destiny of every true one that works with him the part will be narrow the options will not be [Music] many I will open up my [Music] eyes many people argue with the Holy Spirit on one issue for 10 years many people find it difficult to let go somebody offended them they cannot let go the holy spirit is saying let go and they say hey I'm feeling for 10 years he becomes powerful when you acknowledge his Lord you for the Lord is that Spirit the Lord is that spirit in as much as it can translate that scripture to me interpret that scripture to mean that Jesus the Lord is that Spirit you can also translate it to mean that the Lord is that spirit that the spirit is Lord just like you say Lord Jesus that's vers is saying Lord [Music] Spirit have you come to that point where he can determine the next line your next line of action because your mother said in a village that you must marry Eble so you have accepted it as your own template and then you went somewhere and now began to show you an e again say no I reject I reject you don't understand it he must be the Lord that is what will advance his cause in your life that is what will make his words when he speaks it powerful to your heart if you trivialize his place he won't bother to speak to you if it gives you signs and you are you you ignore it a time will come where those sign will not be strong enough to capture your attention the Lord is that Spirit and the proof of his presence is that there's liberty into the spirit realm the veil is removed and you see beyond this realm to the very Foundation of all things you understand things from the standpoint of Eternity and then you now begin to understand the relevance of your own sign significant generation and your significant time the Lord is that Spirit he will demand so much from you the other time when he came I called my wife it was first of January I called my wife called they woke our son up and the people that were staying with us all right let's pray let's pray what does God want from us in this new [Music] year and he spoke to me clearly say son give me every month 100,000 I said yes sir I called my wife I said this one will affect you Papa said we should give him 100 is the holy spirit so real to you that he can command you to give him a 100,000 the relationship between the difference between my own relationship and your own is the level of lordship we have accepted I said okay no problem then I saw a vision during that prayer I saw three men standing on something like this fani stick this stick that fani people used to direct their cows I saw three men standing on and the stick was on my head like this and then I saw that where I was standing I was standing on my own full stick on this level and some people were standing on that level so I now knew it was hierarchy in the Kingdom so God now open my eyes to see the person that was directly above me I saw my father in the Lord and I saw two ministers in my and God now say honor them I don't want to call the two ministers in my G it will confuse you but God said what honor them I said okay no problem so I took money and I I always take money to those then after a long time he said do you know why I say she honor them he said they have some experiences with me through your honoring them I will transfer the dividend of that I won you won't have to pass through that process to get the things they got through those experiences you do you realize that somebody will always be ahead of you in this [Music] journey and God will want you to be accountable to such people so that your life you not be a loose cannon when you see a man because you see you need to know the Holy Spirit if not you will fight him the day comes you can do Bible study and study about Revival for 10 years if you don't know the Holy Ghost you'll be the first person to fight him when he comes you will fight every body that God is using to bring that Revival because you don't know the Holy Spirit what you know are dead letters that the Holy Ghost has not filled we're about to have a problem in the future because we have young people that know the letter but they don't know the Holy Ghost and when the Revival comes you will see there's going to be a great fight in the body of Christ and they fight the people that we fight for the devil are people that have mental knowledge of the Bible understand how Revival they should be this side should be this side should be but they don't know the person they don't know the agent of Revival because it will God will not fit into your your mindset as to how it should come he's more he not your mate it's not the way you say he should come that he will come in fact you are not flexible and open you can't even meet him when he comes because he will defy everything you learn from the text book that is not what will happen if you know the Holy Ghost he has he has so much variety and he will make sure that he comes in a way that you don't know so that if you are not really expecting just him you not see [Music] him the Lord is that Spirit that's the first thing don't argue with him when he comes to you it is it is it is okay to be confused I don't know whether he's the one I don't know it's okay to be confused all right if you keep pressing he will clear your doubts but when you are sure he is the one don't argue with him that's the [Music] first second second thing second thing you must start getting acquainted with the manifestations of the spirit not okay let me put it well get acquainted with the manifestations of the spirit in your spirit not the gifts of the Spirit I'm talking about the manifestations of the spirit inside of your spirit now let me show you a few scriptures do you know why I say you should get acquainted with the manifestations of the spirit in your spirit is because the manifestations of the spirit in your spirit that God brings to you will not change because he wants you to gain Mastery of him he there are some manifestations manifestations inside of your spirit you will bring that are consistent now let me tell you what I mean by manifestations of the spirit inside of your spirit that's different from the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit he will manifest in you before he manifests through you come with me to Luke chapter 10 Luke 10 [Music] [Music] John Luke chapter 10 sorry Luke chapter [Music] 10 verse 17 the says and the 77 returned again with Joy saying Lord even the devils are subject unto us through thy name and he said to them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven behold I give unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you not withstanding in this Rejoice not that the spirit has subject unto you but rather Rejoice because your names are written in heaven 21 is my emphasis in that hour Jesus rejoiced in the spirit now this rejoicing is where now you must take notice of his manifestations in your [Music] spirit are you with me now when he rejoiced in the spirit what did he say he say father I thank you because you have hidden these things from the wise and you have okay I thank the oh Father Lord of Heaven and Earth for thou has he these things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them unto babes even so father so it seem good in thy sight now this was a revelation Jesus did not know the people that the father will allocate to him Jesus did not know the people that will believe in him I need you to understand that when Jesus um um became the embodiment of God and took on flesh when he took on flesh there are three things that had to be suspended in order for him to actually satisfy the claims of divine Justice the first thing that had to be suspended was his om equality IES Jesus could not be everywhere at any every time Jesus could not do anything he wanted to do he only did that which the Holy Spirit gave him the ability to do Jesus did not know everything in that frame of reference do you understand it he only knew that which the Holy Spirit brought to his knowledge I I want you to understand that the Bible says that in every way was man so that limitation had to be in place for him to qualify to be a man in fact he had to grow from a small child and fetch water and walk and stumble so that he would qualify to be a man because in the claims of divine Justice only a man can change the Fortes of humanity and in every way he had to be a man so the Omni qualities had to be suspended so that he will fit into the claims of divine Justice do you understand it now so Jesus did not know the people that were believe him he didn't know the people that become his disciples now he had sent the 70 out then inside of his Spirit there was Joy erupted and he was trying to find out what exactly was the source of that Joy then now revealed he was revealed to him a pattern that if he checks all the people that he has sent out now all of them are normal ordinary common men and the father told him this is what pleased him he he pleased him to use normal men to do extraordinary things that was the reason why the father was jumping inside of him with joy did you get it now you didn't get it now just as Christ is our life the father was Jesus's life just as it's Christ that Tabernacles us now it was the father that was dwelling in Jesus do you get it so if the Bible says he rejoiced in the spirit he was the father jumping the father was happy and then he was able to tap into that which was making the father happy and he saw that it was the father's good will for the things of the Kingdom to be revealed to what simple normal [Music] people you must understand the movements of God inside of your spirit that day when you just wake up from your sleep and just notice a strong sense of Peace inside don't just notice the peace as you are going that day make sure you find out why that peace came oh you're not with me do you want to grow don't just enjoy say men I fed great peace today no find out there's a reason why Christ inside of you was so joyful find out Jesus found out that the reason why the father was bubbling inside of him was because of the pattern of the people that received the message of the Kingdom that they were simple people Ordinary People that's why the father was rejoicing all right every time people rejoice in the spirit and they pressed in the spirit to know why God was bubbling inside of them God gave them insight there sometimes like that you are praying about a journey and suddenly peace just comes so you know that in that Journey God has said it is done and maybe you are on the journey and they AR they say arm robers the driver stops and say I'm day for front but see the peace doesn't go because it was not kindled from the earth it was kindled from [Music] where you need to understand the reason for the manifestations of God inside of you if you take notice of God's manifestations inside of you it will be easy for you to know what he's doing see when you now feel the same thing that you felt before that he interpreted to be so such and such when you feel it you just know what it that's how we know a God that speaks Spirit do you get it that's how you know what he meant by that sign so you must be diligent to take notice of his manifestations inside of you there is a way I feel if I feel that way I know that there's a danger coming that prayer will not stop even if we pray from now to tomorrow I will tell you there's an EV Evil coming there's an evil coming and it will still come the only thing is that our prayer can reduce it but our prayer will not stop it well how do I know that sign I know that sign because I've worked with God and when those signs came and I sought interpretation and answered understanding a spirit will not speak words to you most of the time 70% of his speakings are in signs and in manifestations it's only 15 or 20% that are in words and he will speak to you in the language of your thought but most often he speak ins science we finish a great crusade in Cano and God moved mightily after the Crusade we're just winding up and I just felt that sign wow I called the brother I said an evil is coming they say an evil pastor we pray it we subdue the evil you know because of the Miracles that took place everybody was high in spirit and they were saying that yeah we're going to Haack it down I said the way I F this one no prayer can stop it and they were discouraged because I was a great man of faith and I was now saying prayer can't stop something why I've walked in that sign for a long time well I said well prayer can't stop but prayer can reduce it so we now prayed and prayed and prayed and then the the the loss of Peace reduced more I say okay we have gone to the extent that prayer can handle wait till tomorrow there will be a sign an evil sign now if you know how Police Barracks are eight blocks are connected is one block there are eight houses in one block so after the Crusade we normally pack all the equipments and put in the last house in a particular block what happened was that overnight somebody was using candle in the first block and the thing cut the Rock cut the cutting entered into the ceiling started burning from the first house they tried everything he entered the second house enter the third house enter the fourth house the equipment that we rented was more than 200,000 we were even in depth we had not finished paying for the rent he entered the fifth house he entered the sixth house entered the seventh house then it sto and the equipment were what in the E house then when they came they said pastor Pastor see what you said I said I told you it it will happen but prayer can only what reduce it I know that sign most of his speakings are going to be in signs when you feel unusually inside try to find out what it means because every time you feel like that the meaning does not change that's a spirit talking a spirit can Rejoice inside of you find out what it means what made him rejoice [Music] a lady came to stay with us for a while I was I just finished praying and fasting and she passed I was lying on the rck she passed close to my head like this I just fell somehow I know that sign that sign means this girl is posessed so what I did I woke up 12 midnight when everybody has slept I checked in the spirit I said when I checked I checked I saw that uh she was disarmed that she could not hurt us she could not harm us I said enjoy your time I didn't even tell my wife I didn't tell anybody nobody knew until I was coming from Lagos to preach in my then I saw a red snake standing like this in Ben State University that place close to the water and he said go and cut the neck of that snake I said yes sir I said yes sir I said yes sir I came I preached the first day I forgot preach the second day I forgot the third day he said you don't want to kill that snake I said sorry sorry sorry sorry I said there's a snake in my C and God sent me from Lagos to cut the neck of that string and I said when I said I cut the neck that girl jump like like a tree fell down and then the demon started speaking through the she had the voice of a man but she was a girl with sweet voice she stay with and I knew there was something she said she wanted to be my spiritual daughter I was waiting for her to come and confess that I'm possessed she said every other thing except that I was just waiting I said but that sign I know it that sign might have come to you many times but you did not know the meaning that's the difference between me and you I'm conscious to understand the meaning of spiritual signs inside of my spirit the Bible say and Jesus rejoice in the spirit did you get that one oh we are not following these are the simple ones ah we'll stop here today these are the simple ones this one these ones are the simple ones signs spiritual signs you know it is not this sign is not from you it's from it's from somewhere it's from God but what does he [Music] mean give me volume we need to pray that God will open our [Music] understanding that's where the Teaching Ministry of the Holy Spirit comes in to guide us into all reality because reality are things about the realm of the spirit and when you experience those things you need to beckon on the holy spirit to guide you into that reality what is this reality about then he guides you into it if you don't that schem he will not tell you anything some of you are here when the presence of God is heavy you begin to feel heat on your hand you begin to wonder what is it you have not asked him that's a spiritual experience because sometimes God speakings affects your [Music] body you have been experiencing it for 5 years for 2 years you are just enjoying it hey that I feel an anointing except it tells you what it is you you never know how to use it for 6 years anytime the presence of God is solid I'll begin to feel this hand shake like this I was just enjoying and say oh my God there's a presence of God and one day in the place of prayer God now told me that that thing that happens to that your finger is the anointing of impartation that if that thing happens and you speak from you the pit I'll begin to impact people with your spirit that is when people started falling in my Ministry do you know that for 6 years I would have been operating in it but I did not know the meaning so I could not use that anointing because I was not guided into that reality and the Bible says when the spirit of Truth is come he will guide us friends you need guidance you need guidance God has promised me that he's going to give me I've seen two dead people come back to life when I pray prayed for them but that's not the anointing that one he did it to show me that is his part of my destiny but he has not yet come to he say he will come and show me the sign that if this sign comes the dead can rise I'm waiting I've seen crios rise many times many many many many times all right but I don't believe God has given me that anointing if he has not yet guided me into the sign that will reveal that the anointing is operating do you understand it do you get it if you don't have the sign if you don't know the sign and you don't know the reality it means you cannot operate in it consistently it will be happening like as if it's it's by luck it means it's not yours until you you understand it is not yours you might have a strong teaching anointing and you some feeling on your head like this how many of you feel as if there's something like that when they they and you don't know the meaning it's not yours because you don't know the meaning of his manifestations in your spirit and on your [Music] life some of you will hear a word it will it okay okay you hear a voice and it will be an audible voice in this [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mee there's darkness is in Africa we need to take this gospel to Africa and heal our breth bring them out of Darkness to know the Holy Spirit then and only then then and only then can the Quantum of missionaries that God wants to send to the world then and only then can they arise until the spirit comes from on high the Wilderness will be dry the church will be dry will be playing old religion but when it comes life will come as it's hovering in your life you must know what he's doing so that you can know have to respond to him if you don't know the meaning is not [Music] yours it's not yours it's not yours so there are some anointings I've received because he has shown me the sign I know it do you understand it so I can walk in it when the anointing is operational I can tell you okay this anointing is working now this kind of thing will begin to happen now I know the sign that the spirit gives but there are other ones I'm feeling now which I don't know and it's not mine until I'm guided into that reality can you stand for the next 5 minutes so that we can pray there are many things happening around your life it's not yours because you have not been guided into that reality can you ask him Guide Me Guide Me Guide Me Guide Me Guide Me I need you to pray desperately many people are here that have not been able to realize those things in their lives because they have not been [Music] guided now listen to me let me tell you something let me tell you something just listen there's somebody in this Hall as you begin to pray your stomach will begin to vibrate it's a sign but please ask the Holy Ghost what is this your [Music] stomach somebody's hand will begin to vibrate what hand Lord the left hand begin to vibrate ask him what is this o that's how a spirit speaks sometimes he creates some [Music] motion sometimes it gives Visions sometimes he speaks into your subconsciousness in a voice that is still and small a voice that can stand to be despised but he's here now he here now can you open your heart to him tonight open your heart to him walking with God is not an error is something as concrete very concrete as interacting with the natural world Shak volume volume volume volume [Music] volume [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] please don't look at me just connect with him [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus we remember you we remember you we remember you oh God we remember you we remember you we remember you oh God open our eyes open our ears make us to understand you open our eyes open our ears make us to know you yeah we remember you we remember you oh holy spirit we remember you we remember you oh son of God open our eyes open our ears make us to understand sh open our eyes open our ears make us to understand your way I remember I remember I remember your holy name [Music] oh [Music] we remember you we remember you oh holy spirit we remember you we remember you oh son of God [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] la la la la la la la la la la la la Hey la la la la la la la la la la la la open our eyes open our ears make us to understand open our eyes open our ears make us one the [Music] s w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] open my eyes open my ears make me to understand said open my eyes open my ears make me to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] understand open my eyes open my ear make me to understand open my eyes open my ears make me to [Music] [Applause] [Music] understand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh oh [Music] [Applause] we give you the glory we give you the praise thank you Jesus in Jesus name now please lift your head I want to ask some questions lift your head please I beg you anybody in the hall that we sang your left hand began to vibrate now put your hands down put your hands down your left hand began to vibrate let me see your hand up anybody in the hall like that your left hand now come come [Music] on anybody in the hall your stomach began to vibrate your stomach your stomach come come [Music] down anybody you heard something like an audible voice it was so loud as if it was a natural voice anybody all right join [Music] join now I need ushers now I just want to touch them before I begin to release what is Has Come From Heaven I just want to touch them [Music] now from today God is going to be teaching you strength things strength things strength Things o in a dry and we relay oh only one is you is you somebody help me now we hunger and thirst for you in a dry and [Music] W oh we want oh we want to see you oh we want is you who touch them we hunger we thirst for you inight and [Applause] [Music] we we somebody Happ we hunger we thirst for you we hunger and [Music] thir great we in Jesus name [Music] distance space and time not a factor with him some of you your sisters in the village as I'm praying for you he will they will fall down in the village I know you don't believe see you you are doub to I won't pray for you is you I was talking about that when I pray for you God will begin to deliver your sister I was talking to you but you say I yeah don't worry that one will be the next time I [Music] come somebody called me from somewhere I was praying on the phone and he was sling I was wondering where where are you young man oh my God space and time is inconsequential put your hand on them put your hand put your hand on it put your hand on [Music] them Holy Ghost put your hand on them if I touch you you can go and sit down that's if you can put your hand put your hand put your hand all we want you put your hand on me put your hand on me put your [Applause] hand we want is [Applause] you we h no one for you in a dry and we land oh we want is [Applause] [Music] you all right something is about to happen in this Hall can you lift up your hands and just in case you have a call upon your life there's an anointing upon your life something will come upon you something strong will come upon you anywhere you are in the hall whether you believe or not can you [Music] say lift those hands ushers please help me now ushers begin to move through the A Something's about to explode it's about to explode it's about to explode it's about to explode it's about to explode in the hall it's about to explode the hand of the Holy Ghost is moving in the hall Don't Look Behind stop looking stop looking Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost through the H move [Music] move sh bring them for me bring them bring them bring them anyone that comes under the power bring them here bring them bring them bring them bring them oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God bring them bring them something is about to happen something something demons will leave people today demons demons demons demons I command that spirit I command that F spirit I command oh my God oh my God demons will [Music] leave [Music] ah only the Holy Ghost can make a man like this for [Music] that he's coming he's coming he's coming lift your hands say I receive iive I can't hear you I can't hear you say I receive I receive one more time say I receive I receive all right he's coming he's coming he's coming Holy Ghost Holy Ghost for my right for my right to my left for my right to my left from my right to my left from my right to my left move move move move move move Mo move bring that for [Music] me [Music] that which you need to take you to the next level in God the impartation you need the grace you need that's what is coming oh it's coming it's coming upon you it's coming upon you someone from this Ro is coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost move father [Music] yes there are sicknesses that God will begin to he [Music] now [Applause] Shah Shah bring them bring bring them [Music] [Applause] bring yes Holy Ghost Holy [Music] Ghost feel them feel them feel them feel them feel them feel them he coming your way oh my God oh my God there's a river that came here just now Oh my bring them bring them bring them let the hand of the great one come upon you come upon you [Music] strong sh sh [Music] sh he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming it's coming it's coming move bring her there's a river here there's a river here that your prayer life that has died it's coming back to life it's coming back to life power to stay in the place of prayer is coming back it's coming [Music] back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sh [Music] sh in Jesus name now God wants to anoint now wants to anoint now listen listen listen listen listen some anointing is coming anointing is coming bring her bring her bring [Music] her some anointing is coming it's coming can you hold your stomach hold your stomach hold your stomach hold your [Music] stomach Lord those ones that is your good pleasure to anoint tonight to anoint tonight for my left to my right for my left to my right for my left to my right catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch them catch [Music] them sh Sher catch them catch them catch them Holy Ghost move catch them catch them catch them bring them bring them bring them bring them it's like a river it's like a river it's like a river like a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] river [Music] it's a stream from Heaven listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen something just dropped father on all of these people here all of this people all of this people all of this people Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost said it's too much I can't handle this it's a stream Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy [Music] Ghost can't handle I can't handle it I can't handle it I'm about to [Music] burst listen to me listen listen listen listen there's a girl here I've seen it three times so I'm coming there now come hold this for me now all of you stand [Music] up [Music] there's somebody hiding here there's a strange person here a strange Grace a strange anointed a strange anointed it's coming already it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming Holy Ghost Holy G bring them bring them bring them bring them bring all of them bring them strange oil now those of you here are you ready now something wants to come down something oh my God oh my [Music] [Music] God all right come come come come with me come with [Music] me [Music] all of you here all of you all of you all of you on this Ro on this road on this room lift your hands lift your something's coming from Heaven it's coming it's coming it's coming father father locate locate locate locate locate locate locate locate locate move bring her all of you on this [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ro [Music] [Applause] [Music] am everywhere you are begin to pray now begin to pray un Greek must be free un Greek must be free salvation must break out the power of God must break out every ultic thing must be cut off the name of the Lord Jesus must be [Music] [Applause] exalted [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you I got you so you [Music] you something is about to break out begin to cry for un Agri for un Agri that salvation will explode the grace of God will explode power of God will explode men will give their life to Christ without a preacher Revival will break out people Player points and player groups will begin to Spring out the fire of the Holy Spirit God beginning to find himself in the lives of men in the lecture room on the walkway God breaking out everywhere breaking out everywhere breaking out [Music] everywhere [Music] oh you oh pray for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the oh w [Music] w w salvation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Salvation oh [Applause] [Music] the L shall be free we give the glory we give him praise [Music] oh in Jesus name [Music] listen some of you God wants to begin to visit your family now so begin to pray about your family everything every resistance every Power Of Darkness operating your family people under the influence of demons stagnation reproach you want to begin to bind it want to begin to bind it you want to begin to bind it now some people in the village will Begin to Fall now they begin to fall people in the village will Begin to Fall [Music] Down okay you can remove my people in the village will Begin to Fall Down [Music] amen cry out A change is coming into your family tonight it doesn't matter how long the patterns are been but God is coming in God is stepping in God is arising God is arising God is arising God Des Ser Ang oh w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Applause] oh w [Music] oh PR oh God something is [Applause] [Music] happening we will pray we we pray oh we pray we pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] pray we we pray we we pray [Applause] oh now anywhere you are in Jesus name lift your hands anywhere you are want to send a missile to your family want to send a missile to your village want to send a missile against every Spirit of reproach trying to sit upon the Destinies of men want to send a Missi right now oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God the Lord is rising he's Rising he's Rising he's Rising he's Rising like a strong [Music] man father behold every family here we ask that you stretch forth your hand break the Yoke of the devil on any family here represented in the name of Jesus Christ listen to me I will ask God for something now now open your eyes look at me look at me look at me look at me I want to ask God for something father anybody here that you are dealing with their family as a sign that you dealing with their family we beg you begin to deal with them here in this Hall to show us that that you are working on their family I will ask him now at the count of three walk on them here walk on them there Holy Ghost one [Music] 2 [Music] three [Music] move can you see can you see people in their village now there are people that are now can you see that girl that all white that was laughing when I say in the village that somebody who fall down in her Village she was laughing she was laughing he's walking he's working he's walking he's working he's working he's uprooting he's uprooting he's uprooting he's uprooting demons are going demons are going demons are going [Music] p w [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Applause] I break the Yoke of the devil break the Yoke of the devil I command the demon go go go go go go go go go go in the name of Jesus go I break your ho on her soul and I command you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] put your two hands on your head father anybody here that a demon has possessed or a demon is oppressing let the demon manifest at the count of three one two three Holy Ghost Holy Ghost thank you Lord [Music] Jesus F her up F her up F her up F her up F her up F her up F her up fill her up yes oh I [Music] hear e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e