What is Evolution?

Jul 14, 2024

Lecture Notes: What is Evolution?


  • Presented by Stated Clearly
  • Made possible by contributions from Bird and Moon Comics, ProofAvenue, and viewers.

Definition of Evolution

  • Evolution in biology does not explain the origin of life but how it diversified.
  • Helps understand diversification and adaptation in living organisms.

Key Concept

  • Evolution: Any change in heritable traits within a population across generations.
  • Traits can be physical (e.g., fur color, wing spots) or behavioral (e.g., dogs greeting with a sniff).
  • All living things reproduce and pass on DNA to future generations.

DNA and Reproduction

  • DNA: Chain-like chemical in cells that contains growth and function instructions.
  • Each organism has unique DNA, leading to different appearances and functions.
  • Example: Amoebas reproduce by copying DNA, splitting, and growing.

DNA Mutation

  • Errors can occur during DNA copying, leading to mutations.
  • Mutations cause variations in traits (e.g., a longer arm).
  • If the organism with the mutation reproduces, the trait is passed on.
  • Result: Evolution has occurred.

Sexual Reproduction

  • Involves finding a partner (e.g., badgers mating).
  • Sperm from the father combines with the egg from the mother to form a full set of DNA instructions.
  • Offspring have traits from both parents and potentially new traits from mutations.
  • Example: Extra hairy ears due to mutation.

Example of Evolution

  • Dogs evolved from ancestral gray wolves.
  • Human-guided breeding led to various dog breeds.
  • Breeders selected traits like size, intelligence, and strength.
  • Over generations, this led to significant changes in dog breeds.

Evidence of Evolution

  • Supported by fields like Genetics, Chemistry, Paleontology, and Mathematics.
  • All living things share a common ancestor if traced back far enough.
  • Life's diversity today stems from reproduction with variation over billions of years.

Clarifying Evolution

  • Evolution is not entirely random.
  • Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace discovered natural selection as a guiding force.


  • Biological evolution: Change in heritable traits across generations.
  • Imperfect reproduction leads to small variations that accumulate over time.
  • Overwhelming evidence suggests all life is related.
  • Remember: All organisms at your holiday feast are family, including the turkey and pumpkin pie!


  • Presented by Jon Perry.
  • Encouragement to like, subscribe, and support Stated Clearly on YouTube and their website.
  • Acknowledgement to Bird and Moon Comics and ProofAvenue for their support.

Final Note

  • Stay Curious!