Welcome to Teachers Tech my name is Jamie and it's great to have you here. Today I want to show you how to use Google Sheets so this is a beginner's tutorial on Google Sheets and I'm going to be starting at the basics we're going to be covering many topics things like basic terminology inputting the data formatting the data working with functions working with formulas how to share this and work with others how to insert graphs and charts and how to print this so there's going to be lots of different topics covered in this tutorial here today if you take a look to at the in the description you're going to find things are timestamped so you can jump to different parts of the video this is going to be a series so this is the first lesson of beginner one but we'll Advance it as we go along into the different lessons let's get started on how to use Google Sheets for beginners foreign you will need a Google account in order to use Google sheet and to follow along with today's lesson so right now I'm not logged into mine if I was I'm just on google.com if I go up to the app launcher the Google app launcher here and look for Google Sheets when I go to this it's going to ask me to log in if you have an account you can go ahead and get logged in with it if you don't have an account just go use another account and you can see that you can create a Google account right here now go ahead get logged in then we can go to the next step so now that I'm logged in you can see if I hover over up top it shows me that I'm in my account and if I go to my App Launcher now and click on it I notice that Google Sheets is right at the top well that's where I've put it so when I log in it remembers you can drag these around into different spots if you would like so I'm going to go ahead and open Google Sheets like this now there's a few different ways that you can create Google Sheets and we'll go through that today too and as we go through I'm going to give you some tips and tricks just to make things more efficient for you and if we are working through any worksheets I'm going to put a link Down Below in the description because then that way you can make a copy of them and follow along exactly what I'm doing and the other thing I would just ask if things are if things are making sense to you and you're learning uh please let me know with either a thumbs up or comment down below it really lets me know if this is working or not for the people taking this beginners course and if you want to be keep in touch when the new lessons come out just make sure you get hit that subscribe button with the notification alright so we're in Google Sheets here and we can go ahead and start you can see right here a blank Google Sheets I can go ahead and click on this and it's going to start a blank one just like this I notice I have no title or anything on it if I want to go quickly back to Google Sheets I can just click the icon right up here when I click on it it brings me back to it and I just want to point out some other navigation right away too if I click on these three hot dogs here the main menu if I click on it you can see I can quickly go to Google Docs Google Slides Google forms all through here and I can also go to Google Drive and I can create a new Google sheet also in there so everything is getting saved in your Google Drive even though we're seeing uh you know the ones that the past ones that I've worked on through here this is just shows me my Google Sheets if I go over to Google Drive 5 right here you'll be able to see at this point I can create a new one by going up to new so if I click on new I have Google Sheets right here and if I go over to this one I can either go from a spreadsheet or a template so this is just something though you can start either way if you're in your Google Drive you can start a blank spreadsheet from right there to uh and I just want to point that out if you want to go back now to where we were before we can just go up to the app launcher again Google Apps and you can see Google Google Sheets is right at the top I can click click on it and it opens back up again other things I just want to point out in this screen before we start on our first Google sheet is that you can see the different templates and when I was in Google Drive I had the option of templates I'm not going to be covering templates here today but I love using templates that can save you a lot of time in this video today we'll just be looking from a blank one and adding data to it but after you learn the basics try looking at some of these templates all right let's go ahead and launch a brand new sheet just by clicking on it just like this and we're ready to go to the next step so let's go ahead and give this spreadsheet a name and you can see it says Untitled spreadsheet I'm going to just go give it a name right now and I'm going to call this uh practice Google Sheets so you can go ahead and call it what you would like or call it the exact same thing you can see it's saved to drive so as I mentioned before this is being saved to drive now I want to point out if I go back to just my Google Drive here I have it open in this tab here or I could hit back just on here again notice that it's here right away so if I go to Google Sheets I can see I just created this one here today this practice Google Sheets and I could open it here if I go to my Google Drive and I'm just going to click on this tab I and just refresh this right now there it is again so I could be opening this from Google Drive drive or going from the Google Sheets app as well all right I'm going to go ahead and just go back up to this tab because all we need is a browser to use Google Sheets we're not installing anything on our computer we're just using a browser to open up so I'm going to open this Google Sheets the Google practice sheets right here and let's talk about some of the things that we see here before I give you a little walk around I just want to give you one tip here about creating a new sheet I'm going to open up a new tab and I'm just going to type in sheets dot new and if you just type that if you're logged in this is a shortcut that will automatically create a spreadsheet open for you you got to be logged into do this so you could just type in sheet.new or sheets.new or spreadsheet.new and it's going to create a new one right from here I just wanted to point out that quick little tip here I'm going to close that window okay so what do we see here now we have a ribbon up top here and we have our spreadsheet down below the ribbon up top here provides shortcuts to the Google Sheets commands and it's broken into different parts we have our sheets home what I showed you before these would receive file edit view insert format data tools extension help these are our menu and down below we have this quick access toolbar so this all through here is our quick access toolbar and if you look into it you can see these lines in between here this would be a group inside this point and inside we have command so these commands are shortcuts to directly to do something let's talk about the different items on the sheet down below here now the sheet is created by a number of rows and a number of columns you can select these rows or columns simply by selecting the number if you want row so if I click on number two you can see now the entire row is selected if I select C it's going to be the entire column now just to let you know when you open up a new sheet by default there's going to be 1 000 rows in it if I scroll down we'll go all the way to 1000 and if you're looking to find how many columns by default it's going to have 26 so it goes all the way weight of Z but you still can add more that's just by default so if you times those two numbers you're going to have 26 000 cells on this sheet by default now what is a cell it's going to be where the column and the row intersects so in this case if I select here if I look I have C and then the number three so this is C3 I can always check to see what the number of a cell is if I look in the name box right here at the C3 if I click here now it goes to A3 to A5 so I can always take a look and see what cell I'm in the cells are where we're going to enter our data in the other thing I want to point out is we can have a range now a range is when you select more than one cell so if I used an example here if I just select two cells so if I select B I'm going to just select and hold down and drag my mouse and I have two different cells selected here now if I look at here here it says B3 colon C3 so this is a range these two are selected if I was expanding this there still now you can see B3 colon C7 so this is B3 all the way to C7 so if I mention a range it's going to be a bunch of different cells in an area if I just mention a cell it's just one cell now the other thing I want to point out is when you go ahead and create a sheet in Google Sheets if you see that we have one sheet at the very bottom we can create new sheets and those sheets by default will have 26 000 cells on it as well so if I go ahead and hit add sheet now I have two sheets I have sheet1 and Sheet two and you can change them back and forth and put different data on them so I could still add another sheet and with these sheets you can name them differently so if you wanted to if you wanted to just double click click in them now you can give it a name I'm just going to write name like this and if you wanted to change the order you can simply drag them around so if I wanted name to be over here I can click and drag and move them around if I just use the drop down here it you can see I have some different options here where I can delete duplicate copy to rename so I double click but you can rename here I could change the color and I can even do things like protect the sheet or hide the sheet but I'll talk about more of these things later on in different tutorials here and I can also move left or right okay now that we know a little bit about the worksheet or about the sheets that we're in let's go ahead and start adding some data I'm just going to go ahead and delete these extra sheets at the bottom here just by clicking the drop down and delete and it will ask me if I want to do this so these are just extra ones I was showing you how to create so we'll just delete just like that now the other thing I just want to point out is when you go ahead and put some data into a cell uh you that could be numbers or it could be letters or words if I click in a cell like this and if I just wrote let's say uh hello world just like this notice I was typing in the cell but it shows up here so if I go ahead and click off of it it disappears but I click back into it it says it here and it says it here I can actually edit it from this point or from up here too if I was going to edit it up here I can just click in here and I can just start deleting so if I just wanted a hello and then if I click off I've made the changes so if I go ahead and click in this again if I was going to let's say if I wanted add world back and I started typing world everything was deleted on it now I just want to point out you can undo by using the arrow here or you could use the shortcut Ctrl Z on your computer so I'm just going to undo if I wanted to write world back in here I would need to double click in the cell and now I can type it in just like that so I just want to point that out the other thing is you might want to change when you're working on it is the zoom uh and you right now I have it at 100 but if I want this larger I could drop down and then I can make the changes to it if I wanted to go to 150 percent and now uh if depending on how you see and everything you can adjust those uh you might not see as many columns and rows anymore but uh be when you're entering uh data in it might be just a little easier to see if you want to delete anything in here if I go ahead and just select the cell once I can just hit delete like so and it will be gone so those are just a little bit of tips of entering in data and let's go ahead now and enter a little bit more in to set up our first practice so let's go ahead and create some headings for our columns now so I'm just going to go and start in A1 at this point right here and I'm just going to write the word rank so I'm going to click in there not tank but rank like that so I'm going to go over to B and click in it and at this point I'm going to write title now I clicked in it I could use the arrow keys on my computer to go over to and the next one is going to be adjusted so what's it going to be adjusted lifetime gross so we're creating a uh a chart our information is going to be in about the top 10 movies of all time but we're going to adjust it in inflation so you can see what the list is going to be what would be the top one and now I'm going to use my arrow key go over to D here and it's going to be lifetime gross so this is going to be the actual what it brought in and I'm actually going to put down estimated number of tickets of tickets so these are our headings and I'm going to put one more column and it's going to be year did you notice when I was writing in each of these I wanted to point out how uh it was over top of each other so if I click in here even though I can't see it all everything's still entered so I could click in this cell or I click in this cell even though it's cut off at the O if I look up top here the whole thing is written now I can be adjusting my columns to fit this better so a couple different ways you can do this is if I wanted this do I needed this to be a little larger I can go in between C or D and get the handles like this so I could drag it just like that so I can pull it up and make it match so that's a quick way to do it the other way is even quicker if I go let's say in between e or F and I just double click just like that notice it it said it I didn't have to pull it to where I wanted to stop it adjusted automatically to it I'm just going to go back with Ctrl Z and undo those the other thing if you had multiple ones in it I could just select here everything's selected right now if I just go double click anywhere all the columns adjust automatically but since some of these don't have very much information so the titles would be longer I it only adjusted to title so I would have to set them back after so just some tips about adjusting your column size and you can do all this with rows too so you just get the handles I can make my rows wider if I needed them and as I put information in maybe I'll adjust that maybe I don't depending on the font size or how I format these so go ahead Down Below in the description and click on that first link to open up this file it should create a copy for you so you can kind of follow along and we'll do a little bit more formatting now now the first thing that we're going to do and we just kind of wrote some headings in that last little exercise here we need to add those to here and notice we don't have any row above this area we can still add rows and we can still add columns if we want to and I'll be explaining as we go through is adding these different things to this data set now I want to add a row above this point here so I'm just going to click on the one here and I have this whole row selected if I right click on this now I can go insert row above or below so if I would go below I would put a gap in between like that and that's not what I want you can delete rows too if you ever have rows you don't want you can go ahead right click delete row so notice that you can clear row if you want to take everything out of it too so I'm going to go ahead and delete that row where do I want it well I want it to be insert row above and what do I want here well it was those headings that we just put in so I'm just actually going to paste them back in like that you can hit pause if you want on the video and then just go ahead and write those ones in again and we're going to adjust the formatting in a bit so the other thing that we need to add here is another row above because I want a title to all of this too foreign lifetime adjusted grosses so again I could do this way but I could also go if I select in a cell like this insert notice this time I can do columns because I could go left or right I just don't have a row selected but I do want another row above and I want to have a column here but you know I don't want it to be just in this one cell so I don't want it to be right here like if I write type top lifetime adjusted grosses like this I don't really want it to be here I'd like it to be centered above all these different columns and to do that I need to merge these cells so I need to merge and I can I don't have to actually delete this to do this I'm going to select all these cells a through F so I have a range A1 F1 and I'm going to go up top to merge cells so merge will take cells and put them to together and now I just have one cell right here so I still below it I have individual cells here but now this becomes its own cell now I can align this differently too so if I go to here again and I can see the alignment so I have where do I want it well I want this centered here so then it goes centered remember I can go into format to do a lot of these things here too so if I use the quick commands or format it will get you to the same thing all right so what's another formatting I can do well I want this to be a larger font here so I have this cell selected let's go to maybe a 14 just like that so I have 14 I'm going to bold it do I want a different font um you know I think I'm going to leave this as is with Ariel it's an easier easy font to read and everything and I'll just leave it like that okay so what's something else I can do here I want to title all I want all these to be a different color in the background so what I can do at this point is I could do it cell by cell but I'm going to select a range here and I want to I'm going to go ahead and make them bold and I'm going to adjust the columns in a moment here and the other thing is I'm going to want a different color in the background so I'm going to go ahead and choose this green I'll choose this one so it's dark green the font's not very good on this one not enough contrast maybe I'll go to a white font just like that so I made some adjustments uh what I'm going to do now is make some changes to the column width so I could drag them just like this to kind of get them what I need remember I can just double click like this and adjust them so I could go through column by column if you want this to go away just click those three little dots again and it will close on it now this one needs to be adjusted here so I'm going to adjust it adjust it just like that and go through and yes this is looking better I now I can do some more things do I want to have borders around anything so what I mean by that if I click on a cell do I want borders so if I go and click all borders on this one cell now I have you can see the borders which show up so I just have that one cell remember you can select your whole area so maybe if I go ahead and select the range from this spot to this spot A3 to F12 I could go and select a border and now I have them all like this so that I can see them cell by cell so depending you can change this the way you want if I wanted to go back I have everything selected maybe I just want it around the outside you can select a different type maybe you want it dashed or double double line on it so you can pick what you want just by selecting all these different options on your border you can have a different border color if you would like to so you can go and make all those different adjustments just like that so remember there's no border showing up if they don't want them so this one I don't want that one by itself I can go to clear borders just like that so some simple ways to add some add some different looks to your data now the next thing I want to point out is with these numbers I would like it to be dollar signs not just not without them like this either commas are good so I can quickly make changes if I go and select a cell I can hit format as currency and it just adds it in notice that it added to the decimals here if you don't want your decimals we can decrease or increase here so if I decrease it by a couple spots it goes away now I could I don't have to do this cell by cell I could select them all and hit the dollar sign another way I could do is if I go to more formats you can see I can choose different different way so if I wanted it all to be currency then if I don't want the decimals to be there I can decrease by a couple just like that so those are some quick ways to add some formatting to this I can add some rows I can make those adjustments so you can go through now make it the way you want before we start adding some other equations to this to show the functionality of Google Sheets so now what I want to show you is how you can use formulas formulas make Google Sheets very powerful let me create a brand new sheet at the bottom just to kind of show you a little demo here before we add any formula to this so I'm going to hit add sheet now if we go ahead and I'm just going to click in a cell and remember I said if we put a number in a cell if I click on it the cell it reflects up here so I'm just going to hit delete but if I do a formula it's a little different when we do a formula we always need to start with an equal so equals and then let's just do a simple equation let's go to Plus two okay so just simple like that and I'm going to hit enter and four yes that's pretty easy Google Sheets can do mathematical equations it's very easy for them so this says four but if I click on this cell that's really not what's in the cell what I wrote what I actually wrote in the cell is equals two plus two so the equation uh the formula is up here and if I go ahead and change this I could make a change if I go to seven you can see it adjusts I could change this if I don't want it to be addition I could change this to subtraction and we have the negative number we could change this to multiplication which is this one right here or we could change it to division so we could easily go through and I click on just change all these and you can see how it adjusts there I do have a different video All About formulas and functions in Google Sheets and I'll put a link to that down below in the description and up above in the card the other powerful thing is so I actually wrote the numbers into this one right two and seven what makes it really powerful if you can actually subtract or do the different operations on cells so what I mean is let's try this so this is going to be uh where we're going to put our formula here so this is going to be equal but when I'm not going to put in a number I'm going to put in a Cell so it's going to be this cell and I'll just do an addition one plus this cell I'm going to hit enter well it says zero B5 plus C5 that's because these cells are blank watch what happens when I put a number in here so if I put 7 and then I'm going to put 9 and it's all automatically adjusting so if these adjust again so this is 8 this changes so this is the power in spreadsheets what we can do with formulas so for adding up columns or making any changes as things change the formulas in place automatically changed if the data changes okay let's go over to sheet1 here and let's do a simple formula in this one and what I want to do is actually I'm going to add a column to here and I'm going to I'm going to do a subtraction one this one minus this one and I need it right here so to enter a column I'm just going to click on D I'm going to right click and insert column to the right and there we go so I have my column and I could give it a title and I'm just going to call this I'll call this because it's just going to be the difference and what do I want to have happen what I want to have happen is I want this cell minus this cell so I'm going to go ahead start with my equal sign line in this one so I'm going to click in here put my equals it's already suggesting uh this thing that I'm looking for C3 minus D3 so I could just go ahead and select this if I wanted to and be correct but maybe it's suggesting something different to you but if you didn't have that being the right one you could just click on the first one but your subtraction sign click on the next one and hit enter now I like this autofill because it's saying hey we can copy this down we think we know what you're doing and we'll copy the formula all the way down so this is correct and normally I would use this but in this case for this demo right now I'm not going to but do take advantage of this suggested autofill I just want to show you a couple different ways you can copy this down so I'm just going to hit X here to reject it now so this one C3 minus D3 I could go through to this one and then put C4 minus D4 if I go to this one and I just drag this blue square down to the next one I want to point out it automatically goes to C4 minus D4 and if I went to the next one and click in here C5 minus D5 on it now the quick way would be if I just double click two on this blue square it will automatically fill down you can see it copied the form mat down because there was a line across the top here but you can quickly format this if you want you can select the area you could turn off your uh take them off here and then if you want to turn it back on you can just simply go ahead and pick your bottom border to this one if it had the top border on it and we could reformat it like that so it did just copy that green line and that's why you saw that going down so it was just a little bit reformatting but so now I just want to point out so copying the formula so creating the formula is super powerful based on the cell reference but copying it down even makes it more powerful because remember if any of these numbers change it automatically adapts so if I was going here and I'm just going to add a big number here I'll add another nine Watch What Happens as I hit enter it adjusts very very quickly on it okay let's test out one more formula here and this time I want to see what percentage of Lifetime gross is to the adjusted lifetime growth so I'm going to add another column to the right of D so I'm just going to select this column right click and insert column to the right and what do I want to have happen in this formula I got to start with my equals just like we do with every formula we don't want this C3 minus D3 here we're going to be using a division here so it's going to be this cell D3 divide by this cell C3 so I'm going to hit enter and it comes out as zero dollars and you might be thinking it's a mistake well it's the formatting is wrong on this one because we don't want it in dollars we want this in percentage and look at the shortcuts up here format as a percent if I change it it goes to 10.8 percent I can adjust the decimals on this if you wanted it to be rounded up let's say to 11 percent if that's the way you want it now I can copy this down and remember it's going to do that same thing because that green line is right above it so it copies that down you could turn that off prior if we don't want that and now if I go ahead and just double click it fills in all the ones down below so if I go ahead and I'm just going to go put that one back on just like that and so I have all these percentages here so I just wanted to show you uh with the percentage here and changing the format and copying it down so it's pretty easy to put these these different formulas in but what's really powerful is if you start to use functions it can even speed things up and do more for you I have a really quick tip for you before we get to functions and that's using freeze what freeze can do for you well I'll give you a little example let's say this was getting longer and longer and longer all the time if I had top 100 100 but I wanted to make sure if I was scrolling down to be able to keep the column headings in place so let's say if I was just clicking on this number two and I go up to view notice that we can free so let's go freeze up to row so up to two row row two so I'll just select it and now if I was scrolling down the title staying and this so if I was going all the way down through hundreds then I would make sure I'd remember what is uh going to be the correct title of each column if I in case I forgot you can do this with columns too so if I was getting more and more and if I wanted to freeze maybe the uh the front one here with the title then I could do that the only issue with this one right now since I merged this cell up here it won't let me so I'd have to unmerge that or delete it to have that work because that will kind of wreck that freeze one with the column so just look under view here the other thing I wanted to point out we can do some show if you wanted to show formulas here if I go click formulas it shows where all the formulas are so it shows me what exactly is in each cell so if you wanted to find a cell where there's a formula versus just a number or text you can go ahead and do that so just a couple of quick things I just wanted to show you you can go back and turn them off you can see formula bar and grid lines if you don't want these things on just click like that so I just wanted to show you those things all right moving on to functions and this functions are really important to know about this is what to me is makes the spreadsheets the most powerful thing and you can do a lot with them and we're just going to do some basic functions here so let's say if I wanted to add up this column here and I could do it the way I showed you so if I click down in here in a Cell I could use my equal and then I could say hey this I could use my plus oops not my equal my addition and then click on make sure I have the right words here and click on the next one and add my addition again go to the next one I go all the way down and I'd hit enter at the end and it would add this up and that would be fine but there's a better way to do this a much quicker way and that's using the functions right away if I put the equal sign in I can get to the functions but I'm going to show you a different way first the way I uh would show people at the beginning you can insert functions and you can do this in a couple different ways whenever I say the word insert well you can look under insert and you're going to find function you can see kind of the icon for function and it has all these different ones like some average count Max Min or are kind of the common ones but it has all these other functions that can do lots of great things and in future videos I'll get into more you can also I'm just going to click off of this if you go to the shortcut it's up here there's that symbol again and you get all them here so I can hit some just like this and now at this point it's telling me hey what do I want to select well I want to select all this right through here and I select it I hit enter and it just added everything up so if I click on the cell it's just the sum of C3 to C12 so that's a function that's doing that one I don't have to go separately and I can still copy these across so just like I showed you before I can drag that that blue one that blue square and move it across and it will go ahead and copy it over and it will adjust so now it's the sum of D3 to D12 right through there so very simple uh to do that now a different way I could do this I take a look at this so I could go do some average count let's say I was going to do average now I could click on average how I tend to do this is use the equal sign and then right away way it's already suggesting average right there and it's already giving me an answer I could start to start typing average if it wasn't there and go find it and this was the right one so I can just go ahead and select it and just like that it's added so I can copy that over uh let's take a look at some of the other options here I'll just move down a little bit and what can we go well let's try Max this time we want to find the max number equals and then we start typing Max and it gives me some suggestions I I could type A and we'll go Max it's going to find the max value of what well I need to select my range it's going to be this range right through here I hit enter and they're saying the max one is this one right here so the 1.8 if I was going to go look for it here there it is right at the top of course it's already in order of it so just some things to point out with functions take advantage of these strikes copying them over take a look at all the different once I would start with these ones and see what it does and in future videos I'll get further into all these great ones I can do that can do so much more for it and make Google Sheets a lot more powerful so now I want to show you how you can quickly insert a chart with Google Sheets based on the data you have and it's pretty quick the way I like to do it is I like to select what I want to graph first so here's an example let's say I just wanted to graph the title and I'm going to have this adjusted lifetime growth so if I was going to I'm just going to highlight all of that because that's what I want to graph based on the name if I go to insert because I want to insert this chart if I go to insert you can see chart is right here you're going to find it up also on the insert chart so you can do it in a couple different ways so I'm going to hit insert it comes up right away and it has the numbers and everything right in here based on what I selected now if we go over to the setup here I'm just going to go move this over you can see I could double click in other any other any area here and I can start changing what I want through here just by double clicking on it but we have set up we have customization so the setup I kind of already did it if I wanted the column chart I can change what I want this to look like too so do I want it to be a pie do I want it to be you go through a line do I want it to be you can try all these different ones all these different types of columns take a look at different ones and seeing what works the best what you want to show people so if you get the one that you want I'm going to leave this one here you can go to customize so with customize you can go through everything here with your background color you can start to make those changes that does not look good so you can change it to what you want and I'm not going to go through all of these in detail I just want to point out where everything is so as you click on different things you'd be able to change it you can see here is the title text do you want that to be different you want the fonts to be different the different Series in it on it so lots of different things that you can go through and it's going to be just clicking and checking with any of these show access line you can see how it added that now over to here so go through and play and and see what looks good for you but let's say I'm going to delete this here just to do another one really quickly for you here's a little trick if I wanted to do this right here the names and I want to have the number of tickets if I hold control down on my keyboard and highlight this now I've I've selected two different columns there now I can go insert my chart and now it's going to be based on estimated number of tickets on it so just by selecting those two different ones I could do this I could change it in here here's the data range right in here so if I select data range you can see I could have went through and just select one data range at the time and put them in here also I just want to point out different ones how you can change it so I just some tips with your charting so go and play with it see what types of charts you can create I want to move over to now into Printing and sharing your Google Sheets so let's say you want to print out this Google Sheets now I want to show you how you can do that I also want to show you how you can share it whether it be in a PDF or turn it into Microsoft Excel document okay so let's just talk basic protein and to begin with I'm just going to actually select an area you don't have to but I'll show you why I am selecting an area now if I go up to print right here you can see control P I can also go to file in print you can use the shortcut now if I go and change this right here the reason why I had something selected because that shows up in what I want to print so if I go to my selection what's going to happen is it's just going to print that selection there I can choose my paper size do I want this to be in landscape or portrait you can change that and you can change how you want to scale this do you want to scale to width or do you want to keep it at the actual size so a lot of times I scale uh about to fit widths just so it fits to the best it can across do you want different different margins showing up and you can go through and adjust different ones so if I go to formatting you can see do you want to show grid lines or not show notes a different alignment you want it centered do you want it vertically do you want it at the bottom so you can make all these changes to see how you want it on paper so when you get through all your settings and you choose what you want I'm going to leave it at selected you would just hit the next up top and at this point this is where it's going to go to it's where you select your printer and you want all pages now I only have one page here how many copies and there's even more settings here that you can change through here I do want to point out so if you didn't want to print to the printer you can actually save it as a PDF at this point so it'll turn it into a PDF and I'm not going to hit print but if you wanted to you could I'm going to hit can pencil I want to point out if we go up to file and then I take a look at download notice I can go PDF here so I could download this as a PDF right here and I will convert it into that it will also download as a Microsoft Excel file so if I wanted to make sure that you know so if someone else was using Excel if I downloaded as Excel then they would be able to open it up in Excel too so you can download it there take a look at the different options that you have to download it okay let's say you're working with other people I haven't really talked about it yet but it's kind of what it makes Google so efficient with collaborating with whether it be with Google Docs lights and other things we can share this so we can go up to share and at this point we can add other people so if I wanted to add other people maybe I'll add my other email and then now I could set notify the people and if I don't want them to get notified to turn them off do I want them to have editor or do I just want them to viewer I view it do I want them to be able to change it if I want them to work with me well I would leave it as editor if I don't want them to change it and just look at it I would turn it to viewer so then I could go ahead and send or I could copy link and send it in an email to or put it somewhere else where they could click on it but people would have to have the right privileges so just go ahead and hit send and that's how easy it is to share and then you can work together at the same time editing your sheets so go ahead try those couple things and remember all this is going to be in your Google Drive if I go back to my tab over here here it is here and all those different things from sharing you can go from at this point too that I just pointed out so this was just a beginner's Google Sheets tutorial there's so much more it can do I just just wanted to get you playing around with it starting to feel comfortable what things will do in it I will have a lot more tutorials coming out with Google Sheets uh check Below in the description too I'll add the links there too thanks for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials