British Colonial Policies Post-French and Indian War

Jul 14, 2024

Lecture Notes: British Colonial Policies Post-French and Indian War

Sugar Act

  • Lowered the tax on sugar (molasses) but strictly enforced it for the first time.
  • Previously, there was "benign neglect" (lax enforcement).
  • Colonists perceived this as a tax increase despite the lower rate because it was now being enforced.

Currency Act of 1764

  • Colonies required to use British currency only.
  • Some colonies had been printing and using their own currency.
  • British currency was inflated: reducing available currency makes existing currency worth more.
  • Example: Borrowing $20 and repaying with currency of greater value due to reduced circulation.
  • Impact on debt repayments: Paying loans back in British currency cost more than it did in colonial currency.
  • Creditors could demand payment in specie (gold or silver), which has higher value than paper currency.
  • This led to concerns about an unfavorable balance of trade for the colonies.

Standing Army and the Quartering Act of 1765

  • British left 10,000 troops in North America for enforcement and control.
  • Colonists distrusted a standing army in peacetime.
  • Quartering Act: Colonial legislatures required to supply and provide lodgings for British troops in public buildings.

Challenges and Adjustments

  • Despite troops, Britain couldn't enforce the Proclamation Line of 1763 (boundary to control colonial expansion and interactions with Native Americans).
  • Boundary had to be adjusted after a few years due to vast length and difficulty in enforcement.
  • Supervision of native trade was returned to individual colonies.

Key Questions to Review

  • Causes and results of the French and Indian War.
  • Reasons for the British government issuing the Proclamation Line of 1763 and reasons colonists didn't obey it.
  • Understanding of how the Sugar Act was both a decrease in tax and perceived as an increase.

Next Steps

  • Review key points and complete the note check quiz.