Analyzing Music Keys and Scales

Aug 1, 2024

Lecture Notes: Analyzing and Playing Music in Different Keys


  • The speaker introduces a famous song, "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley.
  • The speaker's friend, an Elvis impersonator, wants to sing the song in D major instead of B-flat major.

Importance of Musicianship

  • To improve musicianship, one must learn to analyze music pieces.
  • Focus on popular music (pop and rock) for analysis.
  • Essential to understand major scales for musical analysis.
  • Major scales are fundamental for true musicianship.

Major Scales

  • Knowing major scales is critical.
  • Example:
    • F-sharp major scale
    • A major scale
  • The ability to quickly identify scales helps in musical discussions and performance.

Using Manuscript Paper

  • The speaker uses "The Musician's Notebook" for organization.
  • The notebook has lined pages and staff paper for efficient note-taking.

Step-by-Step Analysis

Example Key: B-flat Major

  1. Write out the notes of the B-flat major scale.
  2. Create triads for each scale degree:
    • Bb major (I)
    • C minor (ii)
    • D minor (iii)
    • Eb major (IV)
    • F major (V)
    • G minor (vi)
    • A diminished (vii°)

Chord Progression for "Can't Help Falling in Love"

  • Example chords played:
    • B-flat major (I)
    • D minor (iii)
    • G minor (vi)
    • E-flat major (IV)
    • F major (V)
    • G minor (vi)
  • Use Roman numerals to represent chords:
    • I, ii, iii, IV, V, vi, vii°
  • Analyzing the bridge:
    • D minor (iii)
    • A minor (ii)

Transitioning to D Major

Key: D Major

  1. Write out the D major scale.
  2. Identify chords:
    • D major (I)
    • F-sharp minor (iii)
    • B minor (vi)
    • G major (IV)
    • A major (V)
    • C-sharp minor (ii)
  3. Chord progression in D:
    • F-sharp minor, A minor, B minor, C-sharp minor, G major, D major, etc.

Concept of Roman Numeral Analysis

  • Helps to play music in any key efficiently.
  • Useful for Nashville musicians who use a similar number system.


  • Encouragement to analyze songs and play in different keys.
  • Recommendation to use "The Musician's Notebook" for organization in music study.
  • Final thoughts on improving musicianship through analysis and practice.