most of you guys out there have a massive massive issue when it comes to trading and it's not for the reason you think it is what if I told you that the way you've been thinking about trading your entire journey is completely wrong you look at me like I was crazy well prepare to start looking at me like I'm crazy a lot of you guys when you come into this industry you come in with this mindset of what trading is going to do for you your family how it's going to take care of your entire life your future Generations X Y and Z and from someone who's been there done that and having peers who's been there and done that I want to give you my perspective of what you guys should be doing to put you guys in a much better position and situation stop looking at trading as this is going to be the one thing that makes me $25 million and then I'm set stop looking at it as this is going to be the one thing that makes me $10 million and then I'm set this is not to say Trading canot do that but if you look at trading a different way I swear to supercharge your growth this is how you should be looking at trading and I'm going to elaborate the entire video look at trading as the stepping stool that's going to help you make your first six figures maybe even your first seven figures and then use that to get into other avenues and actually diversify do you guys know how hard it is to make $50 million in trading $30 million in trading hell let alone a million doll let alone six figures in trading now six figures can be done a million can be done so on and so forth I'm not here to to say against that what I'm saying is if you look at the percentages of every single person who was a Trader in the United States in add of how many actually make six figures it's not that much it's the same with Amazon when it's like the top 5% you know of books on Amazon make more money than the other 95% of books that's on Amazon that's just the reality it's a small percentage on this side and for you guys the best way to beat the odds right we talk about when it comes to trading in general right the best way to beat the odds is a prop firm over your own broker because you get to you know use their capital y y y right the best way to be successful in this industry is to look at it because the goals are are much more attainable right when you look at oh my first goal is to make six figures in trading right 100K then from there let's see if we can try to get to Seven figures whether that's through you know your own personal broker or through a prop firm right if you look at it from that perspective it's much more attainable and you guys may think oh well I don't even look at it like that BS and I'm not going to curse because of the whole YouTube stuff that's bull why it's because your fantasizing you know trading is going to bring you so so so much riches and it can but we got to Define what riches is because riches six figures not considered rich but it's considered better than you know 90% of the world right and if we look at it from that perspective making trades a lot better because now here's an example you see let's say me or any of my peers anybody who's a leader in this industry you know we may have a $20,000 day a $50,000 week whatever the case may be so when you are somebody who's out there making a $4,000 a day you don't look at that as progress you don't look at that as okay I made $4,000 today let me you know close that bank that make sure that goes into my account and all I got to do is make $96,000 left right to get to make to be six figures right there's people who you know are trading on Prop firms who are getting $113,000 payouts $26,000 payouts $50,000 payouts $100,000 payouts right there's people who are who are actually doing that I mean like over like sometimes in in in one Bunch sometimes in like a life cyle like right people like oh across 13 firms I've made a million dollars I've made you know 500,000 that's amazing immediately from there use that to do something else that doesn't mean quit trading that means now you have leverage you need leverage to become richer find ways to make money faster right that could be through business that could be through Investments that could be through anything in the actual world to be on par with trading because again people don't understand when you start making money stuff start to happen people like oh swagy why aren't you a day trader anymore because I have businesses to run so now I'm a swing Trader right I don't have time like right like day trading got me to where I wanted to get to right but now that I am at a point where I want to get to I do not want to be on the charts every single day for eight hours a day I am not a day trader I am a swing Trader big difference right I'd like to come in see what the what the what my analysis is going to be for the week try to make a trade based on what the market is going to do for that week or the next two weeks and then hold that works better for my lifestyle now because of where I am with my wife with my kids with my businesses I like that and that supercharged my growth had I been just a solid day trader no businesses no nothing I could be more stressed out I could be getting less sleep I could you know make worse trades it could be seen as oh like you know day trading dayto day and you know how like it's a lot it's a lot to actually get into but like when you day trade every single day you lose you lose you win you win you win you lose you lose as opposed to like for me swing trading I win twice for the week and makes up what I would have made day trading that's a separate conversation what I'm trying to say to you guys right now prime example with me when I made my first six figures in trading and I actually got it to half a million before I even started any type of course that's the one thing that that upsets me is that people like oh you know you just sell businesses and you just have businesses when I made half a million before business even started nobody talks about that do you guys understand and this is why I hate the perception in terms of you know getting into your biggest issue with trading right because when you want to start a separate business you should nobody out there who's made 500,000 is teaching you yeah you can make 20 million with trading here's my course do X Y and Z nobody's saying that what we're doing is we're saying here's how I made $500,000 now you can do what you want with this information hopefully you make more money than me you become better than me because you may look at the market different than me that's what people do right there's a guy out there who has a book called How I made $2 million in the stock market I have it here I put it in my in my top trading books on Instagram that people loved and he didn't say here's how I made 2 million now you go take it you make 20 million he just said here's how I made $2 million guess what I bought it and multiple people bought it that's a separate business for him that's more that's more M more income coming in and if you guys look at trading flat out as I need to use this to get to where I want to get to Boom so there's a book called you know one how social media made me Rich right there a couple things like that where it's like one of the the things they teach you in near even in uh the success principles they teach you to map out your ideal life and don't let anybody put you know a limit on it for me personally I would like I would love to be a billionaire I would like to be someone who makes figures right like n figures 10 figures that's what I'm aiming for there's some of you out there who will be perfectly perfectly happy with just making $2 million a year and you know you know wife kids you know live in in in you know middle to upper class America whatever your dream is look at that and then reverse engineer right okay $2 million a year is my dream great so what do I got to do to make $2 million okay now you start trading right now you made 400,000 to trading now you made 700,000 right there's so many things you can do with that money instead of being like okay now every single year I got to make $2 million $3 million you can do that this videoos for the masses I have a big YouTube audience this isn't for just one or two people cuz there going to be like a few short people who actually are going to make2 or3 million every single year like clockwork trading by just trading alone cuz they just love it but to some of you guys out there who like you know to breathe more and this may not be for everybody right you look at it from a point where all I got to do is make half a million then at that point okay I'm going to take 100,000 and start a business with this I'm going to take 50,000 start a business with this this could be any business I just went to and I didn't even talk about this publicly yet but I went to you know Alex Heros um private Workshop where you had to apply to be accepted and a lot of people got denied because on Facebook a lot of people just like I got denied I can't go I can't go I got approved right and being there there's so many businesses outside of trading that are making so much money construction there's a lady who who who sells paintings for a living who sell them for like 40K per painting right like there was so many businesses there where it's like there's people who trade SL invest and then they have their business my business just happens to be you know Deep Pockets a university or my courses from years ago right because I just love this Finance industry as a whole but to some of you guys out there who have a passion for you know creating a babysitting company like and turning it into a multi multi-million billion dollar platform cool when you look at trading from that perspective it becomes a lot easier how does it become easier again because you break it down into chunks because you're cutting out you know okay I'm I'm I only got to make 5K 10K X Y and Z and then use that and compound that but when you look at it as I'm going to make you know 50 I want a $15 million house and that's going to come through all from Trading I'm going to pay cash with it then your journey becomes a lot harder because then you may have a 20K a $220,000 a day and then you may not take it I you know how many emails I get on a daily basis of people saying oh I was up $112,000 but I wanted 25 so I didn't close and then you know I looked at the market again and now I'm only up $3,000 and then now I'm trying to hold so I can get back to at least 6,000 and then it comes back to 1,000 and I just Clos at 1,000 when you could have had 12,000 that is an issue and the only issue that is because you're looking at trading the wrong way that is your big issue you're not looking at as this is 122,000 mother effing dollars that I can have and put into my bank account take care of my family take care of my mom you know how selfish some of you guys are and I mean the good Traders out there right I for those who are still learning I understand cuz I think you guys have a great heart but for the good Traders out there who is like yo I made 100,000 through Prof firms I made 200,000 over the last 5 months I made 50,000 and your mom is still working that's selfish it is sorry be the bear of bad news that's my job here right now that's selfish because again you guys are looking at trading wrong that is your big issue because you were looking at it as I got to make a million dollar to retire my mom why literally why that makes no sense your mom only makes example your mom only makes $4,000 a month right let's say with with after taxes X Y and Z she takes home $2,800 a month not much right cuz we've all been in obviously like I come from a poor family right so I understand right like my mom at a certain only made like 2500 so I I know how poor you can be like I said I grew up in a shelter like I totally understand right so let's say your mom makes $2,500 or $2,800 a month right I'm going to say 25 cuz it's easier when it comes to trading and you're somebody who's made $20,000 like at any point in time 25,000 can I get DMS of people saying I just made my first 25k day the first thing you should do again I say this all the time is give your mom 6 months of rent 2500 time 6 that's $1,500 that's $155,000 right or yeah 2500 5,000 10,000 15,000 right you make 25000 give her 15,000 now for 6 months that's not just rent that's her entire expenses right 2500 3,000 whatever it may be so now she's pushing you to trade more she's pushing you to go to those seminars she's pushing you to stay up at 12:00 p.m. and now you have a healthy balance of somebody telling you flat out I believe in you but when you don't and you're just trading in your room and then you're up 12K and you let it go down to 1K your mom don't know you was up 12K all she know is oh you took come ,000 well you could have got that at JC Penny working minimum wage for a week she don't know that but if she knows oh I was up $12,000 I didn't close now I made $8,000 why you no clothes like she has an accent or where she from Haiti wherever she's from right like why why you no clothes oh I'm sorry M I'll do better next time accountability you're looking at trading the wrong way and if you look at it as what do I want to make my like just in general as a man as a woman per year I would like to make 750,000 per year great trading is the stepping stool to get there right okay Trading me make my first first of all trading can get you to 750k let's get that out the way and clear but if you look at it from a point of if I want to make 750k every single year make 100K make 200k make 300K through prop firm so you're not wasting your own capital or through a a good broker and then that may take a year or two whatever the case may be save up and then at that point start looking at other avenues Q said I did a podcast for Q and I I don't know if um you know when Conor's editing this he can put it in like black and white so people can see like the flashback but Q said flat out the now that I'm made it in trading and I'm successful the money that comes from the business takes care of my life that takes care of all the bills some of you guys out there have this P weird perception that oh trading needs to cover all the bills yeah when you're coming up but when you're you have a solidified track record in your in your own self in your own mind and you're good and everything seems all great and it's like okay like I made it already and I have another business the business should be taking care of your life because that's safe money right trading again people get this confused again it's your big biggest issue people like trading can make more money there than the business but trading is so up and down one month can be a great month the next month can be a dead month that's not the same with business business if you make 100K a month or 200k a month you're going to make above that or right below that every single month so it's consistent trading you can make 70k one month and then Nega 30k one month you're never going to be negative 30k business-wise because you know how what would have to happen for you to be negative 30k something like TFT shots fired you feel me like that's what's going to have to happen and that's that's an anomaly that's not normal sorry not normal right that's a Founder issue right and you don't want to have a Founder issue you have a big issue when it comes to trading right like you look at it like that okay now I have a business coming in to take care of the bills whatever business that it may be in whatever other field it may be in passion and the trading money is just fun money meaning it can make more than the business but it's fun so that when I'm Trading I'm having so much fun and I'm ready to make way more money and double and double it and triple it and 4x it as opposed to all right I'm looking at this as the only thing I'm going to do to make you know $25 million it can't be that way look at trading as a stepping stool start giving some of that money to your family to take care of them when you make some money so they can support you and look at trading as all I got to do is make 100K all I got to do is make 500k that's it prop firms can help me get there over a lifetime cycle get to 500k and then now take 10% of that 20% of that richest man in Babylon right talks about 10% right save 10% away for for a rainy day put other 10% away for other Investments right some of that income that's coming in should be going towards that it's hard when you're working at 9 to5 and the only money you get is $5,000 and you're trying to put 10% into a business that's hard to bootstrap it off the ground but when you use trading as a stepping stool to like oh now I'm making 10,000 per month or 8,000 per month that's 100K a year basically right 8 8.33 33 right that's 100K a year basically right okay let's try to ramp that up to 200k and if we can do that you can take some of that money and funel that into a new business that if that gets taken care of then you won't have a big issue in trading anymore what you have is much faster growth much faster success and that only comes if your mind gets changed to where it should be and I hope I helped you guys shift your perspective on how trading can help you get to where your goals are that lie 5 years down the line I holl at you guys hey guys if you don't know who I am my name is Chris Williams AKA swagy C I've been trading for a decade and I've been doing this YouTube thing for the last 5 years I've run several multi-million dollar businesses um and my goal on YouTube is just to help you get to where you want to get to um through free valuable content basically um and if you like that video please subscribe below because when you subscribe and like and comment on the video that's how I know you guys got super Super Value from it and that helps me and my team create these amazing videos for you guys so thanks guys he [Music]