on average we all had the same amount of time give or take it's a normal distribution centered around 80 years and yet the amount of results we each achieve is one of the most skewed things that ever exists in the universe some people make billion doll companies While others scrape by on minimum wage some do things that impact the entirety of humanity While others Fall Into Obscurity having affected almost nothing or no one at all what's going on here undoubtedly lots of things and many outside of our control but today we are going to focus on the one thing we all can control how we use our time by the end of this video not only am I going to transform the way you think about time I'm going to give you a step-by-step framework that allows you to achieve more than you ever thought possible because fact of the matter is some people value their time While others treat it like dirt and yet time is the most valuable precious resource out there it's non-renewable finite and constantly flowing down the drain there's literally nothing else in the universe that fits that Bill how you use the time given to you is how you define Your Existence but before you can use your time wisely you need to understand one how much you have left and two the value of that time left and not just in some vague sense we are going to calculate your remaining time down to the literal dollars and cents stick to the end of the video and you'll learn three ways insanely productive people 10x the return they get for their time and why this simple $10 stopwatch is the key to everything let's get it by the way this video was inspired by Sam ovens he first talked about this idea in one of his videos so go check out his stuff too Link in the description first step is to become a scientist if you are like most you probably have no idea where your time goes before you can truly optimize your day you need hard data you can't improve what you don't measure so let's measure it as you go about your day use the stopwatch to time everything you do literally everything how much time you spend in in the bathroom how much time you spend cooking or eating o you're on your phone now scrolling through email and Tik Tok start the timer be meticulous about it write down all of these activities in real time at the end of the day tally up the times and categorize them do this again the next day and the next until you have an entire week's worth of data to look at just be careful about the hawthor effect this is a phenomenon whereby you change your behavior when you know you're being watched or studied to get the most accurate data just do what you normally do now that you have data it's time for step two figuring out how much of your day is worth start with your job let's say you work 40 hours a week at 25 bucks an hour that means those 40 hours were collectively worth $1,000 ignoring taxes and all that other Jazz great but don't stop there realize everything you do has monetary value take working out for example no one is paying you to do 10 push-ups but you are actually earning money with every push-up you do think about it this way if you don't exercise cholesterol and plaque will build up I see 40 and 50y olds in my ER with heart attacks all the time getting a heart attack means rehab hospital bills lost time at work in a continued spiral of bad health and suffering all of that is incredibly expensive some studies estimate a heart attack to have a lifetime cost of $1 million guess what if you had done 100 push-ups a day none of this would have happened of course I'm simplifying a little bit just doing push-ups may not be enough but the point is if all you had to do was 100 push-ups a day for 10 years in a row to avoid that $1 million heart attack at the age of 45 guess how much each push-up is earning you $274 most people don't think this way because they only think in the short term money only counts when it flows in as a paycheck not you though with this in mind you are now going to calculate the monetary value of all your activities how much do you think scrolling Tik Tok costs you you pay with wasted time worsened mental health diluted attention span and a brain more addicted to immediate gratification than ever before in economics there's a concept called opportunity cost the loss of potential benefits missed out on because you chose the alternative which in this case was Tik Tok you could have been reading learning new skills meeting new people expanding your horizons subscribing to this channel the possibilities are endless don't worry about getting exact dollar amounts just estimate for me Tik Tok costs $100 an hour what that means is if you want me to sit there and waste my time on Tik Tok you'd have to pay me $100 an hour to negate all the cost we talked about on the other hand I'd pay $100 an hour to read certain books because I'm confident doing so will make me even more money in the future hidden opportunities are all around us only by upgrading our mindsets and Skillets will we be able to recognize and capitalize on them when they come here are some more examples negative $1,000 an hour activities are smoking drinking or doing crack negative $500 an hour activities are staying up too late eating fast food food drinking soda 0 an hour activities are sitting on the couch and mindlessly binge watching stupid shows with your friends $100 activities are actually interacting with your friends deepening your relationships with them and making each other better $1,000 an hour activities are getting out of your comfort zone and doing something you never thought possible maybe that's talking to a cute stranger sitting next to you or cold calling 100 people to drum up bleeds for your business two quick points first is on proper valuing there's an element of objectivity to all of this for one person playing video games is a waste of time while for others it's how they unwind it's how they keep in contact with old buddies great sounds like being able to play and be part of a community that recharges you is worth $100 or more but if you find yourself playing hours on end tilting getting pissed and becoming less effective at everything else in your life well it's now costing you $100 an hour second point is to be aware of the law of diminishing returns for example reading is almost never a useless activity but reading as a form of procrastination is let's say you're trying to get into real estate of course you don't want to go in blind so in the beginning reading and gaining information is a very high value activity 100 possibly even $1,000 an hour if it saves you some expensive mistakes down the road but at some point in time if all you're doing is reading and not taking any action the incremental value of just reading is going to drastically fall point is reflect on all your activities truthfully and think about how much they are worth in the long run now that you have data it's time for the fun part to get that all-time high score this is step three increasing your weekly net worth there are three ways to do just that purging stacking and leverage purging is quite simple get rid of all the negative or low value activities in your life if you truly want to be a millionaire you can't afford to keep around bad habits that cost thousands of dollars a day to put this into perspective if you're making minimum wage but doing things that cost you 00 to even $1,000 an hour prioritizing all your time to getting that $5 an hour raise is a pretty ridiculous Next Step no stacking is next combining several High earning activities together will supercharge your time for example a typical breakfast guaranteeing diabetes is what pancakes orange juice a muffin cereal and bacon right to minimize the chances of getting diabetes why not eat vegetables and protein instead again if a heart attack cost $1 million you'd be paid $274 to eat this meal and without carbs no more food coma if I no longer pass out after breakfast I'm that much more productive afterwards and to me that's worth at least $500 to $100 of extra value the final stack then comes from listening to an audiobook or meditating while eating breakfast that's easily another $100 worth of activity right there and so with Just Breakfast alone you can stack several activities together and earn $424 an hour before even starting your day Leverage is the final piece of the puzzle this is where exponential growth happens this is how you start consistently making $1,000 to $110,000 an hour possibly even more I know it sounds ridiculous to imagine that we don't become a millionaire by doing average work nor you get exponential growth using only your own time Leverage is about flipping the traditional equation on its head instead of trading your time for money you must now trade the assets you own for time the first obvious asset is of course money money after the above calculations are done you should have a good sense of what your week is worth let's say you do the above and you find your week is currently worth $5,000 divided over the number of hours in the week you are awake the real worth of your hour is calculated to be $446 4 cents this is what I call the magic threshold anything that costs less than your magic threshold is something you then pay someone else to do for example if you want your house clean and it's going to take you 2 hours to do so that's going to cost you two times your your magic threshold or $892 worth of your time in this example if a cleaning service says they can do it for 50 bucks you should let them because it's more expensive to use your own time now with those 2 hours you've then freed you can engage in more valuable higher earning activities only you can do this is the kind of calculation you should be doing in your head all the time I've said this before on this channel and I'll say it again you your life it's nothing but a business manage it like the CEO it deserves the more you feel your weak with high value worthly Endeavors the higher your hourly worth becomes with a higher hourly worth more of your lower value activities can then be outsourced which then frees up even more time for even higher earning activities rinse and repeat in a cycle that never ends a positive feedback loop think about what is going on you are trading money a renewable commodity you can always get more of for the privilege to use the most precious limited resource someone could ever give you their time and they are spending it all to help you to help you get what you want this is how you scale but what if you don't have money to leverage if you don't have money get creative understand a value is entirely subjective what you consider useless or easy is exactly what someone else may be looking for so instead of trading time or money trade your skills your experiences your unique advantages you do this for them this thing that you are good at that costs you much less and they do something for you a thing that they are good at that you consider valuable but in fact it may be trivial for for them in other words a winwin this is why building relationships and networking are so important find collaborating Partners this is the premise of the book who not how when you want to achieve something don't ask how to do it ask who can do it and then figure out how to get that person on your team as important as money is in all of our Lives it is not the end all be all there are other ways to motivate people that don't involve money knowing what people truly care about is both a skill and an art this is where self-awareness empathy and emotional intelligence come in once you have people you trust working alongside you towards a common goal the value can generate each week then truly explodes all that's to say don't get too far ahead of yourself start with step one get your stopwatch and calculate the real value of your week follow the subsequent steps and systematically increase the value of your week over time and you'll be surprised to see how high you can push it you don't just accidentally become a millionaire you build a system to get you there what we talked about today is the most fundamental one you are going to get if you want more ideas just like this one then check out this video next I'm becoming Unstoppable by building a gamified system of habits throughout the day please also consider becoming a patreon member to get featured in all our videos with your very own character doodle if you want early access to ideas just like this one then consider joining my substack and of course if you haven't already please subscribe this entire channel is dedicated to productivity the Mastery of self and the Art of success that sounds good to you and be sure to tell your friends your grandma and your pet hamster until next time smell you later