Transcript for:
Maximize Your Snowflake Farming Techniques

do you want 1,000 snowflakes a day rookie numbers I'm going to be showing you guys how to get over 2 and 1/ 12,000 snowflakes a day these are the most advanced methods up to date and if you want that full 2.5k stick around till the end so without any further Ado here we go all right now beginning on there are a few methods we're going to be using for this video and I will say this is a professional snowflakes guide and when I say professional I mean these are the best methods not the easiest ones the best ones so don't go in the comments saying this was too hard or that you can't do it you got yourself into this these are the most advanced methods of course however we can start off simple just using the Retro challenge now this is definitely one of the easier methods on the list but basically it's not from the Retro challenge alone it is specifically from one of these little special things we like to call Brick blooms now if you actually break one you can see up to four or five snowflakes spawn every single time you break one now I know banana used this in his snowflake tutorial video and he said that you could get anywhere from like 2 to 300 snowflakes from a retro challenge uh I'm just going to debunk the method that is not true this method is definitely good but it's not that good my estimate is that you'll be able to get anywhere from 50 to 100 snowflakes per retro challenge that is however if you're doing really good at the Retro challenge if you suck then you're going to get no snowflakes but that of course is the simplest method on the list this is a nice way to farm snowflakes but it's extremely slow especially if you get sucky teammates if you don't want to go through all that pain I can show you some simpler methods such as waiting for naturally spawning snow storms or the ones that randomly drop in fields heck even festive Sprouts okay maybe not all these were super easy but the first two definitely were yeah though honestly waiting for just naturally spawning snowflakes is pretty good and if you can summon one that's even better I've noticed with enough haste I can get anywhere from 30 to 40 snowflakes in one snowstorm you use the honey dispenser right there cuz that'll give you the 5x haste then before that speed Runs Out you go up here and use the royal jelly dispenser and then you use the other royal jelly dispenser for tickets and now you basically have 20x haste and then you use the treat dispenser and now boom this is like near infinite snowflake not actually but you get the gist we're basically moving at Mock speeds right now and farming snowflakes has never been easier in life see just look at how many snowflakes spawn in one field that you can get if you have the haste and just like that we were able to get a cool 32 snowflakes from the snowstorm now that right there is a good deal everything I've said so far in this video is the simple method those are the methods that most average people will be using these next methods are going to be ones from more advanced people these are the ones that are going to get you to that 2 and 1 12,000 snowflakes a day beginning of course with snow bear now there's a special way you do snow bear and we'll explain that in a second but the way the snow bear Mechanics Work is every single time you take out a quarter of its Health snow bear will spawn a ring of tokens around him with snowflakes so you can see right now we're about to take out a complete quarter of his health and boom he's just summoned some snowflakes and just by collecting said snowflakes we've gotten about 22 and would you look at that he just did it again now this is a pretty nice fure but we're absolutely going to abuse it using this method and that's because the main Strat is not to defeat your snow bear obviously if your snow bear gets too high level then you won't be able to defeat it you won't be able to get it to these special quarters where it gives you more snowflake which is why what you should be doing is getting your snow bear to a nice cool level a level where you know you can get close to defeating it mine for example is a level 20 snow bear and then instead of defeating it get all four quarters of the snowflakes that it spawns and then before you defeat your snow bear quickly reset your character so that way lives on if you can keep it at this level you can Farm a ton of snowflakes I myself can average around 100 snowflakes every single time I do a snow bear and considering snow bear has a 1 and 1/2 hour respawn time you can do it 16 times a day allowing for 1,600 snowflakes just off of the snow bear now I know that's extremely unrealistic no one is going to do 16 snow bears in a day so honestly you're looking at more like 800 snowflakes a day from your snow bear still more if you're more consistent but we'll just keep it at a ni 800 minimum for now however this next method is even better because while during snow bear you can only average 100 snowflakes per run with the festive nymph Edition you can get even more now of course this does mean that you have to complete stick bugs Quest so I understand if you can't do this once again this is moving on to the more professional side of the whole guide but if you haven't completed it maybe this section of the guide will motivate you to now of course the FES of nymphs drop snowflakes when you defeat them see on it going to summon some right here so we're going to defeat it and look bam there's a few snowflakes right here we just got like 10 snowflakes from the festive nymphs this is so easy and I've noticed that when I do festive stick nymph runs I'm able to average 200 snowflakes per run that's right using the power of festive nphs you yourself can average 200 snowflakes every 10 minutes this comes out to a nice little average of 1,200 snowflakes an hour now no I'm not going to pest you guys and be like so if you do this 24 hours a day you can get over 30,000 snowflakes no no we're not actually doing that no one's doing stick buug 24 4 hours a day that's horrible you'll probably be sent to an insane asylum if you do this but it is just a nice method and if you could do one stick buug every single day with the festive NS you can get up to at least a 1,000 snowflakes a day with the snow bear meth but of course those methods still aren't even as professional as this next which I mean I think we all saw this one coming it's uh it's a little special special thing that we like to call macro now no before you click away and be like yeah I already know this no you can still do this method even if you don't macro but if you have macro it helps now the main reason I say macro is just because of bug runs there are certain mobs that give snowflakes and if you can get a macro to do that all day you'll get a ton of snowflakes but like I said even if you can't macro you can still defeat these mobs by yourself without a macro and it will allow you to get extra snowflakes so the mobs around here that actually do drop snowflakes are mantises let's see we're going to defeat some right now I think you can actually get like up to 50 snowflakes per mantis sadly we only got one here oh no we got five from that one then you can also get it from spider I would prove it to you but my spider's on cool down you're rewarded snowflakes when you defeat rhino beetles as well along with diamond aphids and mondo chips so what you should be doing is taking your macro and for your bug run you want to select Loot and defeat your rhino beetles spiders and mantises but here's the thing you don't just want to do that actually because there's some extra bonus stuff you can do this is just for snowflake farming but of course you might want to double and do gingerbread farming as well in that case just do ladybugs scorpions and werewolf as well because those Mobs Can reward you with Gingerbread Bears there's little no reason as to why you wouldn't do this if you macro it's free gingerbread bears with snowflake but with that said I hope you all love the guide I really am just trying to make the best possible guides for you guys so I really hope you enjoyed it now if you're struggling with the beesus quests or you just want YouTube stickers I am going to be doing a sticker giveaway in a few weeks so if you want YouTube stickers or just these normal stickers I mean we're giving away vouchers you don't even have to subscribe just hit the bells that's way more effective and you'll be notified as soon as I go live giving away the stick so with that said have an amazing rest of your day be swarmers and I will will'll see you all in the next video