all right we're good all right you guys can see my uh yes my screen cool all right all right so I want to go through this with you guys and and this could get really complicated which I've proven to overe explain this um but it can also be very simple and I think that's the point of this um so I'm G to kind of break this up I'm just going to show you kind of a sample so you guys can kind of see how how a lead would walk through and the idea of this now is we're trying to create think of this as like a safety net for your sales team right so if you had a sales guy who's the worst in the world and he decided to take two days off this system will still carry a lead got something coming in this system will still carry a lead through the process without going completely dark on them um if you got a 50 leads in you know 30 minutes and you couldn't keep up with them this system will carry you across essentially um so think of it kind of like a an assistant to your sales team um and that's the purpose of it is really so that we get a lead and many times I've had conversations hey what's your sales process like and it may not be you guys but some people yeah I call them once and then I I that's it I called them they never answered I left a voicemail sent an email and I'm kind of crossing my fingers waiting for them to come uh back to me um and so the idea is is I want to I want to to squeeze everything out of this this lead when it comes in um and the automations in this system really make that kind of easy so that your salesperson is doing uh what I like to call Revenue generating tasks your salesperson in any given day is just making phone calls to the people that he needs to call or she needs to call at a certain time and then that's it um so this will make more sense as we go through so I'll start with just like a a random contact I want kind of walk through a sales process with them so you guys can see how it functions then I figured you'd ask some questions we test some other leads just so we can try to break it as T has put it um several times and then uh and I'll show and you can see but I'll show you what you have to do as complicated as this thing has gotten and how many messages and uh the amount of things behind it it's quite easy and it's it's fully automated I think I think we've tested it enough to say that but uh we we'll prove it now um all right so new lead comes in right we don't know how it comes in however it comes in I put it in it came in through so I'm gonna add there he is does anybody recognize that me first of all yeah that's Thor thank you thank you you win bonus points for you all right so I'm just just going to put in my information like I've always been is there a place called asgar yep there is perfect we're going there all right so we got a new lead hindell oh look at this nice job Heather I have to pick residential or commercial we're gonna say this is commercial because we're getting all of Asgard if we get this account so this is a big one for us all right so where [Music] I so now you see he popped up in a new contact this is nothing new this happens all the time it's nothing I did um but now we have a new contact so now the salesperson I am I'm going to open this up and start my process which is the beauty of this right we've all been in other systems where this we don't even get this so I'm here say we did 101 kind of conversation I reached out he's not ready he's busy saving the world can you call me on Wednesday no problem I'm G to schedule right like we we do I do it up here I'm sure there's a hundred other ways to do it I'm just going to schedule a consultation with them so let's just say consultation free I'm going to pick whatever day doesn't matter I'm going to schedule and send so now I have on my list as the sales guy hey I gotta I gotta call this guy on this day it's in the system so I really don't have to remember it or write down right I'm going to get I'm G to get that task and all that reminder so so far as a salesperson I just saw something I made a call I connected I scheduled and as you can see without me doing anything he moved to preliminary opportunity and in my in my idea that's just like a a scheduled sale I might be visiting him or I have a time to call him but either way he is now over there and maybe day two you got a different sales guy I can come here and go cool these are appointments these are new leads and I can kind of see where everybody is with no conversation with the other person who set the schedule so it's Wednesday I talked to Heim Del am I saying it right hell I should have picked a better name uh and he loved it he's I'm I'm selling him on it I said I'm going to send you the proposal so I go to send them a proposal right so now we're sending him installation how much am I charging this guy for all of Asgard $250 is that we making money on this guys no so uh scheduling them right I'm gonna send them the proposal I think I can accept it through here too this is the process that I know they can do via the email or we'll do it here um um but just before I go and accept it I want you to see what happens now so I sent him the proposal he is now in local opportunity right so heimel is now an opportunity I talked to him he said yes send me the proposal I was at his house I sent him proposal this is where he sits whether he's here for five seconds because the next step is him paying or for five days this is where he sits um so I'll explain the what's going on in the backs I think I skipped a part um so now he's going to go and accept and I I think they work different so I know on one scenario um he can accept and pay a deposit on the customer's end I just know from our end we could accept it uh from here right just so that he can pay this changes nothing on the dashboard whether he accepts or not um he just he there send it back over there so you could see so as a sales guy I'm still sitting here waiting for this guy to do something right I'm calling him hey I sent you the proposal you know or it's been two days whatever it is this guy's now in this opportunity zone so now he's going to he's going to add a deposit on his end or maybe he calls us and does it paying in Magic not cash all right so he's paid a deposit now right maybe he didn't tell me he went online and did it so I'm going to go on my sales Pipeline and he is gone where did he go you ask that is a great question because he went to your client experience dashboard so now he is in here I'm Dell is in here for someone that's paid a deposit right the idea um Heather and I spoke about it today um Heather I'm going to give you credit for all the things that go wrong too so I don't just get in trouble for this but the idea now is when we schedule him these aren't in here yet but when we schedule him he's going to automatically move to installed schedule once we complete that he will automatically move to completed once he pays his balance and so on and so forth so the idea is you don't have to physically move people I can add a snapshot look at your business and say Hey you have you know this this many people have uh proposals out right now uh this many people you're scheduled with this many people you have not contacted yet right so it in a nutshell this is the automation behind uh these pipelines the second automation is not live yet on in the client one um so what's going on in the background I think is is part of the magic here I think the idea here is if I leave it just to my sales guy whatever his system is to follow up with a a with a lead things get busy maybe you got a guy who's in transition maybe he's brand new um uh one of the basics I I kind of run on is that your processes run your business and your people run your processes so the idea his anyone can jump in when a new contact comes in into this local uh First Swim lane or pipeline he is he or she is in a campaign um it's a 30-day campaign of essentially it's a series of tasks that get sent to your your sales team saying hey you got to call this guy it's text saying hey we got your lead it's a series of emails saying we got your lead we're excited to work with you do you have a time every single message has a call to action it has a some of them have jokes just to keep the guy like keep it exciting um you guys can see them all at some point but the idea in this first Lane is I'm going to reach out to you for 30 days consistently um G show you guys let see if I can do this can you guys now see my uh my different screen yes okay perfect so the idea here is like so this is what happens in the back background I I got a total of 20 contacts going out in the first 30 days you can turn the dial up or turn it down it depends on how comfortable you are with pressure I think this is an acceptable amount but some people want more some people want less and the idea that's happening in the background so if Heim Dell's never said anything his lead popped in nothing happens I'm gonna get two tasks that day maybe it's a morning call and a night call he's going to get a text and an email and the emails just basic basically any conversation we do when we first talk to somebody and then you can see so on the second day I'm going to get attach to call him as the sales guy day three he gets text an email and then it starts to kind of taper away but I'm still contacting them uh call on day seven email on nine text and call I mean you see it here it's just a series of emails texts and tasks from my sales guide to call and so the idea is I can wake up in the morning and see 15 tasks and those tasks say day one first Contact lead day 20 first Contact lead and I'm trying to reach this guy and the purpose of my call is to get this guy in the schedule or sell him whatever it can um this happens in the background of your first swim lane or pipeline so if nothing happens and you're still getting this guy you are guaranteed 20 contacts of reaching out to him and after that he gets taken out and he gets put into the LA lost opportunity she kind of hangs out for a while and uh turns into a Miss sale um and again all automatic um so another scenario obviously is if we schedule him and we give him the proposal if he sits in this proposal because this happens a lot he's like I'm in that's great I want the whole thing give me the whole shebang 10 grand I send him a proposal and he just goes quiet on me and I'm calling him the next day and this is if it's not face the facee hey you know how's it going you want to review your proposal I'm really excited to work with you and it's silence and then we have this other kind of juggling act as a sales guy to follow up with proposals well what's great about this is It's a visual so I can see the people that I need to follow up but we've also created a pipeline in the back of this which I'm going to show you so this one is a 15-day again my suggestion um we set it up for this but you could turn it up or turn it down but it's a 15-day pipeline a series of tasks which the salesperson will call and it tells you the purpose it's a proposal sent followup uh texts and emails all already written out in this system that automates and so for 15 days I'm going to be like hey I sent you the proposal uh a couple of these are just like hey you know what the real benefits of a professional hanging your lights are um you know let me tell you about them and so on and so forth and so all of this content is geared towards a call to action a purpose to give me an answer um and making sure that I'm keeping this person alive after 15 days they go into the Lost uh section the Lost swim Lane over here and they sit here for seven days I put seven days and then uh they they go into missale so that we're not sitting here with 400 leads we're working the leads that make sense um I think I got most of it and that's like the kind of the easy version of it questions you guys have any questions or oh I see I see I saw you wrote I was trying to save my questions without losing them uh I got a bunch of questions so the phone number text message because I remember not setting up my phone number with service Miner because I use grasshopper so how would that work so my concern would be that um I don't want customers getting text messages from two different numbers you know we have a grass oper system so how do I make sure that the number that they're sending a text message from at least shows up to them as my number um and then I don't know if you guys want to answer that first before I ask like four more questions so if you don't have a number through service minder the texting triggers will not work for you so emails will still go out that am that Ramsay is built but the text messages won't so how so can you set up a phone number through service Miner while also keeping a grasshopper number yes I don't see why you couldn't do that other than you're paying for two different services so if that is worth it to you then it could be considered oh so we pay to have the phone t me or the text mess capability through Serv through service minder correct I think we use twilio as our phone number provider for texting and so I can have I can have one phone number set up on both things or you're saying I I would have to have two separate phone numbers so if you have one through grasshopper and it's not connected to service minder then you would have to set up a twilio account account and get the texting number through service minder over here so you would have two different numbers doing two different things so to speak so from a business standpoint I'm not entirely sure that will not make your life super complicated and provide that much additional value to you if you're using something else now would that be the same for everyone that's using captivated Poss possibly um I would have to go look and see if there's any other phone number providers that we integrate with so I'd have to check that okay we could table that that's just that's going to be a concern I guess for a lot of people in theory I really like the text message capability however at what cost maybe the cost is that the customer is going to see two separate phone numbers what if he tries to call back at that phone number and I don't have my office manager maning that phone you know what I mean can get complicated like they get a text from one number a customer is going to look at that and they're just going to try to call it back so it may get complicated when there's two different ones so again if you don't have a service minder through twilio texting number text just won't go out so you might still have tasks assigned to you through the service minder system to call but other than that I don't think it'll cause any issues oh no I think I'm saying something different I'm thinking that if if we have a text number through twio through service minder it's going to have to be different than our local number right and so to a customer's perspective when they get a text message they automatically assume that they can call that number too so if they try to call that number who's answering that phone yes so that's the thing about the provider as well is um this came up on one of the Q&A calls and we checked on it so our provider cannot automatically push people from the texting number to your office number so if they try to Tech or call the texting number they'll just get a message hey this is a Texton number um please call this instead okay little muddy um you then in the in the wording of the text it would say call us at and actually list the number and then they would click that and then they would have the number to call yeah that was going to be my suggestion if to make it a little less muddy Josh we could just put like if you'd like to call and I mean I got to be honest it's Pro it's this is not the norm right these are the outside this is the 10% that call back most people text right back they're not calling I at least I don't I I think I think leaving a number at the bottom might be best it'll cover everything right where they know they have to call this and we can leave that message in any way um but yeah I see what you're saying Josh I I see exactly what you're saying but then I'm thinking when they become when they get past the they pay the deposit and essentially they're a customer even though we haven't installed a lot of coordination and stuff the heads up that were gone their way things like that is done through text message usually and but that would be coming from a different phone number it's going to get complicated I mean I mean our goal should be to make it seamless to a customer right and I'm trying to think of how do you make it seamless to a customer if a customer if at any time is seeing two different phone numbers we have that with service assistant though I the AMA messages that go out through a different text number than our office that our technicians text back and forth with so you've got your scheduling text number that they get and then our office number that they text yeah we don't have that our amaas via email right Josh for elite elite and Sparkle Squad we do what ramsy was talking about because it's a similar situation so we have the click to call back while not ideal in that Tex message and we haven't seen too much Fallout from that on so far in limited data on a separate note though for captivated I was speaking with Brian Anderson and he mentioned uh a potential widget that they have like a Chrome extension that could be used with service minder and you can it would be able to somehow tie the systems together without without an actual native API um I we just had initial discussions with him on it but there should be a way that we can still Leverage captivated um with service minder in the near we use that and I'm looking at it and it doesn't Pull It in automatically but it'll grab the contacts from the web page so but I I don't think that would work with what you guys are saying for task minder it wouldn't send it through captivated still it would send it through service minder that's correct can we some sort of one sheet Heather What twio charges what the fees would be yeah I think I can pull that straight from our integration page so okay yes I'll follow up with that we'll want to address that and then I know you said twily twio can't route a phone number but for texting can we get texting routed or is it the same issue so in other words if somebody texts the service Miner number can that somehow get forwarded to Josh's grasshopper number I'll have to check on that too okay um something completely different I'm sure we'll figure flush that eventually but Ramsay the this contact taskboard is it moves essentially this is almost like a jir story board um and it's moving from one one one thing to the next as it goes but the other thing you showed you said it was not they do not automatically move the client experience yeah so that one not yet um it's not I don't think it's very complicated to do so it'll be you know I feel weird to explain this in front of Heather but it's just it's triggers right Heather knows better than I but it's all trigger so when you decide to install you schedule and install everything anybody that you do that with will wind up here from here and then when you decide to when you complete it it'll do it so the the opposite end of this the worst case scenario is I am a one of your guys and I installed there's two teams out there installing and I forgot who completed I never move them over right so then we have this like well who got installed yesterday and now I'm searching the idea is this automatically happens and and the idea is automation is just going to Quicken all of this and make sure you don't forget something or lose something falls out of the cracks can you manually grab that tile and move it over to the next thing if you needed to manually do it yeah so like I could take Rafael over here and I can move him like Hey we we did him we didn't do him through the system but I put him in and then he just moves now is this ready to go live I mean this one I haven't put all the triggers in yet but they're not hard to do um yeah this this one is ready to go oh I Heather is ready well the reason I'm the reason I'm asking is because you know we're Knee Deep and and we're we're kneed deep in the process and I'm going to need to I'm gonna hold on one second I'm on a phone call right now I'm on a phone call thank you um we're need deep into the like already the process proposals like we probably have 10 customers that have already paid the deposit I'm going to need to get them set up but I that's why I was wondering if it's ready to go I mean I really like this a lot this is very similar to what Ross Lindsay was showing he's using jira it's what we use in the bank for uh program change management to track things across process flows and stuff like that um I like do you think this will be pushed out when do you think it'll be pushed out to us I mean I I I think this part is ready I mean Heather correct me if I'm wrong we could push this out pretty soon this the new sales pipeline the local sales pipeline was ready the other one won't take long to to do MH how um how do we like once it's pushed out what do we need to do like can we um what do we schedule a call to like just go over ours so this is all this is all written so that with codes and tags so it'll work for your company the minute it's in there and it'll say you know your your brand it's all it has all the short codes so a essentially once we turn it on it's a matter of going I think it'll be a few adjustments here and there if you're not H if you want to get more aggressive with the sales we can have that we're testing with you guys so we want that kind of feedback if you're like hey I want to get more aggressive or I want less um all the emails are written they're they're on brand I can send you all them you can look through them um but it's go ahead will it will will it already Okay so if you if we go to implement it this might be a Heather question will it automatically pull people where they are in the status already like if I already sent the proposals will it already put them into the uh local preliminary opportunity or am I GNA have to start from scratch and move them all in their first in it we'll take over from there I think some may automatically filter where they need to be and others may not so it's it sort of depends on what system can pick up that's attached to that contact okay if that makes any sense so I can't guarantee that everything will be where it needs to be or you'll have to manually switch things back and forth um so one of the things is there's going to be a lot deployed out with this based on the triggers that were used to make these automations happen so for instance there may be additional uh contact categories that you need to have in your system to make this work whereas you just create a proposal and then there's nothing new that we need to deploy out for that it just happens so if you don't have a contact category already in your system then there's no contact associated with that tag so that definitely wouldn't automatically happen now you're speaking Chinese to me imagine how Ramsay felt all right there is only one thing that you absolutely need to do so and it's more of a convenience thing it doesn't have any effect on these actually working so if you look at Ramsay's screen right now on the Le hand side that navigation panel are where he has his two task boards client experience and local sales pipeline yeah those will not automatically appear in your sidebar you need to go add those so the task boards will be deployed to your organization you will need to go to control panel task boards I can't do it right now while we're talking can I no um but I am writing out instructions for this so if you if you want a a reminder um we can send that out to everybody so these will be where the two new task Boards show up if you click edit next to either one of them you see the access list so this will be for your organization any users within your location you can give them access to this taskboard if you have an office admin and you want them to have access to it a salesperson you can add them if you have basically service texts that also have users but you don't want them to have access you don't have to so you just go in here and in that First Column the access column you just check the boxes of the users that you want them to have the shortcuts to this taskboard good and then yes once you add your name whoever's name save it it'll show up in that leftand side if for some reason we can't figure out the text foring or or using twillow you call it twillow right yeah twio twillow twio twio um can we at least get a get a can at least trigger a reminder for us to manually send out a text message through our own system so yeah yeah I sorry Heather I think I jumped in but we could we could create create all the opportunity so for example this is a 30 lead 30-day pipeline this first one and in that pipeline it has uh eight calls seven emails and five texts so in your scenario it have seven emails eight call tasks but also five text tasks so it'd be less automated again more clunky so for someone who doesn't have to do any of that stuff in the background dealing with the numbers the automation alone is powerful right they get it within minutes when they first get that first one um the the the day it's supposed to come out it goes out right away there's no there's no like lag time or sales guy had off whatever it is I I think there's a lot of power in the automation I don't have to sell you on that that I I just wanted to check and make sure that everyone knows where tasks show up yep right here on it's in your yeah and those those emails that go out I mean obviously if we're having to manually I'm sure there's a script that can be provided that we can use there the how much can we edit the emails as much as you want as much as you want yeah so you see here I have a task to call so this guy and I can hit the description and I put a generic like a generic uh script in here right you don't have to follow it I'm I'm not a script guy but it's good for someone to read through this and realize okay this is day two I'm trying to contact this person this is kind of the mindset is it text only or can because like my current my current email that goes out to a customer as soon as we get the request for a quote um we we manually send out an email it's got um a link in it to uh the lookbook that we have it's got um our logo and maybe some photos that show well actually our lookbook shows what photos are on there can it can it can at least have a link on it can we like or is it text only so no so uh let's see day one new lead email think this is it oh I guess it doesn't look very nice on this because of my my computer but it has the the logo very basic yeah the logo so um you can these could be edited all day you can whatever you want in that'll be the one that goes out all the time because we don't get much editing capability or say at all and the AMA emails that comes out to sa5 but if we can make it you know in tune to each one of us that's that's such a game changer yeah and you could see here like we created this the framework for all of the emails so you see like we have day three new lead email and tex so this is the point of these you can go into the these and and make them your own but the timing of these is important or I think very powerful where I'm not I'm not annoying you with messages but I'm making sure that hey you you gave me your lead and I'm not going to go let that go to waste I'm going to make sure that you're continually to get contact until you buy um and so that's that's the idea of these I'm sorry I'm hogging on the questions but I probably have the most experience so I'm going to keep firing off unless somebody wants to interrupt me um no so I don't see these uh these email templates out there are the text templates so will those be pushed as well at some point right that's part of the deployment okay what about um the oh I forgot I was gonna ask I'll come back to you um really quickly I do want to say that while yes you can edit these emails however you want there are things called short codes in them and um just quick recap for anyone who is less familiar with short codes these are pulling from data connected to the contact to your organizational information like your phone number and email so if you see those kind of curly brackets and information in them you don't need to edit the stuff within that short code otherwise it's going to break it perfect um you look like a full when you s dear customer first name and you send an email is there timing can we change the timing because Ramsey like the 30-day window works great in the season but for a lot of us that are currently like sending out proposals now my lesson learned from this year because we're starting so early is that you can quickly annoy people in 30 days when it's like April they're like it's not even Christmas yet why have you already sent me why have you already sent me 11 emails seven text messages blah blah so how can we change the timing B on where we are in the year that's a great question I haven't even thought about how that would or is it creating a new template you've got one that's the 30-day window and you then you may have another one that's like 60 days or something like that yeah that would have to be manual thing yeah it it is automated but that would have to be I don't know if the system have has a way of saying well this time of the year they're going to go in this campaign at this time of the year so I I don't I think you'd have to manually change that um you know are you are you using an API for this or is this through service minder this is through service minder so the only thing that may be attached to API is for instance there's a trigger where if a new contact is added through an API you can have something different happen to those specific contacts but the way we have it set now is any new contact being added into your organization goes through this strip Campaign Will new leads from the website be automatically added in here like we can do in service assistant where they automatically go in they should yes okay are we able with the I can't see it again the taskboard when you're looking at it the pipelines are we able to edit the title for each pipeline or is that lock I wish no uh unfortunately no we have to I think because all the T all the triggers are marked label to them as well but yeah I mean it I think you'll get I was really frustrated the first time that I couldn't change them I asked but it's it's essentially it's a new contact it's a a scheduled sale in your middle one this is a proposal scent and then lost kind of makes sense and we don't even use expired that could be like you're like I think I'm going to keep this guy in here cuz for something special but this one has no triggers nothing goes to it so that can be kind of like your reminder for whatever um but I think if you use it enough like at this point I can now speak this lingo but at first I was very like leads appointment shows kind of thing very very traditional sales verbage and I was asking more for training because we're going to have Lawn Doctor S staff working on this so if we could have the naming the same that would be perfect but like you said it's not too difficult to figure out the two different verbes that we'll be using I think that's the beauty of this thing like when Heather first showed me how this works like this this is all visual you guys right now can tell me what's going on in my sales process without me telling you you know who's got up who's got proposals who's scheduled and who I haven't reached out to yet or contacted and then you can go into their name and see you know how far back they went in right I can see this guy got five emails I got six tasks waiting to be done for him so I've done nothing with Mr McFly over here um other quick thing is if you want to dive into the timeline button and just show them that capability of reviewing all the steps the contact has taken this is cool so you get a lot of information just specifically on this page but timeline records everything that has been done to this contact within the service minder system see when he started yeah you know what it would be better um I'm gonna do the guy that we just did hell so you guys can see where is he just how I thought you already sold him he he gave me a deposit I haven't I haven't scheduled yet oh okay I got money from them so that's good but here's the timeline right say uh where does it start yeah there you go so delivered accepted he gave me a deposit he dropped from the local sales exited from there added so it's basically what he does and I guess this would be better if there was like messages in there too like the other one right that's what you were getting ad Heather well anything so like that's that's one of our primary auditing tools um um if you're not sure if something fired off right or if they're supposed to be in the right place that's the number one area that our support team goes to try to take a look at what might have not worked or how to make something better shows all the messages he got yeah the idea here is just a very processed sales system it it's not robotic anyway you could read the messages and I think the idea is any salesperson come in and just I know in the morning I open up my tasks and these are the people I have to reach out and why this guy's a day seven this guy's a day two this is a day 12 new lead I I'll have my my marching orders so as a manager I can go hey you got five tasks and four of them are calls like you gota you got to get on that or Josh in your case it might be text too but either way this is their marching orders and then what's going on in my sales process well here it is it's all right here and and again once it's in Lost I left it there you can change this as well but I I have a proposal out for 15 days we can change that as much as you want but I thought at 15 days if you're ignoring me I'm going to put you in the Lost opportunities and it sits there for seven days so it gives a sales guy a couple more chances maybe to call or text but after 7 days they get tagged as a missed opportunity um and in sa5 right it's like a what is it a six and seven five six and seven like a a pitch not sold essentially and then you could work that the same way you would work any any other pitch not sold campaign but they're all tagged missale I don't want to give you more work but what would make a lot more sense is a process flow map uh yes I I feel like I've made like four of these Heather have I made one I made one right I edited the last one you made so I can send that back to you if that's helpful yeah because that would be good for for everyone to uh refer to to know when when they're going to move to the next one and so so forth yeah I got you like a timeline yeah well like a process flow like process map is what we call them in my industry um it'll just show where they'll go through the process based on the parameters they you know if at any point to come here it just uses things and points arrows back to different ways a someone can flow through the process I'll look up Pro process map and if I could recreate it I can do that pretty easily um but yeah that'll definitely help that's why I wanted to show you because it makes sense you see like I put in a lead he pops up here I schedule him I send him a proposal he pays he's over there and that's that's the it should be simple on your end on your end all you have to tell your sales guy is to call people schedule appointments and send proposals and everything else is automated on this in this system which is when will client experience be automated what's today I mean I I I have some time tomorrow to to completely hammer it out because I don't think it's that hard I just haven't put a lot of thought into it when do you want me to start testing it out when do you want to break it is the the real question is that is that me to start breaking it um yeah I have some time tomorrow morning where I could do that um and Heather if you want to just like review them and make sure it's up to you but I I don't think it's hard I I keep saying it because I don't think it's hard it's really one trigger per per thing it leads them through the their customer ser the experience and uh it's right there but this is ready this is good ready to go I feel good about it feel good about the messaging and the idea is you guys like use it and say like I don't like this that this text message comes out too early or I'd like more so if if it was my business I would I would add more calls especially to my H proposal one I don't have I didn't add a boatload of calls but I would I would probably do more calls right so if that's those the things I want to hear from you guys where it's like hey uh give me four more calls in there I need four more tasks for calls or something and we could we could work through that but so the client one give me till tomorrow uh to just add the triggers in um but this one's ready to go this one's ready to go through and through but silly when will the video be ready I want to share this with my team make them watch it before I even show this to them before we uh import it set it all up I'll get this recording out to you tomorrow want me to do another one at the end here like a two it was good it made sense they can always rewind if it's a recording I have Jane Foster on the on deck over here got it you you and your [Laughter] names okay yeah I mean that's it in a nutshell it's not a lot of work on your sales guys PL they don't actually have to know how this function or what it does until they're ready to modify maybe a few messages but in the beginning I get a lead I work it and as a salesperson I have a visual of the whole thing and I really love this client experience to I've never seen anything like this for this is like this is a retention board for me like I'm making sure that I didn't take your deposit and I'm not scheduling you now so I really like this this one as well so the idea again it's automated I know I got you guys go ahead Ramy real quick I don't know if you answer this so apologies but what is the difference between a new customer and having them being because they already deposited it and collected it so they technically are a customer why aren't they a new customer so uh Heather and I were talking about this so most of the time in most scenarios people are becoming a customers after they deposit so this this system really starts here this is like the expired one this is just maybe I got a buddy who I'm not charging or what whatever it is this one has no it will have no triggers in it it's just a like a holder yeah because you might have a guy that's like H you know what like Joe Dirt over here we know he has no money but I really want to help him out I'm gonna leave him up here in this corner I gotta and installs too that are over there right yeah yeah until you was that until you schedule them yeah yeah right and then when you throw them in they'll pop into the right um so once you schedule them I highly recommend adding a step in here because this is going to be crucial for everyone and that is because this was in Tinsel CRM is asking for a Google review after and it should go it should go somewhere right after install either once balance is collected or after the insall is um completed that is when it's the prime time they seeing the lights first few nights it's on there they love them they're excited getting a Google review should be a step I mean that's a if correct me if I'm wrong Heather that's like a c that's a tiny campaign right I'll have a trigger to say once install is completed they get this email sent to them and then they email saying you know we'd love a review and so on and so forth and we would add everyone's links to that that's a great idea that's a perfect time but it should also be a text to task the sales rep or office manager to reach out for a Google review as well okay so what you're what I'm hearing is send a task to the sales manager and then send a text an email to the customer yeah okay yeah that's so that's it that's the that's it once they install is complete and when you're out there and you hit the complete button it all gets fired off so that person will get a text while we're still on on property what about and Josh do you ever have it that after you've done the install like a week later they're like man I really would have liked to have added the trees and would it be beneficial to have some triggers saying you know after what we've installed is there anything else that you'd like done or is that too much afterwards that's too much I think um really your opportunities for that is going to be your your technicians installing try uh of selling there which you which Paul beluk will talk about in U training or or do you I I don't think I've had maybe one customer that has called here's what I have had I had a customer call back and said man I know I paid for the 36 inch wreath it just looks too small there can I get the 48 inch instead that I declined other than that it's really not that often that people are looking for more because it is somewhat of a pretty penny they're paying though it's not that often that they're looking for more unless there's somebody that can physically talk to them and persuade them into like man you know a lot of people are getting this right here this will look great with that so it's more on site the installer is able to add stuff yeah and if you think about it I'm sorry Chris if you do that then what you start doing is is is messing up your schedule because then you got to send somebody to go do that one little tiny thing that may have got you a couple hundred dollars and it could throw off your whole day where you're trying to get two three four installs done a day okay now does this have anything to do I not 100% familiar with service Miner we haven't done a full season yet does this have anything to do with the notifications uh that you set up in the control panel do we have to have specific ones checked off to make sure that the emails or texts do get sent out I believe those are for automated emails um so off the top of my head nothing specifically but there is also the chance that if you don't have [Music] um appointment schedule confirmation turned on for instance and a trigger runs off of a an an appointment confirmation assist then that would affect the scenario now we don't have anything like that built into the system yet but with adding the triggers to client experience I'm not entirely sure which ones might be added could we at the end of this when you get that all set up have like a standard you should start with this these notifications checked off we do have that right so we are working on a sop for General things like that right how do we suggest you have your notifications set up it's largely based on um what we did with Josh on the last Q&A call with everyone so how do you have your not notifications set up um there's gon to be a couple more things about suggested um settings around services and proposals and things like that but again none of that directly is affecting the Tas boards and triggers off the top of my head okay so I have a question uh for you