okay so Furniture class so this will be the lesson 2 of our subject nihongo which is the Japanese grammar okay so after the introduction to nihongo or to the Japanese language second we need to know how to construct sentences in Japanese okay so first in how to construct sentences in Japanese we have to know the word order [Music] um okay so again now we have the word order so in comparison the word order for English is the SVO pattern or the subject verb object okay verb and then lastly see object okay so not necessarily no objects so you can do um nouns you can do um adjectives okay so um is the SVO pattern or the subject verb object well on the other hand Naman Sani hongor is a Japanese they uses the sov pattern or the subject object verb object and then lastly is the verb sentences come on Okay order pattern so again for the SVO pattern so this is the English um one so I think English we have the sentence this is a strawberry okay and then when we translate it into nihongo we use as the sov pattern which is the subject object verb pattern this Korea being still the subject and then Ichigo is the objects sorry and then lastly would be the verb which is this okay so well in English no man the English pattern we have is the SVO no anaper which is the subject because strawberry okay so another example we have is I am a teacher so I being the subject M being the verb and then o or the um instead of object we use as an adjective or a noun okay so we use teacher instead okay so I am a teacher SBO pattern well in the sov patterns and in Congo we have watashiwa Sensei this Watashi still being the subject and then we have Sensei as the noun so you know object and then still there's being the verb unless long of course um we have two sentences if you have just one simple sentence sentence patterns we can use the sentence pattern this subject and the topic of the sentence you can use the age you can use your occupations even pronouns okay so and then um objects or adjectives okay so again in the sentence pattern this a is both the topic and the subject of the sentence sentence now right so you can use person place animals or even objects in place of Ra okay so I'll give you later on some of the nouns that you can use a okay and then nothing so uh grammatically it is what we call the topic marking particle so it is a word particle okay marking particles foreign if you can see the hiragana character um or that is the hiragana character ha pero Cafe as a word particle we pronounce it as what pero the hiragana character is still ha foreign okay and then we have the B so I think sentence pattern is can be an adjective or can be a noun okay describe words okay so uh surprising sentence is okay so if you have a desk at the end of the sentence sentence so again um this is the verb of the sentence okay so again this is always at the end of the sentence okay so these are some of the pronouns so of course you can use um names or nouns instead of a okay and then you can also use pronouns like Watashi which is I Kare which is he Kanojo which is she anohito for that person foreign sorry for that and then array for that over there and then we also have anata which is you right okay so young foreign listener okay so again these are some of the pronouns we can use in place of a or aren't happy and then we have the occupation so autonomous occupations and in place of RB okay so some of the occupations first we have the show which is Elementary School student so sure indications okay for Junior High student we have to say and then for high school students for college student like you are you can use digoxe foreign and then for Sensei you can use uh for Teacher you can use Sensei so actually Sensei Hindi lunch is a teacher so sense for professionals now um Pro or experts isang um occupation so it can also be used for um artists and also for doctors and some novel authors pero uh most commonly teachers okay so Sensei if you if uh if you use Sensei it is normally used for teachers and then next occupation we have is the police officer which is K satsu okay and then for a singer we have cashew cashew for actor we have high you High you and then for actress we have Joe Yu joyou and then lastly for voice actor we have say you say you okay so uh since we we know or we have the occupations and some of the pronouns now we can now um construct a simple sentence example or we can use the sentence pattern again so after your example instead of a name we use a pronoun and then again is the topic marking particles and then Sensei is RB which identify and then lastly it's a Reverb which is this so again the sentence is watashiwa Sensei DES in English I am a teacher okay okay so um aside from occupation there are some countries then apparently then okay so we can use um these countries in place of our a or our B okay so um English translation Japanese translation which is in Hong Kong so again uh Japan in nihongo it is Nihon okay and then if you want to say a person in Japanese or you can say a Japanese person so plus oh and then if you're going to um instead of using gin you will use go Japanese language so for Philippines the man in nihongo it is translated as Philippine Philippine okay so if we're going to say my Filipino we can say Philippine Jin so again plus uh plus Jin lung for uh people or for person so Philippines will be translated as Philippine go Filipino okay for American a man or for USA uh the Japanese word would still be America young spelling with a k and then for um person you can say America Gene America gin language it would just be a goal so again English is a go okay for China we have two Goku Chu Goku for Chinese people we have two gokujin and then for the language we have Chu Goku go KU go for Korea we have kankoku for Korean foreign and then for the language we have tan kokubo for France we have France France okay and then we have forensicine and then for the language we have forensico quranzago for Italy we have Italia itaria and then for the first one we have Italia Jin Italia Jin and then for the language itariago itariago and then lastly we have England which is in Hong Kong is translated as igoris U for people we have igory's gin igoris Jin and then for the language still it will be a goal okay so same language English so it is so again for you can use this one in RB a uh in our a sorry and in r d a then we also have some adjectives now vocabulary so first we have Akai which is red kiroi which is yellow which is blue kuroi which is black and also for weather okay and then Young samoy which is called you can use this only for Weathers and then okay for bead Chi Sai for small and then she's in for nature [Music] for pretty good you can use it as clean which is special Genki in good spirits um hen which is weird or strange is skillful which is which is kind or nice techie so sticky techie which is cool or good looking kawaii for cute and then we also have some objects so mp2 for pencil and pizza we also have keshikomo for eraser pen for pen or for ball pen for Blackboard Kami for paper for book foreign dictionary for textbook and then denki for light is for telephone so it is only used for telephonius in the telephone not the mobile ones therapy for TV you can also use it for laptops okay for watch or club for a desk issue for chair for window and DOA for door okay we also have some vocabularies for fruits so fruits in nihongo would be translated as kudamono kudamono so we have apple which is Ringo Ichigo for strawberry orange budo for grapes Raymond for lemon banana is banana for watermelon and we also have vegetables which is translated asai okay so we have tomato would be tomato in nihongo we have stamanegi which is onion for green pepper nasubi for eggplant for potato and Ninja for carrots and then lastly we also have strings which is translated as Nomi mono for eign so first we have water which is and then you for a meal do so for juice Ocha for green tea and then we have kohi which is coffee translation introductions I think lesson one and then we have osake or sake or alcohol and then Cora or Cola okay so these are some of the example sentences using some of the vocabularies okay so after starting first sentence we have kanojoa Hawaii death she is cute being she so this is the subject of the um sentence and then is the topic marking particle which is in this case will be and then Kawaii is the adjectives and then this still is the verb so it will be just be a phrase okay and then again um there's foreign so this is the subject and the topic of the sentence right after would be the topic marketing particle which is one and then America Gene is the B which is American and then again um at the end with B this and then last example we have is so that is a cell phone so again sorry is r a which is the topic and the subject of the sentence what is the topic marking particle ketai is an object and then this is still the verb example sentences or the subject object verb okay so again you will always use the word order sov pattern and you can also memorize or remember the sentence pattern this thank you okay so for our next topic we have asking questions foreign okay so for example we have the word or we have the sentence this is a strawberry is this a strawberry sentence okay so if you have a sentence for example another one would be repeated sentence are you a Filipino sentence in English so of course if you know how to ask questions you have to know how to answer okay so if you are answering with hi or yes you can say hi so this height so this so refer to the picture uh the English translation of hi saw this is yes it is okay so means yes and then you saw this means it is or it is so so alternatively so this is so if if somebody asks are you a Filipino you can answer with height or you can answer with so this okay either one is fine so still it is both um polite okay what about the man answered so if you're going to answer with Ian you can say Mass so it means no it isn't okay means no and literally means different but it can be translated as it isn't or it's something else question so I saw this is [Music] either one is fine okay if we are answering with no English for example Filipino and somebody asked you America are you American rather than just saying simple enough more friendly if you answer with this you can answer with that no I am a Filipino instead of just saying you can answer with and then Young correction s [Music] foreign okay so for the example we have korewa nandeska what is this so this speaker can say Korea and then young listener which is that is a phone so this is the um demonstrative pronoun sorry young object okay so if you're going to ask a question and answer it is foreign okay so that ends for lesson two so if you have any questions so do not hesitate to DM me okay so that's all thanks