the cardio you should be doing based off of your body fat percentage I have been 30% plus body fat multiple times in my life and I have gotten to single digit over and over again with the overall goal to finally become a professional natural bodybuilder and I'm going to show you guys how to do this in four simple steps so that goal that I had of becoming a professional natural bodybuilder I achieved that I've been a men's physique champ and this is me this year winning my Pro card and I've been a lifetime now natural and why I'm saying this is because as a natural bodybuilder your goal is to be able to build as much muscle if not maintain your muscle mass and lose as much fat as possible right and here I am against all the other natural bodybuilders in different categories an amazing feet but also to give you a little bit more context I am also a scientist I graduated the top 200 University and I understand the body at a molecular level I graduated majoring in Biochemistry and microbiology I am also a medical doctor so all the combination of my decades and Decades of research and my own personal experience applying the science to my own body I am going to show you guys how to be able to transform your physique and the techniques that I'm going to show you here in this video with the exact cardio you should be doing will allow you to drop 40 lbs of fat in 16 weeks look at my client Sandra right she was able to properly see body recomposition she lost fat and build muscle at the same time and now she's able to see her abs and you can see that she lost 43. 8 lb going from 270 lb to 163 she dropped her body fat percentage by half going from 31% to 16% but not only Sandra I've done this multiple times and with each and every single one of my clients Nicholas lost 29 lbs and he actually lost all of his belly fat in four weeks using the cardio techniques but this was his entire 16we Journey he dropped 29 lbs why I'm mentioning him specifically we used very unique cardio tactics that were just for him the same applies to Shannon now Shannon wasn't particularly overweight but she wanted to be able to maintain her lean muscle tissue and just lose that last little bit of fat which can be challenging for woman but we did so easily for Shannon and she hid her goal and I will be showing you all the things you should also avoid so here you guys are seeing pictures of me and if you look closely this is me doing cardio 7 years ago right and I'm doing high-intensity interval training which was extremely painful on my joints and two years ago I did each and every single high-intensity interval training cardio that you can think of and I understand all the benefits and all the risks and when I was trying to do these cardos in my 2021 show I realized all the pitfalls that I'm going to share with you in this video so by the end of this video you're also going to know which cardio to avoid right the 10 years of experience I have I'm going to avoid you all of that pain in this video and you're going to know exactly what to do so you can get results just just like my clients did so you guys can also achieve the same level of results right and again I've made mistakes in each and every single one of these preps 2018 2019 2020 2021 and 2022 each and every single years as you can see my physique got better I maintained more muscle tisue and I lost fat but I made mistakes each and every single time and now when I became a professional natural bodybuilder I knew exactly what I need to do do and it was nothing short of perfect so in this video I'm going to show you what is the perfect cardio routine for you to do based off of your body fat percentage four simple steps and I'm going to show you depending on where you are according to your body fat percentage let me know if you guys enjoy this more education based type content where I'm giving you guys slides and explaining through it leave the video a like and share with a friend let me know in the comments if you guys want more of these and I'll be happy to make them but let's go on into the next now you're seeing on the screen that cardio is a waste of time let me explain why right so there's research that was released and the research paper is titled effects of aerobic exercise induced weight loss on the components of daily energy expenditure right now what this research paper showed it showed that individuals who just maintain their same diet but they added cardio They just added cardio only lost 20 to 50% of the weight that they expected so they expected to lose so much more but they only lost 20 to 50% to give you an example let's say you said you know what I am going to do 1 hour's worth of cardio each and every single day for 5 days in a week right so that's 5 hours of cardio now hypothetically 1 hour of cardio should burn around 500 calories and that gives you around7 lounds of fat loss right if we do the maths right 500 * 5 2500 divided by 3,500 which is a pound of fat gives you about 7 however according to that data statistic that I just showed you from that research paper you only actually really lose .14 to. 36 lb right doing 1 hour of cardio a day so you may be asking so what Mike I shouldn't do cardio there's another research paper that was released and it goes nutrition and exercise interventions to improve body composition for persons with overweight or obesity near retirement age it's a systemic review which means it's a bunch of different studies that were put together and a network made a analyses of randomized control trials this is what we consider the Holy Grail of research paper right what did they find they tested different interventions and what saw the best results right so here you can see the people overall lost weight right people didn't lose weight would be here at zero so you see no interventions there's no data obviously when they did aerobic training when they just did aerobic training it was actually the least amount of weight lost when they did the 52 diet so I'm assuming that they fast uh they fasted for two days and they ate a normal diet right they saw some weight loss you see just doing resistance training but what I want you to notice is that all the Lesser results came from just doing the aerobic training or the resistance training but what we saw the people who got the best results in this group this systemic meta analysis the researchers of the research the holy gr of researches it found that when you had perfect nutrition energy restriction right a caloric deficit plus high high protein diet or resistance training or mixed exercise or aerobic training you could see that these guys got the best results and they were all very near to each other so what this research wants to illustrate is that you want a good diet with good resistance training with a good cardio routine and you will achieve the most amount of fat loss that's the combination you want to be able to utilize so that's the point I want to illustrate don't think that you're just going to do hours and hours of cardio and you're going to get the result I see so many people in the gym on the treadmill for hours on end it's super painful ful because I'll come back a year later and I'll still see them just on the treadmill and not seeing any results diet resistance training cardio right but you may be asking why why isn't cardio the only thing right why can't we just eat the same diet and do more cardio so yes as you can see you will lose weight but we're in the game of optimization we want to lose the most amount of fat not just weight in general but research showed that when individuals did cardio over time you would compens at by eating right so what happens is and I've seen this myself when you do start doing a lot of cardio you start adding just a little bit extra sauce to your meal when you start doing more cardio you start having bites of your partner's meal just a little bit more when you're doing a lot of cardio you start having more cheat meals more frequently so this is what I mean by this compensatory overeating your mind actually finds ways to get you to put back these calories that you took away from it when you do too much and I'm going to show you guys a way watch the video to the very end of how to be able to avoid this right the second thing that we saw when individuals were doing cardio is well a thing called metabolic adaptation and the best way I can say is that if you sleep 4 hours a night we all know that's not good for you but your body will adapt and the same applies to the things that you do to your body if I train each and every single day I'll gain muscle But as time passes there will be a diminishing return so the same applies for cardio so as you guys can see I'm showing you your total energy expenditure this bar graph you're seeing here is a perfect representation of your energy that's coming out of your body you have your basal metabolic rate which is the energy your body is using at rest for your brain to think for your heart to beat for your muscles to contract for your digestive system all these things that function independently right your body on its own imagine it was just you're on a chair doing nothing the whole 24/7 your body takes energy to survive this is about 70% of our total energy that we burn per day the second biggest Factor here is called our non-exercise activity thermogenesis and although it shows it's 15% de you'll be shocked what big of a role your neat plays right and non- exercise activity thermogenesis is all the things you do that burn calories that's not exercise cleaning your apartment fidgeting right tapping your foot moving around as I'm talking to you this is what we call neat right you're just burning more calories cuz you're more active and to illustrate the point I just wanted to show you how important your neat is so it shows you neat according to different forms of occupation so someone who's chair bound will burn about 500 calories someone who has seed at work and no option of moving so they're seated at work and they don't move too much can burn about 750 calories someone who has seated work but they get to move around a little bit more right can burn about 1,000 calories the person who does standing work you know Homemaker shop assistant a maybe a bartender you can burn an extra 1,500 calories right so an extra th000 calories compared to someone who's chair bound and if you're working an agriculture you're maybe a construction worker you can burn up to 2,500 extra calories that is why the type of work that you do is also plays a massive role right so it goes to show you how much just moving on its own can be important and what ends up happening is because you're doing so much cardio your body actually finds interesting ways for you to relax and chill to save energy and personally I noticed when I was in competition prep I'd get lazy and lazier I'd just try and lay on the couch all the time I'd have to force myself to get up I'd want to take the car more I'd not want to walk I'd like to save energy so these are one of the these are the two main reasons why with cardio you can take one step forward and two steps back right so it's I mentioned this so you can pay attention to it once you start your own cardio Journey the four simple steps we're going to pay attention to step number one is intensity step number two we're going to pay attention to modality step number three is fre queny and step number four is going to be duration these are the four simple steps that one once you master them you can build your own cardio routine you can build a cardio routine for yourself to be able to lose all your belly fat you can build a cardio routine for your family members you're going to hack it right I'm going to give you all my information so that you don't ever need anybody so let's start with intensity in bodybuilding we distinguish intensity between low intensity steady state list cardio and high intensity interval training right this is the different types of intens it and bodybuilding we like talking about personally I prefer to look at a person's maximum heart rate during a session and for how long that heart rate is sustained and let me explain so something I want us to pay attention to is something we call the mfo the maximal fact oxidation rate right and you may have seen this chart before so let me explain this chart to you so we can understand intensity so here on the left column we see the heart rate and as we go down we see that as you increase your heart rate right you're seeing that the heart rate is increasing going down we're seeing how much fat is being burned and we start at 78.2% fat being burnt at 72 heart rate right which is just kind of barely above your resting heart rate and as you decree as you increase your heart rate you're seeing this consistent decrease in the percentage that's coming from fat and in completely inverse proportion we're seeing that as you increase your heart rate you're also increasing the amount and the percentage of carbs being burnt and now as we go further to the right we can see of course it makes sense the total calories that you're burning per minute so at the heart rate of 72 you're burning 1.4 kilo calories per minute so if you're looking at how many calories of that is fat is 1.1 compared to3 it's like very little right but it's something as you get to 127 beats per minute you see that the fat percentage is drastic Ally decreases and the carb percentage drastically increases but you're burning so much more total calories times 10 from 1.4 almost times 10 from 1.4 to 11.5 but this is what I find interesting is that you go from a 1.1 total calories of fat burn to 4.7 I'll take that right for increasing my heart rate slightly to 1.1 to 4.7 that's a win and you go from 0 .3 carbs per minute to 6.8 and again as you go to 138 beats per minute you see that you're burning slightly more not drastically as much a jump from 72 to 127 but you're still seeing an increase from 11.5 to 13.4 and you see the fat burn goes from 4.7 to 5.0 SO3 extra and you see a lot more come from carbs you see a bigger jump from carbs going from 6.8 to 8.4 and the same applies right if you look at 144 beats per minute you're going from 13 to 14 and if you guys have ever gotten to that heart rate it's pretty strenuous right it's challenging this heart rate in my experience you can you're having a conversation but it's tough you don't want to be but when you're running on the treadmill for example you can have a conversation but you'll need like a breather every now and then you'll be like oh my God so what I was saying was that after that's the rate of heart rate that you'll be speaking at and you're seeing that there's not a drastic jump and also what you're seeing is that you go from 4.7 to 5.4 and you're actually decreasing the amount of fat that you're burning per minute when you go to 144 beats and then even less at 153 per minute it looks like this 127 to 138 burns the most amount of fat but at the same time again bigger picture is all about total calories burnt right we're seeing bigger jumps here with a carbs compared to the fats and again what I was illustrating earlier the increase in heart rate results in decrease in fat and increase in carbohydrates so what I found and in my personal opinion and I'll share this with my own research doing this on myself with my clients is that this 127 to 140 beats range is The Sweet Spot this is the perfect spot right because you're getting a good return on your investment right 1.4 to 11.5 is the biggest return I'm seeing I'm losing the most amount of fat at 4.7 per minute and 5. 0 per minute in this range and I'm still burning a considerable amount of carbs at 6.8 and 8.4 when I get to the 144s it's not as much so this is exactly why I say with intensity when you're doing cardio the best range is 120 beats to 140 this is exactly why you're burning the most amount of calories and you're burning the most amount of fat from those calories and a good amount of carbs so this is why we like this and what we like to call this actually is Zone 2 cardio and I'm going to touch on this more but to illustrate this this was a 1993 study that was released and just to give you guys a rundown these ones with the dots is muscle glycogen right muscle glycogen it's in your muscle and it's the carbs it's the glucose format the carbs format in your muscle right so it's these dots here then you have muscle triglyceride so your muscles also hold fat which is these white ones here and then you have plasma free fatty acids so this is fat tissue in your bloodstream that's being utilized and V2 Max is described as the maximum amount of oxygen right that is being used so if you think about it V2 Max it's volume oxygen Max the maximum amounts of oxygen that you're using so we talk about this in percentages think about it 25% you're using 25% of your lungs it's like this you know I can talk normally when you're at 65 you're jogging right you're at that mid intensity and 85% is when you you're using all of your lung capacity right that's why you see when the runners are running they have this mask over them they're determining your V2 Max so obviously as you're using more of your lungs it's higher intensity right so you can see that when you're at 25% right where you're about walking this muscle plasma free fatty acids this fat is actually the biggest box as you can tell compare this um dashed box to the one at 65 it's smaller and this one here at 85 it gets smaller and it's exactly what this other this thing here represents it's exactly the same the box keeps on getting smaller as you increase right and as you can see the higher you go in V2 Max the higher intensity your body's using glycogen much more and it makes sense right glycogen and glucose is your body's number one energy source it's the main substrate for the body and we want to use the quickest one the way I like thinking about it is your the gasoline in your car is carbs and when you're going really fast your body is going to use your combustion engine but when you're just cruising in town your body is going to use the electric engine and that's your fat so again like I mentioned we want to be in zone 2 cardio and Zone 2 cardio is defined as being 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate right so if your maximum heart rate is 200 beats per minute you want to calculate what 60% of that is which is usually about 120 beats per minute right and more right so we want to be in this Zone 2 cardio if you use the Apple watch you'll actually see if you use an Apple watch when you're doing cardio it actually shows you what zone you're in so I always tell my clients to be in zone two so step two modality what mode are we using so what type or mode of cardio will you be using during your session all right and an example of different modes is swimming hiking elliptical the stair Master boxing these are all cardos I do that I love the scientific literature finds that higher impact cardio is more likely to interfere with muscle building goals so research has shown again and again and again when the impact of the cardio is too much so when you're banging against your body and your joints it affects your muscle building ability it hurts you it takes longer to recover it is never beneficial when you're doing high-intensity cardio this is exactly why you see basketball players when they've played a game they get off the court and they immediately are icing their knees because they're trying to to recover from all that impact of jumping up and jumping down and running up the cord and running down the cord lower impact on your muscular sceletal system and nervous system so as to reduce interference with weight training so again we want to maintain as much muscle as possible we have seen that the lowest impact cardio to be the best not interfere with this right and to build and maintain muscle and lose fat the best cardio is the one that has minim minimal physical impact and increases your heart rate so these are my top five no particular order the elliptical machine cuz you're just gliding incline walking StairMaster swimming cycling and Rowing these are my top five cardos and you guys are seeing me here I'm walking you guys I don't use bike as often but an assault bike is also low impact and it can get your heart rate up there with the incline I'm going to show you guys what setting so watch till the very end I'm going to show you guys what setting of cardio we want to talk and then you guys see that I love walking three frequency in very short how often how many times per week will you be practicing aerobic training with informal cardio and I'll talk about this in more detail every day informal cardio every day formal cardio is 0 to S sessions depending on someone's individual goals right and we'll discuss this in more detail but I'll talk about what informal and formal cardio is step four duration how long right so informal cardio is just walking it's being able to accumulate steps throughout the day when you wake up cleaning your apartment going to the gym nothing just walking in general right you're not doing a specific machine and in complete opposite we have a thing called formal cardio formal cardio has a duration it has a frequency so how long are you going to do it how often are you going to do it it has an intensity where you have a specific heart rate and it also has a specific machine that you're going to use that's formal cardio you're in a formal cardio setting and sometimes you can go on the treadmill and just walk without increasing any of the settings and still count that is informal cardio when you're at 30% body fat or more I want you to always start with informal cardio this is the first thing I did right when I had the big belly you want to avoid pain you want to avoid pain to your knees you want to make this a good sustainable habit you want to be able to just focus in on informal cardio most people don't even consider walking as a cardio tool because according to the average American gets between 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day in my experience this is overall very low activity with every single client that I've ever worked with we've at least doubled that to be able to elicit the results that we want right so 10 ways to hit your informal cardio stand up for the last 5 minutes of every hour and walk so let's say you start your day at 8:00 a.m. and you finish your day at 8:00 p.m. 8:55 9:55 10:55 11:55 I want you to get up from your bum and I want you to walk for 5 minutes walk to the gym and back walk in between sets so instead of being on your phone texting and kind of catching your breath walk right this is active recovery walk 15 minutes before your workout as a warm-up walk 15 minutes after your workout as a warm down take the stairs when you can park your car further away from the office from your stores from your gym use an under the desk walking pad I have a rule whenever I'm using my phone I need to be walking and wake up 30 minutes earlier in your day and walk around your block and do the same in the evening you have no excuses now everybody should be getting 8 ,000 steps or minimum and I just wanted to show you guys why this is so important so quick math this is a cheat sheet 5 minutes of walking will give you 500 steps I've done this for nearly a decade this is accurate 10 minutes of walking will give you about 1,000 steps and that's at 3 mph speed that's just usual walking speed so 1 hour of walking 60 Minutes will give you 6,000 steps and if you wanted to get 12,000 steps in an hour you could jog SL run at 6 mph and get 12,000 steps and this chart here shows you how many calories you can burn between the height of 56 and 511 so basically the taller you are and the heavier you are the more calories you burn per minute per thousand right so for someone at a let's most of the people that are here are like 120 lb so at 10,000 steps you burn 300 calories at 100 lb 345 at 120 lb 395 at 140 lb at 160 lb 445 and at 180 lb you're burning 495 calories for 10,000 steps right so that increases the heavier you are and if you increase your steps by 1,000 you're burning an extra 50 calories roughly right every 10 minutes roughly this is a nice little cheat sheet for you now I want to talk about my client Shannon that I mentioned earlier look what she has to say about walking and the results she got with us you can get at least 10,000 steps a day every day without fail we're going to move that up walking is going to make the biggest difference and I remember thinking okay whatever I mean I I can walk but that's not going to burn that much I also had already had a goal in 2022 when we're you know this is December 2022 we're having this conversation of doing 10,000 steps a day so I was already kind of going there and then you'd said okay we're going to keep pushing that up pushing that up last week I was at 13,000 the week before I was at 14,000 steps um as you can see I'm in my office I actually even have a treadmill at my desk and so I that's how that's how I accomplished it so I kept looking at trying to find ways in a very busy schedule as you can hear from what she's saying my client she's doing exactly what I told her to do if this sounds like you you're tired of being suboptimal and you're not feeling healthy your symptoms are impacting your career your income your earning power power the relationship you have with your friends your spouse and your children you're frustrated with the stubborn fat on your body and it's making you feel self-conscious you have low energy you have low sex drive you're experiencing brain fog and you're struggling to focus and you just want your life back and you've tried all these things these are the things you've tried before you've tried medications you've tried different weight loss programs Weight Watchers you've tried counting macros low carb intermitted fasting keto diet paleo diet calorie restriction insurge IES and none of those things work for you then I highly recommend you knock on our door so who are we at sculpt by science we consider ourselves the fixers or we are the people that you break glass in case of emergency all the things that I mentioned before we fix and we guarantee the result we are a team of medical professionals and the system that I utilize that has gotten each and every single client of M results we have a 99% success rate it is called a DNA sequence stands for for diagnosis nucleus and application if you go through the process that we build out for you that is completely bespoke you will be able to achieve the results you desire and fix all those things that I just described if that is you these are the people that we get 99% success rate with business owners medical doctors or any doctor people in Tech we have music Consultants influencers pro athletes and managers these are the people over the last four years who've been an amazing fit for our company and have been able to take advantage of what we have have to offer they are also at 35 years age and higher if you're slightly less give a try and do apply so if you're not in the categories of the people that I mentioned do not apply why I say this is I want to save your time and I want to save our time we're a team of medical professionals and we are a premium product but we do guarantee the results and for everyone else I am building something for you but you have to fall in those two categories this is not for you if you feel like you know it all and you can fix it on your own and if you're just looking for accountability and nothing else we're not the program for you if you're not ready to start your journey right now apply when you're ready do not apply right now and if you've never invested in your health we are not the program for you I say this because we are a team of medical professionals we are a premium product and we are three on the team we can only take so many so if that is you if you want to fix all the things I mentioned earlier you want to break glass and you finally want to get your results go into the description of this video fill out the short application and you will be speaking to one of us on the phone to myself to Dr Zeno or to coach Max the team of medical professionals so I will see you on the other side but let's continue with the video so again like I mentioned we want to be between 120 to 140 beats per minute at heart rate now let's get into the meat if you're 30% body fat you should only be doing informal cardio why number one you want to be able to manage the wear and tear on your body if you're doing anything more genous the sustainability of that particular approach is very very low it won't be sustainable and you also want to be able to slowly integrate this into your day-to-day life and what I've seen with all my clients who've lost you know 40 50 60 pounds we needed to introduce a modality that was sustainable that they could do for the rest of their life so we just start with 8,000 steps if you can do more go for it but start at 8,000 and each and every single week increase that by 500 so week two 8500 week 3 9,000 week 4 9500 week 5 10,000 and we just increase our steps by 500 and make sure that each and every single day you do not have one day under that particular goal make sure that you're disciplined and you hit that number or you have more so that's if you're 30% and above for all the reasons that I mentioned sustainability wear and tear on your body and for this to become a lifestyle this will be great for you cardiovascularly and not only will you be able to lose fat and feel much better but this is great for your overall cardiovascular health you'll be able to vascularize your body more you'll be able to think clearly your depression if you're suffering for from it will improve and as I'm showing you guys here with individuals at the 200 lb Mark at 8,000 steps you're burning 400 calories and at 9,446 so we're burning almost close to a pound a week according to mathematics when we're work walking 8,000 steps and more when you're 200 lb right and use this chart if you kind of want to determine where you want to start so this is why we start with 8,000 I found this to be the most sustainable from the research I've seen bodybuilders the most shredded people you ever see they just walk that's all they do so you at 30% please just walk now if you're between 29% and 20% we want to include informal cardio and formal so with informal cardio cuz you're in a fitter category and your body can deal with a wear and tear we start at 8,000 and for the next 10 weeks we increase that by 1,000 steps that will help you burn more weight what this also does guys remember when I showed you neat earlier this makes sure that you're maintaining a high level of neat by walking right cuz you're walking more so this is why informal cardio is so important however we also want to introduce formal cardio which will in short allow you to burn more fat right in time so when you get to week four three sessions of to 15 minutes and I'm going to tell you guys the cardio settings we want in week five 4X 15 week 6 4X 20 as you can see I'm increasing the frequency and duration and you guys can screenshot this by week 10 we're at five sessions at 30 minutes from 29 to 20% body fat and these are the treadmill settings 3 mph 6 km per hour and incline the machines usually the treadmill is 0% at flat and the max is 15% % on techno gyms on Nordic tracks it gets as high as 15% so in my experience especially at 29 to 20% I like to get to the lower range of that zone 2 which is 120 beats per minute on average so when I get on the treadmill minute one I'll put it directly to three and then I'll Give It 2 minutes and I'll check my heart rate and then I'll bring it every minute up by 1% until I get to 120 beats if you like if you want to get to 120 quickly you can immediately go to to 7% but within this range 3 to 7% it may be different for you depending on your own experience and where you are now if you're in that 20% to 11% body fat range informal cardio Remains the Same you want to increase this week by week but we increase the amount of formal cardio so I've read many different books and five sessions of formal cardio week is the general Max that people like in my experience if you're busy professional there will be times that you make mistakes in a week right maybe you overeat you go out for dinner you're having a cheat meal usually an extra session of cardio can be that little bit of wiggle room that you need in case you make a mistake so the max that I go to here is four is six sessions at 45 minutes and again I'm using a treadmill on incline I'm using a stair master I'm using an elliptical you're more than welcome to also use different cardio tools maybe let's say you get to 30 minutes you want to use 15 minutes on an incline treadmill and 15 minutes on a StairMaster and actually when I was doing competition prep I would also just break up my cardio sessions I would do if I'm doing an hour I would do 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening you're more than welcome to do this as well right so it just depends on your lifestyle and where you want to integrate it but in reality we' have to get as high as six sessions at 45 minutes treadmill settings we would go to 3% to 10% at Max then you want to have an average heart rate of 130 beats per minute so you want your heart rate to be hovering around there right and if you have an Apple Watch or any form of smart tracker it will track this for you we want to get to as high as 10% now when we're getting to 10% body fat and less as you can see we get as high as six sessions 60 Minutes personally guys I've gone as seven sessions 60 minutes and in my experience that depending this all depends with this how far you want to go when you're at that 20% range it's usually about just doing more of the same thing that worked so you can burn more fat right and at week 10 you would get as high as six sessions at 60 minutes but literally I put this for you guys so you can screenshot this and use this yourself to be able to get to your goals and the treadmill settings will be 3 to 15% at a Max maximum heart rate of 140 beats per minute that would be the max so what about hit Mike you might be asking so what is hit hit stands for high intensity interval training there are many different forms of hit but they all boil down to exercising at a high intensity for short periods of time with very short periods in between of rest right so an example of a hit protocol would be Tabata which looks something like this you exercise at Max intensity where you cannot have a conversation you're like you're gasping for air for 20 seconds you rest for 10 seconds and then you repeat the cycle eight times for a total of 4 minutes this is an example of hit right hit Burns an in ordered amount of body fat a study in 2021 found that very short hit sessions led to significant body fat production now the truth is because you're doing more in a shorter period of time you're burning more right so you're burning more calories per unit of time which is why hit can be valuable benefit number two it can improve your cardiovascular fitness again due to the short nature of hit workouts you may be surprised to hear that hit can improve your cardiovascular fitness but it's all about targeting your V2 Max by pushing your body to its limits number three hit can help improve your health in a number of ways it can improve your respiratory system by increasing the amount of oxygen that it can consume improving your V2 Max it can also improve your heart health lower blood pressure if you suffer from high blood pressure and improve your metabolic Health by reducing the risk of obesity diabetes and hypertension it also benefits your adherence among among participants and it can also help increase your muscle mass right so hit is an amazing tool and the way that I would use it when you get towards the last four weeks of a dieting phase you're in the last 5 to 10% body fat percentage points that you want to lose including a max amount of hit sessions at three sessions is good no more than 30 minutes so in my previous Transformations I would do hit too soon so by the time I was getting near that uh single digigit body fat when I was at that 15% and you want to get super cut my body was exhausted cuz I did hit too soon so only start doing hit when you're at that 15% Mark and you want to do no more than three sessions at 30 minutes there's research that's shown this that you really start affecting your amount of muscle tissue you really start affecting your recovery at that level so three sessions at 30 minutes but now you guys know how to be able to structure your cardio depending on your duration your intensity the frequency and also the modality you guys can choose which modality and you guys see how to set up your steps for informal cardio and how to slowly increase your formal cardio don't jump because you're going to deal with the adverse effects of wear and tear and fatigue and tiredness and comp compensatory overeating and decrease in neat do it slow and stepwise let me know do you guys enjoy this format where it's very education based if yes leave the video with a like share this with a friend and I'll see you guys in the next one cheers