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Mobile Games Overview

all right we're checking out the only games where you can't win it life unless you're thrown 500 billion miles into space or end 8 billion lives in mere seconds it's mobile games with ridiculous back scores idle biceps is a game with absolutely no comprehension of normal numbers you can see right now we've started with 1 kg of weight as you can imagine we're going to be going very far past that into the realm where numbers cease to make any sense at all our first upgrade the dumbbell heavier weights oh and faster reps how fast can you get the Reps how do I cash in my money oh you have to lift seven total kilogram to get the kilograms up and six total reps to get your reps up oh my God there is an entire upgrade tree to be unlocked times 100 uh meat supplements will help you grow when the progress gets slow you can Ascend like as in Goku or what I have no clue what Ascension could possibly mean all right 1.32 kg my bicep still looks like a sad piece of spaghetti I have clicked 1,000 times I know this because it tells me at the bottom of the screen I love that the game keeps track of just how much you need to Hate Yourself by I'm almost at 2 kg still nowhere well maybe I am developing the slightest bit of muscle that may be happening more Meats I am at two full kilog I feel like a winner at this point it's only a matter of time before things get out of hand I know how these games go like in the beginning you're going up by 1 kg pretty soon you're going up by planets like it's a literal planetary scale and keep the meats coming I'm going to keep packing these meats in I really don't know what exactly it means but I do love meat straps uh okay oh each click will give you volume points oh oh my god oh I had no idea oh that is amazing you can increase your finger strength oh sure God oh oh wow okay remember how I said that things very quickly get out of hand in games like this it has already begun easy dumbbell weighs more than 2.5 kg there are still horrible rookie numbers we're not even close to where we need to be give me all the meats I'm adding. 53 kg per per Flex at this point my dumbbell now weighs more than 7 kg and I'm going up in kilog like look at the speed I don't know what talcum does but give it to me 1.42 kg oh give me all the meats oh the reps are getting legit I could feel the blood flowing through my entire body I have a question does my dumbbell get to be ridiculous sizes once it gets into you know like the 1 billion kilogram area so I'm starting to do the technique hold on what is this 50 reps better movement will multiply your earnings and rep points oh sure oh the reps are starting to flow oh these multipliers are incredible I also need to know what happens at growth 4 for the food do you start eating just entire animals all at once or what all right 10 kg my finger needs to be stronger okay 23 growth per Flex right now the technique needs to continue to go up my nost what am I doing with that what is wait what do you inhale what could you have inhaled with your nose I'm starting to get real concerned about exactly how this game wants me to train oh God the next time it comes up I might have to investigate but in just a moment here we're going to ascend to the next level of growth or I assume we will I really don't know what happens once you get the next level of growth so progress growth one oh we can now eat protein shakes uh yeah give me like eight of them sacrifice your growth and your gains in exchange for one Ascension Point okay oh I have a slight muscle my bicep is actually growing okay we've gone to Valhalla we've ascended for the very first time I've decided to we're going to have to completely break this game we need to go beyond what normal Mortals are allowed to do so you can use your point to get extra biceps what does that mean why would you want this uh yeah give me oh my God 60% ah each kilogram is now worth 1.6 kilg awesome okay we're starting to get stronger again throw a ton of protein shakes at the problem growth is moving along fast now I've already got one growth I've decided I want to get to two just to see exactly what it even means I've gone for a lot of dumbbell and a lot of talum powder we'll get some more straps though up to the 10 kg again I would have loved to have been the guy who had to do the voice over for this game just a bunch of random grunting step by step preworkout give me all the preworkout okay so can you can I Ascend again oh you can okay now with two points I'm going to do uh what's a stronger Mouse click what happens when you click harder I don't know I'll do it I guess all right and repetition we definitely need this reach technique level 10 I don't really see I don't really even know if the protein and stuff is worth it like 41 kg 603 maybe it takes less clicks if you upgrade it I really don't know get a ton of steak way more reps the fact that we're getting almost three reps a second is this is what I'm talking about I'm getting that extra bicep I I can't even imagine what exactly it means but I want a secondary bicep just chilling out on my body honestly it sounds amazing give me all the pre-workouts okay we're starting to like legitimately fly through the growth I'm at growth level three I'm about to growth level four it's it's happening in like 2 seconds 2 1 growth level four un steroid it's just straight up steroids oh my god oh yeah give me the creatine okay so if I Ascend do I get four points then yes Four Points all right more growth more technique more supplement power growth level five hypnotic the technique is where is where the money is for Real when you watch Reps for second 3.42 increase the technique 4.32 massive increase kilog a second 11.87 13.6 this is is this too much no it's not it's never too much give me more 5.45 reps a second my muscle is starting to look legitimate the only freaky part is that my hand is so small compared to my forearm I'm kind of like popey somewhat concerning to be honest with you 22 kg a second I think we should probably Ascend for six Ascension points uh more technique impact and more rep multiplier so um the growth multiplier at this point was the most amazing thing I think I've ever purchased I'm at growth five it's been like 6 minutes oh my God uh let's see here 48 reps yeah let's do more than that 75 reps a second I don't even buy the supplements at this point I still I'm still not really sure what they do here I'll buy I'll buy some creatine I want more my muscles are starting to get disgusting but we can't see the veins yet also I do like that the uh the barbell does get bigger each time more multipliers what happens if I buy like just a metric ton of [Music] meat oh it just it increases your growth just just randomly increases your growth by a bunch so like growth 10 how much does this give about a th000 per okay good enough good enough starting to see some Bab popping out hot more technique and more straps I guess I can uh I've been I've been only doing technique on the Reps I guess I could take some time and you know increase this stuff since I have so many rep points oh my god oh yeah oh god oh W we're moving now more dumbbells oh I'm lifting Center blocks biceps go harder fingers more reps more Taco powder but 30 kg per second 243 reps a second I had forgotten about the Ascension we still we need to ascend so we can spend some of these points although you know what I want we're going to get the next bicep because I think that unlocks a third bicep don't ask me how that's not how bodies work but let's do it okay I guess we can find out how much a steroid does give you because at this point I'm getting the volume so fast I can spend it so 8,000 almost 400 reps a second do you see we got our 25 growth at this point you see how fast it goes God okay holda so so if we Ascend now I'm lifting 267 kg at this point it never gets old Ascend five times okay let's cash this in for an extra bicep oh I get two arms now oh it doubles everything oh yeah so I did some game file surgery I think I broke the game because now my arms don't get any bigger but the numbers go up very quickly we we have reached a realm of true absurdity I it it gets to a point sometimes where I can't even upgrade God fast enough 40,000 reps a second 40,000 how much does the ne how much does the next bicep cost cuz it 50 points we can do that in fact we're going to do that very quickly I don't know where the third arm is going to grow out of I can't wait to see them more finger strength 51,000 reps a second so I found out at this point where the workouts and the protein shakes come into effect when you start getting to the point where you just naturally make so much growth you can just like kind of click on it forever like we already have our 50 growth to get to the next bicep level all right another extra bicep who said three is a crowd where's the other arm coming from no one knows you can have four arms in the end this is this is strange I am now lifting over 1,000 kg I have been lifting over 3,000 kg and I'm doing 370 reps a second I'm going to get to the our character is going to get to the point where he's repping faster than light speed I guess I could just get steroids to take me the rest of the way to 100 all right Ascend for the fourth arm so that we can truly go insane I am Goro so I've let this go on for a while to get to this point for a reason now that we've maxed out all of our arms that means that the multipliers that we put on everything for the Ascension will be that much more ridiculous and we can afford a lot of them and so we must Ascend what's weird is that it's almost like the muscle is shared between the forearms uh yeah let's go some of that and a bunch of this and all of this here yep lots of Click multipliers I don't care about the supplements to be honest with you more this uhhuh look at how much you get just for like one instance the one growth is worth that much okay uh okay I went back in and I unsur surgic IED what I did so my arms are huge once more the arms are are doing what they're supposed to be doing and uh oh my god oh it's getting out of hand very very quickly with the arm size oh this is very concerning uh sure more finger strength and more techniques ah my arms are absolutely hideous I love it we're only lifting 4 and 1/2 kg there we go now now it's a little bit more legit 2,000 reps a second 2,000 all right the uh the weights are moving up fairly quickly more weight oh my God 21,000 reps a second 103,000 reps a second steroid to I never thought I would say that before 284 [Music] th000 reps a second I guess in that way the surgery was a success don't mind me just spending some points you know lifting uh 20 million kg every second no big deal okay we need to ascend now that I know that there's a Max I had no idea this existed we need to get the max for everything oh boy uh-huh yep that that looks Fair very good getting to see my arm get bigger is so satisfying now I just oh my God the I just got one growth in 1 second oh the growth oh yeah every every time the growth slows down a little bit I have enough points to increase the dumbbells and the straps and everything and then it gets ridiculous again 2 million reps a second 2 million I think have we reached light speed yet I feel like we're we're getting close to light speed more weight I'll go ahead and use the steroids just see what happens how how much growth can that get us like three levels of growth I'd say 29 million reps a second that is so unreasonably ridiculous I'm a I'm a six billion reps 6 billion reps uh I don't know what to spend it in I guess more reps sure 90 million reps a second my arms don't even move anymore they just kind of like randomly twitch and the weights move you know they I get like 6 billion reps in okay we have worked out for a long time now it's time for me to go do some surgery again and uh you'll see hold on okay are you ready oh my god oh sure you know what yeah whatever all this too why not uh-huh that's good yeah there we are couple million points okay let's see what uh let's see what that does ah my volume right now is 15 trillion kilog let's go ahead and increase the weight that we're uh we're lifting right now I don't know what that rep amount is but I like it I thought I would get that rep amount up a little bit further it was kind of rookie number is look at the growth huge the growth 250 be good more finger strength double huge so there is a Max for the Reps there's like not really a Max for the technique or anything how lies that's how we need to know how high the weights can get though I have no idea what that number is d u v i in the volume no clue we're lifting trillions I love it when you have to go through different parts of the alphabet in order to truly understand just how much weight you're beginning to lift I guess the question I have is are we lifting planet Earth yet I really don't know the only thing I know is that my dumbbell amount is at 666 Godzilla kilog for a minute there I'm pretty sure that the weight was being measured in universes when everything is measured in Godzilla that's when I'm happy I'm happy with this I love that whoever stacked these boxes for me did it in the most unsafe manner possible how wonderful I got flip coins now first day on the job and not only do I get to break my neck by someone who doesn't know how to Tetris boxes correctly but I have to jump off of a can I jump off of my head anytime I see a trampoline I need to know going for the head bounce oh yeah big flip ow I can catch on fire too I do like that oh you can do a belly flop big slam and the backboard shatters I like that okay the fact that the backboard just shatters and vomits it's glass all over my forehead makes me so much happier about this game so now oh so I'm dunking across two different basketball courts now and I love how the police are just watching Vin Diesel over here do his Donuts they're like we don't actually want to arrest him we just want to watch this this is kind of amazing all right we're going for the most flips I guess so flip number one off the face flip number two off the feet oh there's another one off the feet again how many flips do I have to do ow I'm pretty sure I broke something very important right around here cuz he's clutching his groin violently in case anyone's wondering what I'm talking about it's his pelvis come on people all right did did I go for too many flips I really don't know okay uh-huh all right land on the feet maybe that means something boom I like that you have this person like skidding out their car over here and then you have a kid that is is dunking 600 ft in the air the police don't this must be a great town to live in what is this oh I do get to open up a portal to a different dimension Wormhole absolutely get ready we're going in okay oh my God where do you end up at what planet is this oh my character is actually like glitching violently this is a oh my God okay jump we have to like land on this there oh you have to flip yes ready yay big flip where am I dunking this oh I just need to land back inside the car okay feet first sweet big back flips trip no I broke my neck hold on we got to try this again I got to get this back into the dunker coaster all right let's let's try this again all right big flip we're going to get all the way through this here so I have to play a little bit easy one two three Bounce It big jump land okay I kind of thought I thought I was going to eat that but it's fine couple back flips beautiful Landing big I like how he just gets rid of the the roller coaster thing he just lets it go he's like I don't need to do that anymore all right inside okay so the the the dunk is way behind me okay that's a real quick flip around the loop another quick backflip almost went off the tracks there this is like the most unsafe roller coaster anyone has ever made here we [Laughter] go bam need to put some look at by the way look at this the roller coaster that I jump off of is still just like randomly poltergeisting around the level so now I have to jump into Vin Diesel are there more cops here I feel like there's more cops here than there was before well I I need to know if I get run over if I lay here there go sweet I should be honored to be is there no one driving that car I just noticed there's no one in there it's like Christine the car there's the dunk okay now he can eat my glass I love that I'm still dancing like I'm a winner okay so now I'm going to dunk hold on off of the off of the police cars all right no big deal that was an easy one see after all I've been through all I needed was two flips all right here we go we're going back into the portal we're going to oh my God it's like a bombing run from World War [Music] I I think the best part about this is all the different Pilots would be like what is he wearing on his head the fact that I'm just dunking on them really doesn't mean that much all right so now this one looks pretty easy nice little flip here off the head big dunk so now I have to go down a water slide we go and let's try that again do I have to like land on my feet or oh I can kind of like Lean Forward there we go oh it didn't go in I'm surprised it counted at all I just bent the the hoop this doesn't look safe am I jumping into a helicopter cuz it looks like I'm jumping I almost got scalped by the helicopter oh I break the backboard break the wood planks holding the backboard okay so now we've got the double all right so keep flipping keep flipping keep flipping we've got fever oh no I'm rolling on my head okay fever's on land it slam it oh my God whenever I can't see like the floor actually that's kind of awesome uh-oh oh there we go oh that count as a flip that's kind of cool give me the fire give me the fire give me the fire give me the fire I just oh oh I fell through the planet I took out some old lady's plant and I fell through the planet all right here we go I want that I want that fire first I'm going to go ahead and eat oh that counted never mind I got extra flips there one two okay there we go boom now this poor lady has to clean up and I can't let go otherwise I'll break my legs but now the poor lady down here has to clean up all this broken glass in front of her house I like how my guy's like what do I do now I I don't know what is this this one's close I going to jump oh I have to go through them okay I was like what am I jumping off of come on we got to get the fever [Music] I love that the sounds of my bones breaking just kind of sounds like someone opening up a Snickers bar don't ask me why that just that's just what it reminds me of okay is this a double portal oh he's still down there how does he even gas left all right so first portal oh my God there's like jellyfish what a cool dition okay I'm going for all the flips oh yeah oh 14 15 bam almost ripped my arms off my body oh you needed 13 flips to pass that level too that was serious okay so now there's another portal way over there so we're going to do big jump multiple flips am I going to am I going to like oh I was going to say I was wondering if I was going to land inside of a different time period I've gone way back in the past I need to go way into the future now all right this one I like how it you know it keeps you grounded see this one's really oh never mind it's not so easy I am climbing a building I thought it was just going to be one single trampoline Okay there that's all the flips I need and through the hole in the through the hole in the fire escape why would anyone put that there that's got to be like a grievous violation of fire safety all right we're going to get our 13 and then oh hold on I got to there how did that miss it oh yeah oh this is looking like a good run mhm got to make sure those neck muscles are taut otherwise otherwise you kind of break your neck on the way down there's the dunk again my arms almost glitched off of my body all right so we're going into another Wormhole here it looks like possibly a double and don't get killed by Vin Diesel over the helicopter hello I'm inside does that count it counted yeah God I have injured very important parts of my body right now I love that my headphones are still on also did you notice that the basketball vomits out confetti okay oh they they're finally Towing away the police car what did the police car break down before Vin Diesel's car did huh I'm I'm so used to having such an incredible like dunon that to just only do one dunk feels really weird all right level 20 oh yeah here we go I love slide boards ah there's like sweet raave parties going on below me why okay four 5 6 come on baby I need 14 I am doing this all over the planet yeah I'm going for [Applause] more come on my head is in the ground it is actually inside of the concrete this game has now just be come me trying to find out odd and unusual ways to hurt myself okay four flips five flips so you need 14 even be allowed to pass okay 11 12 come on there's my 14 oh I'm not even close I have to get more distance and I'm really good at Burying my head into this asheva H all right how am I going to get more space I need like more speed or something okay that looks that looks like good for momentum okay 9 10 11 there no look at that all right I'm going to go on my back to front off the feet there we go that's way extra height on the feet that's how you get that extra height the old don't get murdered by the helicopter challenge no problem feet we need Fe 14 flips for this feet okay so far oh my God talk about timing no no I didn't land good enough I love that I'm just laying in the middle of of the of the road too like no one tries to help me pick me up maybe really anything all right get a good amount of height and you want this on your feet that was kind of my knees but still counts see there was these benches were put up here specifically to watch me destroy backboards although no one felt it was interesting enough to actually be here and sit down okay so this is only two dunks because the backport is just sitting on the back of a helicopter oh the helicopter's going down we'll be in it help I just crashed like a multi-million dollar piece of equipment all right so we've got at least 10 flips and we have a portal which is good go ahead Bank this forward and where we come oh wow big slide from the top rope wait for it wait for it wait for it nothing but ow nothing but pain I think I lost most of my teeth all right good speed there we go you want enough distance for this and lean into it you figure with all these coins I might be able to finally like buy myself another shirt or something now this is interesting this is how we play basketball in Florida see all all of the ACT ual basketball court is just made out of water easy I say as I completely missed the I I totally didn't dunk it and the game's like ah it's good enough okay so now it's a little bit higher oh it's only one flip I need okay so how did he not get enough distance there there we go okay so now jump land it and eat it good scorpion my back Final Destination Style there's the two flips okay so now there is a trampoline into the oh and you destroy the backboard but it blows up because it's wooden that's right down here in Florida all of our backboards are made of wood which would be a terrible idea because they would just get mildewed all the time all right getting a little higher got to do four now uhhuh easy explosion dunk and the game doesn't even want me to bury the ball anymore it just wants me to blow up the backboard okay so now two portals first portal oh what did that do I don't even know where that portal went did it just like bring me backwards and now from the from the light fixture boom okay off the back like literally off of my [Music] back it's got a B of its own oh God this must be an Australian basketball loop it's a it's a vicious I love that eventually it gets to the point where the basketball hoops literally have minds of their own now the car is leaving oh I love bananas all right so this one looks easy this is just a simple simple jump simple flip and I just ostrich buried my head in the sand although by like Burying my head I also you know paralyzed myself oh I'm on the kids that was kind of awesome all right straight into a portal looking good okay wow okay that you reach like terminal velocity super fast on that portal all right so jump one two three okay so we got to lean super far forward there it is 11 flips one well you know five but the First Trampoline I should say oh you can just barely get 11 too there we go am I like flipping into a yacht yet 12 flips who oh my God okay the the the water slides are getting kind of insane here oh yeah oh I'm going for all the flips all right we're going to land stomach first big speed okay GNA do it again stomach first big speed many many flips and bring it on down there it is I have dunked from the four corners of the world oh I'm now dunking from a from a beach ball that's actually kind of cool love how there's just like a random Castle on this island oh yeah triple prop there it is now you can clean glass out of the are we going to drive right up into the yep just right onto the beach I love that we just burned like 40 gallons of gas going 30 ft and easy dunk is that a dead body is that what happened to the last person that tried to make this dunk I am standing on a pal FR in case anyone's wondering pal FRS are not strong enough to just hold an entire human body like it's no big deal that is not how Palm FR physics works all right so we've got four oh wow oh it like it changed my tra trajectory I wasn't ready for that okay so jump one two 3 four got it okay and now I'm stuck up here I don't really know how to get down big slide big slide stomach first always go stomach first if you can and the ramp over the palm tree I'm actually surprised nothing's getting set on fire like there's a lot of wood here and that's a flaming basketball but all the palm trees and stuff I don't know maybe they're water logged oh you can actually see where this portal goes you jump through here onto here and then okay so easy one two and the third one and I get my chest full of gold de Bloons all right apparently now I'm just leaving Earth there's a raft here I am I yep I'm just leaving I'm out of here later guys I'm on the raft ah yes dunking in nature look at how Serene is it vomit on the ground it looks like vom on the ground who's been vomiting inside of nature what has been going on here not going to lie Nature's nature is kind of a violent place Nature's also very glitchy oh God nature just does whatever it wants into Nature's portal oh oh I'm in like the Alps or something whoa oh I can still do flips on this thing that's actually kind of cool I fell off it I just got ejected there's a bear down here I have to dunk on a grizzly bear that's metal I love that you can also go flying off of the the actual part of the uh the the ramp there a fever and dunk on the bear suck on that Yogi man how many how like how many more places do I have to dunk in this is incredible all right I'm going to go back first hey back first I don't know if this is enough distance to totally enough distance now I'm actually putting wood on the fire I'm putting my basketball on the fire too getting kind of cold out here got to do eight flips and am I going to be like dunking on top of some penguin soon or something all right we've got a a bigger slide now because why wouldn't you uh-huh three four five okay I need nine so I got to get all my flips here all all my flips got enough of them this is how I keep myself warm by setting every basketball hoop I come across on fire now we're actually going to be dunking on like icebergs oh there is Penguins I am going to dunk on Penguins oh there's a killer whale there too oh yeah oh we're dunking on mother nature mother nature's getting dunked on Big Time Mother Nature I love that all of these penguins are like happy feeding together look at them danc and S it's all in unison they're doing the dancing and the singing because they actually can't leave their little icebergs cuz if they do they're going to get eaten all right d going across the entire like Arctic Circle now I don't is there is there jellyfish in the frozen water oh there's a very very violent shark down there too just eating everything yeah this looks safe am I dunking underwater Oh I am I'm dunking underwater it's super slow even the starfish is like what is going G all right five flips got a little portal no no big deal not a big portal just a little portal there we go can just ease that dunk in there that was a polar bear 16 flips are you kidding me okay six like there doesn't look like there's a lot of space the penguin land is right there it's not very far away okay oh yeah oh we're going to get it we're going to get it big time and dunk on the Penguins the penguins are like Yay we've been dunked on we're so happy that's a giant penguin like I know there's emperor penguins or whatever but this penguin is like 8T tall this penguin could dunk without jumping 100% I could teach this penguin how to play basketball we would both be millionaires all right six flips so off the feet and we are we are now dunking at the bottom of the ocean oh no there's a cave thought like I thought thought we were on the bottom of like the marana's trench or something like that but no just a just a normal cave no big deal no big deal oh oh wa spiders almost tried to rip my legs off you can't have my legs spiders I'm using those like literally I am using those I didn't think I would get that done I broke the Stag Tite off of the oh wait stag might no stag tight wait do do might you stub your toe or is it still lag tight you stub your toe I don't remember oh wow i' I've f is that a dragon I'm Jing on [Music] Dragon this this like went straight DND D up in here nothing makes any sense anymore dunk on the dragon all right and now I am dunking on the dragon's Treasure Trove excellent there now you've got something oh he's he's annoyed he's burning me alive but it doesn't matter I'm like part I'm like 3 fifths fire cuz I I burn everything I touch like all these different backboards all of the oh we're leaving we're leaving the dragons L all the backboards all the basketballs they're always on fire baby oh my God here we go oh oh I'm going like backwards oh waa luckily my guy knew to kind of Tuck and curl there all right and at the top of a giant castle it would be amazing if this is all uh like gunpowder barrels like it all just explodes when I'm up here ding from the top of a castle oh it opened up the front gate now the enemy forces can Siege this place got another portal oh there's a snow mobile that looks sweet okay onto the stomach I kind of want to see if I can get hold let me see if I can get another flip here oh I don't want to I can fly off every once in a while too oh it's on the snowmobile yeah go snowmobile with a jum sorry Frosty Frosty's like I hope you got insurance so now we're going to now we're dunking on a ski lift there we go am I in like a ren face now I think I've gone back in time even further than I had previously like those are trebuchet or whatever they are manganel or can't really remember exactly what they're called hello my lords don't mind me I have a tendency to go through history dunking am I like eventually going to get the princess or something or I do appreciate that they went through the trouble of setting up Hoops for who I do like that they went through the trouble of setting up the hoops for me all through history all right through the portal and oh into the top of the siege tower all right portal is that a dead dude like just below us I'm pretty sure there was a dead body laying on the ground with like a bunch of arrows in it see this right here even in medieval times they had giant water slides sweet I've already got the fever so now I'm going to set your whole church on fire I guess whatever this is with the uh with the Bell maybe it's Town Square or like a town hall I should say 17 flips I have to dodge cannon fire are you kidding me I never thought that basketball would be so violent okay yeah your son didn't make it he got hit by a cannonball while playing basketball my mom would probably be like ah they both have ball in the title makes sense all right let's portal this and a big jump oh another portal top of the castle King Arthur set this up for us no that was like a big setup from the Lee the Lee of the city huh you have to dunk very okay so I think what I have to do is kind of dunk at an angle kind of backwards because I lean forward into the dunk and it just ends up breaking my arms so how about if we dunk from like here nope all right I'm going to try a new a new thing here we're going to do the full lean dunk full lean nope all right how about if I okay I was right there I'm so close this one's actually kind of hard all right I'm going to land on my head off of this this way we don't get as much like height I just flipped through the entire planet I fell through the I fell through the board yeah yeah what is going on what is happen ah the the backboard is trying to eat me after all this time the basketball hoops are fighting back finally they're trying to devour my soul oh yes through the windmill big jump and it is actually a windmill this time too I don't know if I'll have enough distance for this nope totally have enough distance sorry for breaking your gigantic statue are we doing a backwards oo ow I feel like leaving your study outside of the castle isn't the smartest idea like wouldn't the weather just destroy all the books and stuff so now we are sliding through a portal back oh no oh no oh no not through the planet again all right let's try TR that again only this time without falling through the plane of reality nope fell through the plane of reality I mean I know I said I would leave reality but I didn't expect to leave it quite so easily all right and big jump got to get our got to get our fever there it is perfect now we're back flipping off of the entirety of the castle right on the feet oh into a front flip that was that's actually a little bit harder because you have to do it backwards so lean landed on the feet then we're going to right about here yeah oh yeah 11 flips no big deal there it is I'm on fire I'm eating the wood grain planks all right let's try and hit this directly on our feet right like that that's what you want to see what is this oh my again it was just Limitless whoa I was going to say it's just Limitless trampolines that is not how gravity works I lost all my momentum and the game was like here have some momentum for free who ow let's try that again oh oh my lower back there it is I was going to say that is all about timing through the portal to the top of the bell tower through the glass that's what I think of your stained glass window my God this like an animal's worst nightmare they're just all over the walls I never thought I would travel this [Music] far I just went through a trapo i I am now dunking inside of the royal dungeon at this point because you know what why not am I going to unlock like an advanced class am I am I going to become a paladin dunker or something I don't know what that is but it's pretty big I love that even oh I'm going into its mouth sweet yes through the dragon's digestive track boom shotgun got to kill all the Orcs And the goblins and the bug bears and all they have you now cuz I guess that's where I am I'm like in their encampment whoa all right another portal okay onto a onto a trampoline and onto a slide and do a couple of flips here we're already at nine that's pretty good 10 11 we've got the fever easy jump smash it home and we have unlocked the golden Trove along with King Arthur's Crown now we're back flipping through another portal oh whoa where am I now am I still in medieval times I can't tell all right another portal this is a 10 flipper here okay we're going around the the flag of the Empire big jump okay land on the back then through the B Tower more gigantic air oh it is at the steeple it is at the steeple of the Tower and finally we have gone back to the beginning wow don't ask me why this is a game where you take an object and then you use mathematics that you thought you would never use that you learned in high school and then you throw random objects at people and when you strike them just pieces of their Anatomy have a tendency to fly out when it's the final death blow look at that right there I've got a sandwich popping out of my chest okay some people have pectorals I am smuggling an entire summer sausage underneath my jacket now we're going to we're going to line this up right around 11° okay that's what my math teacher would enjoy I love you good sir I I just barely missed the toes I'm getting murdered by a bagette I don't like that ah my checkl the bagette is sticking out of my skull right now you can see it clear his day that is very unfortunate let us try a 13° look at that right there took a whole kneecap off okay we call that the patella it's gone he doesn't have it anymore I'm going to aim even higher I'm going to go for a 15° angle at this point I really like to get a mouth shot maybe he could eat it that is not where his head is I understand that the game is telling me that's a head shot but I feel like the game's understanding of anatomy is terrible 46 M let's choose a 16° angle I'm going to go for another big head shot right there look at that now he gets to slurp oh my God why I didn't throw that I want you I want everyone to know that I had no part in that guy's murder that happened as a consequence of challenging me I just unlocked leonitis why did have a legitimate throwing weapon I want something stupider than that I mean I guess I'll throw it one time but then I better get something dumber I'm up against a shark that is the most Floridian thing I could possibly be up against what is he going to throw at me what is this what is this this French is that what this is this something you have in France like has some sort of glowing Elish object 100% power we're going to try an 8° angle because the shark is so close shot the shark's skull looks vaguely like a human go he's got a trident that's not fair oh my God I got some sort of Bullseye upgrade don't know what that does either going to move it right to about uh 9° think I undershot that but I was going for the knee I love that the only thing left on this shark is his massive smile not only do I get stabbed by the Trident the Trident also pees on me or something I really don't know all I know is I got stabbed in a gigantic wash of what I can only assume better be water flew all over my character we're going to go for 14° on this one you know what I wish I passed back in the day geometry guess the re I guess the real answer is 12 arrow to the knee God I love that there's an achievement for getting that all right I'm going for 12 I want the chest never mind I'll just take the head again it gives me oh look at that fatality it's a sad piece of brain laying on the ground also is there going to be some sort of extraterrestrial sign coming down to murder that dude this time apparently not I am a pro that is a lie I am specifically looking for the stupidest object to throw that that makes too much sense you can throw a uni like an entire unicorn really well yeah I want to throw the Unicorn I have to defeat Dollar General Store Naruto oh it's it's an explosive unicorn well that's great explosive unicorn go boom he's missing one of his pant legs I feel kind of weird about that so we have a uh oh a demonic Fox thing the fox blew up oh there was Fox chunks everywhere fire both of our animals are absolutely awful this is incredible I just landed a head shot he is vomiting out pieces of my unicorn this fox is one of the scariest things in this game when it hits the ground little comical eyes go exploding off of its body I just noticed my unicorn has a rectum that's great 12 degrees of sadness I have to do a fatality with my unicorn I'm not going to make the Unicorn blow up I think I'm just going to hit him with it I'm just going to hit him really hard with the Unicorn there you just got you just got blasted by a unicorn and now there's Cod Red Mountain Dew spraying out of your body how do you like that ah yes Yus moves up in the world fantastic head shot challenge hit the head to get rewards oh there's teeth flying out why does the shark have human teeth flying out you can throw a mad turkey a literal mad turkey I'm throwing my turkey this guy is throwing an entire kiteboard I'm really not sure what does the turkey do I know that if you click on it it shoots out eggs I guess okay the eggs do explode which I appreciate but it is going to be super hard to to hit a man with an egg while my turkey is flying at such high speeds ow that's not fair it bounces it took part of my skull with it yeah there's no Forward Motion from the turkey egg either so you have to basically click the moment the turkey egg is on a person I've lost my entire head skin I feel like I needed that maybe I could just hit him in the face with the full turkey like just the entire turkey very agile you have no idea the trouble I'm going to trying to hit someone specifically with the Egg of the turkey okay that is the a really high throw what are you going for man come on just give me my egg one time okay or I could get a head shot with the full Turkey right there hold on finish him okay this is it I've been training my whole life for this I need to drop this turkey egg upon this man okay that was close I think I may have oh my God it's a swarm of fles eating turkeys God why would you do this turkeys they have a taste for blood those turkeys all need to be put down now because they're carnivorous turkeys I can bludgeon people to death with gaming that's kind of what I do already top streamer girl sure man cat is that oh he's beating a ball of yarn I'm about to put you out of your misery so the controller violently vibrates that's hot 18° oh it's it's electric shock treatment uh he has a man catarang although it's it's man cat but it's more like those are bats flying out of it they should have at least put like a bunch of judgmental cats coming out of it or something 16° right I went for the ankles there I did not get the electricity going now I'm mostly curious what all the different fatalities are because they all seem to be relatively stupid let's try a 22° angle on this the range on this thing is insane this is the most OP character you don't even have to be close we'll just go for I don't know 20° should be fine right there getting electrocuted and it's ahead shot and now he's a pile of man cat ashes I've got four cats on my own I could put them inside the litter box okay we've got a magic card we've got the diamond pickaxe hey yeah let's do it I've been digging dirt my whole life now it's time to dig spleen Thor the Thunder God I feel like this is grossly mismatched although I did see that one video on exactly how strong Steve is so I guess considering I can you know lift I don't know like an infinite number of tons maybe I'll do better than I think oh my God my pick is sticking out of his head that is awful can you call on the power of God lightning yep sure can fortunately it brought me closer to him that was not a bullseye he just filled the entire area with like call lightning doesn't seem to be very fair this this pick is incredible it is nonstop head shots with this thing I'm going to go for a tree of head shot hold on see if we can do it again 14° all right oh it did still count it it was a head shot and the TNT Falls from Minecraft and vaporizes him well vaporizes everything but his lower intestinal track what I love about this game is it teaches you all about Anatomy firework Arrow yes please ah yes Scorpion's lesser known vastly underpaid cousin Blaze so my firework does blow up okay that is a lot larger than the arrow I thought I was going to get I thought I was going to get like an arrow sized arrow that is literally a pack of oh like a it's like a fiery pin wheel that's nowhere near me anyway what I was going to say is it's like a giant chook of TNT just chilling out on an arrow shaft it is very heavy arrow to the knee nowhere near the knee the knee was nowhere near where that was ow oh it's in my groin it is inside of my pelvis Vis I needed that 14° there is that another shot to the knee knocked him right into the well it's not really water the water's back here but I knocked him down onto the ground and he feels it man this thing only hits you in the groin the whole time do me a favor blow up please Perfect now what sort of fatality do you get when you blow up a man with fire works I feel like this is straight out of a YouTube video from like 2016 back when they would allow that kind of stuff he is on fire He Is Burning Alive his name is Blake so you figure he'd be vaguely fireproof but I guess not I'm just jumping around with this thing hanging out of my groin I got an achievement the achievement was just called win welcome to Island Royal where I have to stick arrows in oh it's a gigantic Tower of humans oh yes okay I've asked overshot that but uh it's amazing that there's oh it's just like 20 axes ah no please don't hit me please don't hit me oh no they got like three of my guys do like a 20° angle here there we are yes and you drown so not only do they get murdered by the arrows they also fall to their dead into the water the number that we're going for here is 16 guaranteed 16° angle arrows are flying tons of murder right there dudes are still falling into the water over half of the hit points done this is like the gigantic hit point challenge except it's two Psychopaths it's like Nick Cage versus uh Tom Cruz or something going to keep going for the 16 degree angle perfect there's very few people left it is kind of close I also don't like the fact that they get axes and I just get you know arrows going for 14° got to pull it down a little bit oh there's one left how this man took an arrow in the face for you you should be happy that he saved your life and how do you repay him by completely missing every single Archer here you did nothing with all of your time and for that you must die finish him oh that's interesting that this guy that had been murdered a while back is the poor dude that gets to sit there and take the last Arrow right to the wiener all right what does the upgrade do oh it gives me a much more pretty Arrow all right I've been jeweled my arrow Kabuto and I want to know what it does prepare your Fox I've got vegan arrows that's interesting I don't know maybe 12 because he's so low I don't really know where I'm supposed to shoot this thing I was close I think we can hit him at 10 if I don't get foxed here I think I'm going to get foxed I just got foxed I don't know if that was my eyeballs or the fox's eyeballs I really can't tell 11 big head shot as long as I don't take another Fox to the face I think we can win yeah he's going way high oh it is right to the face come on oh I survived feel like I shouldn't have survived that but I'll take it there you go whoa uh did anyone just noticed that his Fox left the entire board at the speed of light seems kind of odd well if you're going to finish him you might as well do it with a head shot so let's try a 13° angle head right there head shot I don't know where all those other arrows are coming from all the arrows are just ganging up on him that's interesting all that's left is a baked potato brutality the baked potato also this whole time my head has been on fire I didn't realize that until just now my head has been a try hard my head's just been slowly burning and I've been letting it happen I guess I can throw a chainsaw just a full-on chainsaw what do you upgrade to oh again it's a Beed chainsaw all right upgrade them I'm dual wielding chainsaws that's hot don't know if the chainsaw does anything special apparently not it's also like a like a dolphin chainsaw I guess we don't know it's some sort of aquatic sea creature I don't know I feel like it should be something slightly more Canadian could be like a narwhale or something I'm honestly not sure okay that was close I I think we're going to have to back this up to about 12° maybe luckily my opponent is absolutely terrible too 12° at the head there we go oh his head is gone now it's just a just a Barren Globe I blew up his skull I'm pretty sure I'm eating this thing right now how come his does so much more damage than mine oh never I guess if he sits on the blade it does a lot of damage we're going 13° yes yes rest on it like it's a shatu mattress I love it fortunately this dude has missed three times in a row which means we're going to end up with the wind just because he cannot aim at all that's interesting I didn't know he had a skeletal structure I really wouldn't have guessed oh hit me the knees although to be fair I wasn't using my knee specifically so it's fine 13° again perfect there's nothing left of this guy how do you do a fatality there's nothing there I got it like a triple head shot I don't even know how many head shots I just got just kept giving me more and more head shot from the top rope uh oh he's fine never mind he's not fine at all there's Woodland creatures everywhere why are all the Woodland creatures in this game so violent so much strawberry jam just busted out of that dude's body everyone can butter their toast with that what came out I am the Ice King I Have a weapon named ice M how come my weapon is pretty legitimate like normally I expect something stupid but this looks like a real guy with a real weapon and I'm up against hunger girl and it shoots little ice spikes oh it just a lot of ice spikes I don't know here oh okay what does your arrow do does it do anything or does it just like blow up oh it it triples itself well now I'm much further away than I was before 50 m I don't know like a 17° angle maybe okay I kind of scalped her like I took away part of her haircut effectively I hit this triple arrow thing that was an eye on my on my spear my spear was looking at me longingly okay this thing could do some legitimate damage I love that the entire map massive spear is just sticking out of her head there's so many arrows over by me I'm going to end up tripping on them do a 15° angle well I was very very wrong I needed roughly 17° my God every time I find a new weapon it's like my new favorite weapon only problem is I blasted her back in extra 20 M I don't even know where I'm going to have to throw this thing in order to hit her well yeah I need to I need to try and do it again I can't allow a fatality to pass me by without getting it right right so let's try 22° there we go perfect when you're so cold that your brain decides it would rather be outside of your skull that is how Anatomy works completely normal physiology going on here people what's inside of this chest it's vomiting out gold coins and dudes that look like oh hey I was going to say and dudes that look like rotten hot dogs I got the shark yay you can upgrade him does he upgrade to a more powerful shark I don't know if I would call this more powerful but it's definitely more awesome I am Yus the shark this isn't lipstick it is the blood of my enemies okay probably going to need about a 25 is that a crowbar just getting hit with a crowbar in the head I guess not 25° angle that's a hit yeah right there oh it blows up randomly was that my weird little urine stream that fires out of the uh the trient I think it is we're going to have to go for I don't even know like 28° at this point wow maybe 30° because of how far back he got hit ow 30° angle from the top rope okay apparently maybe 34° okay 34 de perfect problem is every time I hit him he keeps going further he's going to end up in a different country pretty soon can it's crowbar even go that bar yes it can this is a very difficult fight okay this is a fight to the end yeah oh uh that was weird why did he get yeed toward my character I have no idea what distance I need to shoot this guy at now I'm going to try uh I don't know 29° cuz he came a lot closer to me oh I got him yay is all my Shark family going to come out and eat him to death yep shark family knew my Shark family was chilling around inside of the Earth's core somewhere very happy to see them okay I need something even I I need the most ridiculous thing here what do we have okay yeah oh no a shotgun that's pretty decent a trash can is that young tree I am root jet okay Molotov cocktail makes sense for a firefighter just a flaming sword super killer shovel demon this dude has a a death probe okay an actual death probe where does the death probe get inserted into I'm up against a guy named Jeremy I'm a destroyer of worlds and I'm up against Jeremy are you kidding me okay I don't know I'm just going to throw it and hope for the best oh so there's a delay before it starts probating you what do you throw Jeremy oh it's a it's a trash can it's an entire there's a cat inside How Could You unbelievable I won't accept this yep look at that he got probed he is on fire he was burning alive I swear to God if there's another little adorable creature inside of that trash can oh it's something different every time it's like a there's like a a knife in there I'm really hoping that the fatality for this is absolutely incredible because just probing people is less good than I thought it would be honestly the garbage can looks like it's the best weapon this guy is throwing watermelon and jellyish at me okay I think we're ready I'm ready for the mothership oh he still has one throw left what's inside it is jellyfish I just got electrocuted by the the jellyfish it vomited out of the the garbage can this is kind of hard I'm on the side of this mountain and it makes my job very very difficult I couldn't even tell if I hit him he wasn't on the screen I guess I I guess it did work I don't know maybe right like here is he is he on fire yes he is on fire call down the destroyer of worlds yay Bo I'm really glad that I had that lease for that space ship because that was a pretty cool fatality I'm not kidding the entire purpose is to slug a penguin with a baseball bat bounce Masters is a game where you can send this lovely penguin a couple hundred feet by hitting it with a baseball bat we're going Way Beyond that something that really concerns me about this game is if you miss the penguin he beats him through the entire Earth and then I don't know if this is a different penguin or the same game Penguin or what now obviously if you click it just the right times you can Ricochet off of the sea lions as Penguins often do why are other ninja penguin's trying to murder me right now oh I knocked the feathers off of the penguin I feel kind of bad about that you can increase your beat force of why wouldn't I want to I get a present free daily gift I get to poop rainbows while I'm getting beaten I love pooping rainbows I get a free chest as well I I think I saw more rainbows to be pooped I wish I could have gotten that all right more rebound yeah why not put put all that in there too maximum speed love it all right now that we have upgraded appropriately oh yeah oh fly my beautiful being grab all of the delicious coins oh we're really moving here oh skydiver through the what was that why was there like a bunch of uh a bunch of rainbow just kind of chilling out in the middle of nowhere I didn't really see what was doing that is that coming out of someone's orifice this seems like the game where it would have it coming out of someone's orifice I can beat him with Thor's hammer yep why wouldn't you dab on the haters oh my God uh-huh oh I kind of I may have murdered that sea lion a little bit harder than I had previously anticipated there was another there's another penguin there am I supposed to murder him you never know I feel like all the time I shouldn't be allowing anyone but me to survive you definitely want to get height and reach the moon I am about to slam into a satellite dish uh-huh delicious gems come on let's go higher I love that as the the penguin comes back down as he re-enters the Earth's atmosphere you can see the Flames jettisoning off of his body give my penguin some more steroids there we go steroids is he wearing a top hat oh there was a guy there I I I don't know if I was supposed to try and break him out of his Iceberg or what it's one of the violent Archer guys the guys that uh that shoot arrows and it looks like it should not be as bloody and violent as it is I almost got over that meteor right that could also just be the moon he's petting me he's petting me very vigorously and it's kind of concerning I don't like the two seals chewing very slowly on fish so near to me they put way too much effort into detroying the the butts of the penguin too I'm getting good at the timing here there we go over the moon straight up over it yes murder him I had to make sure that guy felt the trauma that I've gone through we're getting money fast now that's all I'm talking about here we go yeah just all the rebounds why not what happens if I just like pile drive myself from here whoa okay you can get like unbelievable speed no not this scenario again it's so concerning yeah maximum speed I want all that 2500 I need to at least get 5,000 5,000 what I don't even know what the distance is we're we're measuring the Penguin's flight in this penguin's never going to get a girlfriend if I don't don't time beating all the walruses more oh God I stuck my head into the side of a rock he literally cratered The Rock oh an egg did that come out of me I have a feeling it did all right we're going deep if you're going to get ridiculous you might as well get ridiculous all the way that's right dab while I increase your beat Force okay now oh my God woo there goes Saturn oh I am leaving the solar system I am going through various leagues as well ow give me all of the give me all the trophies give me the money how many flips can a penguin do think he's got a six seven probably like eight around now we should easily be able to get into the double digits of flips for sure oh I just murdered mured Shamu Shamu was there trying to play around and I think I just like blasted him yep blasted sorry oh god there goes Frosty oh you get to turn into a snowball and then roll and then ramp I love it there's so many horrible things to do to people don't run into this go off of the top of it okay gotcha now there's toad stools over here oh my yay no the toad still 13,000 M I'm just decided it was meters that's usually what these games do yeah more speed uh-huh 7 8 nine nope a I had a a terrible hit and so all of my speed right now is just coming from abusing the wildlife I mean hit 50 animals that's one that's one of the achievements you can get I mean it's working surprisingly well the best part is the more Square you hit him in the head the better it is for your character so it's like you want to cause as much brain damage as physically possible for all the different creatures I've almost gotten back into Mario realm over here not bad they say not bad oh you can see the Realms you're breaking right out of the realm we're now into the the realm of fables over here whatever this is supposed to be unicorns and there have you I hate getting petted that sounds terrible there we go I hadn't knocked the feathers off of the penguin in quite some time I kind of want to see if we can get our best possible hit yep there we go in one hit without even touching another creature all right we we need some height here there we go ah no I don't have any f for you to pet why you doing this to me 25,000 coins for that speed all right got to beat 19,000 oh I'm trying to I'm I'm going for everything here I'm pretty sure I I literally bursted through a rock I think I was going so fast that I just murdered the rock look at that Shamu blasted oh my God I have no idea what my character is they just left the screen and it didn't show me at all where they were coming down to I I hadn't I hadn't given any creatures brain damage in a while so I had to aim up on him well we we have we definitely have a brand new personal best ah I'm almost into Autumn which is something we never get to see here in Florida it's basically a mythical creature a more power okay this is the opportunity with all the extra power I achieved we may get even further than previously possible and then we're going to buff things way up again and see just how far we could go I just murdered a moose am I Canada it would be so on point if one of the mystical Realms that you can get to in this game was in fact Canada oh you got oh my God why I had no idea that you could be eaten alive by piranha that's incredible I should get bonus money for that absolutely bonus money okay oh the upgrades are coming oh yeah that's nice more I'm stronger I can feel it actually I think I'll put everything into strength until I run out there we go all right so now what kind of distance do you get from a perfect hit with the amount oh it's the Death Star that's fantastic straight over the Death Star Pass our previous record new high score new league reach we may just go we went right past the league I never even got to see what it was we we we we skirted right through it there goes the uh there's the moose no I want to see if we can at least get past 50,000 distance we're so close to 50,000 distance we need to get 50,000 that'll be the very first stepping stone to Infinity there has to be a way to maybe get like a 100,000 even after that there's so much more I feel like you could get in distance and like I said I'm not stopping until we find a way to get something close to I want something close to infinite okay I think I'm going to have to get all of these upgrades to 100 probably maybe even Beyond 100 this the power is now 100 maximum speed 94 okay we're getting there so now how far can he fly 2 4,000 5 6,000 7,000 we're passing all the different planets there's the alien species no big deal all of the sea lion big bounce you want to hit them you want to cause as much brain damage as possible I found all right speed is now this is hot we're maxing this thing out what do you get when you fully max out the penguin the Penguin's rebound ability maxed out I love how the penguin is in love with his new self he's like there's one thing I've always wished for it was to get hit by Thor's hammer so hard that 90% of my body leaves my soul behind immediately feathers and all right how much do we have left on the beat Force so the beat force is what's left and it's at 69 let's see how far this gets us amazing feathers didn't even have time to see them get ejected from the bird they're gone 20,000 25,000 30 ,000 we're not even at the crowd yet come on Ricochet off the Moose doing good 40 uh-huh oh no I'm getting petted I a featherless bird getting petted 50,000 is tough to get to 50,000 it really does take some effort his eyeball his one eyeball is pulsating and it's really starting to concern me it looks almost like some sort of tumorous growth on his sad penguin head I do enjoy that he is trying to fly after getting hit like like some of the effort is being done by him I went so fast the piranha couldn't even murder me that was incredible come on Shamu I need your help oh Big Bounce big combo off the back end of the Moose I can almost kind of tell when an item or a moose or something is coming I'm kind of getting used to the uh to the pattern I would say all right more launch Force come on 50,000 how hard can it be we got to get there this thing's like a missile that was some fantastic height and distance I don't know if I've ever gotten that kind of height and distance on the very first hit like we're going to get 40,000 before we touch the ground oh my God we're at 45 we're at 46 that is a new high score oh this could be 50 no not the tree all right we're going to get there 48 we can almost max out now come on 74 let me have it all of the different planets I went way over the Death Star that time I mean I have touched the very tip of a different galaxy okay we are we have gone to Gondor all right 50,000 that is nowhere near the end of where we got to go though we got to shoot for around I don't know 70 or 80,000 next at least that's what I'm talking about [Music] 62,700 disintegrated I don't know if you saw it it just it just decided to die on its own it just left I Haven it leveled out yet I am past 50 I am past 60 I we are going to go 70 blasted past 70,000 yeah this is okay this is like an incremental lifestyle of a penguin basically you start off somewhat slow I don't know what the life cycle of a penguin is it took us forever to get to 50,000 we got to 70 almost instantly we had 799 I need to I need to go one more time and we got to break 80 now at this point you have to we've gone this far we can't give up especially when we're only 500 ft away we are at 74 before even touching down where am I oh my God how high did I bounce 78 7 9 new high score oh there's E8 yeah did I break the game uh no no I'm I'm serious like did I did I did I break the game cuz my penguin isn't coming down he's just uh he's just just going um red 86 I guess we're at 80 87 we're at 88 88,000 we're at 89 did I legit just break this game like full Break It We we full broke the game 100% we we full broke the game I'm going to uh I'm going to go away real quick and then uh I'll be [Music] back we're at 100,000 right now 100,000 hey uh uh gry still play guys yeah just checking back with you we're at 175,000 I'm not done yet uh but I get to see that if you notice the stages at the top of the screen are getting smaller and smaller because what's happening is I'm going so far into the final golden realm I don't know what's past Canada that's what we are though this is the promised land this is like a Fantasy Realm it's like Valhalla Canadian Valhalla at this point uh I don't know I I don't I'm going to we got to I'm going to keep it going just to see if ever this game forces me to stop or something because I didn't know that this was possible like we we have truly broken the game one eternity later I left and came back just to double check 448,000 distance and we have started to break the game to the point where it won't function anymore I think what's happening is it's trying to remember all of the area that we've gone past and now I'm getting like one frame a second of the game yes and so we've reached infinite distance got it in head crab invasion you crash land on Earth surrounded by a bunch of Kens asking for your manager only to suddenly wake up and try and eat people's heads and that's the idea as you get more and more skill and you find it different types of people you get to eat different types of heads and gain different powers when we're on Ivan's head we get to control his gun now the average human is only good for slurping on some brains and for each human you eat you get additional money and then you can upgrade upon which you should always spend to get additional money we're not really killing the humans we're just sending them to a better place andus I do kind of Wonder am I going to eventually eat birds too are birds as fulfilling as humans I feel like they wouldn't be let me see if I can jump to Ivan here no if you eat the concrete head crabs can't live on concrete diets I guess I can get more Health oh it's $200 adds better launch methods like what there we go and I'll buy a little health and I'll buy a little stamina SWAT a chance to meet some tough guys chance to meet some Pacific guys is okay oh it's kiss some music guys oh I could meet a music guy for only $15 chance to meet some burger guys I need to know can is anyone else very cheap a dollar for SWAT and $3 for a player let's let's buy everyone we can sounds terrible but that's legitimately what's happening right now oh now I get an extra explosion from my launch I love it so what do I get if I get the SWAT team there's there's I again Shaman cck past if you want to see some magic okay I guess yeah did did he die I'm pretty sure that man may have just died but I'm not 100% sure let me see if I get I here so close all right come on now come on Shaman there we go got two humans with Ivan's gun it's fantastic oh here's the here here's the magic again yeah he just straight up blows up there is nothing left of that man I'm not even sure I want to know what happened to him in the end oh oh my go oh I had no idea if you get the great you just hop from Human to human murdering everyone in the area got three bullets out there SWAT these guys have helmets unfortunately you can't eat them but they give you some money for trying they give you like a like a $20 bill like listen go eat someone else's head jump on this big guy and see what happens do I want to know he just explodes and shoots you to the next guy he is worth some money though I have the money to upgrade my head crab to be better stronger and oh he's got legs now that's that's awesome oh legs help the crap jump from the road I've evolved finally I don't have to just smash my face into the concrete anymore I'm going to buy all these people yeah buy them buy them all right ready and now yeah if you if you do it perfectly you get to murder like six people right off the thatat I love it there is 100% the potential to eat a bird look on the green zone to shoot his gun is not so awesome as the Soviet one but it's still pretty good I got I think I got four shots off on that one nice explosion big jump doing great I have I have made multiple Shaman explode at this point what that the Soviet gun just straight up blew up and murdered everyone around it on that last one that's incredible uh yeah more health I'm eating a bird I just legitimately ate a bird it did taste remotely like chicken buy some more guys everyone gets the special head slurpie treatment let's see click when the arrow will be at the required angle to do what oh he throws you like a football what is this oh it's a bunch of piece then you murder all the people asking for peace and love oh that is just that is just awful get this poor Bird's like I can't see what are you do you're going to get us both killed no I'm only going to get one of us killed I broke my little crab legs trying to learn a walk this is a very long crabbing I don't know what else to call it it's just an epic crab Marathon over here that's right everyone gather around that's right enjoy the aliens [Music] that's I got from a gangster straight to a football player oh I'm at like area 5.1 or something it's the wish version of Area 51 maybe I want to believe no you don't believing is stupid uh I made a lot of money there we made almost oh 668 that's so close to 666 for $600 your crab can get even better my crab has Sad Wings on his head you can hover I love murder oh be being able to hover is incredible you can cover so much distance with the hover ability I could just jump from bird to bird and when you look like you're not going to make it you just hover on to the next sad person to eat that Bird's wearing a uh a full mask with goggles did not help him at all how much is a bird worth like $3 God there's going to be nothing left in the Aven world I will have eaten all of them big football throw from way you cover so much distance it's so good a I love the smog of the Big Apple the best part is there's plenty of people to eat ow my legs gather around and let me tell you a story of sacrifice everyone loves glorious sacrifice oh the bird rose up with me that was interesting that bird was just barely learning how to fly did that say that say Co cocaine or did that say Coca-Cola there was 100% a very unique uh advertisement going on in the background there eat I am doing just that in fact I'm pretty sure that's all this character does is eat don't really think I I have any other skill sets all right now we're in are we in the president's area am my about to meet the president of the United States I don't really know if he's going to want to meet me the only problem is you have to get good enough to the point where you can fly all the way in with nothing because there's no one to eat except for birds in ins side of the White House apparently uh yeah people are worth more money more [Music] Health $5 per shot right there big five I want people to be worth more money you all need to start popping off some Benjamins I'm trying to trying to get as many humans as I can so I almost want to go a less distance look in the green zone to smash humans with a guitar yay ah yes with the coming of the head craft s Everyone Loves violence right we got a problem there's no one ahead of me here so I'm going to have to momentarily use this bird uh that burger guy blew up and killed like six people around him I also have $1,000 from that run how much does it cost to make me even more powerful 1,500 oh but I can get the last level of money upgrades all right now everyone's worth the most amount awesome you blow up from your spaceship killing everyone and then you get to kill even more people that was a a different football player caught the head crab specifically to throw the head crab that's hot oh people are worth so much money right now you want to make sure that you get oh watch this watch this here look at that that was like $70 in human lives just then so good over $1,000 so far oh it's an AOE guitar smash I think that this guy might be my new favorite I'm upgrading him all the way you need 1666 to get it the rest of the way I haven't gotten the blonde yet I know I said I was going to upgrade the crab but the people are just so fun to mess with it's hard not to do it when you want to get out of this car of death does she drive oh my God she just runs everywhere went over never mind I the blonde is my new favorite now I thought I was really going to enjoy the metal head and is pretty good but just running over like 70 people at once I may for like $600 all right I need to I got to land on this girl oh it's it's difficult though there we go yes yes I legitimately don't even know if I make money in the car accidents it doesn't matter though I just I love it even if I don't I'm at $2,200 right now okay I broke some of my legs but we're already up to $2700 I will sacrifice the legs of the innocent for an extra $2,000 I don't actually want to get football throwed that far with the football player you do get money for every person you run over oh glory to the blonde driver all right 3100 let's go ahead and upgrade we now have giant back wings so we can fly we can just legitimately fly can you okay so that can't be upgraded anymore what else would I want uh probably health and my oh better launch yeah let's Max that out and more health and more belong oh I need I need more money I haven't I haven't done the busy guys yet let's see what they do all right ready God Lu now I run people over oh you get a double jump I'm not going to lie head crab evolution is what human being beings need to be scared of in life mhm $1,700 so far big throw again I don't really want to get thrown that far I'd rather be thrown less so I can get as much death in as possible you will get money till you are riding this man that sounds awful and amazing vomit out your money vomit out your money yes yes okay he does it's the weirdest thing he kind of like poops out money I don't really know how else to describe it it's very very odd all right $2500 on that run so we can upgrade let me upgrade the girl $10,000 to upgrade her more yeah we're we're upgrading all these all of them I can [Applause] get get like $500 right off the bat just from the nonstop burder uh-huh I did she just make us $1,000 from that I haven't had this in a while I think that the humans are more dangerous to themselves than I am if you think about it most of the other most of the humans have like two types of abilities they blow up and kill people or they use some sort of item like a car like this and kill people that girl murdered a lot of her own ilk all right health is all the way up and now stamina's all the way up all right what I want is to get get the most amount of the blonde girl possible so we're shooting for $10,000 is what we need we need 10 grand uh-huh this is how you get there this is how you get to to the promised land of infinite money oh I got her again oh yeah it's like $1,000 a pop every time look at it 6100 from that girl I need to see she's right there maybe I can land maybe I can land on her hold on right now maybe oh yes 100% we're getting 10,000 this run 100% now we're on the businessman he is vomiting money out of his rectum as you do when you go into business all right we're at 7500 I don't need your guitar anymore I've I've killed everyone around me I might be able to land on the girl I went straight up I thought maybe I could do it okay she's fast look at her run got to wait until she gets just just barely off the screen although there's a couple of other heads in the way there it is man I got the exact distance for landing on heads down this is what you got to really focus on as a head crab okay cuz sometimes you only get one chance bam right there did you see that watch this we're going to get her wait until she's just barely off the screen and then jump beautiful Landing tons of murder $8500 everyone is totally fine by the way YouTube yeah there's so few people inside of The White House you can't always land on someone that's the problem okay 8,900 we're right there guess what there's a 10,000 all right we're at 11,000 now also is it this girl's car just randomly exploding what what is this a Ford or what is going on here I need to know the make and model of this car for for research purpose pures we're at $112,000 now there's already so much of this girl around you can kind of drive a vehicle all the way to the White House just about look at that from one car into another car I'm going to get $15,000 with cars I I can't even tell you how many cars I've hijacked at this point I'm so glad that this girl keeps a car in her back pocket too I wouldn't know what I would do without it all right double jump oh oh just barely made that job run business man cardio baby okay 15,000 bam I am a head crab that demonstrates incredible gun safety and guitar safety and car safety you may say do you feel bad about all you have done no I don't believe in your human traffic devices that's right obeying the law is a is a human construct I need no such thing as a head crab all right oh yeah 3,000 3 3200 3300 3400 oh I jumped to the girl again oh it's so good 4,000 from that girl all right we're flying we're we're flying we're flying there's a couple of people around there's not many but there's a few I'll have my double jump in a second too there we go come here Mr President I love you I had enough time to get my double jump back that's amazing I let this guy run further I think I can probably get to him oh here we go round one the crabs win all your planet are belong to us what do you take over next that's it we ate the last human and everyone's G it it's our planet now well I was a head crab and I jumped on people's heads I feel like I got what I paid for anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of head crab Invasion St Ste foxy much love