Understanding Tooth Depressions and Concavities

Aug 7, 2024

Tooth Anatomical Landmarks: Depressions and Concavities

Key Definitions

  • Anatomical landmarks: Features on the tooth surface (elevations or depressions) aiding in function and identification.
  • Depressions/Concavities: Specific types of anatomical landmarks discussed here.

Types of Depressions


  • Definition: Irregular depression or concavity on the crown's surface.
  • Locations:
    • Anterior Teeth: Lingual surface (called lingual fossa).
    • Posterior Teeth: Occlusal surface (called triangular fossa or central fossa).
  • Lingual Fossa:
    • Present on lingual surface of all anterior teeth.
    • Incisors have one; canines have two.
    • Typically, no grooves or pits, except maxillary lateral incisor (may have grooves and a pit).
  • Triangular Fossa:
    • Present on occlusal surface of all premolars and molars.
    • Shape: Triangular (base towards marginal ridge, apex towards center).
    • Always two: One mesial and one distal.
    • Contains pits and grooves.
  • Central Fossa:
    • Found on occlusal surface of all molars.
    • Each molar: One central fossa, containing pit and grooves.


  • Definition: Linear concavity or depression on the crown.
  • Locations:
    • Present in posterior teeth on occlusal surface.
    • Has a developmental groove at its base (e.g., central sulcus in maxillary 1st premolar).


  • Definition: Sharply defined groove or line on tooth surface.
  • Locations:
    • Present in posterior teeth, absent in anterior teeth (except maxillary lateral incisor).
    • Named according to their location.
    • Occlusal surface: Bottom of a sulcus or fossa (e.g., central groove in maxillary premolars).
    • Other surfaces: May be present without prominent depression (e.g., mesial marginal groove in maxillary 1st premolar).
  • Types:
    • Developmental Grooves: Have specific names (e.g., mesio-buccal groove in mandibular 1st molar).
    • Supplemental Grooves: No specific names, vary by individual (common in maxillary 2nd premolar, mandibular 1st molar).


  • Definition: Pinpoint depression on the crown's surface.
  • Locations:
    • Junction of two or more grooves or terminus of a groove.
    • Seen in all posterior teeth, absent in anterior teeth (except maxillary lateral incisor).
    • Named according to location (e.g., mesial pit, distal pit in premolars and molars, central pit in molars).
    • Occlusal surface: Present in a fossa.
    • Other surfaces: May not be in prominent depression (e.g., buccal pit in mandibular molar).