okay so last time last week we discussed uh sigmund freud so basic one freud uh shayung starter psychology or a modern practice of psychology so psychoanalysis and almost every uh almost every theory almost every other ideas came from psychoanalysis and freud during that time was very powerful very charismatic very let's say very you know very very famous and with his fame and charisma he gathered some disciples and they didn't gather actually so and some other disciples or some people and again disciples freud became dissatisfied with his theories especially the focus on sex sex and aggression psychodynamic perspective but tonight nothing's adler so siphroid is very focused on sex and aggression in his theory and the psychosexual development and soon cena adler and others so ganondinema theories of personality he's sort of like the legions in their own way so one religion that was born out of psychoanalysis is the individual psychology so individual psychology this is created by alfred adler so a brief background about uh alfred adler uh first of all he hates freud nagging followers and freud but he really hates freud uh to the point now [Music] about his association with freud despite having a gentle personality [Music] so he was sickly when he was a child and nearly died of pneumonia and then he also has an older brother named sigmund what a coincidence right so sigmund um so what is his theory let's uh see so the theory of adler is called individual psychology mainly because it focused on individual psychology individual tao uh sephrate psychoanalysis because focus nation depends subjective interpretations experience so the main tenet or the mean gist non-individual psychology is that people are born with weak and inferior bodies conditions that lead a condition that leads to the feelings of inferiority and con consequent dependence on other people so when we were born thou were we are born physically weak and we have inferior bodies so we have the tendency to be to strive for superiority as a compensation so therefore a feeling of unity with others or social interest is inherent in people and the ultimate standard for psychological health so that's uh that feelings of inferiority will lead us to unify to others so that we will become more healthy as a person as an individual so more specifically the maintenance of our aglarian theories is this or are this uh number one the dynamic force behind people's behavior is the striving for superiority freud um subjective perception shape their behavior and personality the way we interpret interpret the reality interpret things that is happening around our world shapes our behavior and personality okay it doesn't matter okay so you determined it depends on the subjective perception of the person and then the personality that we will create that we will have is unified and self-consistent so a big civilian conflicts unlike a freud conflict and then the value of human activity must be seen from the viewpoint of social interest so huma papan singh yasi freud about human uh human activity i mean about mental health panama achievement mental health ego super ego health and then the self-consistent personality structure develops into a person's style style of life so in personality natin thoughts behaviors and feelings will develop in uh our own style of life so in style of life and it's unique with everybody it always depends on the uh heredity and upbringing of the person and also the choices that he or she makes so the style of life again is molded by the people's creative power so creative power this is the this is our power to choose for ourselves style of life or an unclassing uh unclassified personality or no classic goal okay uh first would be striving for superiorities i mentioned when we were born we're physically weak uh so we we want to be superior but actually before he considered me adlerian superiority he don't see their name aggression the reason we become aggressive is not because we want to be aggressive itself but because we want to dominate we want to become superior wars humans they all do that they all do wars conflicts with other people because they want to be superior they want to be powerful than other people so that is our striving perspective main driver he later used the term masculine protest which implied will to dominate others women but their violence is on another level psychological emotional violence so adler said that we have innate drive to become superior because we are all inferior the moment we were born so the physically weak tile and then others have physical deficiencies which contributes to the feelings of inferiority so according to adler para malice um we want to become superior that superiority comes in a form of a final goal okay so we will become superior if we will achieve our final goal now the final goal can be final goal can be anything but it all uh it always falls on two categories it's either personal superiority or success of all humanity depends on a gigan choices not so the final goal in either case is fictional or has no objective of existence if you if i will ask you right now what is your goal in life probably most of you will say i want to be successful and success have different meanings depends for example my definition of success is different from your definitions of success because success or final goal is fictional it has no objective existence life is meaningless life has no purpose and well it doesn't matter what you will do what matters is what you want to do what is the final goal that you want okay so some of some people define success as or define their purpose of life as study well have a decent job find a wife or husband make a family raise them die so that's the success for them others the man they want to be uh the boss they want to be they want to be powerful they want to be the president they want to be the king they want to be so that's also their goal so it's fictionally victory and it's only on the mind of the person nonetheless final goal has great significance because it unifies personality and renders all behavior comprehensible the final goal is like uh the the thing that unifies the person so each person has the power to create a personalized fictional goal one constructed out of raw materials provided by heredity and the environment so we have the power to create the final goal now that's a long choice for example some of you took up psychology why because their parents said so or they're young papa okay so we have because according to adler we have the creative power we have the power to create our own fictional goal no maybe it's not your goal is not really uh to become a psychologist or to practice psychology maybe the goal is to please the other people because if you please other people uh you feel superior confidence about life so that's that's the final goal so we all have our we all have the power to create our own final goal okay so when an individual's final goal is known all action makes sense so if a person knows what he or she wants to accomplish everything the person does is always towards the final goal okay so your final goal it can take two forms either personal superiority or success of all human beings online nothing in personal superiority so the kakarot personal superiority or gigging personal superiority theme final goal grew up in the pampered lifestyle the final ghoul would be the mean and conscious so therefore vague and misunderstood says [Music] distorted the view regarding the superiority young distortion is towards its stored self-centeredness success so if the king's selfish is personal superiority so in bhis nama give back to society or mcgiver society i will receive everything from society in bismarck the service for the society [Music] [Music] would be the final goal and self-deprecating and such behavior may seem inconsistent with the final goal [Applause] oh so the goals that will become conscious and clearly understood uh psychologically secure children strive over superiority defined in terms of success and social interest so the path is striving for success and social interest and care or attention on just enough level and tendencies or he or she has the capacity to give that kind of love to other people despite uh despite giving love to them despite receiving the love society because unification with the society is the obvious way to become powerful to become successful okay so parang success and final goal is for the success of humanity get in your way or isa away okay so but of course uh regardless of how we were raised or how the style of life were so the subjective perception is also important so what is objective perception so we are primarily motivated to strive for superiority but the manner on how we accomplish that is affected by our subjective perceptions of reality not reality itself and they're called this subjective perceptions are as fictions so beni adler even though we all have the same sense or the same striving for superiority the way we accomplish it depends on how we interpret the reality uh let's say for example a black titan's a parent and child uh you mommy ofw parents no so imam ofw parents basically they were not present when the child was born or the child was raised so that's the reality the parent is not there now the child can interpret that in two ways one way is that the my parents do not love me my parents are not here therefore they do not love me or pedidina my parents are not here because they are working hard so that i can have a good life so those are two subjective perceptions and those two subjective perceptions can influence the way a person behaves the way the person person so as you can see the subjective perception uh defined how they will act in their lives so they don't call questions objective perceptions according to so these fictions or our beliefs in realities of life they may not be true no they may not be true they are true enough for us to affect our overall personality and behavior okay so it doesn't have to be true so another example would be a fiction might be a belief in an omnipotent god who rewards good and punishes evil so if you have this kind of fiction if you have this kind of belief it will guide you in your daily life to harm others not to do bad to others because you fear that you will be punished and there's uh the word kungago and beyond so whether that is true or false we do not know but this fiction have a powerful influence on people's lives so it also hollers the impression of other people so for example um um religious people are hateful against uh people with no religion i mean not hateful but very sometimes judgmental about people with no religion no but in fact sometimes people with no religion are good people in a man no because they do not need they do not need punishment or reward to do their own thing to do good but anyway that's just my opinion okay so that's uh that's how fictions work so fictions uh have a great uh influence in how uh we act how we behave in our life okay right so good uh now we also have physical inferior inferiorities when we were born and these physical inferiorities are not really because that's reality you know we have physical deficiencies or inferiorities when we were born but according according to adler that is not that important what is important is how we compensate how we subjectively perceive that physical inferiority so for example short in stature some people that i know that are small usually uh they cope up with something like for example it's a motivation or to become a basketball player and pick the king basketball player zela it's like a personal success for them it's a success because it means that they are superior despite their physical inferiorities and some other people no man uses their physical inferiority as an excuse or something like for example feeling subjective perception is a physical appearance is very low so as you can see it also affects the behavior of a person okay so that behavior and personality according to adler is united and self-consistent big hindi in conflict with each other so thoughts feelings and actions are all directed towards a single goal and serve a single purpose so all the behavior may appear inconsistently when they are viewed from the perspective of the final goal they appear as clever but unconsciously but probably unconscious attempts to confuse and subordinate other people so in in short sabbini adler sometimes it may feel uh inconsistent in my personality [Music] in my experience classical classical dating great conscious i thought they will pursue education after no proper super saiyan and post graduate perma grad with a graduate course like masters or phd because and they like they i assume they like studying they like learning but now out of our four sections all right four but three three sections that's 150 students pursuing a master's degrees psychology lab guidance council guidance counselors personal master's degrees of psychology so placing my master's and guidance counselor manager seven [Music] if you want to study psychology you want to be on the clinical side of psychology so it seems then unconsciousness agreed when in reality they will not even use that or they will not they do not even like studying like but if we will look at it in the perspective of a final goal if we will ask them their motivations their goals in life while they are doing those such things you will see that it will make sense proud so that is their goal okay the reason why they are doing that and this and that because this because they want the prestige they want the they want the the pride so another thing is the mind and body so according to adler the mind and body are one so as adler proposed in this concept for organ dialect so basically this is body language so according to adler young body donating speaks a language which is usually more expressive and discloses the individual's opinions more clearly than the words are able to do as you know communication is 80 body language if you're talking to someone you do not only hear the words but you also see the body language and mas depends about the language it depends is also part of their personality because it says more about them than the words they're saying so that in that way i always observed mannerisms of people i always observed their body language and it helped me in my practice as a psychologist in practice i mean psychologist and training i say whenever i interview people i know what they're feeling i know what they're thinking about or i know what they're gonna i have an idea on how they are doing because i observe everything their body does so that is organ dialect so because seniors have been adler personality and the mind and body are one so therefore knowing more about the body of a person the body language of a person can also elucidate or can give you an idea regarding the personality of that person okay so also accordingly adler the conscious and unconscious of unconscious part of our personality are united in discipline go work against each other unlike a freud the unconscious is very bad and the conscious is trying to the conscious is trying to reconcile everything about the unconscious but according to adler conscious and unconscious are just uh two parts of the same body two parts of the same mind therefore they're consistent with each other unconscious thoughts those are the things that we need and then the unconscious thoughts are the things that we think we don't need so therefore in abandon consciousness but of course it's also the goal that we become unconscious about the unconscious but it's not the primary goal if we were we will be aware of what we are what we have in our unconscious but it's not that important driving force okay so now we go to the social interest so on personality natal so as we mentioned the personality of the person is consistent and how do we know if the personality is good or healthy we will we must ask if that personality has a sense of social interest or gaming shafts before so gaming shops give a bullet so gaming chefs get full uh it's roughly translated as feeling of feelings of oneness with all humanity so it implies membership in the social community of the people so oneness with all com humanity it implies now uh we we are part of humanity in the ilan we we we want to contribute to the society as a whole so social interest is natural conditions of human species and adhesive that binds society together so this is the natural uh response in our inferiority complex if we want to feel superior we have to unite with society because society as a whole is very powerful very superior so social interest ideally it was a mother-in-child relationship so during infancy ideally the mother should have genuine and deep-rooted love for a child a love that is centered on the child's well-being not on her own needs or wants although there are some mothers that some others out there that are creating children for the sake of having someone to take care of them once they grow old also known as retirement plan you know [Music] so that's that's that's selfish that's that's uh that's terrible if that's the case so but it's not it's not our obligation to in if you will look at it in a philosophical perspective because uh logically speaking we were forced to live in this hell of a world by them while they are having ecstasy with their partner responsibility it's the reverse the parents are responsible for their children now if they feel their responsibility and then ana is feeling indebted so we can they can give back but it's not an obligation but again this is the culture in the philippines and i cannot do anything about it i'm lucky enough to have to do to be not part of the kind of culture but it's sad if that's the case [Music] the child's well-being as their center no relationship others to have their own needs and wants be fulfilled so yeah father cooperates on an equal footing with uh with the child's mother in caring for child and treating their child as a human being so a successful father avoids the dual errors of emotional detachment and paternal authoritarianism so as a father and a man not too strict but not too lenient [Music] is an emphasis on relationship with the father so yeah so importance of social interest as i mentioned this is the criteria of adler to measure if the person is healthy psychologically healthy so but we also have to remember that social interest is not synonymous to charity or unselfishness so for example a wealthy woman may regularly give large sums of money to the poor and the needy not because she feels a oneness with them actually it's not quite the opposite superior motivation and charity so social interest is more than that social interest is more like uh young subjective perspective more is all about helping the society contributing to the society uh not necessarily making yourself superior and thinking acidity is you will be successful once nothing along with my and we have the creative power according to adler to create our own style of life so the style of life is young personality so we have the capacity to choose our own style of life style so our creative power places uh income places ourselves in control of our own lives so we are responsible for creating our final goal and we determine the method of striving for that goal and contributes to the development of social interest so it's our choice it's our choice to create our goal it's our choice to uh create methods in achieving that goal and it's our choice to contribute to the development of our social interests so yes we may you we may be limited by heredity and environment but it doesn't mean limitations they're bricks and mortars or lego pieces to create our own style of life so for example it's still your choice now young way of entering that doorway can will vary from person to person you can either duck we have the choice okay okay so yeah uh do you have any questions regarding this maintenance me uh adler's uh individual psychology right so they have any questions so far subjective perspective so i will show you a summary of how this works how this theory works [Music] okay so we have as you can see this is the table of uh uh the theory so as i as you've mentioned we have the innate striving force to become superior because we have physical deficiencies and which is inferior inferior body or we have the striving force because we the physical deficiency therefore we will feel feelings of inferiority so these feelings of inferiority if it becomes too exaggerated or we cope up with it in the current and exaggerated feelings and if your motivation is to gain personal things then your your final goal method is personal superiority and your final goal is not perceived deemly perceived remember the final goal is to unite with the society and therefore therefore self-centered nature her self-centered tendency adele self-centered and tendency personal superiority and strife in visna striving for success of humanity now if this uh feelings of inferiority is overcome normals normal feelings of incompletion materialize when you need other people we need to contribute to other people so that we will we will become all successful then you are developing a social interest once you develop a social interest you will be successful in uh perceiving your final goal which is to become uh united with the society so if we will apply this i will give myself as an example although i'm not saying nasa clear or social interest but i know i don't know it's for you to decide so of course i have innate driving force we i want to become uh superior and of course i i have physical deficiencies but and i feel feelings of imperiality there are many things about my life that will make me feel inferior one significant things or significant thing that made me feel inferior is my uh yeah lack of specialty no specialization because i want to mention but i'm uh uh i am jack of all trades master of none and that's that's something that i'm feeling inferior about uh and also i have some uh i have some uh feelings of inferiority with uh with my brother during when when i was a teenager because he is very successful very so i have some insecurities with that when i was a kid when i was a teenager so exaggerated feelings uh to to compensate with that i decided to take a course that is related so of course now which is uh architecture despite being obvious the india and also being obvious that i'm i'm for psychology talaga because uh when i was in when i was in a teenager people look up to me whenever they are they have problems they always share their problems with me even though i'm doing nothing i'm just listening and then when they are asking for my advice my response would be but i did not accept that because i have exaggerated feelings about about that about my inferiority and then eventually i i took up architecture and then if i want to make architecture i mean i can survive but uh it's i feel like it feels like death and then the next topic for one semester to think more about my life and then i realized that uh there's nothing to okay there's nothing to feel inferior about my talents because my because of my talent or because of my uh being jack of all trades master of none i can understand other people other people's emotions and then eventually paranoia is gonna okay so i will use this talents i will use this inferior and my sort of inferior things to contribute to the society because i think some people are also thinking about that so i had this uh i had this epiphany that i want to use my talents to help other people and in doing so i can satisfy my own uh feelings of inferiority at the same time that i can help with other people so the social interest i hope it's a social interest and then eventually i decided on a perception so final goal [Applause] step-by-step procedure of course from architecture to psychology because i want to become a psychologist a therapist and be becoming a therapist you need bs psychology or a b psychology and masters in psychology so to do that simply they couldn't be a psychology after coming psychology masters which is teaching i mean i'm enjoying the teaching job so and again and then at the same time uh me chances are to get my master which i'm doing right now so eventually i hope i will be successful in in doing that by 2023 my license so that's how that's how final goals will be clearly perceived okay so that's i think how it is how we will apply it of course i skipped so many details about my life and so many details about adler but yeah i i hope you get the point that our striving for superiority and our final goal is uh shaped by the experiences in our subjective perceptions about it okay so do you have any questions