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Влияние ИИ на общество и будущее

after many many years later maybe we when we look back we recognize that oh that's the moment when everything changed in 5 years AI is going to literally be in everything we do as humans we have to first of all understand that this is going to happen many technologists try to solve human problems using technology when actually what we need are Human Solutions the deeper question is what does it mean to be human what are the things I still be proud of I find this moment extremely profound because it really forces us as a Humanity to Think Through exactly what Consciousness is what makes humans human there's a whole lot at stake here careers unbelievable amounts of money and who gets to shape the future here fall [Music] seat it's already begun a global race for Supremacy in the age of artificial intelligence China the United States and the European Union are vying for economic growth political influence and power so are the big tech companies and startups are hot on their heels for those who lose there'll be no Second [Music] Chances yonas andrulis founded one of the most influential European AI compan companies with his help the European Union could catch up with the world's AI leaders become independent from the US and China secure a prosperous future this is a watershed moment for Europe the last role of the dice if Europe wants to decide how to use technology in accordance with European values then it has to be able to build that technology itself Thomas wolf co-founded hugging FAS a major open source AI platform he wants to stop one of the most powerful Technologies in human history from ending up in the hands of a few corporations what we need is a multitude of players not just one that owns AI we don't want a future where such a fundamental technology is in the hands of a single company there are plenty of films where that's the mark of a dystopia one company that controls [Music] everything H sha is a Chinese AI entrepreneur he wants his company Gina AI to be successful on both the Western and Chinese markets so what role do Chinese AI companies Play In This Global race and how is the Chinese Communist Party using them to achieve its political goals CH gbt or gbt 4 it basically serve as a brain and this brain cannot be made in us right so this is some word that uh the Chinese government has the culture of each country right how each government runs this country will eventually be reflected into this spring it is absolutely clear that at the highest levels of leadership in the United States and in China artificial intelligence is viewed as foundational to the future of Economic and military power you how we've created an economic and financial system that's based on the assumption that everything is going to keep running smoothly we get cheap gas from Russia the Americans look after us so we don't need to spend money on arms China is always friendly we've gotten comfortable and now we have to break out of that comfort and say we can go on the political offensive again we can compete we can create competitive conditions here we can make sure that the cool companies we have can also Al grow and play a role in the global market that's already been made [Music] clear at the end of 2023 German Vice Chancellor Robert Harbeck made significant progress towards these geopolitical goals Alf Alpha a German AI company raised around half a billion EUR from investors it was one of the largest rounds of European financing for artificial intelligence technology and it was a signal that the European Union can produce elite players in the field of AI Alf alfa's founder and CEO is yonas andrulis he's given priority to investment from German industry sap bourch and the Schwartz Group which owns Supermarket retailers leadle and caland [Applause] I was an amateur radio Enthusiast I soldered radios together and built my own antennas early on my father had computers at home so I was able to start programming and playing around with them at a very young age [Music] when we started out the term generative AI didn't exist hardly anyone had heard of open AI we were very technical we managed to create category defining Innovations we were just nerds researchers and there were times when I felt like I wasn't coping with the amount of work and the challenges every night I could answer emails until I was so tired I fell off the couch and there were still things I was neglecting which I didn't want to neglect in Spring 2023 the European AI landscape was a lonely place with his startup Alf Alpha yonas andrulis had built the only generative AI that could compete at an international level he'd acquired the expertise from his work as a high ranking AI researcher at Apple suddenly he'd become one of Europe's Great Hopes in the global AI race right now we simply can't cope with the onslaught of potential customers and partners most of the German stock index companies have been in touch lots of medium-sized companies there are briefings press engagements events an unbelievable amount of stuff it's like the Cambrian explosion right now an incredible amount of new and creative things are emerging we're the only Europeans to be involved on this scale it was an exciting development we also had things like open Ai and maybe ours were even cooler what is missing and what I think deserves more attention in the EU is is why there are not more uh domestic companies that actually grow and scale a lot of company leaders startup uh innovators end up going to the us and the access to Capital is really one of the main challenges if you look at what we did it's enabling technology what I need for that is a carefully selected effective team of brilliant researchers then I need money more money than you normally get as a German startup these days we're talking about billions and then Partners to help you the kind of help that money can't buy open AI doesn't just get 10 billion from Microsoft it also gets incredible support in integrating its technology into all Microsoft products and platforms at the time Alf Alpha had 60 employees at various locations most were at the company's headquarters in hi highberg in Southwest Germany unlike open AI andrulis wasn't gearing his AI to towards private users but rather industry and the public sector but they tend to be sluggish and not easy to win over that posed a challenge for yonas andrulis he needed pilot projects to prove his technology works you stand here and you're greeted by a virtual person hello may I help you where do you want to go then I can use the screen we have to keep moving in this direction this is not that's not good that's my job know it is but we're very happy to still have you she'll probably be taking her well-earned retirement soon it's become a standard question I ask if you'd like to stay on a little longer because I need you and because there aren't enough skilled workers coming in it's a big issue that's important for us solidarity and of course the main topic is innovation innovation hleb is one of the first municipalities in the world to introduce an AI citizen assistant using a language model provided by Alf Alpha we have a partner a customer with whom we can look at these new technologies they also act as a testimonial for us because anyone can go and try it out that's a huge Advantage because a lot of our customers don't want to be named right now they don't want people to know exactly what they're doing so it's great to have a pilot customer with a bit of vision and courage the hope is that in the long term AI will improve public administration and speed up services I just enter a question motor vehicle traffic on the b37 which is a busy road then I get it to search of course that's a very general question the question now is what point in time whether we're talking daily or annually of course the AI has to work out what the user actually wants b37 is closed between 7:00 a.m. and 6: p.m. now I can ask how do I apply for child benefit that wasn't the right answer I can't find anything now so the error messages that we get back from the public and from tests we do ourselves get passed on to Alf Alpha to figure out what needs to change to make the inputs more accurate it's always about the accuracy of the input the technology is still in the test phase and not yet reliable 2023 was a delicate time for Alf Alpha yonas and drulis needed fresh money from investors meanwhile Microsoft and open AI were gaining more of an advantage in fact a race starts today and we're going to move we're going to move fast and for us every day we want to bring out new things so let's on March 14th 2023 open AI released chat gp4 the most powerful artificial intelligence to date at the same time it greatly reduced costs for users for yonas andrulis and his team it was a threat to their business model WR a poem about fly fishing from the perspective of [Applause] fish okay and it goes on for hours it's huge oh wow in the depths where Shadows weave and play in this cool clear waters where I stay I am the fish beneath the silver stream where Life's a dream or so it seems a Wy being sleek and Sly with ancient instincts to live and die yeah goes well yeah they see the Ence not that bad that's really interesting went to an apartment with a number of colleagues and we watched on a on a big projector screen the announcement of dpt4 someone had a chat GPT Pro account so they could use gp4 and we could play with it and we were like very impressed and surprised by how good it was it's not upsetting when someone comes up with a great piece of technology because we're researchers and Building Technology and that's how it is is you know when you're a violinist and you go and you watch an amazing solo by a incredible violinist you don't feel you know I should I'll give up you know it's inspiring I was a little stressed out yeah I was in the middle of conversations with potential Investors Business partners and I knew that in every conversation I was I was going into somebody would say but CH4 I would have wanted to build GPT for myself two years ago get 200 million be the first model at that level of capabilities out of heidleberg out of out of Europe it caused a lot of frustration in the team and I I saw that and that's painful to see in fact comparing open AI with Alf Alpha was absurd open AI was almost half owned by Tech Giant Microsoft which had pumped over 10 billion into the company yonas and rulis had raised just 28 million EUR still he wanted to take them on we're all under enormous pressure we're fighting for survival we've created something world class with a lot less money we're basically at the Forefront on the highest level but we all know that there's now a wave of Microsoft money rolling towards us and we can't do anything to stop it [Music] is it for you easier to speak in French or English I might find difficult to make really French without English words everywhere yeah yeah because yeah while yonas andrulis was feeling the heat from industry top dogs Microsoft and open AI Thomas wolf was more relaxed he co-founded hugging face which has 200 employees and officers in Paris New York and Amsterdam the company has built a successful platform where programmers and companies can share AI models and further develop them the philosophy the mission and the values that we push are actually very European by someone way uh being careful about the data uh trying to build something responsible you know and not just go fast and break it there were definitely Anglo American values in chat GPT we wondered whether we could set up a project to analyze and document that for example with benchmarks that could show whether a model has anglo-american French or German [Music] values it would be interesting to do a comparative study between chat GPT and Bloom chat wouldn't it if you ask a question in different languages how different are the answers depending on the kind of question is the approach more American or european that would be an interesting study when I talk about plalism of values I mean that every population in the world has its own value system we have a lot of different nationalities here and we have to ask ourselves what are our values what's important to [Music] us of the uh optimistic Sparks in Europe like new startups uh in Germany Alf ala is already I would say a big player in the UK stability is obviously very visible player here in Euro in France uh there m is new player in Finland so in in almost every European countries I see at least one or two like start up with this uh this ambition to become and to to build something big as idealistic as Thomas and his team from hugging face appear there is also criticism open source or not the end result is that a small Elite of tech professionals is determining what our future looks like and what risks we're exposed to all the business people I meet say we need education Society has to educate itself we only create the systems but you can design those systems in different ways for example you can make it so that a person can understand what's going on at least a little this could be one of the obligations we impose on the industry these machines have processed all cultural knowledge and a created by mathematicians who don't know anything about culture that's a bit of an exaggeration of course but we have to find ways of explaining this to people who aren't interested in the math they just use the machines as tools they need to understand where the limits are in which situations the machine will or won't work just like with GPS devices where we recognize when they give us the wrong route isn't it great that such a huge research field is opening up but there's also a huge golf opening up who's actually responsible in the end because as a developer or researcher you have a certain responsibility it's not about restricting research but when there are applications that are harmful to society we have to be aware of that there is a huge potential for manipulation just think of the influence of chat GPT on elections I think there needs to be an antidote more education that's a good topic for the upcoming elections what education do we need to stop us being [Music] manipulated that's a big question what happens when people start asking AI who they should vote for because the AI will give them an answer as it always does who decides how it answers who should decide that unfortunately I have no answer to that generative AI is developing at breathtaking speed and Tech Giants are battling it out in the ring that's spurring development even more there's a massive New Market up for grabs [Music] [Applause] leading AI experts worry that big Tech in its eagerness to compete is creating Technologies beyond our control I think we've made a mistake when my Swedish Countryman Carl Fon lenos branded our species is homo sapiens cuz sapience means the thinking homo the the smart one right we're not going to be the smartest anymore maybe we should Rand ourselves the homos sens the feeling human we can feel curiosity meaning purpose love that is what really makes us [Music] unique we should ask how can we keep control over the machines so that we can use them as tools to build a world where we can really have human flourishing with positive experiences in 2014 when I founded the future Life Institute it was quite taboo to even talk about AI safety at all because that would imply that it wasn't totally safe and a lot of AI researchers thought that would be bad for funding and only weird people worried about this it was very much like a coming out of the closet moment for people to sign this letter and say oh you too are worried I think we should slow down El it oh I didn't know that and then it suddenly became become socially [Music] acceptable Max tegmark and his future of Life Institute published an open letter warning that artificial intelligence posed an existential danger to humanity civilization itself could be under [Music] threat the letter was signed by hundreds of AI researchers and tech industry leaders including Tesla boss and ex-owner Elon Musk Apple co-founder Steve wnc and touring Award winner Yoshua Benji and it's been quite shocking that once we put this letter out and kind of a who's who of AI researchers signed it and the conversation really exploded my worst fears are that we cause significant we the field the technology the industry caus significant harm to the world I think that could happen in a lot of different ways it's why we started the company I think if this technology goes wrong it can go quite wrong and we want to be vocal about that we want to work work with the government I think he was serious about that I think that's kind of so he was talking about this existential risks and I also believe there are existential risks there are also a whole spectrum of other risks and I know Sam I talked to him a couple of times about this you know he very much recognizes them as well on the one hand of course These Warnings about the major power of this new technology also uh amplify the significance of the products that these people are building so it could also have an indirect marketing effect right like look at the incredible things that we're building but also let's make sure that nothing goes wrong and for that they look to the politicians the net effect of that could be that if heaven forbid something goes wrong they could say well we warned you but the politicians did not act or they did not act in time so I'm looking at a paper here entitled large language models trained on media diets can predict public opinion this is just posted about a month ago this work was done at MIT and also at Google the conclusion is that large language models can indeed predict public opinion I'm I want to think about this in the context of Elections should we be concerned about models that can large language models that can predict survey opinion and then can help organizations entities fine-tune strategies to elicit behaviors from voters should we be worried about this for our elections yeah uh thank you Senator Holly for the question it's it's one of my areas of greatest concern the the the the General ability of these models to manipulate to persuade uh to provide sort of one-on-one uh you know interactive disinformation I'm nervous about it I think people are able to adapt quite quickly uh when Photoshop came onto the scene a long time ago you know for a while people were really quite fooled by photoshopped images and then pretty quickly developed an understanding that images might be photoshopped uh this will be like that but on steroids and the the Interac activity um the ability to really model predict humans well as you talked about uh I think is going to require a combination of companies doing the right thing regulation and public education 2024 is a crucial election year not only in the United States but worldwide there will be European Parliament elections there will be elections in India I mean it's a large amount of people in the world will actually go to the polls and while we're living in this big experiment where it's very hard for independent researchers journalists Civil Society organizations to probe these models that we may only find out you know what the what the harms and and malign uses as a weapon against democracy were when it is too late shortly after Sam ultman appeared before the US Senate he co-signed a statement along with a number of high ranking Executives from Google Microsoft and other tech [Music] companies the fact that it was the companies who themselves were asking for this this type of Regulation and it was the leading researchers who were asking for the the government to get involved that really was the turning point in the conversation to understand the effect the generative AI was having behind the scenes of global politics at the time you have to travel North to a small Swedish city called lleo around 150 km south of the Arctic Circle when people say that artificial intelligence is going to be like the next Industrial Revolution I think they're underestimating its impact it's not just going to be a new technology like the steam engine it's like building a new species a species that's much smarter than US President Biden himself was having meetings on artificial intelligence uh in some cases as often as three times per week and I will tell you that not very many things get on the president's calendar for three times a week May 31st 2023 the sirens and motorcades descending on this Swedish coastal city gave a sense of how much was at stake leaders came here to discuss nothing less than how Humanity should react to the arrival of this new orbe it artificial form of intelligence what role should politicians play democracy need needs to show that we are as fast as technology you saw the first letter on on asking for a course of 6 months you saw yesterday a number of very very insightful people signing up to say you need to do something for the very existential risks and then you have the non-existential risk uh as well why is it important for the European Union to have a common policy with the US concerning Ai and shouldn't other parts of the globe be included in the conversation Europe is important but this is bigger than Europe us is important but it is bigger than the us but if the two of us take the lead with close friends I think we can push something that will make us all much more comfortable with the fact that generative AI is now in the world and is developing at amazing speed [Music] Jonas andrulis was also invited to the top level meeting in Sweden to represent the views of European AI startups and call for Fair competition of course there are other AI companies in Europe but we're the one that's keeping Pace the most with the global leaders I assume that's the reason why we're here not because we're so Charming interesting part just when there's a switch over thank you so much kind of change coming in some Industries how do you feel about that we can raise more Capital yeah um I think we have two two weeks ago I was at Sapphire conference sap Sapphire conference and Christian Klein on his opening keynote he kind of said our key partners for Gen VII are Alf Alpha Google and Microsoft nice and then I'll I'll have events coming up with with HP with Antonio ner what do you think about uh the our colleagues on the other end here from anthropic and the latest um statements Etc oh so the the statements on like safety or yeah like yesterday and so on long term it is possible to conceive catastrophic events I've had Brussels and Berlin and they basically are are scared we will start uh with yonas andrulis who the founder and CEO of Alf ala the floor is yours and thank you very much for being with us today all right thanks for having me um I think we are all like a little bit dizzy the speed uh of change like everybody I know that is in AI is kind of stressed out and uh with this techn techology we are only even just stretching the surface I fear that knowledge work is an important part of what is happening in Europe so this is a an opportunity for us to to build new empires to build new value but it's also a risk that we're losing a substantial pillar that we're standing on thinking about how we can um how we can make this a fair um playing field because I think it's in everybody's interest that you Europe will contribute to a safer future in AI thank you very much from our [Music] perspective while the US and EU were trying to come up with a common strategy on the other side of the world in China an artificial intelligence ecosystem was emerging with its own set of rules AI is a key part of China's efforts to become a global power I always remember my mom and my dad pushed me to this Olympic school in order to get specialized in mathematics and also English school it's like a extra work besides this regular school work so basically you have to take the lessons on Saturday on weekend it makes me a quick learner and my mom is correct right so uh in order to keep progress in order to keep pushing yourself you have to keep learning and I always I always tell my employees also to keep learning uh to keep up this fastpac in AI my father was a professor in uh computer science so I am very lucky to get in touch with AI in the very early days back in 2009 I was trying to build some AI models very simple AI models nowadays if you look from today's large language model perspective that model is like a very simple simple like a small ant Han sha has worked in both the East and the West he's held positions at the Chinese Tech Giant 10cent and German online retailer zelando three years ago he founded his own company Gina is an AI startup with officers in shenzen and Beijing but its headquarters are in Berlin oh we are doing another interview here why yes it's for the website for the website we have the internship program with interns and now we want to add also like employees experience so people can see how it is to work at Gina yes not only from an intern perspective yes I see I [Music] see so of course from India uh Isabella from South South Africa yeah from South Africa Aladin from Tunisia right uh Jackman from Malaysia Michelle finally from Germany I have a limited amount of wires right and so I can only Power one Monitor and so like sometimes I really need to like show people the architecture and like also show people the results of the model and so it's nice that I have like this second uh screen where I can draw on it as well so like it basically becomes touch screen [Music] yeah so this is basically showing the progress of training the model it's kind of like stock market right I see this model performs relatively good because you can see it's increasing over time but sometimes it's not very as successful for example this one this Model start very high but then the progress kind of stopped that is wasting our time is wasting GPU resources energy and so on right H sha and his team are working on optimizing AI models for specific applications for example linking text video and images their goal is to make communication between humans and machines more intuitive and natural a lot of people may recognize this this guy this is a this is a kind of grandp power meme right so it's very popular on on social media right so if you upload this picture to the algorithm uh it will generate a story you can generate uh comedy erotic fantasy horror all this kind of story so we just keep it default and then we just do it wasn't supposed to be like this I was meant for more he whispered to the room his words echoing into silence I am more than the lonely man I've become more than these disappointments suddenly his eyes glinted a revelation forming within his mind Perhaps it is time I showed the world that again with strength and resolve Arthur placed the coffee down marking an end to his solitary reflection and the beginning of a new chapter so uh basically this is what you can do when you push multimodel AI into an extreme right so you can see from a single image you are able to generate not only a text description but an emotional audio [Music] story eventually Chinese company will be in the leading position in this generative AI two months ago I was participating this uh World AI Congress in Shanghai and during that conference there was uh 30 large language models are released in on one day some from big companies like tenson Alibaba BYU uh some also from like a middle siiz companies from uh different industry even right for example from Bank [Music] [Music] this Chinese company are usually very good at learning from us company right so they kind of CopyCat what US company are doing and then make it even [Music] better I don't doubt that one day you will see uh one of the top models in The Benchmark in the leaderboard are actually from [Music] China the question of which companies will dominate the age of artificial intelligence has real geopolitical consequences China is using the expertise of its tech companies to expand its power Western Nations meanwhile are trying to counter this main stairways are located at the of each my name is Jeffrey Kain I was a longtime journalist and foreign correspondent in China I wrote a book called The Perfect police state and I was an adviser to the US Congress to the House of Representatives on sanctions and Chinese politics from what I have seen around the world in China and elsewhere I am deeply concerned that we do not know how to manage AI yet we do not know what's coming we do not know how to re in this technology and put it to the good use of our democracy China has been leading in bringing technology under State control and in fact using it as an instrument for state power whether it is for internal control and censorship uh grip on society or whether it is their Global ambition to have digital infrastructure around the world and uh to work with uh countries for example think about the African continent it is of course of vision that is at direct odds with that of democratic Societies in 2017 uh China's national strategy for artificial intelligence and this is a public document uh set out the explicit goal of dominating Global AI technology and so I think the United States has explicitly set the goal that we are not going to assist China in Rising as an AI enabled authoritarian [Music] superpower Ironically in the past it's been large US companies that have undermined their government's policies in order to gain access to the massive Chinese market foremost among them Microsoft Microsoft is the most pivotal and important Western company operating in China that has helped the chines Chinese government develop its AI dystopia Microsoft set up an office in China called Microsoft research Asia this was a gesture from Bill Gates back in the 1990s because he wanted to guarantee stronger Market access to China this uh laboratory has gone on to train the who's who list the superstars of the Chinese artificial intelligence World many of the key people in this uh laboratory have gone on to found companies such as mvy s time um or either either found them or they've taken on very senior roles in them that was like the uh incubator of the modern Chinese internet or AI industry a lot of great people great researchers startup Founders actually come from Microsoft research and those talents are now becoming kind of the uh very uh very big influencers opinion leaders and really like entrepreneurs in China yeah Microsoft helped build China's Tech Elite this in turn has been used by the Chinese government to create a gigantic surveillance state that operates with the help of AI like in China in Beijing and shinen you can find the most CCTV camera in the in the world right so and uh to be honest like a general public get used to it so they don't see this as intrusion to their own privacy or having a software that analyze their behavior you know uh because the the kind of the narrative there was to protect them right uh to make the society more secure right provide protect from terrorist and so on right so in general like the the public over the last 10 years has already accept the fact that there are cilian everywhere [Music] and now not only you have an option of listening to all the information that people Exchange in society now you also have the cognitive capacity to process all of this so that's a scary scary future unfortunately it's definitely not an impossible [Music] one right now we have like over 500 City brand across the country that means one city is just like Shanghai they have a lot of Big Data analysis Center they're collecting all this data from different areas and they have the machine they have the algorithm like centralize it and and do the uh computation analysis and making all these [Music] decisions the Chinese government has used all forms of AI so far they see AI as an extremely powerful tool that they can use for for the military for National Security for State surveillance police work um also the management of cities uh traffic they have been selling these same Technologies all over the world especially to authoritarian governments with the promise of total surveillance and um a Nation free of Crime Free of dissident It's A Brave New World because we have not yet found a solution to this in the West China is forging ahead the US is pursuing its own interests and the EU it's striving for Independence if Europeans don't play a part in shaping this future technology then it will be American or Chinese AI that will penetrate Our Lives to an unprecedented extent it will know us as well as our closest friends and relatives it will communicate with us around the clock and influence our thoughts and actions to prevent this the EU needs companies that can not only program but also build their own Hardware infrastructure to keep highly sensitive data [Music] safe the most precious commodity the the the most important resource for the future of generative AI is GPU power in other words computing power in the future it will be as essential as electricity and water have been for developments that have taken place in the past there's already a saying in Silicon Valley the GPU poor the people with fewer graphics cards training high-end AI language models requires thousands of high performance graphics cards which is also why supplies are scarce that's another reason why many smaller players Ally themselves with large tech companies a lot of the deals in the field of generative AI in recent months have come at the cost of Independence many companies have partnered with large corporations by accepting restrictions on things like Hardware selection Cloud selection integration we absolutely didn't want to do that early on yonas andrulis recognized the value of having one's own Hardware he built a data center for his company in Germany for that reason Alf Alpha is becoming increasingly strategically important for politicians the media talks about you as Germany's answer to chat GPT is that right is that's wrong you could say Germany's answer to open AI but chat gbt is a product aimed at the consumer it's really intended to help School kids do their homework or to write a poem for Grandma's birthday and things like that that's not our Target group at all we want to go where the most complex and critical processes are for example in the financial industry in Administration in security and healthare that's where we want to build systems that assist and support people we are in a government ministry here and public administration could benefit enormously from AI we have an incredible number of processes that could be systematized and carried out so the focus of my work here was a bit like asking how the public sector could act as a mainstate consumer generating work if you can put it like that which would create demand for German and European AI technology I mean it's an AI company that targets the public sector and we are the public sector so we only have to see that we generate opportunities for these techn to be tested be it through customer experience funding decisions or even permits we talk a lot about regulation and that kind of thing but if we continue to be dependent on foreign countries and Commercial Enterprises for this essential technology then in the future things could potentially end up like they did with energy like with gas recently where we wanted to say certain things but we couldn't because otherwise it would have gotten cold and dark around here [Music] the data center that so far ensured Alf Alpha's Independence comes from us company hulet packet [Music] Enterprise hulet packet Enterprise is hulet Packard Enterprise is one of the biggest players when it comes to setting up computer infrastructure they build data centers they set up internal server rooms a lot of the highquality infrastructure on which the modern world runs comes from [Music] HP andrulis secured a strategic partnership with hpe giving him access to Hardware without tying him to the company exclusively he also hoped it would help him gain a foothold in the US market he finalized the deal in Las Vegas with HP CEO Antonio ner welcome to HB discover 2023 this event is special because because it is our annual opportunity to reunite with a global community of customers and partners we are we're announcing a major joint project with HP today there will be a press release going out simultaneously it'll be a big joint Market Venture that's the important thing not that I'm going to go on a stage but that we're now taking a joint step with a major partner am I nervous maybe a little we've been working towards this for months I'm sure it'll go well what is the competitive advantage of your model eventually so I mean we we we're building our mod like we have an independent tax tax so we're not relying on any kind external dependencies we recently solved explainability in a new way so you can not only see positive like confirming sources but also disagreeing sources you share with me an example of yes exactly right from your own kind of speech um so I think this is they are analyst here so be careful well as Americans move fast they're willing to take risks but of course course this partnership also has to benefit HP and any partnership can come to an end at any [Music] time you have a good day Jonas and drulis wanted to avoid becoming dependent on a large corporation as with open Ai and Microsoft but that strategy brought with it a major risk if his technology doesn't keep up with the competition he'll be out of R we'll have more money soon yeah yeah exactly I also want to I'm hoping that I'm hoping that yesterday helped a little bit with that like oh it's yeah certainly didn't didn't uh didn't hurt uh and I've got some kind of feedback from like immediate feedback after the show think from from investors on my on my cell phone um and of course I want to I want to kind of put this money to work yeah um so well I think I think if we can get your help um if you've got if we could get your help to really say okay these are the application use cases I think we can get that list you know from from you um and then we can turn around and look at okay one how do we package it two how do we you know can we use it internally yes um I think that would be great you know and then and then obviously three how do we you know how do we make sure we line up the services offer thanks again for the partnership great to see you thanks a lot I think what always attracted us to the the relationship was Alf alpa's mission was to enable Enterprise application use cases for for llms and multimodal models and most of the the customers in the valley or most of the the companies in Silicon Valley were much more consumer oriented so this concept of a single tenant llm that can be trained with your data for your application really fits our core customer [Music] base for all their friendliness andrulis knew the Americans wanted to see concrete results he had to deliver and fast I will show you anger I have a smile for you are you happy with the Trade Fair so far what been most interesting the AI race is also a competition for attention it's about catching the eye of investors sitting on panels being noticed being [Music] quoted [Music] we've already heard from a few masterminds on this topic today and there are still a few more to come with you we'll be asking to what extent AI itself will drive Innovation this one's Niche technology is now the subject of massive hype yonas andrulis is sudden in the spotlight his AI is being tested and evaluated not always favorably news magazine did site accused Alf Alpha of allowing its AI to be provoked into making racist and chauvinistic statements andrulis pointed out that it basic technology has deliberately not been restricted lwh hanging fruit for jalis that's just loow hanging fruit for journalists I took a screenshot the model the bad word every time i- tune the model or tune the instructions that diminishes it in certain areas it loses capabilities in exchange for me making it more pleasant or safer and those might be the exact capabilities that I need in an industrial context for automating processes we want the embedding technology to become a well-known brand just like the iPhone that's the most important thing don't think about whether it makes sense or not we want to become a company like open AI the top provider the embedding World embedding embedding open I was talking to him about the upcoming plan because we are going to release a a new product which is a kind of a competitor to open AI uh inan uh platform and uh uh so we will just uh kind of discuss what are the the best way to kind of push the team to focus on this product right because there is also like a you know with the we have team with different cultural background and sometimes it's very hard to kind of organize everybody to concentrate on one thing this is also because the AI is developing so fast and a lot of Hypes here and there and people you know want to try this out try to try that out so I just talk to my C and make sure that all the senior Engineers senior leaders are kind of on the same page for me as a CEO my primary job is actually killing the fun right killing the fun part uh by you know killing all this distraction to make sure that people concentrate on the single mission to make this Company Success we are kind of developer driven company so most of our customers are users actually developers are software Engineers so for example right now there's a there there is a tendo sitting there right and their engineering team is also our customer the biggest challenge is the the competition in AI just too intense investor are not stupid like most of the investor especially when it comes to later on investor has a very strict evaluation about this company so the the company that we are competing with uh such as you know huging phase from France and the uh coher from us so those company are not like those guy you know previously work at Google you know or graduated from M Stanford so they are very smart people so most of the investors will look at us as not as a small company but they will evaluate us with more not based on the hype but based on the performance of the company right so that's that means we all we we have to show two things either the hyper growth of the user so we need to grow the user base a super fast or uh we show them a solid [Music] Revenue summer 2023 Thomas wolf has managed to make time for a family vacation in Britany France as Chief scientific officer he's primarily responsible for research and development at hugging face a job that allows him to take a break from time to [Music] time what do you up to today anything special we're practicing sailing with the trapeze didn't you do that yesterday yes today we'll do something [Music] else meanwhile Thomas's business partner Clement Del long is in the spotlight he's the CEO of hugging face the public face of the company te industry heavy weights like Google Amazon Nvidia and AMD have invested $235 million into hugging face the open development platform for AI models has become a billion dooll business the company gained even more Prestige when Mark Zuckerberg's meta used hugging face to publish its high-end language model llama [Music] 2 it's a model that was recently published by Facebook or meta it's similar to chat gbt an open source competitor the difference is that it's free you can just install it on your computer you don't have to access it through the chat GPT interface or pay for it it's like a set of Lego everything is open everything is freely accessible you can also buy it pre-built if someone Builds an open- Source model for you it's like they're building Lego for you a beautiful sports car made from Lego and then it's yours you can open up the and look inside the greatest advantage of Open Source its free accessibility is also its greatest weakness what if a model was developed further by criminals terrorists or other Bad actors and used to cause harm any security mechanisms built into a language model can easily be [Music] removed that's a big question we're asking ourselves at hugging face in the beginning our aim was to make this technology as widely accessible as possible we thought it would help lots of developers but there are two sides to the technology there are some people who can access it who really shouldn't be able [Music] to there was a guy I met last year who uh had an AI I designed to develop medicines molecules that are good for your health and just as an experiment he put in a minus sign and trained it to look for molecules that were bad for your health and within 4 hours it discovered thousands of chemical weapons including VX the most uh powerful nerve gas that we here in the US have have developed you know so of course you shouldn't open source things like that it's just crazy I'm a scientist I love open source right and it's undeniably if you think about the pace of progress how do you make sure that there is like the most progress open source is your friend having said that I just cannot completely ignore all the dangers and of course the argument the only argument I have seen so far from supporters of of open sourcing everything is saying well we will figure it out it's easy to comment from the sidelines to Simply warn that it's all dangerous it's more difficult to actively get involved to try to create something positive something good it won't necessarily be successful there'll be mistakes and then fresh attempts but I'm going to try it's risky but we'll follow the path we think is [Music] right MIT is one of the most renowned Tech universities in the world it has close ties to Industry the research carried out here has the potential to change the world needless to say MIT is at the Forefront of artificial intelligence in addition to his work with the future of Life Institute Max tegmark is a professor here the topic of AI security is part of his day today so we want to ramp up the effort and Pace at which we do things and um it's also very inspiring whenever I go to Silicon Valley and meet with various companies there how quickly they do things often compared to what we do in universities so thought it would be fun to now we have a whole we're lucky to have a whole bunch of of talented people here we can we can wrap up T mark and his fellow campaigners want to keep a close eye on the tech startups from Silicon Valley uncover risks and use scientific methodology to show people just how little time we have left to counteract the pull of the tech industry so you've been working very hard on finishing your paper we had a very very long conversation about it yesterday and I thought I thought the very last part of the of what we talked about might be kind of fun for the whole group yeah I I completely agree do you want to draw that table on the board and maybe they can course so some good ques for it so like we basically as you know uh modeled the conflict between like the movement to replace human livelihoods and maybe replace humans period uh versus like the movement to resist this and to preserve the status quo so this doesn't just come it's not just something Peter pulled out of a hat it just actually comes from the math so if you're naive like oh we have ai that can do everything a human can do but better uh my life will still be good so we call that naate uh so so if a lot of people believe this then they will not invest personal sacrifices and personal costs uh to Greater unite and being a for the movement to be in a better position to resist as a team there's um companies and open source developers that are working day and night uh with the goal of you know taking people's income streams by uh creating AI models that are better than them at the their job and their capabilities so once you lose your income stream and your leverage like it's too late your options are more limited the biggest danger is that we'll look back in 20 years and realized that we've automated everything because it was so easy and because it worked and the AI behaved correctly in 99% of cases and suddenly we no longer have control over something that's crucial for society [Music] the process has already begun until now it's been the intellectual and creative abilities of humans that have set us apart from other creatures and machines but what if those qualities are now being taken [Music] away my name is is Dr inongo lumba kasango AKA samis I'm a rapper I'm a producer and I'm an assistant professor at Brown University and music department initially I wasn't sort of tapped into to all of the discussions that were happening around AI of course peripherally I was sort of listening watching reading um but I I really started to tap into these conversations when I noticed what was happening at the intersection of hip-hop and Ai and that's when I realized wo this thing is moving really quickly I mean last year we were talking about a sort of AI generated rapper and this year we're talking about rappers like Drake and um artists like the weekend having their voices actually sort of cloned using AI Technologies and so the the speed at which this has become sort of an immediate challenge for working artists is very um alarming ultimately is the logic of capitalism and as a human Creator what you can do is try not to be left behind as a Chinese we always feel that like technology if you use it in a smarter way it can like push you uh uplift you yourself to become a smarter greater cre Creator you know machine and AI could do the job faster cheaper and they don't have strike and you know they don't regist any uh like ridiculous demand from the clients or from the bosses and I can see that Chinese companies are already like using it to replace human labors so I think this is very critical moment right now for the creators around the world so this is something happening and it's going to be big in the next 3 to 5 years so for folks like myself who you know I've I've been able to build a life for myself but I would definitely not say that I'm in the the sort of like top tier of the music industry there's a way that I think we're able to skirt under the radar and continue doing work as we're doing it because it's so much about experimentation it's so much about trying out weird things and AI is so much about averaging it's the people who are invested in um playing in that space of the anomaly and playing with the unexpected who will sort of continue to [Music] thrive the impact of artificial intelligence on our society is far-reaching and complex how can we regulate a technology that's developing so quickly and whose potential is almost impossible to gauge the United States is struggling here in Washington the tech industry's influence is huge and governing majorities are fragile the fact of the matter is that the US government moves slowly it is a democracy um that that slowness is built into the system the US government is not supposed to be efficient and not supposed to be able to tackle problems quickly because a government that is too efficient you know can use that against its own citizens too I think that we've now reached a state in our society that many philosophers and writers in the 20th century warned about which is the inability to govern technology due to the increasing pace of [Music] change well I I certainly would not bet against democracies um but it will be a really tough adjustment period the first major piece of legislation aimed at regulating Artificial Intelligence on a far-reaching scale came from the EU the AI act I definitely kind of really admire European Union for being essentially the leader in the space they took on this kind of Regulation very seriously before anyone else really thought seriously of [Music] that yonus andrulis has come to Brussels together with other startup Founders he wants to let politicians know that strong regulation could put smaller European players at a disadvantage compared to the competition in the US and [Music] China meetings like this are always a bit difficult because you say your peace and you never really know what reaction you're going to get a few new people will listen and of course it's clear that cooperation within Europe and with Europe is important but it's always hard to say how much we can achieve Here and [Music] Now [Music] do you have documents I could just talk I've prepared something it's your session you can decide where you want to [Music] sit so good afternoon to all of you I'm pleased to welcome you to the European Parliament uh to this meeting an important meeting uh at the right time something that's will happen and we already see it like basically few steps down the road is there like the cloud like the the hyperscalers have done with with Cloud compute there will be an infrastructure for general intelligence that all the value creation all the apps all the new Innovations in the world will build upon um and for for us there will be no second chance if we cannot move fast um then we we won't be able to try again in 12 months thanks a [Applause] [Music] lot I think andrulis has repeated his message over and over again whether on International stages to German politicians or here at the European Parliament over the course of a year networking and lobbying has become second nature to him so I started my career as an investment banker and Management Consultant wearing a suit and 38° weather with no air [Music] conditioning I don't think I'd make a good politician I realized that in my days at [Music] Apple what the probability of success is it worth investing this time is it worth fighting this battle I think so I think it's a battle worth fighting but I also have moments when I think that doing something else would be pretty [Music] nice shortly after his meeting with the European Parliament it passed the AI Act 10 or even 5 years down the line it is this governance structure that will give Europe the ability to deal with the rapid evolution of AI and to reap the most benefits from it and we have worked first and foremost to ensure our citizens rights and freedoms are not just respected but protected and strengthened we don't want Mass surveillance we don't want social scoring we don't want predictive policing in European Union full [Music] stop my name is ragos I'm a member of European Parliament representing the renew group the liberal group in the European Parliament I'm a judge by profession I was also a member of government in Romania me minister of digitalization minister of interior prior to coming to Parliament AI will play very much into that Power Balance why because it drives our economies but not only it becomes also a geopolitical factor both in terms of how Warfare is going to look like but also how this technology will play into many of the processes that will keep one part of the world or the other competitive and therefore also the way you write the standards and how those standards become globally accepted standards is very important in that Power Balance that you mentioned earlier so we're going to see very soon also I think a competition or possible clash in terms of global standards and that is why we have to take measures to um protect our interests and also to make sure that again um our understanding of the role of technology is is one that is shared by as many on the global stage as possible in renegotiations Germany France and Italy lobbied again to soften the rules of the AI act to protect domestic players like Alf Alpha from heavy regulation but in the end the European Parliament prevailed in terms of Regulation we're the economy that's leading the way and there's a concern that that will take too much creativity out of the market so in Europe we're better at regulation than at putting technology on the market unfortunately the truth is it's ultimately going to be good for the tech industry as well to be regulated Level Playing Field even seat belts in cars were viciously opposed by the Auto industry at first but now then when we got the law saying all cars have to have seat belts they started to sell much more cars [Music] H sha has traveled to shenzen in order to keep his team on the same page the CEO has to visit the various company offices regularly so see that there red letters on the on the building that is basically our office uh but we are not that big we are just one small room inside that big building he wants to take his company Gina to the next level that will require all his employees to pull together as much as possible I'll just put this down I brought some waffles try them they're delicious [Laughter] I I told them you have to eat now and make a happy face to the [Music] camera when I work at Germany people's greeting each other like telling jokes uh you know talk random stuff uh football match yesterday all this kind of here is more introvert I say the the office is more introvert it's just like a different working cultures both of them are pretty productive under my weep right I always think that a sequence of small success what makes the team stronger and makes the team more confident on building things because larger success means larger hope a larger hope could means larger disappointment [Music] right here in the startup everything moves very quickly then becomes a little bit stress becomes a little bit nervous because you know we could lose the advantages against the other competitors against market and so on it's not about what we did it's about uh how people perceive us right on on what we did the meanwhile in Germany there is also a team that working on releasing a new large language models yesterday the leaders told me that this model can be ready on Monday but it has been postponed for many times so I have to see like how it goes right now yeah in the evening hsha has another meeting with the potential investor on the way he calls his technical director to ask whether the launch of the new language model is going as planned hey oneone your embedding platform has to get into the global best model list this company won't succeed unless everyone does their best if you don't get into the top 10 it'll be much more difficult who uses a platform that's not in the top 10 you need to think more about these practical things is the LinkedIn post done the Twitter post there needs to be a strategy here okay that's it bye byee we want to you know get into the top 10 model uh a leaderboard our model get into the top 10 but you know the the team just told me the German team just told me they probably cannot get into the top 10 that's why I get a little bit like uh you know um intense on my on my conversation because I said this is something that we promised uh to ourself you know in this word is very very attention based word and if you cannot get into a top 10 it's just like a even if you get into to like number 11 right nobody cares right so this is why you know I'm telling the team that it's not about engineering only you also have to think about the whole company like the Marketing sales that all depends on the number 10 the top 10 models on this leaderboard okay yes [Music] by hi [Music] Grace Grace Leu works for a Chinese Investment Bank the two first met a couple of years ago during the startup phase of H Sha's company you're just starting to bring AI generated content to people right multimodal AI we're working on two things right now one is prompt technology and the other is embedding technology mhm this year will be quite a challenge for you we've made a new software with prompt perfect aimed at developers we've already got 200,000 registered users ah that means there's a lot of demand I don't think I can jump to my conclusion yet but KH mentioned something very interesting to me about his new development and two new products actually the most important thing is the CEO uh him or herself right and uh whether he is a good entrepreneur not only a scientist or a good developer meetings like this one put opportunities on the table for H Sha's company both in China and in the west and there's good news about his important project the new developer tool performs just as well as the equivalent technology from open AI [Music] by the end of 2023 yonas andrulis has plenty to celebrate he's completed a major round of financing the company prevailed and convinced enough investors to raise half a billion dollars that's money andrulis is going to need because competitor open AI is already triggering a new phase in the race for AI dominance [Music] we did a lot of things that smart people told me four years ago they would be impossible build deep Tech AI R&D out of Germany impossible fund this with mostly European Capital impossible build our own data Center impossible contribute category defining research impossible and now we are entering into a new era and I'm super happy to have you all with us um yeah and thanks for being here and help us make this the best party that hleb has ever seen [Applause] [Music] thanks and for Thomas wolf quiet holidays May soon be a thing of the past hugging face is now valued at $4.5 billion thanks to successful startups and the AI act the EU at least has a seat at the table alongside the US and China for now for Humanity at large the question remains what kind of world are we building right now for ourselves and for our children I was holding my little baby Leo you know who just turned 9 months old and looking into his eyes and thinking that you know right now his language abilities are much worse than chat's gp4 and he's never going to catch up with AI ever I have two kids that are in middle school and I'm thinking exactly about that what I should teach them about so they kind of prepared for the AI infus future how do we teach our kids to kind of build something like unique and individual the machine is our sub it's our brothers or sisters so we're working together so I think that's that's how I [Music] feel even in these pivotal moments in these complex times people always find a way they're creative and resourceful my son is already learning to code he's really interested in AI he wants to understand and create things using AI our children will probably create a world that's completely different from ours but I'm not worried at the end of the day I'm an [Music] optimist [Music]