Transcript for:
Inside Strategic Coach: Expanding Entrepreneurial Freedom

[Music] hi Shannon Waller here and welcome to the inside strategic coach podcast with Dan Sullivan Dan one of the key Concepts we talk about in strategic coach and really one of the purposes of strategic coach is increased entrepreneurial Freedom how to expand entreprene Freedom one of the things I really love is that you make a distinction between two different types of Freedom so what are the two and how do you describe that you know again I'm pulling in here I would say probably close to 50,000 hours of conversations that I've had in 44 years since 1974 entrepreneurs who stay small entrepreneurs who grow suddenly for a period of time and then stop and then entrepreneurs who just keep growing entrepreneurism is my life it's the area of activity on the planet that I most fascinated and motivated to to develop my understanding develop my ability to communicate about it my ability to actually create tools and Concepts which help entrepreneurs continually grow 99% of entrepreneurs have jumped into the marketplace on their own which requires courage and they create a freedom from employment so they don't have to be employed but they never go any further really than actually creating themselves a job where they're the boss and maybe they have a small staff around them but they're always still in the mindset of freeing themselves up from what they don't like without going to the further step of actually saying well now that I freed myself up from what I don't like what am I now doing to free myself to be what I really really want to be in the marketplace so I would say that 99% of entrepreneurs that I've experienced they actually never go further than freedom from and my feeling is the real payoff for being an entrepreneur is to then expand your whole life and expand your freedom and to get the full benefit of Freedom by being totally clear about what the freedom to what is it that you actually want to do in the world now that you've declared independence and that you've achieved Independence to a certain extent because if you don't now from inside of yourself give yourself a vision of value creation out in the market place doing something that you absolutely love which continually fascinates and motivates you then you're always going to be referring backwards to what it was that you were freeing yourself up from Dan that is so interesting and one of the questions that comes to mind for me is how do people figure out what their vision is what they want to live in two because imagine it takes so much energy to escape the gravitational field of where they were before that freedom from takes an enormous amount of energy and I've met entrepreneurs who are in their business sometimes they're feeling quite trapped they don't necessarily know how to escape as one client said the other day and they're not really clear on what their next thing is and one of the Expressions you've used which I repeated to him was it's not good when entrepreneurs run out of future yeah and so how does an entrepreneur tap into what their freedom to is the big thing here is to a certain extent freedom from is really easy because the circumstances that are defining your freedom are coming from things that you don't like so it's a negative model and one of the mindsets that accompanies this when it becomes your lifetime approach is nobody's going to tell me what to do yeah nobody's going to and tell me what to do you know this has enormous implications as far as what your support team looks like okay so what I notice is that freedom from entrepreneurs treat their team members not as team members but as almost like servants okay and the job of the servants are just to do what the entrepreneur says but the Breakthrough for the entrepreneurs I've seen is where the team members actually become creative Partners okay and they become unique ability Partners in the sense that they have unique abilities that you don't have and therefore the proper use of a unique ability teamwork is not to free yourself up from anything it's actually to create something brand new that's twice five times 10 times bigger than you could ever do on your own as a single individual and what that requires is that you have to make a switch from being the person who's in control to the person who's being in charge okay so if anybody followed me for a week of my time when I'm in let's say I'm in Toronto and I'm spending five days in the office Monday through Friday and I'm here you know from normal business hours I don't work La business hours from the moment I come in on Monday morning until I leave on Friday night I'm being managed by five or six different individuals saying Dan this is what you're doing next this is what you're doing and all through the week I'm following the directions of managers who know the big game plan so they know I'm in charge of a big Vision you know of what I'm trying to do it's the 10 times program it's the new game Cher program that we're starting in 2018 it's the podcast series that I'm doing with you it's the books that we're writing together it's the videos that I'm doing but there're 's a manager in charge of every one of these projects who are very very good at organizing things and what they do is they simply tell me what my role is in this activity and everything else is taken care of all the setup all the details all the followup from the activity is handled by other people and the reason is I'm not freeing myself up from anything that happened a long time ago I'm totally dedicated and totally focused in on a much bigger future for myself and for a strategic coach and for our most ambitious entrepreneurs and strategic coach so it's all about the future and I have a role to play in creating this future but I have to have an ever expanding team of other unique abilities to actually pull this off and so they know that what they're freeing me up from you know each of them has freeding me up from is anything that's not my unique ability well and it sounds like what you're so focused on is what you love and like to do and that you find gives you energy it's creative it's contributing all of those things and instead of being some external thing that you're resisting or pushing away from it's so much more of an internal process than an external Rebellion as you were talking about no one's going to make me do this I'm like I thought Rebel that would be me when I was younger so it's much more internal and much more creative to do the freedom too process rather than freedom from well the other thing is that the freedom from is you're going to wear out with it you're going to wear out with it because you're reacting rather than creating so you can take a reactive approach to your entrepreneurial career or a creative approach to your entrepreneurial career and what's neat about those two words is that they have exactly the same letters they're just rearranged and that that's really fundamentally what happens between the entrepreneurs who are simply freedom from and those who are freedom to because that has everything to do with mindset it has everything to do with communication it has everything to do with who is actually doing crucial tasks in a much bigger project rather than just one person saying do this do that do that after a while you get tired of telling people do this do that and it's much better to spend your future where other people have done a beautiful setup for you just to do what you love doing and I'm totally freed up from all non-unique ability activities I'm not being freed up from employment because that happened four decades ago I'm just freed up to create a bigger and better future well and to your point about you know when you're in control it's kind of exhausting you know when you're in charge it's actually incredibly energizing because you're just focused on being creative instead of reactive there's an expansion to that and new things become possible because your energy is never being depleted you're not resisting against anything you're just actually being completely supported to expand your vision into the future MH yeah and entrepreneurism is a rather new form of living economically because it operates in the economic Marketplace but as a thing that's more and more available to everybody it's only been within the last two centuries literally in all of human history it's only been within the last two centuries and much more so over the last 30 or 40 years that you can become an entrepreneur but if you're going to become an entrepreneur get the full reward from and the freedom from is a on10th payment you know it's like a 10% payment you're 10% better but if you go all the way and you're not responding reactively negatively to things that you don't like but you're actually moving more and more fully towards things that you really love seeing in the world creating in the world being involved with people who are enormously resonant with your ideas that's a beautiful way to live your life it totally is Dan what are a couple first simple steps that people can take to move from freedom from and much more into Freedom too the central changeover is you focusing on your unability and surrounding yourself with other individuals greater expansion of a team outward from the center of other people who have unique abilities of their own but then have really big goals that are Way Beyond what you would do as a rugged individualist entrepreneur you know you've essentially created a job for yourself I also really appreciated what you said about mindset and the shift from being in control in charge and looking at other people as being strategic partners because if you do these things but don't shift how you're looking at it it won't be successful well not only that but you won't attract great people because great people will not be attracted to someone whose only ambition is to have a job great people want to be able to grow they want to be able to expand themselves so they are technically going to be in an employment situation but they want an employment situation where it's just pure growth that once they enter into the teamwork with the entrepreneur then they will constantly grow and their dreams and their bigger goals can be accomplished within this teamwork but if your only approach to entrepreneurism is not to have other people tell you what to do then you won't attract those indiv it just wouldn't be attractive to someone who's really great I mean if we just told you what to do you would you never would have come because working with me and working with Babs we just says shanon what do you want to do next that's bigger than what you're doing right now you couldn't do that if we weren't doing that very true that's a great point I'm excited Dan because I know this will land with people and they'll have a chance to really experience the full benefit of being an entrepreneur not just the on10th version so thank you thank you