in your 40s there are millions of things you feel that you're supposed to do you may be drowning in the sea of to-do lists you're not alone you wish so many things but maybe at this time of your life you're so busy with your work with your kids and with your parents who are getting old that's how you're probably feeling in your 40s I've written many books and sold more than 9 million copies one of the best selling book that I wrote is 17 things to do in your 40s in the book I wrote you have to focus on the most important things and among all the things that you want to do you have to separate the things you can do and you cannot do so take 10 minutes and 20 minutes if you can and sit down and breathe in and relax and then write down whatever you feel like you're supposed to do and then separate those things and you have to really make up your mind these are the things I will not do I wish I had more time and I wish if I had time I would have done this that is a list and if you can just create the list like that and you can just erase it with a big axes or just crash it and just throw it in your basket whatever that is it's a symbol of letting uh that go from your field of energy and once you do that you feel the most important thing is probably in the 20% of the list do you have and among the 20% you just focus only three things and then those are the most important things in your life and maybe you may not have paid much attention to those so what are the three things that you've been postponing in your life you may have been putting off writing a book changing your work or just meeting a new partner whatever that is it was on your mind it was on your list but not on the top of the list so it was hidden but you didn't pay much attention you know in your 40s uh not many people live as if they're in their 40s they think they're in their 32 33 the funny thing is when you hit 50s they feel like they are 42 so this funny uh time difference happens and that's why people think I can do it later but there may not be later in your life one of my friends passed away in his early 40s and he just kept on talking about his dream after he retires and all that never happened because he passed away uh suddenly with a heart attack so in your 40s unless you focus on what's most important otherwise you feel like you're doing millions of things and still feel like you're not accomplishing anything because you're not doing the right thing for you the best advice I can give you in your 40s is learn to say no you want to be nice I know and I think you're a nice person but that doesn't mean that you can say yes to everything you know out of 24 hours you have to work you have to eat you have to sleep how much time do you have for yourself and if you cannot say no your yes becomes meaningless so try to come up with the courage to say no that would be hard I know I've been there and I'm experiencing that every day you have to have a system set up maybe like a criteria of some kind and then when it doesn't meet your criteria uh it probably make it E easier for you to say no so if you're a curious person and if you're active and happy person person in your 40s you feel like you want to do everything because you know that the clock is ticking but that is a reason why I'm saying that you have to learn to say no to yourself no to yourself so you can cook you can play the piano you can do all kinds of things but you have to prioritize things maybe you can focus on cooking first and then after you enjoy cooking you can go to the next otherwise your time is very limited in my 30s and 40s I wanted to be traveling around the world I wanted to be a speaker I want to be with my family and also run like a retreat center I want to do everything but then I sat down for hours thinking what are the priorities and if I mess it up I cannot do anything and if I just do it right maybe in 10 years I can do everything all right so I focused on writing which is one of my gifts and then my books uh sold so well that attracted a lot of people so I could do a big seminar and after about 5 years I could accumulate enough money and then I could buy a center that would be about 10 years of into uh writing more books and doing more seminars and after that I could have the time so I could start traveling around the world so the order that I wrote the book first and became well known as a writer and then attract people then after 10 years I can do everything but if if I mess up the order 10 years ago I'd be still doing seminar for 10 people or money counseling for five people and then I I didn't have enough time my money to go around the world so just come up with your priorities what you want to do more and then just it's like a puzzle putting things on the right order you'll get everything but if you put things in the the bad order you you will not get any of those that you really want to do in your life be careful about the priorities and start saying no you have a great life I have written so many books on what to do what not to do in your 20s 30s 40s 50s so if you want to learn more please check out this video