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In what ways do the script's functionalities benefit app users?
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They provide streamlined in-app purchase validations and enhanced subscription management based on user patterns and interactions.
Why might a developer want to modify response data for purchase validation?
To ensure accurate subscription status, validation results, and tailored analytics for users based on real-time interactions.
What is the primary purpose of the Adapty.js script?
To interact with the Adapty API for validating in-app purchases and managing subscriptions.
Name some apps listed in the script for in-app purchase validations.
SketchAR, Universal (TVRemote), Lingvist, ChatAI, FacePlus, and Batched.
What does the script do with the 'Current Time' variable?
It captures the current time using '' for time-based operations.
Describe the decision-making process in the script's main processing loop.
The script iterates over apps, checking the user-agent against patterns, then constructs subscription and receipt data based on app type.
What kind of data does the script log for reference?
The script logs a message linking back to a Telegram channel.
How does the script use the user agent and profile ID?
They are extracted from request headers and used to personalize response modifications.
Which type of URL patterns does the Adapty.js script target for rewrite?
It targets URL patterns related to Adapty API, especially those concerning analytics or purchase validations.
How is analytics and purchase data handled within the 'chxm1023' response?
The response is modified to update app ID, profile ID, subscriptions, and validation results.
What is the role of the 'ReceiptTemplate' in the script?
It represents purchase receipt information.
What data structure is used to represent a lifetime subscription in the script?
The 'PremiumTemplate' structure is used to represent a lifetime subscription.
How does 'dypda' and 'dypdb' affect subscription data construction?
'dypda' and 'dypdb' determine the structure of subscription and receipt data constructed for each app.
How does the script manage subscription identifiers and bundle IDs?
Each app has a unique identifier for subscription ID, bundle ID, and a dynamic key ('dy').
What host does the Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) operation in the script intercept?
The MITM operation intercepts the hostname ''.