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Introduction and Study of Ares
Sep 16, 2024
Complete DSA Series - Chapter: Arrays
Today we will study about arrays.
Check the playlist available on this channel to study other topics of DSA.
Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structure
: Structures for storing data in programming.
: The process of performing various operations on data.
Handling data is essential because all systems are data-based.
What are Arrays?
The first data structure we will study.
We use arrays when we need to store multiple data.
Arrays have a name and store data of the same type.
Arrays are contiguous and linear.
Creating Arrays
To create an array, we need to specify the data type and name.
int marks[5];
To initialize arrays with values:
int marks[5] = {99, 100, 54, 36, 88};
Specifying the size of arrays is optional if we provide values during initialization.
Array Indices
Use indices to access data in arrays, starting from 0.
Operations and Loops with Arrays
Printing all values of arrays using a loop is simple.
Use loops for input and output.
How to find the smallest and largest number in arrays.
Finding the Smallest and Largest Number
Smallest number:
Compare all values and update the smallest.
Largest number:
Compare all values and update the largest.
Search Algorithm
Linear Search
Compare all values in arrays using a loop.
If the value is found, return the index, otherwise return -1.
Reversing Arrays
Two-Pointer Approach
Swap the first and last values.
Use a loop to move forward and backward towards the end.
Today we introduced arrays and understood various aspects of them.
Next chapter: Study of vectors.
Write a function to find the sum and product of all numbers.
Swap the maximum and minimum numbers in arrays.
Print all unique values in arrays.
Print the intersection of two arrays.
: Apply this knowledge in the next class.
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