Industrialization: Led to various societal evils, including capitalism, colonialism, and imperialism.
Colonialism: Defined as the practice of exerting political and military control over a conquered nation, referred to as a colony.
Gains from Colonialism
Raw Materials: Colonizing nations extracted raw materials from colonies.
Cheap Labor: Natives employed as cheap laborers.
Agricultural Lands: Used for cash crops (indigo, opium, rubber, tea, tobacco).
Ports: Established for maritime trade.
Historical Context
Before 1700s: European powers focused on fighting each other.
Post 1700s: Increased geographical knowledge led to exploration of Africa and Asia.
Competition: Nations fought for access to resources and trade routes; did not wish to trade with competitors.
Reasons for Colonization
Need for Raw Materials: Essential for the industrialization of colonizing countries.
Market for Goods: Colonies served as markets for finished goods manufactured in the colonizing nations.
Population Growth: Surplus resources in colonizing countries supported population growth.
Prestige: Possession of colonies was seen as prestigious.
Civilizing Mission: Belief that Europeans had a responsibility to ‘civilize’ other nations.
Consequences of Colonialism
Conflict: Tensions over resources led to conflicts, culminating in World War I.
Negative Effects on Colonies
Disruption of Self-Sufficiency: Natives forced to grow commercial crops, compromising food security.
High Revenues: Unreasonably high taxes led to evictions of farmers.
Trade Impact: Domestic trade hampered; local industries (cottage and handicrafts) suffered.
Exploitation: Destruction of tools, and physical abuse of workers by colonists.
Cultural Imposition: Replacement of traditional beliefs with Western ideas.
Some Positive Contributions
Infrastructure Development: Roads, canals, railways, and industries built for resource extraction.
Healthcare Improvements: Introduction of healthcare and sanitation practices helped manage epidemics.
Colonialism resulted in both exploitation and some infrastructural benefits for the colonized nations. The legacy of colonial practices had long-term effects on the social, political, and economic structures of the affected countries.