Transcript for:
Strategies for Successful YouTube Content Creation

step one make binge worthy content it's no longer good enough to just make a good video where you're trying to get views and you're trying to get high click-through rate and average view duration that's probably what you've been trying to do so far trying to grow as a YouTuber you've maybe seen like the Mr Beast podcast where he said view duration and click through rate that's in the previous years that's not good enough what you need to do now is no longer just see one video but rather start to produce binge worthy content where someone won't just watch one of your videos but every time they click on one of your videos they end up watching like two or three how do you make binge worthy content I'm going to break it down into like pure autistic steps always think about TV shows whatever TV show you watched when you were younger so Friends The Simpsons Futurama whatever like TV show you what it always had the same formula it started with a little theme song when everyone's singing and dancing and then it starts with like some kind of conflict and a character comes in and there's like a misunderstanding it there's always the same kind of emotional patterns in a TV show episode and it always has the same effect on you per episode so that then when you finish the episode you think to yourself oh I want to feel the same way again so I will watch another episode that's what you need to do with your YouTube channel too many small YouTubers that I help have so different videos this video is different this one's twice as long as the next one this one's got a different editing style they post a vlog randomly then the next one's a talking head if you constantly change the style you don't give someone the opportunity to binge watch your content because you keep changing the emotions that they'll feel so the biggest thing that you can do is set up your video formula like the structure of your your videos so that it's so consistent that when someone finishes watching One video they think to themselves I want to feel the same way again and so I'll click on another one you don't realize how powerful it is the effect of this will be that your view duration per viewer will Skyrocket if for example someone watches one of your videos for an average time of like 2 minutes compare that to the one guy who might watch two or three of your videos full length it's no longer about increasing like the average of of someone's view time it's about getting those binge Watchers and giving them something that they really want in a YouTube channel which has a lot of consistency they want familiarity they want to click on a video and basically it be repetitive as [ __ ] and that's really what works these days if you've seen the people who have popped off in the last year or so like Sam suuk they make very repetitive content repetitive content is binge worthy cuz you binge just because you want to repeat you want to have the same emotions so never be afraid of making repetitive content and another tip that I want to give you is to be a leader not a guru think about what you're actually growing online like why do they call it followers that's left the social media metric on YouTube it's called subscribers but on every other platform it's called followers you get Tik Tok followers Instagram why what's the opposite of a follower it's a leader especially when you're making educational content and you're trying to help other people that's the role that you're trying to step into is to act more like a leader and not just some like random Guru so the way that you create this difference or at least how I did this was I realized the importance of the skill of leadership and so I started to search for leadership books and I'll give you a recommendation John C Maxwell is a really really good author of leadership books he's got loads of them I liked his books leadership gold 21 utable laws of leadership just basically to search up John C Maxwell leadership books he's got like 10 15 different books I read so many of them and I just started to obsess over becoming a leader particularly becoming a cult leader was the phrase that I used and it meant that that I was playing YouTube in a different game where I wasn't just trying to grow the subscribers or get views but I was really doing it to help the people who were watching and I think my intentions were so clear to my viewers that they wanted to stick around because I seem so different from everyone else if you've been a subscriber of mine for a long time you probably would would say that about me like there's so many mindless creators who are just [ __ ] you know making just [ __ ] content but you've probably seen that like I look like a person who actually cares about helping young men with their problems with men's issues with self-improvement with business that really adds to your personal brand and the story and the connection that your viewers have with you so you want to get more into leadership instead of just being a random guy who posts onto YouTube or Tik Tok start to see yourself as a leader of the people who are following you and looking to you for advice but before you follow this tip of being a leader you need to follow the next tip which is you've got to actually this is brutal as well you have to determine the kind of audience you really want this is a really really important lesson that I wish I could have taken when I was a little bit younger one subscriber or one view is not the same as another subscriber or another view for example a view that you get on a short like you know some dopamine short on Tik Tok or YouTube is nowhere near the same as one view on a long form podcast where it's got no editing and it's just you talking to the camera likewise the subscribers that you get from posting short or some edited [ __ ] compared to the subscribers that you get from making like a long video like this they're not going to be the same as well so I want you to think of something right now I want you to think of your dream audience like what would they look like what would they actually value like you want them to be cool enough that you would respect them and actually want to hang out with them cuz a brutal outcome of posting onto social media is that you might eventually start optimizing only for views and subscribers which you probably will because you clicked on this video and when you obsess over views and subscribers you're of course going to start to produce the kind of content that will get you more views and subscribers but you often forget the lesson that one subscriber is not the same so basically what I'm saying is look I could post a video right now top nine noof fap tips and it'll get 500,000 views this video right now might get 50,000 so technically the noof fap tips which would get 10 times more views technically that would be better but we know that the kind of guys who are struggling with stopping themselves from touching their little Willies are probably not going to be the same level of viewership as the kind of guys who are looking to scale up a YouTube channel one of the mistakes that I feel like I made was I got a massive audience of about 13 14 15 year olds because I was making videos with like cartoons and sound effects and I helped a lot of people which was awesome but then suddenly I was surrounded by guys who were more than 10 years younger than me and it became harder and harder to be able to relate to them like I'm 26 years old I'm in a five five-star hotel I've had enough like basically being financially free like Rich for a few years now and so I barely remember what it was like to be a [ __ ] teenager or like a low status man I almost have to fake videos where I'm trying to like relate to the pain of of young men because it's been so long every time I move like I move somewhere I see comments from like little 16-year-olds who say like oh I preferred it when when hamso was living with his parents because he was more relatable which is almost a crazy thing to say like I preferred it when Hamza was less successful because then he was closer to me they almost want it to like pull you down just for the parasocial relationship like I won't lie to I'll actually open up I wrote recently like I'm not sure how much I actually like my own audience sometimes I'll post a video about entrepreneurship or I'll talk about it on Instagram and I guess so many of the kids that you know have said that I've changed their life with my videos saying that like entrepreneurship is evil or hamers trying to make money and I I realized like I cultivate in an audience of young teenagers who don't really understand how the world works and struggle with touching their their PBS whilst I'm glad and and you know proud of helping them I have been Desiring like a more mature older audience who I can relate to more who are into business who are into entrepreneurship who are out of those initial levels where you know they're not thinking about noof fap anymore they're thinking about business scaling up their coaching business getting more clients increasing traffic to their sales page most likely if you've watched this far of this 10-minute video you probably would have understood everything that I just said but you can imagine some 12-year-old who's watching no fat videos would have no idea what I just said which was increasing traffic to your sales page for example and I started to this thing like I felt quite stuck in the audience that I had built up I don't really want to make cartoon videos for guys who are 10 years younger than me because I don't relate to them anymore so now I've got this Aid thing where I've got a massive subscriber base that the videos I want to make a lot of those guys can't relate to so you can see the awkwardness of like if I post a more mature video it gets 50,000 views on a Channel with 2 million subscribers which doesn't look good it it hurts my [ __ ] ego you don't realize how many times I spoke to my team recently telling them like I feel bad like I I built up a massive audience but like they don't watch my videos because a lot of them are just really really young kids and and the things I really want to talk about now like business they're just not at that level like many of them aren't which is no offense to those guys I wasn't into business till I was like 21 years old I just want you to think right now to save yourself from this like awkwardness that I've gotten into is don't just think about getting a maximum amount of subscribers or views please just trust me on this the game of YouTube social media is not about just getting subscribers or views it's about getting it from the right people because you could be famous but if you can't actually make money and turn that into a real business then what was the point like I was in Dubai in 2022 I had 1 1 million subscribers at that point I was fairly famous I was being recognized on the street like almost every day and I was basically Bally still broke it was so weird I was living in Dubai I had a 10K a month apartment which you know is it's far too expensive but like I wasn't even profiting that much from the business because it was quite difficult to sell to my young audience anytime I tried to sell them some kind of product a lot of them thought it was like a scam because they had never invested into like online programs mentorship coaching before and so I was like imagine that it's like I was surrounded with like an aigin of guys who I couldn't relate to and they couldn't relate to me anymore and so it was a weirdly lonely period where every I was taking pictures with a bunch of like Teenage fans but also I was feeling like alone as well that like they didn't get me that you know I'm an entrepreneur and they didn't like that side of me because they weren't at that sort of level of maturity to start thinking about business and finance so I'd like to save you from that mistake like if there's one big mistake that I've made is not aligning to the end goal and only thinking the end goal was subscribers and Views the end goal with work like this it most likely is for your business for you to retire your family there's a guy on Twitter I like his name is JK Molina and he has this phrase which I really like which is likes ains cash like views and subscribers it's not cash that's not real business business is just cash collected how much money you're making and if you're optimizing for views and subscribers which you are because you clicked on this video you might be mistaken because I really want you to think right now would you rather have a million subscribers but of like teenagers who don't really have that much money and make less money like you're making less money then for example if you had a 100,000 subscribers but you're making more with a million subscribers you got you know more of an impact so it feels purposeful but in general it's like the impact you have is on teenagers who can't really like change their lives that much and you know it's on like more beginning level things you have to really ask yourself these deep questions and there's no right answer are you doing this to just Mass Market your message to try and you know send your message to as many people as possible or are you doing this because it's a business that will free you and your family and your loved ones from any kind of financial constraints cuz if this is a business like it is for me it's a business for me I'm an entrepreneur I say that proudly like I I proudly say I'm an entrepreneur then you should be optimizing for cash like for revenue for profit not just views and subscribers you can see like the weird Paradigm of like if you want to pop off on social media you'll often do that with a younger audience who watch more YouTube and those kinds of people usually have a lot less money than the older audience but if you appeal to the older audience you'll get less views less subscribers but you'll often make more money so it's like which way do you want to go if I could go back now I probably wouldn't change anything because I'm in a very happy place in life but imagine if I could like optimize without butterflying effect my way into making something worse then I think I would have started with more mature content if I had 100,000 subscribers at this point or 250,000 but I was making double the money I think that would have been amazing and not only just double the money but I would have been able to talk about more complex Advanced topics that would have helped High Caliber men to get to an even further level cuz then you're solving more interesting problems solving you know level zero problems is like telling a guy like stop watching porn stop [ __ ] eating weird poisonous cancer food it's something to consider so I want you to answer this question to yourself with complete honesty what is your dream audience how old are they how much money do they have what's their level of experience in the field that you're talking about so for me I made a thousand videos for younger guys I basically said all I could for the guys who are young who need to get on to self-improvements who need to get on to nofap i' I've said as much as I can and so I don't want to just keep repeating myself that's why I've been changing on my content so much because I start craving you know the views that come from making like a basic video like how to get a girlfriend but I feel like I've just said so much to that kind of audience that now I really want to help guys who are older and more advanced guys who are already looking into business but need more like you know like good guides and and videos like this which you get business advice and you get like more advanced topics that we're talking about rather than just the level zero stuff of like how to speak to a girl how to stop masturbating so the transition's a bit brutal but the lesson that I want to give you from this point is that you've got to love and respect your audience you've got to see their comments and really be taking back thinking like I get to help these people that's amazing if there's a time when you start to criticize your audience and you look at them and you're thinking like ah these [ __ ] people again I don't even like them your half life like your life is a creater is going to go downhill like you're going to have a short time here you've got to really think to yourself like I [ __ ] love these guys I love who I'm working with I love like the guys who watch my videos they're all taking action it's so good to see that's the kind of audience that I really really want you to build and it might not be the kind of audience that will get you to a million subscribers because it might be more guys who are older and you know more advanced and there's less people like that but the best thing of being a Creator and building an audience is that you have people who are watching you who you like who you would love to meet like you know on the street you would love for your audience to send you a message and invite you to a workout or a business event I just want to leave you with what I believe is the secret for business especially for a creative business and it's not going to sound masculine but I really think it's the case you've got to love what you do because when you love what you do and you actually enjoy it and you get into a flow State whilst you do it you'll start working 12 hours a day 7 days a week I'm in London for some events right now my friends were literally just downstairs we were getting breakfast they're all going to go to like a cafe and have fun and stuff I'm here I literally ran upstairs to record a video because I enjoy what I do so the version of me that didn't enjoy what I did like what I do for work I would have you know just went along and had a good time and whatever and not actually sat down to work right now and my competition would have ended up beating me so if you enjoy the kind of videos that you make you get to speak about the things that you're interested in you get to make the videos for the guys like the audience that you care about you'll just work like a [ __ ] dog because it's actually enjoyable for you and that makes you like a really hard competitor to beat I literally only sell one product it's the top Link in the description and it will help you to become a YouTuber scroll down to the description of this video right now go click on that top link and just go see if in cases you're interested do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it m