Transcript for:
Effective Techniques for Learning and Memory

[Music] you want to get ahead of the competition whether that be in school business or self-improvement and that's the case for me as well so I realized we're going to have to study as knowledge is power and in the universe of classroom of the elite it's no different and II stands as the Pinnacle of understanding information to stay ahead of the competition and he shows us whoever absorbs knowledge in the most efficient manner gets ahead in life life so for us to get ahead of our PE we need to use three techniques which I aoi may use to achieve the top 1% of recall ability and memorization do not skip any part of this video each part is interl stay focused and don't get distracted as I know everyone in this day and age due to Tik Tok cannot pay attention for more than 30 seconds if you want to remain a loser and stay behind your peer be my guest otherwise give me your undivided attention how often have you gone and read a book and thought you completely understood the premise of the book and a few days later you completely forgot about it for me it was most of the time hence I did some digging to solve my problem so in the 1800s human psychologists got curious on intelligence and learning we got many learning curves but for this video we need to understand these two curves the S curve and the Herman's forgetting curve the S curve had three parts tough when learning hyper learning learning Mastery you know we usually believe that we've mastered the knowledge in a book in one attempt as it's fresh in our mind and we can answer any question given for the next 3 or 4 hours if we're lucky however majority of the time we fail to realize we're still in the hyperlearning stage after finishing the book once and see in this graph this is what happens over time when you only go over something once and II understands this concept hence he uses the technique by Herman called overlearning where there needs to be multiple repetitions to understand information to get 100% in any question as it's easier to forget information as during the first attempt none of their information is solidified during the hyperlearning stage this very graph shows how repetition is one of the keys to gain Mastery over a certain skill or knowledge aspect however I'm not telling you to read a book over and over and over again find the key points once and write it on a post note stick up look at it before you go to bed and think about it while you go to sleep and when you wake up look at it once again again so you can think about it throughout the day and slowly but surely you can understand the concept and this methodology will let you understand the key aspects that are required to fully comprehend a book but if you have more time create flashcards as this system will allow you to constantly teach yourself to retrieve knowledge increasing the strength between neurons and that is what makes inoi as successful as he is II regularly tries explaining how to solve problems to resonate in an indirect corre way you may think there is no point in this endeavor to improve your cognitive ability however you're wrong about that the fame and technique is an approach that this Noble prizewinning physicist used to learn complex information and understanding it to its fullest make sure there's zero gaps in his knowledge there was a group study done on multiple age ranges of student doing individual learning and there were two groups group a that was using this technique and Group B which wasn't using this technique guess which one performed better group a bying amount Ray showed a significant amount of improvement and the study concluded they had become more proficient in the subject through this method so how do we understand information using this technique get a complex Topic in your specific Niche break down the concept into more simple ideas and understand how the simple ideas link with one another or how they contradict each other then teach it to someone who may be interested in the idea whether it be a friend or if you're extremely uncomfortable with that thought you can do it by recording yourself and play a back but make sure you're highly critical of yourself like you're reviewing someone else's work the concept of teaching puts pressure on your thoughts and the way you focus when reading the information is second to none and when you can't explain something fully you can identify the gaps in your knowledge this will make you understand the knowledge in a more fundamental way which you can see ay also has because to understand all the questions and problems he faces he had to understand the basics properly to be in this highly competitive [Music] School do this for me when you see this Monopoly board what do you think of memories with friends and family the times when you won or you lost maybe tactics that you employed to win or tactics that you use to sabotage your friends you see this sign can be applied to any object but hear you say how will that let me understand information remember in Technique One active recall is highly important to utilize the form of repetition we need to use that here now so how do we do that let's put in terms of random objects I nooi uses his experience from birth and the white room to dissect the information to make it useful making everything have value beyond the me scope of its purpose this technique was learned by scholars in the Middle Ages who were trying to remember information without books on hand and they develop this out of scarcity and high stress situations which will be required for you guys if you want to retrieve information quickly this is how it goes first select a location that you can vividly remember for many that be their childhood homes their first school the way to college wherever it is then create a mental map where you mentally walk through that place creating a detailed elaborate map of landmarks and the layout of the place for example I would say in my childhood room I had a dart board on the wall and I would associate information towards that as that is a landmark I can vividly remember you go ahead choose that with your location next you need to associate the information you want with that specific location or object in your mental map be creative and Vivid in your associations making them memorable and unusual like how the Monopoly board gave you a separate association with feelings and for iooi his experiences in the white room can be associated with certain pieces of knowledge this allows him to use the Memory Palace technique and the reason this technique is so good is because it allows for active recal however remember this it requires practice to build strong links between object however this will allow you to have incredible speed when retrieving information in the future if you guys found this useful please comment which technique Pak to interest the most And subscribe to be a part of this small but amazing community