Fundamentals of Programming Concepts

Aug 22, 2024

Introduction to Programming Lecture Notes


  • Instructors: Steven and Shawn
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Content: 21 segments covering basics of computer programming applicable to any programming language.

Topics Covered

  1. Definition of programming
  2. Basic concepts (loops, arrays)
  3. Reading and writing code
  4. Debugging code
  5. Code planning strategies
  6. Programming languages overview

What is Programming?

  • Definition: Preparing an instructional program for a device.
  • Layman's Terms: Getting a computer to complete specific tasks without mistakes.
  • Analogy: Giving precise instructions to a less-than-intelligent friend (like building a Lego set).
  • Machine Code: Computers only understand binary (1s and 0s).
  • Programming Languages: Serve as a bridge to make coding easier for humans.

Programming Languages

  • Types: General-purpose (e.g., Python, Java) vs. Specific-purpose (e.g., HTML, CSS).
  • Levels:
    • High Level: Easier for humans (e.g., Python).
    • Low Level: Closer to machine code (e.g., C).
  • Choosing a Language: Based on project requirements and personal preference.

Writing Code

  • IDE: Integrated Development Environment allows writing, running, and debugging code easily.
  • Syntax: Each programming language has specific rules (grammar).
  • Common Mistakes: Forgetting semicolons or misplacing characters can lead to syntax errors.

Code Execution

  • Console: Used for outputting text from the program (e.g., print statements).
  • Basic Arithmetic: Computers can perform calculations and use modulus operation.
  • Strings: Text data can be concatenated for output.


  • Definition: Store information with a type, name, and value.
  • Types of Variables: Integers, Booleans, Floats, Strings, Characters.
  • Manipulation: Variables can store and modify values (e.g., user input).
  • Naming Conventions: Camel case for readability.

Conditional Statements

  • If Statement: Executes code block if condition is true.
  • Else and Else If: Handle alternate conditions.
  • Switch Statements: Better organization for multiple conditions.


  • Definition: Collection of items of the same type.
  • Indexing: Starts from 0; each element is accessed via its index.
  • Multidimensional Arrays: Arrays containing other arrays.


  • Definition: Used to repeatedly execute a block of code.
  • Types of Loops:
    • For Loop: Executes a block multiple times based on a condition.
    • While Loop: Continues until a condition becomes false.
    • Do While Loop: Executes at least once before checking the condition.

Errors in Programming

  • Types of Errors:
    • Syntax Errors: Mistakes in code grammar.
    • Runtime Errors: Occur during code execution (e.g., infinite loops).
    • Logic Errors: Code runs but doesn't produce the expected result.
  • Debugging Strategies: Use print statements, breakpoints, and commenting out code.


  • Definition: Segment of code that can be executed by calling its name.
  • Types of Functions:
    • With/Without Arguments
    • Returning/Not Returning Values.
  • Benefits: Reduces code repetition, improves readability, and simplifies changes.

Data Structures

  • Arrays vs. Array Lists: Arrays have fixed size; Array Lists can grow dynamically.
  • Dictionaries: Store key-value pairs instead of linear indexing.

Searching Algorithms

  • Linear Search: Simple search method for unsorted lists; inefficient for large datasets.
  • Binary Search: More efficient for sorted lists; reduces search space by half each time.


  • Definition: Function that calls itself, solving smaller instances of the same problem.
  • Base Case: Condition to stop recursion and prevent infinite loops.


  • Purpose: Plan out code logically without worrying about syntax.
  • Methods:
    • Flowcharts: Graphically represent functions and logic flow.
    • Step-by-step outlines: List program steps in chronological order.
    • Feature breakdown: List necessary features and corresponding functions.

Next Steps in Programming

  • Research: Learn about specific programming languages.
  • Resources: Use online platforms like CodingBat, HackerRank for practice.
  • Classes: Take formal programming classes in school.
  • Projects: Start creating personal projects to gain experience.