GTA online can be incredibly overwhelming you log in your phone gets lit up with like a million text messages and calls from people you don't know telling you to buy this business buy this car buy this super yacht but you just don't have the money to do it it's confusing So today we're going to cut all of that out and I'm going to tell you the 10 best things that you need to own as a solo player in order to make money and progress your character through GTA online and at number 10 we have an acid lab the acid lab came out at the end of 202 to so it's still pretty new and the reason it's on this list is because it's one of the best passive businesses in the game that was designed specifically for solo players so what does that mean well a passive business is a business that will make you money in the background while you do other stuff all you have to do with the assd lab is go back and buy more supplies for it or just call mut on your phone every couple of hours and buy supplies there then once the product bar fills all the way up which will happen over a few hours you can sell it and make tons of money now I've done a full business breakdown on the acid lab where I broke down how much money you spend how much money you make everything and it comes out to you should be making about $60,000 per hour with this business which for a lot of people might not seem like much but remember that's happening pretty much completely in the background you don't have to do anything for that so while you're doing something like a heist to make more money the asset lab is still going on in the backgrounds making you even more then once it comes time to sell no matter how much product you have in your a lab you'll only get one cell vehicle which is why this business is great for solo players a lot of other businesses in the game when you go and sell it it's going to spawn two three or four sell vehicles which means that mission is either going to take you a long time to complete or you're going to need to get friends to help you you don't need either of those with the AET lab which is what makes it so great at number nine we've got the right weapons and again weapons are just something that is so confusing there's so many guns it's really hard to tell what's good and what's bad so let's start off with the basics an assault rifle you're going to want to go for something like the special carbine it's a trusty gun it'll do pretty well you can also upgrade it to the mark 2 variant if you have a bunker and you do the research I'd also recommend getting a Combat MG you can get 100 bullets in the mag does a lot of damage hits hard pretty good you're also going to want an up and atomizer this little gun will get you out of so many sticky situations because whether you've been playing GTA online for 1 hour or one decade you've definitely got your car stuck somewhere you can't get it out of and if you shoot your car with this it'll help get it unstuck for your sniper I would recommend the heavy sniper mark 2 you can also put Explosive Rounds on this one if you have the mark 2 ammo which basically takes out any aircraft in one or two shots for your shotgun slot definitely the assault shotgun really really good gun one of the best guns in the game it's just a fully automatic shotgun that can get 32 bullets in a MAG can't say no to that you're going to want some sort of heavy weapon probably a few the rail gun is great for taking out a aircrafts and vehicles the RPG the Homing launcher the grenade launcher all of these are very good and then in the submachine gun slot I would definitely recommend getting the Tactical SMG this is because it's a one-handed weapon and it's the best weapon in the game that you can use while you're driving a car I will be coming out with a more in-depth weapon guide in the next few days or weeks here so stay tuned for that if you want a bit more info but for now let's move on to number eight and this is going to be an armored vehicle specifically something that you can use in misss and Heist preps a lot of the futuristic vehicles in the game and the military themed Vehicles like a tank for example you just can't use those in contact missions or heists and that's a big drawback because a lot of people like running those missions and they want some sort of protection so for that reason I'd recommend lowlevel players high level players anyone should have an armored vehicle like the armored karuma the Duke of death or even something like the Vigilante the armored karuma is pretty much completely bulletproof so it makes any sort of a complete joke it's very easy the Duke of death is similar doesn't have quite as good of a protection but it is free for most players so it yeah I mean it's free and then something like the Vigilante has insanely good rockets that track targets pretty much everywhere it's not bullet proof but yeah I mean your enemies are probably going to be dead before they can even shoot you in this thing so having a vehicle that you can use in these missions is a must at number seven this is something I wasn't too sure if I wanted to put on the list but I'm going to put it here it's the the salvage yard this came out at the end of 2023 some people love it some people hate it I think it's almost a must own for all players so how it works is there's three different vehicle robberies that you can do per week completing all three of them will normally get you around $1 million per week so it pays pretty good all of these missions are also completely solo friendly but maybe the main reason I would recommend this business is once every few weeks Rockstar makes one of the vehicles that you go and steal in these vehicle robberies pretty much completely free to actually own so it doesn't happen often but occasionally yeah like I said every few weeks Rockstar instead of letting us sell the vehicle after we steal it which we can still do sometimes they'll give us the option to actually keep the vehicle and these vehicles can be expensive sometimes they're over $2 million so being able to get that vehicle for pretty much free just by doing one robbery is a really really good deal and for that reason alone it makes the cost of the business completely worth it at number six we have the agency one of the best businesses in the game honestly all of the businesses on this list are pretty much some of the best in the game that's why they're on this list the agency in particular though is very good because it lets you start up the Dr Dre VIP contract so why is this so good well again it's completely solo friendly you can do all of this completely solo and it's going to pay you $1 million every time you complete this contract you can complete the contract in about an hour and a half I would say is pretty reasonable for most players which makes it one of the best ways to make money in the entire game right behind the kaioo heist on top of that there's a lot of other stuff you can do with the agency like the Security Contracts which will give you about $40 to $60,000 for a little mission that only takes a few minutes and then you can call Franklin every so often and complete a pay phone hit which also will pay you about $40 or $50,000 I can't remember what they put the price down to now they got significantly nerfed but they're still very good and that's not even mentioning the ammani Tech that comes with the agency so I'm actually going to put that one next on the list at number five and that's Amman Tech Vehicles every solo player needs to own at least one of these so what the hell is an Amman Tech vehicle well in your agency garage you can add Amman Tech to some Vehicles there's only a handful of vehicles in the entire game that can get this the list of those is on your screen now and when you do that you can equip things like a missile lock on Jammer to your vehicle which might not seem like much but trust me this is one of the best things in the entire game you know when an oppressor Mark 2 Griefer locks onto your car and blows you up over and over and over again when you're just mining your own business driving around the city well with the missile lock on gamma that's never going to happen to you again as the name suggests yes this stops anyone from locking on to you with any sort of missile so it allows you to drive around in public sessions without the fear of getting griefed randomly out of nowhere you can also add armor plating to these vehicles as well which will take a few Rockets which helps and if the vehicle is an electric vehicle it can actually take a lot more Rockets around 12 before it's going to blow up overall Aman Tech was just one of the best additions in the entire game over the years and it's definitely a must own for pretty much every solo player at number four even though the price of it is now $8 million I still have to put it on the list it's the oppressor Mark I it's still just very very good it's now Infamous with GTA online everyone knows what the oppressor Mark I is you've probably seen them flying around your lobbies if if you're a new player you might not know what they are it's a flying bike that has lock on missiles enough said and because it's technically coded in the game as a motorbike that means you can spawn it right next to you just like any other car which makes it incredibly useful for grinding money now yes youve probably seen a lot of Griefers with the oppressor Mark I flying around your lobbies and some people do use this to grief but for me I use it to grind I use it to do my business stuff do Heist setups in free mode and if you want to use it for that it's incredible you get across the map really quick you can land it in some really Niche and Tiny Places that you wouldn't be able to land a helicopter or a jet in yeah man I don't know what to say it's just still really really good one of the best vehicles in the entire game and you should definitely own it at number three we have probably my favorite business in the whole game it's the nightclub ever since the nightclub came out in 2018 I believe it was good from the start but over the years it's just kept getting buffed by Rockstar to now where it's pretty much the best business in the game unless you want to include the catka as a business but that's a submarine it's kind of different the nightclub itself as in the actual Club upstairs can earn you $50,000 every 48 minutes passively you don't have to do anything other than keep the popularity byf then if you move downstairs to the underground warehouse in the nightclub depending on how many other businesses you have in the game you can assign technicians to go out and get you even more product for those businesses and store them in your nightclub and again this is completely passive you don't even have to do anything besides come back to your nightclub every few days and then sell it just like the acid lab there will only be one sell vehicle as well which makes this business completely solo friendly and if you're using the actual nightclub up top that's getting you $50,000 every 48 minutes plus the warehouse down the bottom which will make you close to $50,000 every 48 minutes as well that means completely in the background you're making about $100,000 every 48 minutes with this business it's impossible to not recommend this business you need to own this business if you want to be filthy rich in GTA Online it's just awesome if you don't have one go buy one now at number two we have the sparrow helicopter which actually just got a buff as well increasing the health of it as of right now the sparrow is the third fastest helicopter in the game it's got lock on missiles which obviously are great they help and you can spawn it right next to you which you can't do with many other helicopters now now to get this vehicle you do need to own a catka submarine which spoiler alert that is going to be number one on the list which we'll talk about in a second but what that means is because it's stored inside your catka submarine you can go into your interaction menu click on Services catka scroll down to your Sparrow click that and it's going to spawn the sparrow right next to you if you're flying all the way across the map it's actually faster than something like the oppressor Mark I but the main reason the sparrow is so great is because you can use it to grind out the kico so without further Ado number one on the list is the catka submarine still yes in 2024 it took the top spot way back in 2020 and it hasn't left even though the kaparo heist has gotten nerfed what like three or four times now it's still just really good and it's still just the best way to make money in the whole game so if you're unaware buying the catka submarine allows you to start up the kyoo Heist which funnily enough is actually the last Heist they added into the game they haven't added a new heist in 4 years but if you don't know much about the Kaio Heist if you're using something like the sparrow to get across the map quickly you can easily complete a full kyoo heist in 1 hour and that Heist is going to pay you about a million normally over a million so to be able to earn a million doll in one hour is just insane and it's by far the best way to make money in the entire game so for that reason in 2024 the number one thing every solo player needs to own is the catka submarine so we'll wrap the video up there if you enjoyed leave a thumbs up subscribe for more stuff like this stay safe and I'll see you in the next video boys favorite color money green I've been on my grind since I was in the seventh grade my first kid I was only 17 always a provider for my pack like wolverines but you won't find me on the mountain top need no calculator I could wear cuz it kind of Li on my around the paper like a Michael sky