Hidden Motivation Switch in the Brain

Jul 16, 2024

Hidden Motivation Switch in the Brain


  • There is a 'hidden motivation switch' deep in the brain more powerful than money, praise, or fame.
  • This switch can make us crave doing difficult tasks.
  • Presented by Ran Daris, co-founder and CEO of the Flow Research Collective alongside Steven Cutler.

Common Motivation Problems

  • Scenario: Waking up unmotivated despite setting goals the night before.
  • At the desk, procrastination takes over. The day ends without accomplishments, leading to disappointment.
  • Depletion in drive is not due to laziness or procrastination but a lack of a specific type of motivation.

Types of Motivation

  1. Extrinsic Motivation

    • Comes from external rewards like money, status, and praise.
    • Initial surge from anticipation (dopamine) but declines after attainment.
    • Similar to fossil fuels: temporary boost but eventually runs out.
  2. Intrinsic Motivation

    • Comes from internal factors like curiosity, purpose, and mastery.
    • Acts for the sake of the activity itself; self-sustaining and long-lasting.
    • Analogous to Fusion Energy: efficient and sustainable.
    • Leads to easier hard work and access to Flow State.

Five Intrinsic Motivators

  1. Curiosity

    • Desire to learn driven by an insatiable itch.
    • Activates the brain's reward system, releasing dopamine.
  2. Purpose

    • Work aligns with a cause you care about.
    • Meaning beyond just a paycheck; drives sacrifices.
  3. Mastery

    • Pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement.
    • Involves challenge and skill balance (Flow State trigger).
    • Releases dopamine and endorphins, creating a feedback loop.
  4. Autotelic Experience (Autot telicity)

    • Activities rewarding in themselves.
    • Intrinsic activities blur the line between work and play.
    • Core of Flow State.
  5. Autonomy

    • Control over how, what, and when of work.
    • Increases focus and positive emotions.

Example: Academia to Business

  • In academia: high curiosity and purpose but low mastery, autotelic experience, and autonomy.
  • Shift to business: high levels of all intrinsic motivators.

The Power of Intrinsic Motivators

  • Releases performance-enhancing neurochemicals like norepinephrine, dopamine, and acetylcholine.
  • Lowers cognitive load.
  • Flow State: more neurochemicals, enhancing focus and drive.

Cycle of Motivation and Flow

  • Intrinsic motivation feeds flow, and flow feeds intrinsic motivation.
  • Sustained extreme motivation seen in high achievers like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Einstein, Marie Curie, Van Gogh, Michael Jordan, and Serena Williams.

Maximizing Intrinsic Motivation

  1. Curiosity

    • Assess desire to learn outside work hours.
    • Leverage learning with positive impact and immediate feedback.
  2. Mastery

    • Identify skills critical to job success.
    • Practice skills with deliberate practice.
  3. Autotelic Experience

    • Reflect on enjoyment of work activities spontaneously.
    • Align work with natural strengths and activities.
  4. Purpose

    • Define a clear purpose statement for your life's work.
    • Link daily tasks to this purpose.
  5. Autonomy

    • Amplify control over tasks within one's role.
    • Gain skills and connections for greater optionality in career.

Balancing and Enhancing Motivation

  • Measure each motivator and aim to boost them regularly.
  • Low motivation on certain days can indicate misalignment in intrinsic motivators.
  • Align intrinsic motivators for constant engagement and excitement in work.


  • Intrinsic motivation reduces need for extrinsic motivation.
  • Leads to smoother entry into Flow State, making work fulfilling.
  • Develops a 'Zen Warrior' mentality: detachment from external rewards but deep engagement in work.
  • Encourages mastery, purpose, curiosity, and autonomy.


  • Upgrading motivation fuel from extrinsic to intrinsic can lead to better work satisfaction and peak performance.
  • Mastering the flow cycle and intrinsic motivators helps maintain sustainable drive and motivation.