the got him nice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shul hold him here you take the path to the right and FL them [Applause] [Music] now sord fire now sword fire [Music] [Applause] your senses will be heightened while [Applause] [Music] you press the L button and R button at the same time to crouch press the x button while crouching to do a high jump we gets it C get back I've got this fire fireb shark spear CH can't Away monster [Applause] [Music] the [Music] fight [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's working you see it working well I'll be damned it did work I think I'll away after all I have to take care of my [Music] always Triumph take this bad guys who move too fast ask your doctor about web Splats proven in lab test to slow bad guys down by up to 80% web Splats aren't for everyone side effects may include headache nausea and diarrhea what was that [Music] ay lightsaber you [Music] have this guy stands between you and freedom I don't want to hurt anybody if he sees you he will kill you understand waste him you can jump into and take over someone else's body keep transferring from best to vessel to maintain an advantage during [Music] battle it here we go [Music] go now you're talking oh that's got to hurtt us from dying the God have forsaken us wa