now we don't have as much uh survivability as we did before so just something we got to keep an eye out for [Music] okay [Music] pylons go go g amazing [Music] and [Music] [Music] no I need a I need [Applause] ammo ohom baby let's [ __ ] go [Music] dude that was a minute and 44 4 second hard mode devour a minute and 44 second [Music] on [Music] [Music] yo guys what is up Max our first descendant video and today we are going over my updated s tier bunny build guide now this is going to be like probably a longer video I really want to break down and explain everything that I can about building Bunny not only for mobbing but also for bossing as you probably saw for the intro we're doing hard mode devour in sub two minutes I've learned so much about bunny since my first build video uh in my first build video I hadn't unlocked hard mode which is the end game of the first descendant and it really makes you have to push your character um and so I've learned a lot about building and Min maxing and I want to share everything that I've learned with you today I hope you guys enjoy the video let's get right into it so we're going to start by talking about just survivability uh one of the big things that happens when you get into the endgame is things just start hitting you really hard in my first build guide I didn't build any max HP that was a mistake uh particularly when it gets to the more challenging levels of content right now when we're really specking our stuff up we can get to 11k HP on Bunny and almost 30k defense um I get asked a lot what should you prioritize more the answer is both like you want a lot of defense and you want a lot of HP if you have to pick one or the other I think HP is a bit more important than defense but ideally you're getting both of these up to get a lot of Dr and also a lot of HP uh this will allow you to sit in the faces of bosses um one of the biggest things that's actually a DPS increase in bosses is your ability to stay close to them um and stay active and firing your guns if you are constantly having to take cover and constantly having to go find Health you're going to be lowering your overall damage in the boss fights and that's why building tanky is actually really important for the boss fights because it'll allow you to do more damage over the course of the fight um so yes uh building health and defense on bunny is going to be super important especially for the end game the next thing to talk about is our reactor we are using a tingling Singularity reactor these are unbelievably easy to farm for a perfect God roll I don't have a perfect God roll cuz I only did it for like 10 to 20 minutes of farming but if you're in hard mode all you want to do is hit the F key or click on difficulty level rewards then you're going to go click on General rounds cuz we're going to want to be using a thunder cage mounting then you're going to pick electric and we're going to click singular that's going to give us one area to farm this is the restricted Zone you come here and you do any of these missions and perfect reactors will drop from enemies all the time every single one will drop with uh electric skill power and singular skill power you're just looking for a thunder cage mounting and two positive passives mine rolled with skill cost and electric skill power boost ratio obviously I could get better these are blue um but just kind of giving you an idea that you're this is exactly what you're looking for for this precise build now you can these little two dots on your reactor once you find a perfect reactor or something that you want to invest in you can come over to this crafting bench click the option for reactor enhancement um and then mine is not going to show here because I've already upgraded it but you can upgrade the base damage of your reactor using precise ion accelerators these are pretty easy to craft if you're just breaking down uh reactors when you get them and then you can make your base damage a lot higher which helps a ton for outputting the most damage on bunny the next thing to talk about are external components now external components are a huge part of your survivability and you're going to want to look for double roll components um things that drop like this where you get Max HP plus Max HP are incredible I've got a Max HP Max HP one here I've got a defense defense one here this is like 5K defense this is like 1300 HP on these alone we're going to be stacking up percentage increases in defense and HP in are modules and so getting flat amounts are going to give you more bang for your buck from your modules um and so you're looking for double rolls of Max HP and defense on all of these now there is a set called the Supernova set that you can farm from Hard Mode executioner this has the very cool and unique effect of boosting up your skill power modifiers for your electric skills and also when you get a fouret bonus giving you a uh extra damage modifier and the ability to call fall down lightning from the sky that does extra damage this is the best in slot set for bunny it's really great however um in terms of farming it I just haven't found the like the mods that I need uh where I'm getting those sets rolled with HP or defense uh they are locked at their top slot for what they are um so for example if we grab if we grab both of these because they're guaranteed to roll with Max shield on the top you lose a ton of survivability uh so I wouldn't recommend rocking these at all unless you can find them with defense or Max HP as a secondary stat I have not been lucky enough to find that but you'll note that I go from almost 12K HP to just shy of 4K XP or HP that is a huge uh survivability loss that is absolutely not worth a little bit of extra damage um so that's not why I'm not wearing this set do not worry about wearing that full set um because like you're going to just hurt your survivability a ton unless you can find them specifically with really good HP rolles which I just haven't found yet as you can see I've changed one thing and we're already almost back up to 10K HP which is kind of wild um so yeah that's not why I'm wearing the full like golden set bonus now we're going to go over our build configurations for bunny um bunny is a character that can specialize in mobbing but actually as you saw from the intro has some really crazy possibilities with bossing so we're going to split up the video in sections for a mobbing section A bossing section and an ultimate bunny section the ultimate bunny section is the better version of bossing but you can only put it together if you have ultimate bunny uh because we're going to be using the high voltage mod which we'll explain in a second but high voltage mod can M drastically increase your damage but once again it's only available to Ultimate bunny so that's why we've got like a normal bossing section and an ultimate bunny ultimate bunny section if you have ultimate bunny so to start us up on our mobbing mobbing one of the biggest things that we're going to be focusing on is skill effect rank I have a lot I don't have like a bazillion amount this can go up I think to uh I believe it's 200% yeah Max Expendable range 300% I don't think you quite need 300% but you definitely want to try to be aiming for at least 100% And that is because of how farming works now bunny is a farming descendant she is going to let you clear content and kill a lot of enemies very quickly I recently discovered that if you are participating in Kill on enemies you're actually going to get more loot I was doing a run with some buddies and I was playing essimo who has to throw a grenade and detonated and he was just a lot slower and I was playing with three bunnies we were doing my Kyper Shard Farm where you're getting like 300 330k Kyper per hour I got 10K Kyper in like an hour of playing with or like 30 minutes of playing with them and they were getting 160 to 180k Kyper the person that was playing the highest range bunny got 180k the person who was playing lower got 160k um and that is because if you are partaking in kills and contributing to them more loot will drop for you so if you're going to be playing in a group if you're going to be playing bunny the more AOE you have the better you're going to be able to farm the more loot you're going to get and that's kind of a big priority on bunny um so we're going to be using skill expansion for 92% increased range and also I've got thrown in maximize range here for 27% increased range with a little bit less damage it's more than fine the next thing that's really important on bunny is that you are able to run bunny has a skill called speed of light that while you are running you're going to be able to send out your lightning emissions faster these lightning emissions are based off of every seven M moved so if you're moving 7 MERS faster because you got speed of light on your damage is going to increase your rate of efficiency is going to increase and so you need mana mana is a huge part of being able to run constantly if you've ever played bunny you'll know that when you're running around it feels great when you're really slow on the ground it doesn't feel that great and one of the most important mods in order to maintain running is this mod called MP collector this reads when defeating an enemy instantly recover 12% of your max MP at a 12% chance this means that when you're killing hordes of enemies running around not only are going to be getting the Mana that drops in the ground but just by killing enemies you're going to be proing consistent MP regeneration for for yourself this will allow you to keep running uh this was a big change uh for me when I put this on in order like just in terms of like sustaining the running or the speed of light ability which is really nice now the rest of the stuff uh we're using midair maneuvering if you wanted to use a different subm module you can you could use shock punch shock punch costs less to upgrade mid a removing maneuvering is going to give you the same amount of things but it it it costs like triple the amount to upgrade to rank 10 uh in terms of an investment I plan on using this in the long run because I just really like the movement it provides so that's why I'm using this but you could use shock punch as you want it's just cheaper to upgrade and you can get that full capacity um next up in terms of our like damage increases we're going to be using electrical specialist and technician now originally I was using electrical master and I kind of want to break down the difference uh of these and why we're using electrical specialist versus other things so the wording is a little bit different and confusing on these the electric skill power anything that says power is going to increase your base damage so for example if we hover over lightning emission you can see that my damage is going from a 148 to a 193 if I take off technician that damage will change right um it's going to go back down because we're using maximized range it's going to go down to like 143 so a little bit less damage there um but for example it's at 143 now if I take off electrical specialist which is 81% power if we take that off and open it back up you'll see that it's still exactly 143 the reason for this is because these mods um are increases to your base damage so whatever your base value is which is coming from your reactor you're going to get a 80% increase on your base the next thing is your modifier modifiers will give you a multiplier based off of your base damage so every skill has a multiplier where it's like 148% power and that's why we're using technician now once again technician is not the absolute best and Slot skill power modifier uh for example we could use um singular singular specialist uh does work instead of technician if you wanted to the only reason I'm not using singular is because this is a little bit lazy uh but the bunny ultimate bunny already comes with a forma for this m slot and I don't have anything nearly as costly as technician would be or singular Focus so because it already comes with a polarity just works out the best it saves me a catalyst um and it's going to give me like just slightly less damage but still a ton of damage and this is going to contribute to our multiplier um lastly we're rocking strong mentality so that we can run more more our skills are going to cost less increased HP is vital it's going to give us a ton more HP and survivability as well as increased defense for more defense um and that is the mobbing build next up we're going to talk about bossing on bunny now both the bossing setup and the ultimate bunny setup are specifically for killing bosses um this is the setup you're going to want to run most of the time um uh for getting into hard mode once you're in hard mode um however if you get lucky you can drop the high voltage mod uh which is going to we're going to talk about in a second that can actually increase your overall bossing DPS um but we're going to talk about the normal bossing setup without this first and once again you can only use high voltage if you have ultimate bunny it is an ultimate bunny exclusive so that's why I wanted to cover both of these so ultimate bunny setup what we're really focusing on is survivability we've got cooldown we've got damage we've got HP we've got skill cost we've got HP amplification we're not using HP amplification for mobbing because 90% of the time you're not taking enough damage to even need this but for bossing we're going to be throwing in HP amplification uh this is where we're getting that like crazy HP amount um I'm got to change this back to like an HP thing but there's where we're getting like our 11k HP from is when on our like bossing setup you'll note that if I swep over to my mobbing I go down to about 8,000 that's still plenty of HP and we're keeping our amount of Defense but for bossing we're adding a little bit more extra defense we got Spear and shield in here and we're always going to be tossing in a different antibody based on what boss we're fighting uh resistances do make a fairly significant difference and so I'm leaving this spot open so if you're fighting pyromancer you can throw in heat antibody if you're fighting devour I'll throw in my toxic antibody this is a slot that you're going to be rotating based off of the boss for even more surv ability for bunny Bunny's not the best bosser but you can make her really like um tanky and she's really great at doing the AOE around her uh lightning emission which is great at killing ads while you're focusing on the boss you're just constantly passively killing ads while playing her which will be dropping ammo which will drop dropping HP just feels really really good um the one mod that I wasn't able to get for this build that I I wanted to show um which is kind of nutty for bossing and just I I my RNG has not been great U but there is a mod you we were using MP collector for mobbing there is a mod called HP collector it's from hard obstructor but you can also get it in Frontline bases um this mod allows you whenever you kill an enemy to get uh 9% of your max HP back if you upgrade this the coold down goes to 2 seconds and then anytime a boss spawns a few ads if you're killing them you have a way to self sustain sustain yourself um which is fantastic for bossing because one of the number one ways when you die when bossing is you just slowly get drained of your HP uh so HP collector would be fantastic to have just not something I was able to acquire for this build video but note that having a way to sustain HP for bosses is really nice lastly we get to talk about the ultimate lastly we get to talk about the ultimate bunny setup which is using high voltage now high voltage is going to change the amount of enemies that both thrill bomb and lightning emission hits this is terrible for mobbing uh I'll show you what it looks like just here real quick so we're going to run around and you'll see that now our lightning emission instead of being an AOE will directly hit enemies so it'll shoot out it'll hit three enemies um the reason this is so good though is it drastically increases the damage of our three and uh it increases its range what this turns our three ability into is instead of just kind of of an ability that is not super great against bosses that can kill some ads sometimes into an actual significant part of your damage against bosses uh putting this on dropped my kills against bosses by about 3 minutes which is ridiculous um so this is a massive massive increase I'll show it to you right now here is our three uh we're going up in damage and we're going up in radius on basically everything and you're able to keep this up on bosses all the time you still want skill expansion you still want the radius uh so that you can be hitting bosses I found that if I wasn't using skill expansion it was basically useless because I had to be basically underneath bosses in order to get this damage to be proing but lightning emission is going to give you another source of passive damage that's why it's so good you fully spend and spec into your gun but your character is now no longer kind of useless uh which bunny like is a little bit for bosing she should like her four can be pretty nice um and her speed is great but she doesn't bring as much like to the table for bossing as someone like glay for example however high voltage changes that you're able to constantly output damage on your character we're using Nimble fingers so that we only have a 2cond cooldown on Lightning emission so this is constant AOE uptime of damage uh we're going to be using technician and electrical specialist with this to give it increased damage skill insight to get it to be critting um I would love to put front lines on this build uh to get even more damage I've only put a single Catalyst on this bunny uh so if I put one more Catalyst on I'd be able to pit front lines for even more skill crit damage and skill crit hit rate this would be a significant damage increase um and then we're still rocking increased HP and increased defense so that we're able to uh sustain bosses you you don't want to like sacrifice too much HP and survivability for for damage because if you're dead you can't do any damage at all now in terms of farming for all of the gear that I've talked about in this video this is your best friend if you want to know where anything is I'm about to walk you through but if you want to know where anything is you come to your map scroll over to access info you go to these modules you can type in bunny you can click on high voltage and it'll tell you exactly where it comes from this mod is from hard pyromancer um and if you want any of the mods or weapons or things that I'm using in this build for example the range mod that I was using maximize range that gives you at base 24% more range you just click on it click acquisition info you can see that it's also from hard uh pyromancer but we can also do the Fortress I farmed mine from the hard Fortress destroyed base uh which is this mission right here destroyed boys base and that applies to basically everything here uh that I'm using if you're ever curious on where farm that menu is your best friend just a quick update on the guns that we're using with this build I'm still using the thunder cage this is the build for it I'm not going to talk too long about it because I have a whole dedicated video just speaking about the thunder cage but we're building it for crit we've got a little bit of weak point um and I've I added my first like Catalyst to it so that we could put a element on it so I'll be swapping like my this element for like fire or chill or whatever depending on what boss we're fighting so this is my thunder cage build uh built for just as much damage as we can pump into it um this is my Tamer build I also just posted a video of this uh I got to mess around with it a little bit more because I added mental focus to this uh mental focus allows us to constantly fire this thing and while we're firing it we're going to be stacking up increased damage and that increased damage only resets once we reload So in theory if we have 150% mag size we could stack this up to 150% increased damage the only thing is we've got a lot of additive damage here and we want to be focusing a bit more on our weak point damage so if you don't want to use mental focus uh you can slap on weak point insight and this is the build that I posted uh focusing on fire rate weak point damage adding an element um and this Tamer just destroys bosses uh it's probably the strongest bossing thing that I've used uh but just one thing to note that's really important why I'm not using it in some of the clips is you're cutting your damage by 60% if you're not using the thunder cage with this build so if you want to be able to swap between the thunder cage and the Tamer I strongly recommend finding a like nice purple um reactor that you can use that is going to give you the damage uh so that you can swap weapons back and forth but for this build and for our highest damage showcase you are going to want the legendary reactor that is going to do it for the video I know it was a long one let me know if you got all the way through it I hope you guys have been enjoying the first descendant content I've been really enjoying making content for this game um and yeah guys I will catch youall in the next one take care peace