Building an e-commerce website using MERN stack

Jul 12, 2024

Building an E-commerce Website using MERN Stack


  • Welcome to Gigs for Gigs YouTube channel
  • Today we'll build an awesome e-commerce website using the MERN stack
  • The website will include features like adding products, selling them, adding to cart, favorites, etc.
  • Technologies Used: ReactJS (Frontend), MongoDB (Database), Express and NodeJS (Backend server)

Website Features

  • E-commerce functionalities focused on clothing branding
  • Categories, bestsellers, product details, shop page, sign-in, and sign-up pages
  • Filtering options on the shop page include size and price
  • Responsive design for mobile devices
  • Authentication includes login/logout management
  • Full-stack development covering frontend and backend

Setup & Initialization

  1. Frontend Setup

    • Create a new React app using npx create-react-app
    • Create a server directory in the root directory
    • Go to the server directory and initialize with npm init
    • Install server dependencies: nodemon, express, dotenv, etc.
    • Start the React app using npm start (runs on port 3000 or 3001)
    • Install client dependencies: styled-components, Material UI (MUI), Axios, Redux, etc.
  2. Folder Structure

    • Clone utils folder from drive including buttons, text input, error handling, etc.
    • Clean the initial files from the src directory
    • Import necessary files and prepare the app
    • Create directories for components and pages
    • Setup styled components and MUI themes
    • Configure navigation and routing using react-router-dom

Navbar and Routing

  • Create a Navbar component to feature logo, links, buttons, and icons
  • Implement responsive navigation behavior (hamburger menu for mobile devices)
  • Create and structure various pages: Home, Orders, New Arrivals, Favorites, Shop Listing, Cart, Authentication, etc.
  • Use routes and route elements for navigation
  • Setup default routes with BrowserRouter

/Sign-Up Pages

  • Implement sign-in and sign-up forms with validation and state management
  • Use styled-components for a consistent UI
  • Create form input fields and buttons
  • Enable toggle between sign-in and sign-up forms
  • Ensure the authentication forms work with the backend end-points


  • Design a visually appealing homepage with categories, bestsellers, etc.
  • Fetch and display data for products dynamically
  • Implement product categories card and product card components
  • Ensure responsiveness and animations

Shop Listing Page

  • Build shop listing page featuring products with filters for size and price
  • Implement product filtering by category, price, and size
  • Display products list dynamically

Cart and Favorites

  • Create cart and favorite pages
  • Implement actions to add/remove items from cart and favorites
  • Display the cart summary including total amounts, delivery options, etc.
  • Allow user to place orders from the cart page

Product Details Page

  • Design a product details page accessed by clicking on a product
  • Show detailed information including images, description, price, rating, and sizes
  • Implement add to cart and favorite functionalities from the details page

Backend Development

  1. Server Setup

    • Initialize server folder and install necessary packages
    • Connect to MongoDB and set up schemas for users, products, and orders
    • Implement Express server to handle routes
    • Create error handler middleware
  2. Models and Schemas

    • Define schemas for users, products, and orders in models
    • Implement relations between schemas using Mongoose
  3. Controllers

    • Implement controllers for user registration, login, and CRUD operations
    • Develop routes for user actions and product-related actions
    • Setup JWT authentication middleware
  4. API Testing

    • Use Postman to test all API endpoints including user registration, login, product CRUD, and cart management

Frontend-Backend Integration

  • Create an API file to manage all axios calls
  • Define Redux slices for state management (user and snackbar slice)
  • Connect Redux to React efficiently
  • Implement dispatch actions for various API calls
  • Manage loading states and error handling with snackbars


  • Push the project to GitHub
  • Deploy the frontend with Netlify and backend with Render
  • Set environment variables for deployment


  • Ensure all pages are fully functional and responsive
  • Authenticate, add to cart, favorites, and purchase flows should work seamlessly
  • Review all components for potential improvements
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