Philippine Politics and Governance - Lesson 2: Governance

Jul 30, 2024

Philippine Politics and Governance - Lesson 2: Governance

Introduction to Governance

  • Governance: All actions and activities related to governing.
  • Involves interaction and decision-making among policymakers, public officials, and citizens.
  • Exercise of power/authority by political leaders for the well-being of their citizens.
  • Implementation of policies and programs across various governmental institutions (local to national levels).

Importance of Studying Governance

  • Helps citizens understand and fight for their rights.
  • Enables recognition of government lapses and misgivings, empowering citizens to exercise their rights.
  • Promotes continued empowerment and sustainable development.
  • Increases awareness of what to expect from government processes and actors.

Processes and Actors in Governance

Decision Making and Implementation

  • Decision Making: Process guided by socio-political structures to address individual and communal needs and wants.
    • Executives or higher-ranking officials typically make significant decisions.
  • Implementation: Follows decision-making; involves specific procedures to implement policies or programs.
    • Governed by a detailed process proposed, heard, and decided upon by the governing body.

Actors and Structures

  • Actors: Sectors, groups, or institutions involved in decision-making and implementation.
    • Includes executives and their personnel.
    • Citizens become actors in nationwide programs.
  • Structure: Organization or mechanism that guides the decision-making process and sets actors into motion.
    • Hierarchical organization with a committee or board and staff.
    • Dictates relationships and roles of actors within an organization.

Informal Actors and Bad Governance

  • Informal Actors: Influential individuals or groups (e.g., crime syndicates, powerful families, political dynasties, non-profit leaders).
    • Can disrupt governance due to illegal and private interests.
    • Example: Organized crime syndicates involved in human trafficking.
  • Bad Governance: Occurs when public officials or agencies engage in illegal activities with these entities.
    • Leads to corruption and widespread organized violence in the community.


  • This lesson focused on understanding governance, decision-making/implementation, and the impact of informal actors on governance.
  • Next lesson: Relationship between government, politics, and governance.