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Shifting Economic Powers and Global Alliances
Oct 8, 2024
Counting the Cost - Al Jazeera
Host: Adrian Finnegan
Focus: Global economy, US-China relations, globalization, and geopolitical tensions
Key Question: Is the economic order changing?
The Current Economic Climate
The US has dominated the global economy for decades.
Geopolitical tensions and backlash against globalization are fracturing the world.
The trade war between the US and China is intensifying, potentially collapsing the old system.
Alternatives to the Current Order
Developing nations form alliances like BRICS to counter Western dominance.
BRICS’ aim is to create a more balanced and inclusive global economic governance system.
Challenges to the Rules-Based Order
Evident disintegration of the existing rules-based world order.
Countries are becoming more inward-looking and imposing trade restrictions.
The World Trade Organization is in limbo.
Perspectives from Leaders
Criticism from poorer countries against rich countries for oppression and inequity.
Advocacy for reforming global economic governance to reflect current realities.
Questioning why all trade is tied to the US dollar.
Panel Discussion
Danny Khoa (National University of Singapore)
The old world order is being questioned rather than collapsed.
Criticism is now coming from both advanced and developing economies.
Future groups might focus more on economic performance and trade rather than historical power dynamics.
Irina Murusan (Institute for Global Dialogue)
Economic center is shifting; BRICS aims to leverage partnerships for global change.
Criticism of multilateralism being under attack.
Philippe Legrand (Former Special Advisor to WTO)
Four pillars of the old order are crumbling:
Western economic dominance
US geopolitical hegemony
Belief in open markets
US support for international rules
Shift from economic prosperity to national security as a priority.
Trade and Investment Flows
New patterns centered on US and China.
US imposes tariffs; China redirects economy towards developing world.
EU is a focal point in deciding long-term trade relations.
Founded by Brazil, Russia, India, China (South Africa joined later).
Seeks to counter US-led financial institutions.
Represents a significant share of global GDP and population.
The Future of Global Economic Order
Questions about the dominance of the US dollar.
BRICS nations may not want to abandon the old order entirely.
There’s a desire for reform yet recognition of the old order’s value.
Potential Outcomes
Possibility of a new Cold War with geopolitical conflicts.
Economic war between US/West and China is a possibility.
Future likely involves more club-based economic collaborations.
The world is at a pivotal point with shifting economic powers and alliances.
Importance of maintaining principles from the old world order while adapting to new realities.
Debate over how best to achieve a fairer global economic system.
Full transcript