The Art of Accomplishment: Embracing Resistance

Jul 1, 2024

The Art of Accomplishment: Embracing Resistance

Key Themes

  • Embracing Resistance

    • Viewing resistance as a natural step in transformation.
    • Importance of not fighting resistance but understanding and loving it.
  • Denial and Resistance by David White

    • Denial as a crossroads between perception and readiness.
    • Denial as a form of resistance; inviting unready powers into our lives.
  • Understanding Resistance

    • Resistance is about not being at peace with what is.
    • Often based on not wanting to feel certain emotions.
    • Nervous system responds with fear, anger, or frustration.
    • Transformation always involves resistance.

Practical Insights

  • Types of Resistance

    • Checking out, fighting, being evasive, defensiveness, sleeping, becoming overly cerebral.
    • Resistance can occur in business meetings and personal growth.
  • Loving Resistance

    • Encourage and allow resistance fully.
    • Listen to the wisdom in resistance; it often unveils deeper needs or fears.
    • Transformation and resistance are deeply interlinked.
  • Approach to Transformation

    • Avoid trying to force a change; embrace the process of resistance.
    • Curiosity in others' resistance leads to better understanding and cooperation.
    • Avoid judgment and impatience towards resistance in oneself and others.

Psychological Perspectives

  • Procrastination as Resistance

    • Fear of failure or imperfection leading to procrastination.
    • Feeling procrastination with curiosity may reveal underlying anxieties.
    • Overcoming procrastination by positively associating the task.
  • Transformation and Suffering

    • Engage with the feeling of resistance deeply to overcome it.
    • Transformation involves recognizing and integrating resistance.
    • Avoid creating multiple layers of conflict by resisting resistance.

Philosophical Insights

  • Universal Will
    • Ambitions belong to a greater universal drive, leading to a more collaborative and gentle life.
    • True transformation happens through embracing and integrating resistance, not fighting it.

Practical Advice

  • Embrace Intensity
    • Running towards intensity/resistance leads to deep personal growth.
    • Avoid seeing resistance as a problem; see it as a transformative process.

Personal Experiences

  • Joe Hudson on Overcoming Marijuana Addiction
    • Initially fought against the habit exacerbating the problem.
    • Transformation occurred by addressing underlying sadness, leading to natural cessation of the habit.


  • Embracing and understanding resistance is crucial for personal and collective growth.
  • Navigating resistance with curiosity, love, and joy leads to transformation and a more peaceful existence.


  • David White: "To live in denial is to be in very good company."
  • Joe Hudson: "If you can’t love the thing, love your resistance to the thing."
  • Brett Kistler: "How do you be with the resistance without resisting that?"

Artwork of Accomplishment Website for more resources.