Transcript for:
Early European Colonization in the Americas

welcome to lecture two last lecture we really focused heavily on the spanish when they came over to the new world now one of the things and that we're going to be looking at here is actual european colonization so this is more of a shift yes the spanish did send over people but there's going to be few in numbers uh predominantly men predominantly soldiers and they're not sending over whole families you know they're going to send over some some some priests uh to for the missions in uh in the new world uh but again it's gonna be very few now why is so few people coming over well life becomes very good in spain they find all this gold the gold is shipped to spain life in spain is dramatically improved and when life is good people aren't motivated to risk their lives coming to a new world and so let's look at this shift to colonization predominantly the english colonization and so really this all begins with a rivalry between uh between england and spain now one of the first people to you know there's always rivalry between different nations but one of the people that that shoots the opening salvo is going to be none other than henry viii now henry viii uh was king of england and he wanted to divorce his wife now england at this time was catholic majority of europe was catholic and so when he petitioned the pope for a divorce from his first wife and the reason wanted to divorce her was because she hadn't produced a male heir back then they didn't realize that the sex of the child was determined uh by uh by the father and so he you know he blamed it on his wife wanted a divorce the pope said no and so he basically just says you know what we're going to form our own church we're going to become protestant and so this is going to drive a wedge between england and spain so as i mentioned before uh you know protestants and catholics just don't get along and so this rivalry is going to significantly autism intensify at this moment things get even worse with a personal rivalry between elizabeth the first and king philip ii so elizabeth the first is queen of england and philip ii is king of spain so make a long story short king philip ii is he wants to consolidate his power elizabeth the first is oh wrong way elizabeth the first is not married she's known as the virgin queen and he thinks well if i can marry her i can expand my my reach and be king of both spain and england and so when he proposes to elizabeth the first she says thanks but no thanks and so of course she spurns his proposal well phil the second is going to then to try to do an end around elizabeth the first by proposing to her cousin mary queen of the scots and so uh mary and so there's a rivalry between elizabeth and mary at the same time is what elizabeth does is he is she imprisons uh mary and basically denying phillips a champ attempt to marry her so basically not only did she say no to his marriage proposal but he imprisoned the next the next woman he proposed to and then eventually beheaded uh her own cousin is that going to upset king philip the you know phil ii a little bit more you bet that it is and so this is going to lead to uh even deeper divides between spain and england compounding this is you're going to have you know spain has been sending gold been collecting gold from new spain so native americans using them to mine more gold that they just hadn't taken from from different nations and then they're gonna what they do is they they consolidate most of this gold in the cr in the caribbean before they and to create these convoys to to safely navigate their way back to spain because guess who's lurking around the the caribbean it's none other than the pirates of the caribbean get this working again so yes were there pirates of the caribbean yes there was uh where did they look like you know acted like johnny depp no not really here's you know the most famous pirate of the caribbean is sir francis drake so obviously with the sir in his name he's later going to be uh he's going to be a pretty pivotal role figure in english in english history but basically uh england is kind of encouraging a lot of these pirates that go in and to steal the gold and interrupt these gold shipments from spain and try to basically take it and bring it back to england this is going to further in fear infuriate philip ii and so philip ii's response to all this is he is going to take a lot of the spanish wealth and he's going to invest it into the spanish armada now this is where spain spain mismanages all this gold that they've been acquiring from the new world so at this point uh before 1588 spain is the wealthiest most powerful empire in world history i mean they got it going on what they do is instead of investing that money into internal improvements into spain trading manufacturing and whatnot they just basically say well hey this money's going to keep coming from the new world we're fabulously wealthy no problem we're going to pay other people to make stuff for us and so spain does when they when they create the spanish armada they actually go to france and france builds the bulk of their ships that they're going to use to attack england make matters even worse spain is using old tactics where basically you have a large vessel very high you know built very high in the water so that marines can swing from their vessel to and be able to take the other you know whatever vessel they are are attacking and so this is outdated tactics because what england has been doing is they've revolutionized their navy by casting iron cannons long large iron cannons that i can shoot a cannonball very far and so this is going to come into play but still this england's navy is going to be small in comparison to this the spanish armada well while the spanish armada is an in anchor in a harbor uh you know england knows this is coming so elizabeth the first asked francis drake to command the navy in order to protect the uh to protect the motherland and so sir francis drake's does is first he realizes okay most of this armada is in this armada is import and so what he's going to employ are known as fire boats it's as simple as it sounds he takes some old boats loads them up with some some combustible material lights you know gets them sailing in the direction of those ships and then lights them on fire so this shifted this ship is going to drift into this large armada it is on you know where all these wooden boats and catches about half the spanish are the spanish armada on fire and it's going to burn up well phil ii is then going to launch the attack on england and one is going to be the the english vessels are going to have an advantage so in order for the spanish vessels to be effective they got to get enclosed but the english do since they can shoot from afar they keep their distance they're a little bit more maneuverable boats because they're not as high in the water and so they're able to pick off a lot of the spanish boats another thing that adds in the favor of the english is a major storm bruise up which scatters the spanish armada which allows the english to concentrate their forces and pick them off piecemeal and add insult to injury the english called that storm the protestant wins so it covers bring it in full circle between uh between the rivalry between protestants and catholics and so with this from this point on spain will be known as the is the sick man of europe because spain's influence is going to start to decline because all the wealth or the bulk of the wealth that they had accumulated from the new world is now at the bottom of the english channel they did not invest their money wisely and so with this moment england realizes this is our chance to make a toe hold in the new world and so what's motivating england to to do a lot of this one is you're going to have a lot of merchants that are you know they they look at it as potential for trade and for resources go over to this new world extract resources bring them back to england turn them into finished products and then sell them export them either you know back to the colonists or to other markets throughout the world common people got to remember go back to that price revolution from the last lecture you know why the value of their money is gone think of it as your life savings has gone you know gone to put it's it's evaporated the value of it is is is lessened and so you have a lot more you have a lot of people that are suffering economically and so they see the new world as a chance to start over again and see it as an opportunity for economic freedom allowing this is going to be new business ventures such as joint stock companies i talked about this a little bit in the last lecture where people pull their resources together to create this large business to be able to find some ways and means to uh to make money off of the new world think of it as a way of making money with less um with less risk see before you had joint stock companies if you wanted a company you invested all your money into the company went belly up you lost everything with this you can invest in it you can return some of your money and if it goes well you get some money you get not only your money back but you get a little bit more on top of that but if it goes bad you don't lose your entire wealth and so joint stock companies become very very popular and then of course obviously mercantilism is going to come into play as an economic motivation the thing is the english formula is a little bit different than the spanish because remember spanish sailed over the new world they got gold which gold equals power because they turn that gold into military vessels particularly naval vessels to exert their influence england's going to do a little bit it's going to take a little bit more because they're going to come over to the new world they're going to want to establish colonies and they're going to extract natural resources which then they can turn into finished products which they can then sell for gold and on and on and on and so you can see that particular uh motivation uh it's it's a bit more roundabout but mercantilism is still good and then of course england is going to tax all that gold that is being generated from all this business to increase the size of their navy so then they can increase their influence and to establish more con more colonies around the world and perpetuate this this idea all right so you can see the economic motivation let's look at religious motivation one you know not granted you have the rival between between the protestants and catholics i'm not going to talk about that but you have a lot of people that are that want to go and evangelize to native americans uh they say you know they basically see the new world as a bunch of people that don't know jesus and they want to go there and and evangelize and establish missions even the english uh one you're gonna have people in that from england that still want to do this um you also have people in england that are being persecuted for their religious beliefs and so they see the new world as an opportunity to to have to escape this persecution and so we will go in much more detail into this later so the question you need to ask why why is it england in the one that's getting involved at this time uh well you have academics in england that's saying basically we need this we need this on all these levels so for example you have a geography professor from oxford university then known as christ college named richard haculet who is pushing for colonization in his book entitled discourse on western planning where he basically says it's necessary for self-defense and for the spread of protestantism basically this is an earlier early idea of manifest destiny basically says native americans they want our english freedom they need our english freedom they just don't know it yet we've got to go over and and educate educate these people um you have you know the religious divisions that are going religious divisions in england that's causing this so you have different different denominations that want their freedom so this is kind of adding on what i said earlier so for example you have pilgrims uh they do the pilgrims are going to be known as as uh they're they're separatists they're radical puritans we'll talk about puritans in a second that want to separate themselves from the church of england they see the church of england as being corrupt and they just want to completely separate themselves puritans have a little bit more of a moderate view of the church of england they just want to purify the church and of course because they are openly opposing the relig the state religion they're going to get persecuted for that as well and then you have quakers who are who are think of them as prototypical americans they don't believe they don't believe in hierarchy uh they swore off the need for clergy uh and they also practice tolerance so they're saying you know we don't need we don't need these figures telling us what to do so think of them as being completely opposite of uh you know they want to get rid of monarchy uh you can even see this and we'll talk more about them in detail later on but whenever they have uh their church services they literally do not have a minister in charge it's just everybody is sitting around and they feel they feel motivated to speak they stand up and speak but like i said we'll talk more about this you're also going to have you know the success that england had against the special model is going to be very encouraging england has a surplus population they have way too many people that are you know that are that that are congregating in cities and so this is a way to relieve some of the stress that is causing and then you also have motivation for younger uh you know younger younger sons of the wealthy uh who can't inherit money so basically the way england is set up if you are you know the oldest son is going to inherit everything so all the other sons are not going to have any opportunities and so they look at america as a way to establish their own themselves outside of their families so let's look at some initial motivations so initial motivations for the english that are going over one you know they've been watching what spain's been doing for a hundred years and so what did spain do they come over and they find a lot of gold and of course right now this is not working there we go they find a lot of gold so i know this is kind of a dated uh image they find a lot of gold and they just think hey we'll just go over there we will find our own gold just like the span the spanish got rich doing that we can do that another motivation is fishing uh fit you know fish you can make at this time especially you know but the bulk of europe being being uh catholic fish there's a huge market for fish especially during the linton season and so a lot of the fisheries there in in europe has been over over harvested and so you have these stories of you know these huge uh schools of fish and in the new world that says untapped you know untapped natural resources did some people go a little too far and talking about the you know the the natural resources yes you get some stupid stuff like you know the the rivers are so packed with fish you can walk across their backs and not get your feet wet if it was really that packed they would eat up all their resources and starve to death but you still you have these ideas that that are floating around and so you have a lot of people that want to come over to the new world uh harvest a whole bunch of fish salt them and then bring them back and sell them to the catholics back in europe uh other natural resources include uh the fur trade that is particularly beaver because they use a lot of beaver pelts because well the main fashion statement at the time is going to be a beaver pelt hat beaver fur is ideal for hats it is thick it is warm it is waterproof and it is all the rage so think of a huge fashion statement that that you know or you know fad that's going on in in fashion today think of that multiply it by you know 200 because this one lasts for several hundred years and so the problem is europe has over trapped a lot of the beaver uh and so the new world is again seen as this unlimited untapped resource so they want to come over and uh and entrap as much beavers they can to make money in this fashion trade uh you have some people that want to find a northwest passage uh through the through the americas they see this as an opportunity to uh you know they can find this they can go they can go right through find this all water passage to asia that's not protected by uh by the portuguese so that's that's going to be an idea until the lewis and clark expedition uh what finally once and for once and for all definitively closes this idea of a northwest passage or an all-water route through the americas to to asia and then of course as i mentioned before um you know trying to convert uh native americans to prosthetism is another major motivation that is that is going to go that is going that's motivating england to go to the new world so let's talk about their initial attempts in mode in colonizing the new world and so during the first half of the 17th century we're looking at early colonization attempts and so the very first colonization attempt was at roanoke island which is just off the coast of north carolina this colonization attempt is going to be led by sir walter reilly they're going to say he established they're going to sail in they're going to set up a colony and it's going to fail miserably i'll talk about why it failed miserably here in just a second because it'll tie everything in and so they decided we're going to load back up on the ship so we're going to turn back to england that winter they get back on the ship and the ship obviously sinks somewhere it is lost at sea nothing has ever been found of of this first attempt so absolute failed failed attempt second attempt is going to be led by john white who is going to be uh who is tapped to be governor of this colonization attempt and he's also an artist and so he's going to be the first englishman to draw a landscape or paint a landscape of of the americas and he gets recalled back from the king to report on on his progress so he brings back some of his artwork and bri and brings the first english images of north america back to europe uh his return back in in the colony he left his entire family he brought everybody and so one of the things that makes it interesting is on the journey there one person died but another person actually a baby was born and his granddaughter was the very first english person born in the new world so he has a lot to get back to his return is delayed by several months and by time he gets back he finds the colony completely deserted and so when he when they return the only evidence of of what happened is croatoa is carved into a fence post i know in this image it's on a tree but it's actually on a fence post and so croto is the name of a local native american tribe and so of course the knee-jerk reaction is oh the crotons came and attacked and killed the people but stop and think about this does that make sense because if you are being attacked are you going to sit there and say hey guys hey hold on one second don't kill me yet let me put you know let me blame y'all for what is going on no no uh basically most most historians believe that they basically is left as a sign saying hey if you want to find us we're with them so why do the colonists leave the colony and go with the with the crotons it's because according to tree samples the first and second attempt at roanoke island occurred at the two worst droughts in that area's history and so without good water you can't survive and so it was just pure bad luck and the first two attempts failed miserably so let's get to attempt number number three and that is of course going to be jamestown and so basically you're going to have a company that is going to be formed it's known as the london company it's a joint stock company they pull their resources together they recruit people to work for them and they are going to go over to the new world and so they they sell on in and they have to and the idea is they want to be close enough to the coast where they can have access back to you know that large ships can come in so they can have access to supplies but at the same time they want to be hidden they because spain there's still a little bit of a fear of spain at this time because spain were to sail up they could wipe out this the settlement and so they actually pick a horribly well based on that strategy it's a good idea based on reality bad place to put because they're right there at the edge of the james river where the james river dumps into chesapeake bay and so what happens is depending on the tide they either have fresh water or salt water and a lot of times it's just it's this really really nasty water that breeds lots of mosquitoes and uh and is going to promote disease so it's like really a bad uh bad bad location for that and so the first people when they come in they're gonna have that initial motivation we talked about they're coming in they're like hey we're just gonna go find gold and so instead of really setting up camp and getting everything ready they're digging they're trying to find gold uh they're doing everything they're that that they shouldn't be doing instead of planting large gardens uh fortifying their position uh building secure housing uh they're out just trying to find trying to find gold and so things are going to get really bad really quick and so it's going to be in a time period uh where you know there's going to be times of of cannibalism there's one instance where a man killed his wife or maybe he didn't kill her but he still definitely was was eating his own life so lots and lots of death that is going to occur and so um and so what happens is is captain john smith is going to rise to the occasion he's going to take control he's like he's telling these people you know what stop looking for gold start making gardens let's start fortifying our position if you don't contribute to this you don't get to eat and so he's basically laying down the law which which really kind of helped helped the people i mean they're still living within that area of brackish water but he's actually able to kind of turn them around get the colony going in the right direction but still i mean it's a really bad the james i can't express enough just how hard life was in jamestown because you're going to have subsequent voyages coming in and bringing in more colonists and so the mortality rate between 1607 and 1609 is going to be over 90 percent it's only about 60 percent only about 60 of the initial 900 colonists these waves of colonists that are coming in survive and so uh so as you can see you needed somebody like john smith to step up uh and to save this calling so john smith ran the colony like a military unit but as soon as things started looking good thing you know life began to improve by 1609 people didn't like the idea of him being in charge and so there's going to be a rise in protest against him and he returns back to england there was an incident where he is shot in the leg we really don't know exactly what happened we don't know if he accidentally shot himself or somebody else did we just know that he knew he was no longer really welcomed and just went back to england for for to help himself and so um but another thing that that uh that john smith does and i will dispel a pretty big myth here is his relationship with pocahontas i'm sure everybody's probably have seen uh the disney movie uh pocahontas uh it couldn't be further from the truth and so the tradition here's a traditional story the traditional story is is that john smith was kidnapped by the local native american nation the powhitans and uh he is brought in and he's about to be killed and then he is completely emasculated by pocahontas where she runs in and says daddy daddy don't kill him because her dad is the chief he is chief palatin says day daddy don't kill him i love him absolutely not true first of all was john smith kidnapped yes did pocahontas have a relationship with john smith no at this time pocahontas is like 9 10 11 years old she did not look like a filipino uh beauty queen uh like as the pig because pocahontas in the disney movie is based off of a real person uh pocahontas was was a pretty stout uh stout young lady her nickname was was amongst the tribe was frisky the english colonist called called her little girl who does cartwheels naked because she she found the english uh fascinating uh did she say daddy don't kill him no it was all part of a process the palatines are not dumb here's because here's the thing the politicians they look at these englishmen they're like these guys are savages these guys are idiots they are morons they don't know how to take care of themselves and so what the palatines were doing was they were laying down the law they were so they kidnapped john smith the leader of of this colony and basically put him underneath the knife to show to basically tell him and the rest of the english hey yeah i'm the captain now but he's basically telling them y'all are underneath my knife i can you know i can do with you what i want and then to completely emasculate him he had his daughter vouch for him and save his life not because she she loved him is part of the ceremony of putting him in his place and so with that it kind of creates a temporary truce because one of the things that english settlers were doing they were desperate they were going in and stealing from from the palatines and so this really kind of establishes a piece to further cement that piece you're going to have a man by the name of john roth who is going to marry pocahontas now he does two things one is his marriage of pocahontas and so with his marriage with pocahontas palutena is no longer going to make war against the english because the english or not you know are you know they are led by his new son-in-law and so this establishes basically a 50-year piece between between the two but john rolfe is going to do something else john roth is going to introduce tobacco and so that's with a plant that's in this this drop is tobacco tobacco is going to be tobacco is where england finds its purpose in the new world this is what really saves jamestown so lots of people are dying the london company is not making a lot of money and so but when they discover they can grow really good tobacco england begins a light bulb goes off because england has been relying heavily on tobacco grown by the spanish well now they have this smoother uh more forgiving strain of tobacco and they just start selling this around the world so think of it as they have a better better product that everybody wants and here's a thing you can show you the difference of people's view of products over time at the time tobacco is seen as a health product if you have a bad cough smoke tobacco if you have cancer smoke tobacco you want to live a long vigorous life smoke tobacco and trust me everybody did now at this time they're not smoking cigars they're not smoking cigarettes everybody smoked pipes and there's this great expedit exposition that they had ever sorry exhibit they had at the smithsonian the last time i was there where you know if you go to jamestown you dig you find all these clay pipes now there's a reason why if you ever look at an old image of a clay pipe they're really long is because they're made out of clay and they tend to they tend to the the where the mouthpiece tends to break off and so you make it longer so the pipe will last longer and people smoke so much that even some of the remains that they found at jamestown you have these perfect holes in the teeth so think of it as a semi-circle on the bottom tooth semi-circle on the top tooth where they had a pipe in their mouth almost you know from the moment they woke up to the moment they they went to bed where it wore away the tooth there was one skull that had two of them one on one on each side of their mouth and that just kind of really you know boggles the mind to think uh that that they smoked that much uh back then uh but basically this is gonna be the money maker for england and now england's looking at the new world they're saying all right we've found our purpose we're gonna be sending over more people to grow more tobacco so we can make we can sell to the rest of the world to make more money and so uh and so the question you have to ask was jamestown's success it had an extremely high mortality rate uh to give you an idea out of the first 14 000 colonists to arrive before 1624 only 1132 survived that is a very high mortality rate they sent over adventures instead of settlers earlier early on but the thing is you got to say england was persistent they found that one crop and so in the end yeah it killed a lot of people but it uh in the end you can call it a success and so over the course of the next century other colonies are going to be established along similar lines to jamestown such as maryland north carolina south carolina and georgia we'll talk a little bit more about those very briefly later on but let's shift gears let's go further up north and so here's one thing to keep in mind further south of these colonies like jamestown going to be more agricultural further north it's going to be more about religious freedom and so we're going to be talking about new england and the people that are coming into and settling into new england are going to be uh the pilgrims so i mentioned them before so everybody you know around thanksgiving everybody always gets you know at least back in the day when we had paper sacks at the grocery store we'd get ourselves a paper sack cut some arm holes and you know get get that going uh as part of the costume for for the for the pilgrims now the pilgrims are going to be very radical they are radical puritans they want they see the church of england as being so corrupt it is beyond redemption they basically want to separate themselves completely so they're also known as separatists and they want to separate themselves completely and form their own church and so uh these pilgrims are going to eventually make their way to the new world now this lecture is going to kind of take a slight detour here because this is to provide some perspective on what really happened and so initially you gotta remember these these puritans these separatists they want to get away from england because they're being persecuted they really don't like the church of england and so you and so most people think oh well they just came straight here to the americas oh no no they weren't that crazy they initially decided hey let's just go to holland we're going to go to holland holland is known for their tolerance uh you know we're going to be fine they're not going to persecute us we can be there to practice our religion so they go they go to holland initially and things are looking good you know people in holland are like hey you like windmills you like wooden shoes come on in well that was a problem as the pure is the separatist children started getting an affinity for you know for the for the latest wood jordans you know they're like oh wooden shoes that's awesome i love windmills now and the parents are freaking out because they're like our kids are being dutchified they're turning you know they're adopting dutch culture we want to be yeah we want to still remain english in this foreign land and so so at this point they're like okay yeah we can't really do this because it goes against everything we want even though we are being tolerated we're not living the lifestyle that that we truly want and so this is what's going to motivate them to come to the new world so they go back to england they start organizing getting everybody together but they don't have enough people to make this venture work and so they're they're going to be part of uh the london company is eventually going to change its name to the virginia company we're you know that's the same company that's that founded jamestown and they're going to contract with them saying hey we want to go to the new world but they don't have enough people to make the voyage and so whenever they come over on the mayflower it's only half of them are going to be separatists the other the other half are going to be the others are going to be other other people they recruited that don't share their religious fervor uh they just want an opportunity and so they sail over on the mayflower uh and and they they the thing is they want to be left alone so they're not going to go anywhere near jamestown they're going to try to go as far north from from jamestown as possible because one they want to stay away from those other colonies influences number two further away from spain a little bit safer and so they start going up and down up and down the coastline you know they're saying oh this place is too hot this place is too cold this place is too rocky the native americans here they look bad and so basically they just keep going up and down the coast until a tragic event happens where they now have to put a short they ran out of beer i'm not joking literally in a diary in a diary journal entry on uh written in this on december 19 1620 they said quote we could not take time for further search or consternate or consideration our rituals being much spent especially our beer and so the reason why they landed at plymouth was not because of plymouth rock was because they ran out of beer now initially you might be thinking well you know why did they drink water water was very dangerous to drink back then people back then drink a lot more alcohol because it was safer because it killed a lot of the bacteria once you in the brewing process and distillation process it killed the bacteria and made it much safer to drink so even little kids were drinking zabia now this is more like oklahoma beer 3 2 beer it's weakened but it's still it's still an alcoholic beverage and so before they put ashore they make a compact since it's a mixed group which is known as the mayflower compact which basically a lot of people say it's an early version of the constitution but it's really just a written documentation it just says all right this is what we're this is how we're going to live all right you know the basic rules and in uh and stan and standards that everybody should adhere to because technically where they settled was outside of the jurisdiction of the virginia company and so they put ashore they they start building their houses and they hit they land at one of the worst times so this this english luck of of landing at bad times continue and so in the winter of 1620 to 1621 the highest recorded temperature was 25 degrees only 44 the original 102 settlers survived now when springtime came things kind of take a change a turn for the surreal they run into this native american and they walk up to them they're like you know wow you know and he basically looks up and goes how you doing and he's speaking perfect english you're like what what's going on here this is going to be squanto uh and esquanto basically he knows english he had been enslaved on earlier expedition brought back you know brought to to europe um he is taught uh english and he makes his way back to find his his nation had is gone he had died completely died and so he is uh living in a local with another local nation there in in massachusetts and so he kind of helps the pilgrims adapt to this new climate so you know he teaches them how to farm using the three sisters which is squash uh and corn oh what's the other one that's gonna bug me um and the uh beans i want to say it's beans i'll top my head uh where you know you did you dig a hole you put a fit dead fish in it you put in the seeds you put in a mound the corn grows up and the vines can get a little bit more sun by growing up the corn stalks and they kind of work together and so when the springtime harvest comes they have a bountiful harvest and so the puritans do what europeans do they have a spring festival a harvest festival and so they're sitting there partying and squanto and and and the the you know and the nation he belongs to now kind of shows up they're like bruh why don't you invite us to the party and so they just say all right we'll be right back they invite themselves to this this spring festival uh harvest festival they bring in some deer uh some and uh some other pro whatever other animals they can find and they join in the festivities for three days and we consider this the first thanksgiving uh in the united states what it really boils down to is it's the first kind of spring harvest festival that is celebrated in that area between uh and and it's going to be passed on now thanksgiving is going to change over the years for a long time thanksgiving was a day of fasting uh so it was transformed from a from a from the spring had grown out of the spring festival to something all of its own to where it is today there's a day of getting family together eating a whole bunch of food making yourself sick and watching football all right and so things are looking good they you know the the puritans i mean these pilgrims they are you know they're engaged in the fur trade they're harvesting all the virgin lumber in the region and things are are looking good and they establish underneath the leadership of william bradford a very successful uh colony of massachusetts bay colony bradford is going to be one of the more successful leaders he's going to every they had annual elections and he won the election 30 years uh straight uh and by in uh and by by 1691 plymouth finally merged with the massachusetts bay colony with other puritans um in in the area uh to establish the massachusetts uh the colony of massachusetts um and so let's look at these other puritans um these other puritans are going to be coming in more north so the the pilgrims coming in southern massachusetts the rest of the the puritans are coming into northern massachusetts and so these pure these puritans they want to again like i mentioned before they want to purify the church you know they're saying you know they want to purify a lot everything going on so for example they say you know playing cards or bad gambling is bad but playing cards are bad because they are the origins of of playing cards that we have today come from tarot tarot cards and so they they want to get rid of of everything they want they wear drab clothes they want to avoid pleasure these puritans are a little bit different in their approach and so think of the the the pilgrims as being these puritans on steroids so we're kind of still talking about a group just the pilgrims that first landed are the more radical of the groups but one of the things these puritans have they have a very strong work ethic and so one of their tenants in life is from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep you must be doing something you must be doing something constructive because you're not doing anything constructive you're doing something that takes away from the glory of god and so they group together in congregations they're going to be very similar kind of a modern equivalent and this would be uh would be the amish and so these congregations are there to help one another so somebody needs a barn everybody gets together and they build them a barn so think of it like barn raisings and so they also have a strong conviction or strong sense of responsibility for the unconverted and so this creates very good relations with native americans and they're able to establish a 50-year peace treaty what the wapa no ag indians in in the area and so the major leader of these puritans is going to be john winthrop who is who is a minister that wants to establish massachusetts uh as a city on the hill or a model of christian charity so everybody can look and say all right this is this is what christianity can do in a new land that is untainted by the old world except for its people that came in and settled but hey who's splitting hairs right um and so he wants us to be the example for the rest of the world now massachusetts is going to have a very good success rate their success their mortality rate is only about 25 percent compare that to 90 percent of what's going what happened in virginia the reason it was well planned they had established leadership with john winthrop they brought over whole families and settlers instead of adventures and they created these tight-knit communities that could help one another whenever there was uh whenever there was an issue that that arose and so there's gonna be offshoots obviously from massachusetts such as rhode island and new hampshire now new hampshire is basically uh the king had granted it to a friend as a proprietary colony so basically his friend wanted to make some money so the king says all right hey here's some land this colony is yours make find a way to make money off of it and so uh so this is still going to be in nearby uh and then of course you're going to have rhode island which was a refuge for exiled appearance puritans exiled people on a regular basis you did not do what was expected of you you got kicked out of the community and so most people were sent down to rhode island which had a very bad reputation it was called rogues island by people but it was just basically a refuge and we'll go into a little bit more detail on this uh later on the lecture and so with this i want to take a quick pause and continue in just a second all right we're back uh we're going to shift gears we're going to start looking at life in the colonies and so we're going to start by looking at so think of this as time going so we've talked about establishing uh to the major colonies and let's talk about how things are progressing you know why they are succeeding in america in the in the early years so basically uh from founding to 1630 we're going to start in the mid-atlantic region so basically jamestown or virginia maryland and the carolinas and so their survival basically is because of persistence and the main thing that that allowed their development is obviously going to be tobacco so here's another this is what tobacco looks like in the field so virginia north carolina and maryland are predominantly producing tobacco rice and indigo are being produced in south carolina so indigo is a is a is a plant that's used to make blue dyes now one thing you may i'll just throw this out here right now a lot of students will say you know what about cotton i thought cotton was big cotton there's a little bit of cotton being grown but cotton does not become a major staple or cash crop in in the americas until the late 1900s and so we're still in the early 1600s and so tobacco production is going to skyrocket so the first crop was put in in 1617 by 1624 they're producing around 200 000 pounds don't write this just get the idea don't write these numbers down by 1638 3 million pounds is being produced by 1688 18 million pounds are being produced now what are the you know what what is the labor that is producing this now of course initially the knee jerk reaction would be would be slaves slaves or the slaves are going to be introduced into uh virginia in 1619 by dutch traders but slaves are going but the even these slaves are going to be treated more like indentured servants and so um and so endurance servants here's an advertisement for for indentured servants indentured servants are uh these are people that want to get to they want to be part of the colony but they can't afford the trip they're not being hired by by these companies they just want to come over and stake their own claim and so what happens are the people that are already established that are growing for example growing tobacco are going to pay for their way to come in to the colonies well under pro almost under a promise that they will work for them for about seven years to pay off not only their voyage but also uh debt to you know they're going to give them land so this work is going to be for that lamb so in exchange for seven years of service they get passage they get land that they and they eventually get their freedom but here's the thing indentured servants are going to be treated very very brutally because uh you know you only get seven years with these intention servants and so the people that that are hiring these indentured servants are going to try to get 10 years worth of work out of them and so it's a very brutal treatment treatment and as we will see very very shortly uh after 1676 endurance service began to be replaced more you know be replaced by slaves but we will we will get to there uh very very shortly um land is very cheap land is very attractive you know even today i mean i love being able to get 100 acres here in texas that'd be amazing but basically um captains would give you know would get uh it's kind of like the impresario system that helped settle texas captains of boats would get land for as many people as they could could recruit as well um to come to bring them over into the colonies um and so land is is very cheap land gave you ahead you know gave you a title i gave you head right so you could be called mister uh if and be able to vote uh so for example uh one of the things that if you own land you can vote and so england is going to transplant english values into these english colonies and so one of the things they do is they have local government so for example in virginia they have the house of burgess where if you had land you had a you you could vote in in those elections women are going to be extremely important to the colonies because obviously women are going to increase the population but more importantly women have have an ability to influence men uh they have a you know they time you know men obvious men and you know when you have a wife you're not going to be so much uh tempted to go out for adventure or look for gold instead you're going to stay and you're going to work to to raise crops to feed your family and so women play a very vital role in in maintaining some control over the men in these colonies uh and so so women are are extremely vital uh indian policies are going to change so far we've been talking about any policy as being relatively positive but as more and more colonists come in these later waves are going to no longer need to rely on native americans are going to start mistreating native americans and so uh colonists are lying and cheating more often native americans are breaking treaties they're uh they're stealing food um and now they're you know they you know they have the same view of native americans as native americans have the colonists they view them as savages as being less than human and ignorant um i know this is one fact that most people don't you know that never rarely ever hears native americans view of the english that's exactly the same as the way the english viewed them um you know i always use this example uh you know famous example of how native americans viewed themselves there was a tribe in texas here in texas called the humanos uh and it's essentially it's what they say they well we're the humans y'all are all less than human essentially is what they're saying and so this is going to lead to some really poor treatment of native americans and it's going to lead uh to a uh to retaliation in 1622 when the english killed a religious prophet known as nemeth anu in which the the after after the english had killed methamphetamine uh the the virginians killed me nimmin at the new uh the native americans launched a surprise attack killing 25 percent of the jamestown population around 350 people one area which was known as martin's 100 was completely destroyed and grown over it wasn't rediscovered again until you know it was it was destroyed in 1622 wasn't rediscovered again until the 1970s now you may ask yourself how in the world could that possibly happen trust me local knowledge can disappear like that i give a great example uh in san antonio just north of 1604 along i-35 you know millions of people been driving by this field for years for decades and once they finally cleared it they realized there was a stagecoach station in that field but because it was neglected it grew you know trees had grown up people completely forgot about it and so once they started clearing they rediscovered it and realized this is the last standing stagecoach station in texas so it doesn't take very long for people to forget about something and for the area to grow up or grow over it where you can no longer recognize what was once there and so let's talk about the growth of virginia so agricultural league tobacco is going to continue to dominate particularly on the river banks again think about this you grow crops you need to ship them you want to ship them by water not by not by uh not by wagon and so virginia really develops a one crop economy which creates a stratification of wealth where the people the first families that come in and settle and have this rich land on the river banks because the land is richer there because of deposits from flooding and they have access to you know faster asset access to markets and so uh you know they're not going to be giving up this land so indentured servants are coming over they're giving them land further inland away from these from the more valuable lands and so also these first families they want to have good peaceful relations with native americans after the surprise attack and so they're going to say hey hey no more no more attacking native americans we're no longer going to be encroaching further down the river on good native american land you know so it's limiting the opportunities for these indentured servants and so these indigenous servants are going to get kind of upset it's they you know they're they're they're put in a position where they work seven years yes they do get they do get land when they're done but they have limited access to markets the land is not as is not not that good and they are being restricted from expanding out to where to get better land for themselves and so um and so in 1676 you're going to have indentured servants revolt and this is going to be known as bacon's rebellion and so what happens is you're going to have a leader a local leader sir francis bacon who is going to rally the indentured servants to attack to go in and and to defy the orders of the governor of virginia his name is william berkley and so they're going to go and attack native american lands in order to expand for these indentured servants so to make a long story short um berkeley is going to you know he's obviously going to get crossways with bacon berkeley even though bacon himself is wealthy he is tying himself in with with these new settlers berkeley is going to order his arrest bacon is going to convince his men to turn their attention back to jamestown basically burn half of jamestown to the ground before bacon catches swamp fever and dies so with the death of the leader the movement began begins to slow and ends but what this does is creates a moment where the people in virginia are looking around they're saying hey this is a bad situation you know we can't no longer rely on these individual servants because they are an open revolt you also have a lot of injured servants that just go off and run away they can blend in into another colony and and just melt away and so this is why bacon's rebellion is one of the most pivotal moments in american history but yet not that many people know about it which is kind of a travesty so this is the moment a hundred years before the you know the signing of the declaration of independence this is when the united states decides or well not the united states they're not the united states yet but virginia decides we are going to go away from indentured servants and we're going to rely on african slaves because african african slaves will have a much more difficult time breaking away meaning thinking of breaking contracts and going and settling in other colonies also african slaves come in with not working agricultural knowledge which is pretty valuable and once the slaves are brought in they are ins they are enslaved in perpetuity so these are known as chattel slavery so this is this is the moment in the history of the colonies when you have this shift from indentured servants to african slaves and so this is a huge huge moment uh in the history of the united states will eventually become the united states all right let's look at some other colonies and talk about their importance i'm not going to spend too much time on these let's start off with maryland maryland is pretty easy to remember maryland is you know it's it's it is what it is mary's land it is a haven for catholics so you still have some catholics in england they're being persecuted and so they come to maryland uh so the reason why it's easy remember is because you know in the catholic church uh you know jesus mother mary uh is uh is a pretty prominent figure and so you're gonna be involved in the tobacco trade another major colony to consider is going to be the west indies and so the west indies are going to be wrestled away from parts of it are going to be wrestled away from from the spanish and this is going to have a very important role in the development of of the americas um and so what what happens what happens is there's certain like in jamaica they're starting to produce uh sugar and so you have these sugar plantations and so this becomes vital with the slave trade because what happens is slaves are going to be bro are going to be brought from western africa and they're going to be brought to these islands where they're going to be quote unquote seasoned if they survive a year these if these enslaved people will survive a year then they know that they can get more money when they sell them to the mainland now this is an old practice the spanish had done this before you've been doing this for for a couple hundred years at this point and the english are going to start adopting some of these strategies by by the by the uh by the spanish and so the west indies becomes this stopping off point for enslaved people before they are slave before they are brought up into the north american colonies now here's one of the interesting things the bulk of the population are going to be is going to be enslaved and so in order to control the majority population of enslaved people you have slave codes that are going to be created to control these large populations now one of the interesting things is a lot of the people from the west indies when they migrate into the north american colonies they tend to migrate up into south carolina and they're going to bring in these slave codes along along with them um and so uh and so you can see why even today south carolina has a little bit different racial view uh and it can be tied loosely to to the slave codes that were brought up from from the west indies now north carolina will eventually emerge and north carolina is a completely different creature north carolina is kind of the uh is one of the oddest states in the south because even though it is surrounded by southern states it has more of a northern attitude it's because a lot of quakers are going to settle up in north carolina and bring in their their ideas of tolerance but we'll talk more about about the quakers later so let's uh let's look at georgia i'm not going to spend much time on georgia georgia is going to be a penal colony so people that are deep in debt are going to be instead of serving terms you know the idea of penitentiaries are don't exist so instead instead of keeping these people locked up uh they send them to georgia to try to work off some of their debt and so one of the interesting things about georgia is they have very strict rules and regulations over the people such as it's you know no alcohol alcohol is prohibited in georgia at the time a lot of missionaries including very famous leaders of denominations like charles wesley who founded the methodist church came to evangelize in in georgia as well all right let's go up north let's look at some northern colonies let's look at new york new york is going to be initially established by the dutch and so it's initially known as new netherland and new york itself was known as new amsterdam so was it true that uh that the dutch were able to acquire long island for for uh for some um some trinkets yes um and so that's absolutely true and so this becomes a very critical location because of its access to the hudson river and its location you have easy access to the ocean you have access to many other colonies in the region and so and so what happens is england sees this and they're they're basically going to run the dutch out of out of the area but the dutch before you know the dutch are going to leave uh some impact on the region um as as we will see uh but before i even go any further there's a lot of other groups are going to be in this area and so even today new york is full of uh you know a sundry of groups of people speaking numerous languages uh you have one jesuit missionary in new amsterdam new york city once counted 18 different languages being spoken on the streets and what would be considered today in new york um so the deads are going to get kicked out but like i said they're going to leave their impact one of the reasons why there is a a huge and um you know you can well i'll just go over this very quickly they leave behind ideas like uh santa claus we get this we get santa claus from the dutch easter eggs are are part of dutch culture uh waffle sauerkraut bowling slaying skating and they even introduce golf uh to to the new world uh new jersey i'm not gonna spend much time on new jersey it's just an offshoot of new york uh the duke of york who was the brother of charles ii the king at the time uh gave it to his friend as proprietary colony basically hey you want to make some money here's some land do what you what you can with it so let's let's talk about let's move up to looking at massachusetts so like i said we talked about mid-atlantic gave a little bit of details on a few of the other colonies we're really going to be focusing again back on on massachusetts and so um make a long story short um i was going to talk i'll just talk about some some basic stuff here i was going to go all the way back to martin luther but that's really not going to be pertinent um basically as i mentioned before puritans they're going to they're going to they will they only believe invisible saints they only believe in that you know only only visible saints people that have a conversion experience and they live a very pure life can be admitted to church membership um and so and so they live a very very strict strict life and so but there's one problem with that is you're going to have a lot of people that you know it's more of a theocracy up in massachusetts with the with the puritans and so there's going to be some people that are that are going to turn away from uh from from this treatment and and start going away from the church and so let's look at a couple of persecutions one is going to be the persecution of roger williams roger williams uh wanted to separate completely from the anglican church very similar to the separatists but he basically was saying you know what we we should not have forced our mandatory uh attendance he basically says quote force worship stinks in god's nostrils he also wanted to split up this theocracy and so he's kind of an oddball in their society he's wanting to take away power from the clergy and so they are not going to tolerate this uh this idea and so he was forced to flee anybody want to guess where he went where's all the exiled puritans go he went to rhode island another example is is anne hutchinson she she uh she started rubbing the clergy the wrong way because she started saying hey i've been receiving direct revelations from god and so of course the church fathers are like that's a challenge to their authority especially coming from a woman and so make a long story short they're gonna they're gonna have a trial for her but instead of killing her they're going to exile her to rhode island but her her every her story ends very tragically because she was pregnant at the time she was exiled from massachusetts uh lost a baby in rhode island and eventually made her way up to new york where she was killed uh by uh by in a in a native american attack and so you can see where uh where there are you know they're the puritans are are kind of running into some problems so much so that they start losing members that people you know subsequent generations they're no longer being persecuted and so they're like why are we tolerating a lot of this you know this rigid lifestyle and so their member their church members membership starts to decline and when their church membership starts to climb they start losing political power and start losing economic power because they're no longer able to collect as much tithing and so they started getting very desperate they started doing stuff like the halfway covenant which was you know before before 1662 you had to have a conversion experience go in front of the congregation say i've had this conversion experience i am you know i'm going to live a saintly life uh and so after that they just basically say hey you know what if your parents were members you are a halfway member where you you have to tithe but you can't vote and so it's kind of kind of trying to get the best of both worlds so eventually where all they just basically had to have is somebody to say hey i want to be a member and they're like yay and eventually join in and so you can see where the the puritans the the puritan clergy are starting to lose power very quickly because they are no longer that persecuted group that kept those congregations such in such tightly knit communities and so let's look at indian relations real quick before we move on looking at other groups you know similar to to the chesapeake region we had talked about where the surprise attack uh but there's going to be a major uprising uh in 1637 known in connecticut in modern day connecticut known as the pequot war this is going to be the first major conflict with native americans in the northern colonies and to make a long story short is going to be one of the uh it's going to end up with the pequots themselves being completely wiped out because the dutch are going to be involved so think of it as a conflict between the dutch and and and the colonists spewing over into native american lands wanting more native expanding in native american lands and native americans paid a price for it uh the last major conflict we'll talk about up in massachusetts is or in new england it's going to be king phillips war basically the the whopping no wags and never consents went on a rampage they felt that uh they they were resisting uh the the puritan missionaries they're upset that you know kind of the same thing with the puritan or they're upset about being their children becoming dutchified uh you know the wampanoags and nerika says were upset that their children were being converted to to christianity and so uh and so metacomet is going to launch this attack and it's and when he dies it basically and it's called king phillips war because king philip is a derogatory term or derogatory name that the english settlers had given him um they killed him put his head on display which basically ended this conflict but in the annals of american history this is one of the bloodiest conflicts ever uh one out of every 10 soldiers on each side dies so 10 casualty rate is pretty is extremely high for any military conflict but basically this eliminates all mo this basically eliminates native american resistance in new england from that point forward all right one more group we're going to look at and then this lesson is is done we're going to start looking at at the quakers finally and so the quakers you know we're going to be talking about pennsylvania by the way the quakers that's not their actual name that's actually a derogatory name for a group known as society of friends so the society of friends was founded by george fox back in england in 1647 because he's disillusioned with a lot of christian leaders he basically is upset saying hey you know you're forcing a lot of stuff on people we want to teach tolerance we don't like you know i mentioned before they don't like hierarchy so they're going to have a clergy-less faith and so one of the things that they were known for was um having very emotional responses uh to religious events and so one of the things that a lot of these uh members of the society of friends would do is they would they would start shaking uh with with religious excitement and so the derogatory term quakers because they quaked uh was brought on and of course like so many people they take something a derogatory term and adopt it as their own to take away the sting of it and so the quakers have you know whenever they have uh their meetings basically they just kind of sat around in a circle anybody felt moved by the spirit they would get up and start evangelizing so you can imagine there are some long everybody's had the you know know those people in our society that get long-winded um and so uh so those church services were known to last an entire day on sundays but basically there's no ceremonies so very anti-catholic they're pacifist they also believe in equality of the sexes there's a very strong missionary zeal to go and convert native americans and so when the the quakers come over underneath the leadership of william penn and so the reason why pennsylvania is called pennsylvania is because william penn and sylvania stands for for wood so it's known as pins woods now william penn founded the co founded pennsylvania in 1681 because king charles ii's brother owned owed williams father a very large debt and so basically says hey i don't have that cash for you but how about give you a colony in the new world and pin is like deal and pennsylvania is established and it's established on a very liberal constitution uh so there's no very there's no strict regulations uh in their society um you know it's very welcomingly very welcome uh they have religious toleration any group is allowed to come in uh their relationship with the native americans excellent par none uh it was not uncommon for quakers to take their kids to the local native american tribes and babysit their kids while they went you know while they went to town went going to town took several days and vice versa and so very good relations uh between quakers and native americans um they built they have a lot of big stress on individual rights and they are the first abolitionist in in what will become the united states but there's problems with this design it sounds great but there's problems they have an open immigration policy i'm in no way trying to make any comments on modern day immigration policies but this is um because i've been given this lecture for uh for you know 20 plus years it's the exact same thing i've been saying before the controversy came around but uh basically different views start peripheral proliferating within their colony but because they had you know they opposed the lack of authority they didn't want to stand up and tell people tell those people hey y'all need to you know you need to adopt our way of life no they're they're just saying hey yeah we'll leave you all alone and so you have these people that are a little bit more ambitious that don't share uh the you know the the view of non hierarchy and the lack of authority and so what happens is you know that combined that with a lack of a rallying point similar to the puritans they're no longer being persecuted and so the quakers are going to be overrun by uh by these different groups and and lose control of their own own colonies and but overall they're going to have some of the same problems as the other colonies but they're going to be generally success more successful because they come a little bit later they're they're bringing over whole families that have a mission and so as you can see the early life in the colonies was extremely hard a lot of different groups of people here trying to make a living while engaging in conflict with native americans and pushing native americans out of their region so hopefully when you are done with this lecture you get the idea that uh of of these early stages of colonization what a lot of people went through and the impact that it has you know they're establishing the tone of what will eventually become the united states so as always if you have any questions feel free to contact me and when you're done with this watch lecture three take care