Transcript for:
CBDCs and Financial Policy Collapse: Historical Context and Future Predictions

[Music] cbdcs right now are being used largely because the financial system is imploding they've been borrowing money since World War II with no intention of paying anything back and the problem comes that for example here in 2024 the interest expenditures are going to be a trillion dollars for the year when Ronald Reagan came to power in 1980 the national debt was 1 trillion so it's getting completely out of control at this stage in the game and um the way countries default is when you're in these Ponzi schemes you issue new debt simply to pay off the old if nobody buys the new debt then you can't redeem the old one and that's when the default comes the state of the fiscal policy in all Western governments is they've been uh following down this this model of just constantly borrowing and if you go back and you see Keen he said during a recession all right you can lower taxes which they never want to do um or go into deficit spending because people are are not spending their money they're saving so uh they use that as justification as they see we can't spend deficit but then he said that for a recession and they you know have deficit spending during a you know a boom time uh and this is why the central banks which a lot of people blame um are not at fault uh they are in in a real dilemma because keyan economics is no longer working raise interest rates to stop inflation that was you know from the 1930s when the government had a balanced budget so raising interest rates or low interest rates affected us directly now the government is the biggest borrower so they rais interest rates to stop inflation fine we spend less but does anybody in government say oh gee the Federal you know the the Central Bank wants us to spend less so let's reduce our spending of course not yeah and the interest expenditures go up anyhow when our interest expenditures this year are going to be a trillion dollars in 2024 compared to with the national debt in 1980 was 1 trillion uh rowing this debt the interest is just going to consume all the spending uh that's basically what happens we've already reached a different point 70% of the spending of the national debt it's just interest a cumulative interest because they never pay anything off the debt could never possibly be paid back so this is why throughout history governments end up the folting um you know that in part that's also Why They are promoting War uh which is very strange uh you know in the days of Nixon everybody was interested in world peace now everybody wants War and the main reason they want war is because war is the perfect example uh and excuse for a default war is always the means to basically default you can go buy all the bonds on eBay Etc from I mean uh Europe because then you form a new government when you form a new government that doesn't honor the Debs of the last one uh even the United States the revolution that we had you know they said oh we're going to honor the the debts of the Continental Congress they never did um not once has any government ever paid off the debt of a previous government they all default um I mean even if you go to the in ancient Greece the the island of De delos which was kind of like a central bank back then they have a EST Stella with a list of all the the cities that defaulted and you know you're you're going back to 400 BC and they still defaulted there's no other way out of this they all end up defaulting I suppose the best example is what happened to the city of of mains ma a i NZ in Germany that's where the Gutenberg Press was it was like a big dotom bubble and they started borrowing money anticipating that the tax revenue was never going to decline always increase and they start taxing the rich the the rich left including Gutenberg um and then they couldn't pay off the debt and so they couldn't sell new debt to pay off the old and they ended up defaulting the pope ended up excommunicating everybody and the creditors that didn't get paid ended up sacking the city so um there's no good example where this has ever ever been resolved um even once they need the cbdcs at this point in time because first of all there are no move you know mirrors in Washington or Brussels we are always the problem and the official number uh that I saw from like the Internal Revenue Service is that 35% um of us do not pay taxes so cbdcs are basically uh the ultimate control you eliminate cash and then they think that will eliminate the underground economy you hire that 16-year-old girl next door to watch the kids while you and your wife go out to dinner and you gave her 20 bucks oh my God she didn't pay taxes you know uh this is the way they think and I've argued with them you know look I don't care what you collect whatever you collect you always spend more but they're they act in their own self-interest and the whole purpose of the cbdc is to eliminate the underground economy and they think they're going to increase their tax collection by 35% and I don't care how much they increase it it's not going to solve the problem the cbdcs are not going to solve the end game every country they end up defaulting and as I said you can go to the island at delos and they list the cities that defaulted and that was the 400 BC so nothing's changed um the uh raising uh taxes won't cover it because basically Capital can always hoard not invest and move off uh and it's labor that gets you know the squee really that's what H they can't hoard their labor okay um Capital can hoard and refuse to invest uh you have basically uh Biden proposing a 44.6% uh capital gains tax so you know then what's the point of investing you know you then will people won't invest and then you'll create Less jobs and our computers showing we're heading into a recession uh from May of 2024 into 2028 uh raising taxes going to cbdcs all of this stuff will reduce the economic activity period and inflation is not going to subside because we're dealing uh a computer showing a decline and economic activity um in the West in particular between uh May 7th of 2024 into 2028 and that will be perpetuated by this Insanity of raising taxes that will kill investment uh by Biden moving to 44.6% uh on a capital gains tax is that really people have to understand when it comes to money there's no difference between a Democrat and a Republican to to keep the the ball going and keep things uh in line you just saw the what the speaker did he gave up everything for Ukraine um and then they're waving flags Ukraine on the floor of this of Congress they lie about everything if you look at uh hiring 880,000 IRS agents the data is already in who are they auditing people under 200,000 yeah why because because if you have a a serious business you have lawyers and accountants to do all that all right you don't it's a small business guy that uh does it himself whatever and um those are the people they're after it's not the Bill Gates and and Warren Buffett that always sounds nice you know jet yelling well we're going to bring the auditing down $600 and I don't think Elon Musk is selling a used bike on eBay for $600 if we look objectively throughout history um why did Communism fail all right um most people don't know but uh Vladimir Lenin actually wanted to model the Soviet Union after the United States that all these different states would be independent retain their sovereignty and could succeed if they wanted uh stalen it's widely assumed that stalen actually poisoned Lenin and to seize control and lennin had actually written a letter do not let Stalin suceed me and he was want to get to the same re it f it fell because it was stal who then seized all control to a centralized government all right when you have a centralized government dictating to everybody they never succeed because we have different cultures uh even in the United States I mean California I mean they'll have an abortion up to one month before the baby's born that offends people in the in the Bible Belt um you know you have although a United States We have basically four different types of economies uh and four in different cultures you can't dictate and say now I have power because I was elected with 52.9% of the vote so therefore now it's my turn to oppress everybody else that's not civilization the debt is moving exponentially now the Federal Reserve as I said with ke and economics has lost control If they raise interest rates to to fight inflation what happens government expenditure increases keyan economics has has failed as I said it was it the theory was put forth during the Great Depression when the federal government had a balanced budget so you raised interest rates it affected us directly today the government is the biggest borrower so if the FED raises interest rates to try and reduce inflation we make contract but it has no impact upon the government other than the interest expenditures can continue to rise so there's no way out of this the FED cannot possibly solve the problem because it's not the problem the problem is simply the government uh fiscal spending of over which no Central Bank has control this is the whole purpose of the cbdcs um a lot of people understand it's more control but it's it's worse than that okay they see it as the means to collect more money they think they'll be able to collect more taxes by 35% but I don't care if you take 100% of you know all the money Bill Gates has Soros and you know everybody else you don't even balance the budget for a year I mean it's it's beyond repair at this at this stage so the cbdcs is more a uh an attempt to gain absolute control Capital controls um they can literally is completely programmable uh they don't want you to to donate money to Trump oh cuz he's anti-democratic or whatever they can prevent you from donating any money to any particular politician they want uh Capital controls what they will do if there's a war in in Europe with u Ukraine and Russia they'll put Capital controls on so you can't take your money out of Europe um this is these are things that they have always attempted to do all right but with cbdcs it will be 100% this is the ultimate goal of government that like I said it they never look at themselves it's always we or the enemy honestly we need term limits because you're never going to have a government by the people or for the people as long as there is a uh Perpetual political class the solution here has been often clouded because you have a lot of people um pointing the fingers at the Federal Reserve and that's just it's just nonsense um the Federal Reserve is not the problem all right it it is the only thing that is functioning actually and people don't know the the the history but in World War II the government said okay we're going to war so the Fed was directed and complied that um with putting a cap on interest rates so interest rates didn't rise dramatically during World War II then the White House asked them to do it again for the for the Korean War and the FED refused uh we're not going to do this all the time and so that was the big rift made Front Page News back then um and the Federal Reserve refused to follow the White House so just in in December 23 and you have to understand central banks when pal came out and said the spending is unsustainable this is the first time the Federal Reserve has publicly criticized the white house since 1951 the Central Bank cannot prevent this cannot deal with it because they have no control over the fiscal spending period so if you want a stable government it has to be a government that is not allowed to borrow money because they will always borrow money to bribe the people to retain power all right we need um term limits uh to return the government to the you know people by the people where you're there and say okay fine looks good on your resume I did my two years in Congress you know I donated my time to the to for the nation um this is what you need you know and and we have to understand that uh when the founding fathers created it Congress would only meet a few weeks of the Year all it wasn't full-time that started like more you know after like 1820 or so and then to get salaries that's how they got people to to sign on uh with the North uh during the you know the Lincoln era in the in the Civil War vote for us and we'll give you a salary all year long and so your permanent salaries came in in the 1850s uh before then there was no you you know you donated your time to the country uh so once you now create a political class they will do whatever they need to do to retain that power I mean if you pay them you know they were paid on a per dayum basis uh before then you have to have uh people that are there for for a real reason you know um you they get there and they start end up uh with this whole issue of just how much money can I get out of it um I mean you know like when the clintons left the white ass they stole Furniture I mean come on um oh it was a gift to no it's to the country not to you you know um but this is unfortunately what we have uh we have politicians that you know it's like going into uh you know Runing a room in a hotel and you don't take just the soup you know the the soap you take the bed too um I think that you have to understand the reason they're moving to cbdcs is because the fiscal side of this monetary system is collapsing you have um unfortunately and not to be political but you know the reason they they want Biden is because he's in Delaware 40% of the time and uh this allows the agencies unelected to do whatever they want and he should be there a president's role in these cabinet meetings is to be the referee so here you have the state department in the hands of these neocons threatening world war against everybody including China uh and China happens to be the largest holder of US debt so then you end up with Janet Yellen having to hop on a plane to go to China and say please continue to buy our debt look the fiscal spending is out of control and as I've said the way government's default is when you can't sell the new debt so you have like the state department threatening China which is the largest holder of debt if they don't continue to buy debt two things happen one interest rates go up making the deficits here worse and eventually if you can't sell the bonds you default so that's what the cbdcs are really about total control uh they think that you know you won't be able to move your money they'll get 35% more in taxes um it's basically because the fiscal side of the budget is out of control the only possible solution to this and it's be realistic is that government cannot possibly um be allowed to borrow they're just not trustworthy period they'll never pay it off and once they start tapping into it they will continue um uh Sir Isaac Newton um no um that's once they uh start borrowing uh they will just continue um that's gresham's law gresa was representing the English crown in in the Amsterdam Market and as the English crown was was debasing its currency nobody would lend to it because if they got repaid the currency would be worth less than it was before that was gresham's law he saw what was happening this is what's happening right now uh as inflation continues to go um you know when you you buy a 10-year bond what's it going to buy when 10 years from now when they repay you um I met with the treasury uh back in 1980 when when Paul vuler had raised these interest rates to insane levels and I met with them and I said guys the national debts going to double in less than 10 years and they very calmly said to me yes Marty but we'll be paying back with cheaper dollars the only solution here is um government is not allowed to borrow and we have to stop this Marxist agenda um of that's what brought down communism when I was young the thing that struck me about history was that uh all these Empires Rose and fell and they were all buried in this in a common grave individually we learn because we take our finger we stick it in to a the flame of a candle even though our parents says hey don't do that it's going to hurt we still do it it hurts we don't do it again and then we tell our child not to do it and they do it all right we learn from our mistakes individually but collectively society never learns they always end up with the same situation our government is is will fail Republicans are forms of government is the most corrupt because everybody's for sale uh even a dictatorship in a monarchy um are less corrupt because you can't bribe them but when we have supposed Representatives uh they're all up for sale that's what basically brought down Rome so collectively we don't learn and as a result government will never ever uh hand back power we are in a situation where the fiscal budgets are just out of control and will continue to get out of control so the cbdcs for example or means to impose control to try and retain that power longer all right but it will fail and then what happens is it breaks up you cannot impose a single rule of you know one size fits all for everybody if we look at history you'll see it's the same pattern over and over and over again it has been quite remarkable uh and even Paul vulker a former head head of the Federal Reserve came out and said yes the business cycle is about 8 years and so we're looking at a decline from uh May 7th which will continue into uh 2028 but you're going to see inflation Rising because of shortages the first bottom is going to be 2028 then you you go up into 2032 and after that we get to redesign government War inflation stagflation into 2028 so we're for four years yes then there's a little glimmer of hope between then to 2032 a little bit um not much that's when they'll try and push the uh one world government as the solution blah blah blah and that will fail and then we get to redesign everything when that fails and the model's pretty clearly showing that oh yeah this just it's inevitable okay look our model is basically showing that we're we're turning down after May 7th into 2028 economically that will be a recession with Rising inflation mainly from shortages what we then would call that inflation will be greater than the economic growth okay so you're looking at stag inflation um after that there'll be a bounce which will be more or less attempt to um create uh a one world government with the United Nations Etc that will fail our model is basically showing that after May 7th we're going into a recessionary trend into 2028 this is going to be because of raising taxes cbdcs that they're trying to put into control the economy which will fail and uh at that stage in the game we're looking at what we call stagflation because they're also looking at creating Wars so the economic growth will be less than the inflationary growth which is stagflation uh after that there'll be a bounce um with the United Nations trying to say see we are the solution One World Government stop Wars blah blah blah uh that will fail and then after that uh which will will be 2032 after that we get to uh redesign government ourselves and hopefully this time we learn from our past mistakes people individually learn from their mistakes like I said you can uh tell a child don't stick your finger in in the flame uh everybody sticks their finger in the flame they know it hurts and they don't do it again so individually we learn from our past mistakes but collectively we do not okay collect ly Society does not learn which is why all civilizations have risen and fallen and they're all buried in a single common grave our system basically is out of control the government spending is reckless um pal the Federal Reserve chairman I believe in December 23 had came out and said this is unsustainable and it it's very correct I mean this Central Bank cannot control the fiscal side of spending and this is what cbdcs are all about because they know that one U it's out of control and two that basically they think that moving to 100% control with a cbdc they will collect 35% more in taxes they'll eliminate the underground economy that's not going to solve anything uh if and once you end up doing that you'll create Discord and eventually the United States just will break up into at least three regions the same thing will happen in Canada probably East versus West Europe will also break up uh and going back to the states that they were Andrew Jackson basically shut down the central bank and um the bank of the United States and created you know the the panic of 1837 the great depressions Sovereign defaults of States all right they were called the hard times tokens all right collectors you know collect these things they're political tokens because there was a shortage of money all right this is from that period in time what happens when they move to a cbdc all right it will create Discord and divide the countries apart Europe will break apart back to where they were Canada will split East versus West the United States will break up at least into three sections all right this is not something that's new when Andrew Jackson shut down the Central Bank you ended up with the panic of 1837 and private money appeared then okay there and these are called the hard you know the hard times tokens I mean a lot of them are political very interesting collector uh collect these things um assigning blame to various people most people don't realize during the Great Depression all right there's such a shortage of cash over 200 cities issued their own money here's a catalog on that um people don't aren't aware that these things uh took place um you have no matter what period in time you know from the Civil War um and you're looking at the uh private counties issuing companies issuing uh the same thing happened after World War I in Germany it's called notg Uh notu meaning not government money it was Private companies that were issuing it um so these things have been taking place of always human nature doesn't change okay uh and this is what happen so the cbdcs will facilitate the breakup of the United States because you cannot impose a one size government and rules upon everyone that's why the the uh Soviet Union collapsed um it was Lenin who wanted the independent states as a confeder Federation it was th that brought them together and imposed a dictatorial rule uh on everyone and that basically collapses so this is what will happen uh even if you take the issue of abortion you know California will allow you to have an abortion right up to you know one month before uh the the other states you know the Bible states are against it you have different cultures it's not that somebody's right or somebody's wrong this is their belief systems okay and you can't change that even if you look at Ukraine you see the same problem you have zalinski saying that they you know can't speak their own native language of of Russian uh they have to speak Ukrainian then says you can't um be subservient to the patriarch of Moscow you have to you know be subservient to his patriarch in Kiev and then even went as far as the outlaw Christmas he says you can't celebrate Orthodox Christmas you have to go to December 25th because that's what we're I've decided we're going to do here in the west you can't do these sorts of things when you start messing with people's languages and cultures and things of this nature countries break up and end up in Civil War and you just take you know Canada if they tried to Outlaw French I think Canada's going to end up in the Civil War could the United States simply come up and say you know we're going to Outlaw Spanish and everybody has to speak English I mean I don't think these things would would go over very well so you have to understand that we do not learn from our mistakes if we look at history the only possible solution is the government must be banned from borrowing money all right because government will only act in its own self-interest they will never hand back power they're incapable of ever paying off debts that's why they always default yet every time they say oh this time is different it's not never has been um so the only solution is effectively to prevent governments from borrowing then we at least stand a a chance uh you have to eliminate uh career politicians there has to be we the people who actually run the government they claim we live in a democracy when we do not um we're not asked shall we go to war against Russia or China would they just do it and then we're drafted and if you don't show up we they throw you in prison you know that was the big problem with Vietnam you were 18 years old you could get drafted to go die for your country but you were too young to have a drink or vote um that's not exactly democracy so going through this period we're going to have to realize that there is is nobody there for US government is not the solution the government is not going to be there to take care of you like Santa Claus we are looking at government is collapsing so our form of Republican of governments will collapse this will when then we get to redesign it after 2032 all right let's at least learn from our mistakes and history just for once it would be nice all right um and just look at how have all these Empires you know Nations and city states Fallen why ask the question why has it worked before all right they've never asked that question with any emergency committee how do we solve this this issue so individually we're going to have to uh hunker down understand what we're facing there is a light at the end of the tunnel understand what that light is about it's not a train coming all right um and if we learn from our mistakes then we can redesign government and leave something to our children and grandchildren instead of absolute chaos city of Newark so cities counties um they issued money when there effectively was no other choice there was shortage of cash going around what what's the significance of these do significance is is that human nature never changes so the cbdcs will cause us to uh basically um split up and as we split up you'll see different states issuing their own money and that will be the resolution to this situation for the immediate period of time that will be the resolution to this immediate crisis once you you remove physical money from people uh which has been in use since a th000 BC uh this is quite an interesting experiment and it's not going to survive uh history will stand as witness to show that this is absurd and it's a dicori type of uh real tyranny they think that they can survive by taking absolute 100% control over everybody's life what you're allowed to to buy they don't want you buying a gun they can just block it they don't want you donating to somebody like Trump they block it they can do whatever they want with the cbdc and that's what you're going to see and that is basically what is going to cause people to break up move into individual currencies as the solution these are um currencies issued here by the county of Atlanta in New Jersey uh payer you know paying to the to the bearer during 1933 yes this is these are all from you know the 1930s because there was a shortage of money around because what the shortage takes place when you go into a recession and people don't want to spend they save because they don't know what's going to happen tomorrow and that's why I like the Central Bank uh in Europe went to negative interest rates in 2014 to try and force people to spend so what did they do they took their money out of the bank um you know you can't force people to do something that is against common sense and that is what they've always done and has always failed and that's what these PRI you know these the states and cities and counties will be able to issue their own money and that's the resolution to a cbdc is that a hopeful message or I think so that they're not going to survive cbdc is not going to be um what they think they're going to accomplish with it the government is going to think that they can force everybody into their agenda um with a cbdc and this is the solution to it you will see private currencies take place and people will use even gold coins uh silver coins anything from a physical perspective I mean when they put people in prison what became money packages of cigarettes you know you cannot prevent I mean even in a an economy uh evolves the cryptocurrencies I believe uh Bitcoin was most likely created by the government to sell this idea of a cbdc um they're not the solution they're not a store of wealth they can basically seize anything because it's it's not tangible if anything that you want to be able to um protect is going to have to be in physical form um a cryptocurrency is not an alternative to the central bank that that's all propaganda um and they can eliminate it with the stroke of a pen once they accomplish the cbdcs and what they're really doing with it is having the banks create it banks are already subject to their rules whereas u a bank uh has to file suspicious activity reports and the bank can look at whatever you're doing and tell the government you just sent money to this person it looks suspicious whereas the Federal Reserve will not do so all right because they would need a search warrant to look inside your account and who's doing what the bank doesn't need a search warrant it just reports what you're doing so therefore the the cbdcs will be regulated by the central bank but they will actually be private and people will think that's that's safe it's not it's even worse as the government attempts uh to force cbdcs upon everybody uh there will be the resolution of going to private um as they break up the country because people are going to see that this is a very dictor type of system so what will happen at that stage in the game is that people are going to uh look for alternatives and that's what all these private you know currencies have done during the American Revolution the Civil War and the Great Depression there's plenty of of of these things uh that have existed I mean you have also um private coins being issued going back during the Panic of 33 ad I mean so human nature does not change change all right we will look for an alternative we will create an alternative and the cbdc system will be defeated people will move to um private currencies I mean coins even exist from 33 ad from the Panic at that point private coinage people will respond and the cbdcs will collapse this is inevitable they will fail to be able to control society and this will be the end of that and will'll take down with it the governments and we'll get to redesign government fresh all over again just as the founding fathers did in 1776 [Music]