[Music] British elections have been called on 4th July 2024 these elections come at a very interesting moment in British history these people have lied to us repeatedly and labor and labor and labor and labor repeatedly repeatedly I know I've actually always told the truth island nation is continuously redefining and Reinventing itself though Britain was a creation of powerful Invaders from Romans to Saxons to Vikings that overpowered the local people and redefined their identity but with the rise of Empire from 18th century onwards that amalgam of a nation was conveniently forgotten giving way to Churchill's proud history of the English-speaking people we shall fight on the landing grounds we shall fight in the fields and in the streets we shall fight in the Hills we shall Never Surrender after the loss of Empire and influx of immigrants from South Asia Britain started to become a bit Brown falling in love with chicken Tika [Music] bangara and Bollywood Labour party embraced Asians first as local councilors and then as members of parliament changing demographics and political Dynamics have comp compelled the Tories once notorious for being racist to open their ranks for people of the color and they certainly left labor behind when they brought in the likes of Sajid javade and pretty Patel to powerful positions a process of acceptability that has produced the first Brown prime minister Rishi sunak in 2022 something unimaginable only a few years ago this change has opened floodgates with more and more Asians joining the ranks of conservative party one such young man is Barr Zack farahan Khan who is now Tory candidate for Blackpool South in the forthcoming elections Zach through his mannerism and articulation has won hearts and Minds in the upper echelons of conservatives winning endorsements from the likes of former prime minister Boris Johnson and Sir Jacob Reese MOG former leader of the House of Commons to vote for Zack Khan your Conservative candidate on Thursday the 4th of July Zack Khan is the right man for Blackpool South mid pada spoke with him to understand hopes and aspirations of his gener ation of British pakistanis before we move forward let me remind you to subscribe to this Channel and click on Bell icon to receive notifications greater reach will help this channel in gaining weight and credibility to bring more diverse voices on this platform this Isa in Washington joining me is barister Zach Farhan Khan from Blackpool in United Kingdom barister Khan is a parliamentary candidate from conservative party for the forthcoming elections in Britain on Fourth of July he's a second generation British Pakistani and through him and some other interviews I want to understand how the second generation of Pakistani origin britishers are looking at the British politics and their own sense of identity their own role in this political structure B Khan thank you so much for finding time for me from your very hectic campaign in Blackpool South yes thank you Dr mid we are Aid listeners of your programs and we thoroughly enjoy them in the UK B thank you so much B I want to come straight away to the question why have you decided to join the conservative party a whole generation for the past 50 years of Asian immigrants and your parental generation in this country has opted for labor party they've seen at conservatives as sort of you know racist against the Asians why have you chosen conservative party look this is the most amazing thing about politics politics are constantly changing and the Dynamics behind things are constantly changing as well so the same way what the requirements were of the first generation who came to this country are no longer there where my my father who came to this country in the 60s his predominant requirement was so that he could come into this country his family could come into this country whereas my requirements are slightly different we are not as concerned with regards to immigration and therefore I'm going to try and align myself with a party where I believe my values stand closest to and I chose that to be the conservative party what values align with the conservative party that's very interesting your values in conservative party okay so the very first one is uh the fact that we are generally quite conservative uh people so that's the very first one the second one being uh being an entrepreneur a businessman I believe in low taxes I believe in the fact that we should have the ability to spend the money which we work hard to earn in the manner in which we wish and it shouldn't be for the state to spend our money and therefore actually what does that do it helps other local economies and local businesses so that I can go and spend my1 pound in the local shop which will then give an individual the ability to hire someone in that shop a local individual and so this is what we have always wanted to promote and this is the kind of free trade agreements which we would wish for within other countries so I understand that basic issue is the political economy issue but when you say conservative values it comes to the mind as if you're saying that the labor values on family and relationships between the families are different from the conservative is something like this that there is a there is a moral issue between the labor and the conservative like the labor are more believe in a more Freer society and conservatives are more oldfashioned is there something like that as well well I think look with with regard regards to old-fashioned um and newer societies the conservative party stands by the old Traditional Values the values of family for example where it's acceptable for me to have my two children with me and for me to take care of my elders my family members and it shouldn't be for the state to take care of them and so these are the kind of values which I believe in my family members believe in so you think so you think that you think just like the Democratic party versus the party in United States that the state should not play a larger role in the welfare of the public the people should be responsible for themselves of course look we have a god-given right to make decisions and choices by ourselves and it shouldn't be for somebody else to make those choices and therefore we should have it within ourselves to be able to make the right choices with the right decisions and so of course this is what we continually promote and we would expect for this to take place throughout the world so has the conservative party changed you know what was that speech about rivers of the blood was that Tori party was that labor the rivers of the blood speech in 1960s well yeah in the 196s I think that was in relation to the conservatives but I think I can't speak for the conservative party in the 1960s I wasn't around at that time what I can tell you about is from 2010 onwards David Cameron as I was growing up I'd seen uh labor play their role in our upbringing and how they were able to uh control that whereas David Cameron an individual who's done great things had spent some great time with individuals uh in particularly in someone somewhere in Birmingham where he was able to come and spend two weeks so that he could get to know and understand the Asian community and actually that was far more representative uh represented by by the conservative party which made me align with them well I see there's a process that the conservative party has also changed I mean perhaps the conservative party has uh has become more warmer and more receptive and has opened up more doors for the Asian Community because they realized that the Asian Community has arrived they have become a major uh election Buster I mean they can change the election results I mean could it be something like this that the conservatives have broughten the Asian Community they have changed themselves I think look it in both parts I think the Asian Community has been far more aligned with the conservatives their values have changed and with time their priorities have changed we've realized that we need to be stricter on crime on family on education and and so actually it's played hand inand where the conservatives have realized that actually the um the Muslim Vote or the Asian vote will count and be far more important than what it was in the 60s 7s and the 80s and so yes we the conservative party was the first party where we've had a Muslim Chancellor an Asian Chancellor we've had a Asian um Home Secretary can you name them can you name them so that we can bring the profile up can you name these prominent conservative Asians so they were all the one person saag Javid who was the for the Home Secretary the chancellor we've obviously got an Asian prime minister which uh is first time of its time yes um we also had great individuals like baress sari who was a part of the conservative uh government and so we've always had and PR pretty Patel Patel pelella braveman all of these individuals are from the um Asia and the continent yes so has labor not created such leadership I mean mayor of London sadik I mean they have not created sadik Khan is the mayor of London very prominent personality has labor not created such prominent Asian leaders we've not we've not given labor the opportunity to be in power um and so uh up until 1990 uh 2010 they didn't have any Asians uh who had held ministerial positions and so yes they do have some great hardworking individuals Abul Khan the MP for Gorton n sha she's an amazing individual Lord wajid Khan uh so they do have Asians but of course they've not been in power okay one of your testimonial and recommendation which I was looking at from Sir Jacob ree MOG who has been a former ex uh leader of the House leader of the Conservative Party in the House of Commons he says about you that uh Zak Khan strongly believes in brexit he believes in conservative values he's a true conservative uh he will help in the controlling the migration um and he believes the law of taxes Zack Khan is the right man for Blackpool South he's a really impressive true conservative who will work hard for his constituency he's somebody who wants to deliver on proper conservative policies he wants to see brexit carried out to its fullest advantage to control migration and to cut taxes I've had the pleasure of meeting him on a number of occasions and always he's impressed me as somebody who will do his bit for the party and the country vote conservative vote for Zach now controlling the migration looks like something as if you have betrayed your own Community I mean you are of all The Offspring in the second generation of uh of parents that came from Pakistan and you represent the Asian Community where everybody came from India and Pakistan and Bangladesh and here the conservative party is relying upon you for helping stop the immigration what is this so look there's a difference and this is the part which most people fail to understand there's a difference between an economic migrant and an illegal immigrant okay the illegal immigrant individuals who were paying up to 25,000 to come over on dingi boats through safe countries come into our country to claim Asylum our forefathers or individuals who came over in the 60s were economic migrants and actually we were the uh offspring of individuals who were extremely hardworking and so we've been able to achieve the position of the Prime Minister the chancellor um and so on and so forth but there's a big difference and what I'm uh standing by is our borders we should have secure borders where we are we where we are aware of who's coming into our country and who's not coming in so when you come into our country illegally then obviously we have no understanding of who these individuals are what crimes they've committed and actually what they're doing is they're supporting these gang links and Rings who are then going off to support other criminal activities but could it also be that you know the Asian Community also supported brexit which which surprised me at the time um because now Asians see them M themselves as britishers and they didn't want the Polish the Czechs and the other Europeans to come and take their jobs yeah yeah so so this isn't any something which is just solely focusing on just the Asian Community we are talking about the Europeans the albanians who are coming into these into the UK the Romanians who are coming in and we have individuals who are coming into our country abusing our NHS they're abusing our uh social welfare beings they're abusing our housing and they're claiming these benefits and then going back home without actually becoming a part of our society and so this is wrong right and I've spoken to hundreds and thousands of Asians who completely agree with us because actually we're very extremely hardworking people so so where is the identity of the British born U pakistanis you know where do you fit in do you fit in Britain do you fit in Pakistan where are you more comfortable what is your identity now look I'm I'm British uh and of course I'm British Pakistani so our heritage is Pakistan but actually I think we're a lost identity and I I think you can relate with this because look you are originally from Pakistan and now you are living in America and you're not truly accepted as being American but yet you're not accepted for in Pakistan so for me and a lot of individuals who are the second generation we're a lost identity where we're not accepted in our home countries to the full extent and we suffer racism uh I've been out on the streets of Blackpool uh and I suffered from racism the Prime Minister uh raised the comment two days ago that it was unacceptable for him to be sworn at and and the p word was used against him and so actually it's a it's an issue which we have to truly understand and find a resolution for this outcome my case is different I'm you see I'm a I'm a I'm a fully integrated Pakistani I mean I'm only a politically persecuted Pakistani in the sense that if the situation improves I can go back I don't really have an identity conflict in Pakistan apart from being intellectual problems or whatever and I in a society which is very open to immigrants you know I am part I'm In America which is U which is a which is a country created by the immigrants I mean it's very difficult to take a position against the immigrants in this country because it's but Britain is different Britain is a pure societ where 80% population is English in origin the rest of all minorities including Welsh and Scottish and Irish and all the Asians and everybody people from every part of the world are less than 20% I think 82% are English so it's a very different structure so that was what I meant do you so you you're not English you're you're British I mean the title you carry your passport you're British right but at the same time when you go to Pakistan do you feel comfortable as being part of Pakistan or you also unique there look we are always unique um and so I think the Heritage which we hold is all always very very special to individuals and I think that we should keep a hold of this Heritage because it's not it's something to be proud of uh and the great culture which we' brought over to the UK we should also be PR uh proud of this but the issue we have is when we go to Pakistan we're not always able to align with their mindsets and so there's difficulty when it comes to that as well and being a barrister I've represented hundreds and thousands of cases where we've found that marriages are no longer taking place there divorce rates are increasing individuals who are coming over to the UK are finding it a lot more difficult to become a more established here and so yes it's a part of society which we should be taking the best out of but actually there's a far greater issue uh going forward because the future generation are they going to align with Pakistan or are they going to align with uh England and so so you you yeah that's very interesting I mean you mentioned the families the immigration the marriages so do you think that the old connection between Pakistan and the British Pakistani community that was there in 1960s '70s is coming is grinding to a halt it's breaking down this is not really working this marriage route is not working anymore it's not it's not and and and look if I'm completely honest with you the political position in Pakistan is horrendous I've spoken to hundreds of people who are are no longer feeling comfortable in returning to Pakistan or wanting to go to Pakistan and during the PTI tenure there were thousands of individuals who were happy to go and support Pakistan and actually even within the government they were so pleased at that fact but unfortunately the circumstances are such that people are choosing not to hence why you can see yourselves all of the um migration or the holiday period which the British the Australian pakistanis or the European pakistanis who would go and return back to Pakistan it's not happening in the same way so you're basically saying that the the the British pakistanis are less welcome are less eager um and the Pakistan was a more somehow the the Pakistan under Imran Khan was inspiring the British Pakistani diaspora more they're not getting the same vibes from that Pakistan anymore is this what you're saying I exactly what I'm saying and I can use the example of the number of protests which take place constantly within within Manchester within Birmingham within London and they're all PTI protest and so it's interesting to see future Generations Generations who haven't even uh been to Pakistan but because of their Heritage they felt far more aligned with Pakistan's culture and so it's a shame really because actually future Generations such as my son who's three years old what relationship will he have with Pakistan if I'm his father and I'm not as inclined to return back to Pakistan for holidays why would he want to so is the is it returning back to Pakistan and holidays is affected is the Investments which the British Pakistani Community used to do in in JM in Dina in saaba in muur in dual in F Abad in buying the property selling the property investing into the and restaurants and you know plazas is this all drying up now it is it is people are now finding unfortunately other countries to investing right um and and the entire Punjab belt where the migration took place in the 60s and the 70s all of that culture and all of the the individuals are no longer wanting to return back to Pakistan um and it's it's a shame really because because of the political unrest in Pakistan people are far more inclined to go to look at safer countries to invest in to take their children in and to Holiday at and so it's a shame it's a real shame very very interesting moving forward you know another one of your bre conservative leader very important leveling Minister Simon Clark in the first instance what is a leveling Minister because we've never heard this term before leveling minister so a leveling minister is a minister who is able to ensure that there's not a a disparity between the South and the North and so generally majority of politics have taken place in Westminister whereas we felt being a part of the north it should be equal and therefore what we're trying to do is send more offices more government buildings up north in the Midlands and in leads and so we're trying to enable further investments into the north of England to ensure that there's less of a disparity the north of the England is less developed as compared to South London is in South right so the the south of England is more developed and more richer in the north where we have Scotland and Wales is less developed yeah yes interesting interesting you know because people in many of my viewers are in Pakistan or in United States or all over the world they might not be knowing about these things but this leveling Minister Simon Clark has actually also recommended you and very interesting testimon when he says that point yes just on that point I apologize for for interrupting there Boris Johnson's uh special advisor specifically asked about Imran Khan uh whilst he was sending me the video and he's a keen supporter of Imran Khan and has continued to do so yeah I mean in fact in fact there is in fact a picture in which Boris Boris Johnson is taking a selfie with Imran Khan you know uh that shows right so Boris Johnson is um a superstar in the UK but yet he was the one who was taking the the selfie with the real Superstar Imran Khan I will try to basically impose that you know the picture here of Boris Johnson taking the selfie I'll try to basically put it there on the screen thanks for reminding me so Simon Clark says about you that Blackpool is a left behind area and Zack Khan can help is the right guy uh to help a black pool my name is Simon Clark I've been the leveling up secretary and the chief Secretary of the Treasury and in that time I've met some fantastic candidates fighting for communities across the UK one of those people is Zach khah and I'm so pleased he is the Conservative candidate for Blackpool South at this election Zack is someone who understands the need to deliver for Left Behind towns like Blackpool which just like my own here in Middlesboro is someone that really needs a local champion who will stand up for you please give your support to Zach on July the 4th what if you are elected so conservatives are in in in very hot spot at the moment but if you are elected as a as an MP for Blackpool what can you do for Blackpool so look uh Blackpool is one of the most deprived areas in in England and it's rif with crime and it's unfortunate because actually we've had a labor held Council here for so long where we have derel businesses uh building ings um where there's a real demand for regeneration throughout the entirety of Blackpool and so what I would be looking to do is to Grant uh to hold Simon Clark to account and ask for him to send special funding we've recently in the past two years um received over 90 million pound but unfortunately the council hasn't been able to ensure that all of the areas of Blackpool have received funding and so it's the same issue whether it be in uh deprived areas of Pakistan where individuals aren't receiving the relevant funding and so actually what we need to do is we need to make it equal and fair so just because how but how Blackpool has been left behind you know when I was in Britain I left Britain in 2007 and but I remember coming to Blackpool as a tourist place I came I remember coming here for the beaches and and for the tower and for the illumination so what went wrong for black look I think fortunately black wool is still stuck in the 80s and the '90s where the buildings and the beaches are the only things that are left there and I have a picture of my father holding my hand whilst being in black hoole and I went back to that location and it's identical it's not developed but actually it's deteriorated and so it's a shame that we've not been able to improve the area of Blackpool in the same way we have Manchester Birmingham Liverpool Leeds right so we need to develop that we need to bring in more businesses into the area we need to encourage for individuals to to purchase their first home in Blackpool because the average house price is so low here and so it's a great opportunity for individuals to get onto the property Market here okay coming back to Sir jackob re's recommendation which I found very interesting very enthusiastic I was very surprised that some of the very important conservative leaders I mean including the Prime Minister the former prime minister Boris Johnson has recommended how have you cultivated the top leadership of the conservative party that they have issued such strong recommendations for you on videos including Boris Johnson hi folks it's Boris Johnson here urging everybody in Blackpool South constituency to vote for Zack Khan your Conservative candidate on Thursday the 4th of July voting for Zach is the only way to avoid the horror of what looks like being a starmageddon super majority with ever more wokery more illegal immigration more pointless cow Towing to Brussels and of course ever higher taxation for you and your family under K STA and the labor party don't let it happen vote for Zach Thursday the 4th of July how is that even possible how it hand happened it's it's it's all about relationships and it's all about nurturing and developing those relationships and actually um this is one of my specialities the it's it's something I truly enjoy where I'm able to understand and speak to people and resonate with people and it actually allows us to put forward our case so when we have issues within uh Manchester Birmingham or the north of England we're then able to relay that information back on to the government and express our concerns and it's extremely important no matter what which country you're a part of to be working hard with the government so so Jacob Reese recommendation says that you are a strong supporter of brexit and you're going to implement the brexit policies but I thought that the brexit deal is done after the initial failures U Boris Johnson was able to implement a brexit deal I mean when Theresa May failed so what is left in brexit to be implemented one of the key issues within the brexit um referendum which took place was in relation to the European courts of Justice uh so the UK is a sovereign state it's a state which is governed by his Royal Highness King Charles and unfortunately the laws which are being uh implemented are over in Europe and so actually for me as a proud British I believe that we have the right to govern ourselves and it shouldn't be for other countries to tell us what we can and can't do and so this is the real concern where people are abusing the laws in Europe to stay in the UK um and as a lawyer I've seen people do that continually and so for me it's about bringing the sovereignity back into Great Britain but bar bar Khan thousands of britishers are also living all across Europe in France in Germany especially in Spain so by implementing this brexit exit you have also created huge problems for the britishers what about our passports I think the only thing that really find very precious about my British connection is my passport can we now travel easily across Europe we can we can we can look it's it's very easy it's very convenient and it's similar to getting a a visa on the day so it's Visa upon entry for many individuals uh and and this is something which is done within the Middle East it's done in Europe it's done in in America so it's quite a normal thing so there's no real hard implications on the fact that we've left uh brex the European Union but actually if we look at Europe as a whole it's becoming far more right wied right and and so this is a real concern so this is the focus but British politics has also moved to the right there used to be very strong left you know um in the British in the British politics I mean look at what happened to people like George Galloway I mean at one point George Galloway was a very popular politician now he's a French politician um I mean who was the last labor leader Jeremy Corbin I mean who was actually booted out of the of the labor party because of his views uh so the the British politic you said the Europe is moving to the right the British politics has also moved to the right it has it has but this is the issue right so unfortunately uh the left is coming into Power uh and I think I'm I'm quite open unfortunately you think it's unfortunate the left is coming to the power so s is going to be our next prime minister and I think it's looks like accepted yes yeah so s is gonna become the next prime minister in the UK uh K St and it's unfortunate that we're leaning towards the left but even s understands and accepts that he's not willing to accept Jeremy Corbin who was the former um leader of the labor party within the labor party and so has exiled him from the labor um party why it has happened I mean someone like Jeremy Corbin who had been head of the who had been the war and the head of the labor party he has been thrown out of the labor party he's not even a candidate for the labor party I think he's standing independently so so what happened so I I I think you should ask the labor party this question but my response would be anyone who is so left inclin of course the their values are no longer aligning with the labor party and and so what we should be doing is we should be focusing on more Central issues and actually in order for us to succeed as a country whether it be the UK or America or the European countries it should always be the centralists who are able to get us out of the difficult situations which we are suffering from worldwide right so whether it be the Ukraine Russia War whether it be the cost of living crisis these are all issues which are taking place throughout the world and it's not just something which is dedicated just to to the UK Europe or to America but it's also happening in Pakistan with the cost of living and so actually what we need to do is we need to overcome these issues and the crisis within the Middle East and we need to find a resolution so so my last question to you is this that um um I was looking at the polls even after the very good debate withr sonok had with Kama the labor is 20 points more than 20 points ahead of the conservatives so the possibility that most of you are going to lose your um candidature in the election on Fourth July so what if you don't win how will you continue to serve the conservative party look I am a member of the disciplinary board and I have been for more than three years now and so I'm a part of that committee I will continue with that role I will continue to voice my conservative values um and I will continue to try and promote the conservative party uh and being a British Pakistani I will continue to work with the Grassroots because this is where it first originally started from it was the grassroot campaigning which I did enjoyed and I was able to bring this forward to uh number 10 where they were able to to understand the and see for themselves the hard work which we were pouring in and so I would continue to do so thank you bar bar Khan I will also try to interview someone from the other side of the politics from the labor from the labor party thank you so much for joining me thank you