Creatine is a commonly asked-about supplement with high confidence in both its safety and efficacy.
Ideal for powerlifting and bodybuilding due to performance and lean body mass benefits.
Minimal side effects, with some potential mild weight gain due to water retention.
Generally inexpensive despite recent price increases.
Physiological Role
**Creatine as a High Energy Phosphate Donor: **
Exists in muscle as phosphocreatine.
Donates phosphate to ADP to reform ATP, crucial for muscle contractions.
**Osmolyte Function: **
Pulls water into muscle tissue.
Potentially anabolic due to hydration state of muscle cells, improving contraction and function.
Safety and Efficacy
Extensively studied in randomized control trials with strong safety profile.
**Common Concerns: **
**Weight Gain: ** Due to water retention in muscles, not excess body fat.
**Renal Function: ** Elevation in serum creatinine not indicative of kidney damage; focus on cystatin C for accurate kidney function assessment.
**Hair Loss: ** Weak evidence from a single study in 2009 showing DHT increase.
Usage Guidelines
**Dosage Limits: ** Up to 5 grams per day is effective, with limited evidence supporting higher doses.
**Non-Lifting Days: ** Benefits seen even on non-lifting days; accumulation is key.
**Loading Phase: ** Rapid saturation of muscle cells with higher initial doses but with potential GI irritation. Long-term benefits seen with a consistent dose of 5 grams per day.
**Supplement Timing: ** Post-workout might be marginally better, but consistency in timing is more important.
**Cycling Off: ** No significant benefit; creatine levels remain stable. Continual use is recommended for maintaining benefits.
**Liver Enzymes: ** Elevated levels from lifting do not signify liver damage.
**Kidney Concerns: ** Elevated creatinine levels in lifters do not indicate kidney damage; recommend cystatin C testing instead.
**Cycling Supplements: ** Unnecessary for creatine, unlike steroids. Benefits do not wane with long-term use.
Practical Takeaways
Creatine is a cornerstone supplement for its proven benefits and safety profile.
Ideal for increasing lean body mass, strength, and possibly cognitive functions.
Affordable and easy to incorporate into daily routines with minimal side effects.