Transcript for:
Exploring Ontology and Epistemology Concepts

Ontology and epistemology are two  words that can evoke a real sense   of dread in undergraduate and  postgraduate students alike. But what do they actually mean? Briefly, ontology is about the question,  'WHAT am I looking at?' and epistemology   is about the question, 'HOW  do I go about studying it?' Ontology - the what question,  epistemology - the how question. In this video, I'll get into more  detail and explain them in relatable,   everyday terms and by the end of this video,   you'll feel more confident in understanding them  and writing about them in your academic work. We're going to tackle ontology first  and then move onto epistemology. I'm Dr Elizabeth Yardley and for the last  two decades I've been teaching sociology,   criminology and social policy in UK universities.  In that time I have helped students smash   through abstract, impenetrable academic  jargon and supercharge their assignments,   ending up with first class degrees, masters, PhDs  and places on some of the best graduate schemes. Let me help you get fantastic results like this   by subscribing to my channel so  you don't miss any of my videos. Let's get straight into it with ontology. You should think of ontology as the 'What?'  question. What am I looking at? What do I   think the social world looks like? How we  see the social world will have an impact   on the kind of research we do within it, so  understanding the range of different ways of   looking at the world is an important thing  to know because it's where we begin from. Ontology is kind of like seeing the  social world like a hotel or a home. Is the social world like a hotel that we just stay  in for a while? We spend some time there, we don't   change anything about the hotel, we're guests. The  hotel exists independently of us, it just is. It   was there before we arrived, it will be there  after we leave. We have no influence or impact   upon it. It is unaffected by us. It is a concrete  reality in and of itself. It is external to us. This is a realist position. Realists believe  that there is a tangible social world,   an objective reality. It exists 'out there'.  It is external to us. It is relatively stable   and fixed. Regardless of what we do,  or how we choose to understand it,   it exists nonetheless. It is simply there, and  has a reality all of its own, independently of   the things that individuals do within it. We  don't create it, we don't control or influence   it. It simply just 'is'. It is not influenced by  personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudices.   It appears the same to everyone who looks at  it. It is concrete. It is unbiased. It is real. The other way of seeing the social world  is viewing it more like a home that we live   in. We make changes to our home, we style it,  decorate it, put our own stuff in it. We have an   impact upon it. We create it as our home, it's not  simply an objective, concrete house or apartment,   it is a home and our impact upon it is  immense. We create our home. We influence   it. It is uniquely us. It is uniquely ours. It  is personal, emotional, saturated with feeling. This is an idealist position. Idealists do  not see the social world as fixed or stable,   but as permanently under construction. It  is not concrete, it's blobby and jelly like,   it is always in the process of being  created and moulded. It is fluid. It   changes shape. It looks and feels different  to different people. We use names, concepts,   ideas and labels as tools to make sense of what  we experience, to describe, categorize and make   meaning. There is not one objective reality,  but multiple realities. Our understanding of the   social world will always be subjective, meaning  that it will be shaped by our own feelings,   interpretations and prejudices. It does not  appear the same to everyone who looks at it. That's ontology, let's briefly recap. Ontology  is the 'What?' question. What am I looking at?   What do I think the social world looks like? Do  we see it as something that's relatively fixed,   rigid and unchangeable, that we  don't have much influence over?   This is a realist stance. Or do we  see it as something that's flexible,   something that changes as it responds to what  people do within it? This is an idealist stance. Now let's move onto epistemology. Epistemology is  the 'How?' question. How do I study this social   world? How do I approach this social  world that I want to make sense of,   what's my strategy? How should I go about  generating knowledge about the social world? Again we have two positions. There are  those who seek to explain and identify   the causes. Then there are those who seek  to understand and identify the meanings. Those who seek to explain and identify the causes  are positivists. They believe that we should try   to understand the social world in the same way  we try to understand the natural world. The kind   of questions they ask have a lot in common with  the questions of natural sciences - like biology,   chemistry, physics. We should stay true to the  principles and processes of the natural sciences.   We should record, test and experiment. We should  be objective and value free in our research. We   should focus on explaining human behavior and ask,  "What causes people to act in the way they do?",   "What factors impact upon this?". Research  is often deductive, which means positivists   test out existing theories that have been  developed by other people who came before them. On the other hand, those who seek  to understand things and identify   the meanings are interpretivists. They  believe that what we study in social   sciences is wholly different from what we  study in the natural sciences. Humans are   distinctive, unique and individual. People  are not like rocks or substances or solids,   liquids or gases. Their behavior has meaning.  The social world is meaningful. People's actions   are based upon how they interpret the social  world and this varies from one person to the   next. We should focus upon understanding human  behaviour. How can we make sense of people's   behavior? What does it mean for them and others?  We should seek to empathize: see things from   other people's point of view and perspective.  Interpretivist research is often inductive,   focusing upon the generation of new theory  from what we observe, rather than testing   out theories from people who came before us. We  start over, we generate our own understandings. So that is epistemology. Let's recap those  two positions. Are we seeking to explain   things and identify the causes, observing  the social world from a distance as detached,   objective observers who are seeking to explain  what's going on? This is a positivist stance. Or   are we seeking to understand things and  identify the meanings, immersing ourselves   within the social world, recognising that we re  part of it? This is an interpretivist stance. Essentially, ontology and epistemology  really are as simple as What? and How? . Ontology is the what question.  When you look at the social world,   what are you seeing? Epistemology is the  how question. How do you then go about   researching that social world. Ontology what am  I looking at? Epistemology how do I study it? If you are confused by critical analysis and  thrown by theory, you should check out my digital   course, Theory Boss in which I empower smart  social science students on taught postgraduate   programmes, who don't feel they're getting  the grades they deserve, to master theory and   crush critical analysis so they can ace their  assignments and write dazzling dissertations.   Head to the link in the description  to find out more about Theory Boss. I will see you back here very soon with  more theory and critical analysis tips.