chapter 12 salvation is of the Jews what does this saying of the Masters mean certainly not a mere arrogant assumption in favor of his own nationality such an idea is negative not only by the universality of his own other teachings but also by the very instructions in which these words occur for he declared that the Jewish temple was equally with the Samaritan of no account in the matter he said that the true worship was purely spiritual and entirely independent of places and ceremonies while at the same time he emphasized the Jewish expectations of a messiah so that in his teachings we are met by the Paradox of a universal principle combined with what at First Sight appears like a tribal tradition quite incompatible with any recognition of the universal reign of law how to reconcile these apparent opposites therefore it seems to be the problem which he here sets before us its solution is to be found in that principle which I have endeavored to elucidate throughout these lectures the specializing of universal law opinions May differ as to whether the Bible Narrative of the birth of Christ is to be taken literally or symbolically but as to the spiritual principle involved there can I think be no difference of opinion it is that of a specialization by the individual of the generic relation of the soul to the infinite Spirit from which it proceeds the relation itself is universal and results from the very nature of the creative process by the law of the universal relation admits of particular specialization exactly in the same way as all other natural laws it is simply applying to the supreme law of Life the same method by which we have learn to make iron float that is to say by a fuller recognition of what the law is in itself whatever other meanings we may apply to the name Messiah it undoubtedly stands for the absolutely perfect manifestation in the individual of all the infinite possibilities of the principle of life now it was because this Grand ideal is the basis of which the Hebrew nationality was founded that Jesus made this state statement this Foundation has been unfortunately misconceived by the Jewish people but nevertheless however imperfectly they still held it and from then this ideal has spread throughout the Christian World here also it continues to be regrettably misconceived nevertheless it is still retained and only needs to be recognized in its true light as a universal principle instead of an unintelligible Dogma to become the salvation of the world hence as affording the medium through which the Supreme ideal has been preserved and spread it is true that salvation is of the Jews their fundamental idea was right but their apprehension of it was wrong that is why the master at the time sweeps away the national worship of the temple and preserves the national idea of the Messiah and this is equally true of the Christian world at the present day if salvation is any real it must have its cause in some law and if there is a law it must be founded upon some Universal principle therefore it is this principle which we must seek if we would understand this teaching of the Masters now whether we take the Bible story of the birth of Christ literally or symbolically it teaches one great lesson it teaches that the all originating spirit is the true parent of the individual both in Soul and in body this is nothing else than realizing from the standpoint of the individual what we cannot help realizing in regard to the original creation of the cosmos it is the realization that the all originating spirit is at once the life and substance in each individual here and now just as it must have been in the origin of all things human parentage counts for nothing it is the only the channel through which Universal Spirit has acted for the concentration of an individual Center but the ultimate cause of that Center both in spirit and substance continues at every moment to be the one same originating spirit this recognition Cuts away the root of all the power of the negative and so in principle it delivers us from all evil for the root of evil is the denial of the power of the spirit to produce good when we realize that the spirit is finding its own individ visualization in Us in its two-fold essence of life and spirit then we see that it must be both able and willing to create for us all good the only limit is that which we ourself impose by denying its operation and when we realize the inherent creativeness of spirit we find that there is no reason why we should stop short of any point and say that it can go no further our error is in looking on the life of the body body as separate from the life of the spirit and this error is met by the consideration that in its ultimate nature substance must emanate from Spirit and is nothing else than the record of spirit's conception of itself as finding expression in space and time and when this becomes clear it follows that substance need not be taken into calculation at all the material form stands in the same relation to Spirit that the image projected on the screen stand to the slide in the lantern if we wish to change the exhibited subject we do not manipulate the reflection on the screen but we alter the slide and in like manner when we come to realize the true nature of the creative process we learn that the exterior things are to be changed by a change of the Interior spiritual attitude our spiritual attitude will always be determined by our conception of our relation to God or infinite spirit and so when we begin to see that this relation is one of absolute reciprocity that it is self-recognition of infinite Spirit from our own Center of Consciousness then we find that the whole secret of life consists in simple Reliance upon the all creating Spirit as consciously identifying with us it has so to say awakened to a new mode of self-recognition peculiar to ourselves in which we individually form the center of its Creative Energy to realize this is to specialize the principle of Life the logic of it is simple we have found that the originating movement of spirit from which all creation proceeds can only be self-contemplation then since the original Spirit cannot change its nature its self-contemplation through our own minds must be as creative in for and through us as as it ever was in the beginning and consequently we find the original creative process repeated in ourselves and directed by the conscious thought of our own minds in all this there is no place for the consideration of outward conditions whether of body or circumstance for they are only effects and not the cause and therefore when we reach this standpoint we cease to take them into our calculations instead we employ the method of self-contemplation knowing that this is the creative method and so we contemplate ourselves as Allied to the infinite love and wisdom of the Divine Spirit which will take form through our conscious thought and so act creatively as a special Providence entirely devoted to guarding guiding providing for and Illuminating us the whole thing is Perfectly Natural when seen from a clear recognition of what the creative working of spirit must being itself and when it is realized in this Perfectly Natural manner all strain and effort to compel its actions ceases we are at one with the all creative power which has now found a new center in ourselves from which to continue its creative work to more perfectly manifestation than could be attained through the unspecialized generic conditions of the merely Cosmic order now this is what Messiah stands for and therefore it is written to them gave he power to become sons of God even to as many as believe on his name this belief is the recognition of a universal principle and personal Reliance upon it as a law which cannot be broken for it is the law of the whole creative process specialized in our own individuality then too however great may be the mystery the removal and cleansing of way of all sin follows as an essential part of this realization of new life and it is in this sense that we may read all that the Bible tells us on this aspect of the subject the principle of it is love for when we are reunited to the parent spirit in mutual confidence and love what room is there on either side for any remembrance of our past failures this then is what mesiah stands for to the individual but if we can conceive a nation based upon such a recognition of its special relation to the directing power of the universe such a people must of necessity become the leader of the Nations and those who oppose it must fail by the self-destructive principle inherent in the very nature of the position they take up the leadership resulting from such a national recognition will not be based upon conquest and compulsion but will come naturally other nations will inquire the reason for the phenomenal success and prosperity of the favored people and finding this reason in a universal law they will begin to apply the same law in the same manner and thus the same results will spread from country to Country until at last the whole earth will be full of the glory of the Lord and such a nation and rather company of Nations exists to trace its present development from its ancient Beginnings is far beyond the scope of this volume and still more to speculate upon its further growth but to my readers on both sides of the Atlantic I may say that this people is the anglosaxon race throughout the world I write these lines upon the historic Hill of Tara this will convey a hint to many of my readers at some future time I may enlarge upon this subject but at present my aim is to merely suggest some lines of thought arising from the Masters saying that salvation is of the Jews end this audio presentation of the door lectures on mental science by Thomas troward has been brought to you by Audio enlightenment. comom copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved this audio presentation has been 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