How to Tolerate Boredom for Better Focus and Productivity

Jul 13, 2024

How to Tolerate Boredom for Better Focus and Productivity

Key Points

  • Tolerating boredom is crucial for avoiding distractions and maintaining productivity.
  • The mind naturally cycles between focus and distraction.
  • Learning to sit with boredom helps the mind coalesce back into focus.
  • Modern distractions (YouTube, Reddit, etc.) make focusing harder due to algorithmic entertainment.
  • These platforms are designed to capture and retain your attention.

Process of Distraction

  • One-Pointed Mind vs. Scattered Mind

    • One-pointed mind focuses on the task (e.g., reading a book).
    • Scattered mind jumps between various distractions (e.g., thoughts, phone notifications).
    • Natural cycle: focus -> scatter -> coalesce back into focus.
  • Factors that Shatter Focus

    • Sensory distractions: smells, sounds, etc., shatter focus.
    • Example: smell of BBQ or phone notifications.

Techniques for Improving Focus

  • Dharana and Pratyahara
    • Dharana: meditation technique for one-pointed focus.
    • Pratyahara: sensory withdrawal to focus better.
  • Avoiding Algorithmic Entertainment
    • Recognize that YouTube, Reddit, etc., are designed to distract.
    • Avoid opening these sites as they lead to prolonged distractions.

The Skill of Tolerating Boredom

  • Sit with boredom to let the mind naturally refocus on the task.

  • Boredom exercises

    • Sit and stare at a wall for an hour with no distractions.
    • Go for a walk without any audio distractions (easy mode).
  • Effects of Boredom

    • First 20-25 minutes are hard, then the mind starts finding unique ways to entertain itself.
    • May bring up negative thoughts but eventually aids in acceptance and self-reflection.

Societal Impact of Technology on Our Brains

  • Technology conditions us to avoid boredom by providing constant stimuli.
  • Weakens our natural ability to focus without external aids.
  • Solution: Deliberately practice boredom to regain focus.

Practical Tips

  • Understand that reaching for a distraction leads to a significant time loss.
  • Learn to be comfortable with doing nothing; it strengthens your ability to refocus.
  • Building conscientiousness: practice sitting still, dealing with boredom, and wait for the mind to naturally refocus.

Metaphor from Bhagavad-Gita

  • Mind as a chariot with five horses (sense organs).
    • Success: Being in control of the horses (mind).
    • Failure: Horses (mind) dictating your actions.
  • Aim: Train your mind to obey your commands, not the other way around.


  • To improve productivity, start by learning to tolerate boredom.
  • Gradually build the skill of sitting still without distractions.
  • Over time, your mind will naturally find its way back to focused tasks.