Understanding Star Life Cycles

Aug 12, 2024

Stellar Evolution: Life Cycle of Stars


  • Topic: Life cycle of stars (AQA GCSE) or Stellar Evolution (IGCSE Physics)
  • Both curricula cover the same content
  • Visual: Dust and gas in the universe coalescing to form stars

Stages in a Star's Life

Stage 1: Nebula

  • Stars initially form from clouds of dust and gas called nebulae

Stage 2: Protostar Formation

  • Dust and gas particles are pulled together by gravity
  • Particle collision increases temperature
  • High temperature allows nuclear fusion (hydrogen nuclei form helium)
  • Energy release forms a hot core
  • Protostar is born

Stage 3: Main Sequence

  • Longest stage in a star's life (billions of years for average stars, shorter for massive stars)
  • Nuclear fusion creates outward pressure
  • Gravitational attraction creates inward pressure
  • Equilibrium keeps the star stable

Stage 4: Red Giant or Super Red Giant

  • Hydrogen in the core runs out, reducing nuclear fusion
  • Outward pressure decreases, gravitational pull causes collapse
  • Star shrinks, heats up, then expands outer layers
  • Star becomes a red giant (Sun-sized stars) or super red giant (massive stars)
  • Star cools down, appears red due to lower frequency light
  • Fuses elements up to iron

Stage 5 (Sun-sized Stars): White Dwarf

  • Outer layers ejected
  • Dense core left behind, called a white dwarf
  • Theoretical future: White dwarf cools to become a black dwarf (universe not old enough for any black dwarfs yet)

Stage 5 (Massive Stars): Supernova

  • Star explodes in a supernova
  • Elements heavier than iron formed
  • Explosion disperses elements, contributing to new stars and planets

Final Stage (Massive Stars)

  • Results in either a neutron star or a black hole
  • Neutron star: Extremely dense, made of neutrons
  • Black hole: Gravitational pull so strong that even light cannot escape

Summary Diagram

  • Stages 1-3 are the same for both Sun-sized and massive stars
  • Divergence occurs at stage 4 (Red Giant vs. Super Red Giant)
  • Exam Tip: Learn the stages by heart for exams (AQA or IGCSE)

Examination Practice

  • Series of exam questions based on the presentation
  • Pause the video to answer, then unpause to check answers

End of Lecture