Anterior Abdominal Wall Anatomy
- Discussing anterior view of the abdominal wall, moving from skin to coelomic sac.
- Previous tutorial focused on cross-sectional view.
- Dermatomes:
- Skin innervated by intercostal nerves (T7 to L1).
- T7 to T12: segmental nerves innervating the abdominal wall.
- L1: Inguinal region innervation.
- Nerve Pathways:
- Ventral ramus travels between internal oblique and transverse abdominis muscles.
- Lateral cutaneous nerve branches laterally.
- Anterior cutaneous branch innervates mid-sagittal line.
Layers of the Abdominal Wall
- Skin
- Hypodermis/Fascia:
- Camper's Fascia:
- Adipose tissue responsible for the pannus or beer belly.
- Scarpa's Fascia:
- Fibrotic, found between umbilicus and inguinal region.
- External Muscle Fascia:
- Underneath hypodermis, covers somatic muscle plane.
Muscle and Aponeurosis Layers
- Lateral Wall Muscles:
- External Oblique:
- Fibers run at an angle, external aponeurosis connects to linea alba.
- Internal Oblique:
- Fibers run at right angles to external oblique, aponeurosis fuses at linea alba.
- Transverse Abdominis:
- Deepest layer, aponeurosis courses behind rectus abdominis.
- Ventral Strap Muscle:
- Rectus Abdominis:
- Runs vertically, divided by linea alba.
- Contains tendinous intersections (six-pack appearance).
Rectus Sheath
- Above Umbilicus:
- Aponeuroses (external/internal oblique) course over and behind rectus abdominis.
- Below Arcuate Line:
- All aponeuroses course in front of rectus abdominis.
Fascia Layers
- Transversalis Fascia:
- Preperitoneal Fascia:
- Anchors parietal peritoneum to body wall.
Parietal Peritoneum
- Forms Lateral Umbilical Folds: houses inferior epigastric vessels.
- Medial Umbilical Folds: Obliterated umbilical arteries.
- Median Umbilical Fold: Contains obliterated urachus.
Additional Structures
- Falciform Ligament:
- Contains round ligament of liver (remnant of umbilical vein).
These notes outline the key anatomical features and structures of the anterior abdominal wall as discussed in the lecture.