the Bible says for the Lord himself will will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God this is all in the heavenlies this is not anything the world will hear the world will understand the world will take note of nothing it's all about us the Bible you know it is the trumpet of God it's not a trumpet of men it's not the chaar it's not anything else it's not even The Trumpet Of An Angel and the Bible says that the trumpet of the Rapture is connected to the voice of an archangel everything is in the celestial realm it's not here let me paint it in a in a better better picture when we return with him the Jews will blow the trumpet on the Feast of trumpet and the whole world will see him returning with us but when we go up nobody will see us we'll be gone like that all the excitement is not going to be here nobody will be excited that that oh wow look there's a raptor no they'll probably say God ridden I mean that's it they're out of here finally let's party guys guess who is excited no no no of course we are because it's us but who is excited for our Rapture Heaven is expecting us there is going to be a celebration in heaven heaven is preparing for the coming of the sons and the daughters it's amazing 1 Thessalonians 1:10 when will that happen we 1 thian 1:1 to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even Jesus who delivers us talk to me from the Wrath to come not through the Wrath but from the Wrath to come