Danny was on top of the world getting over 10 million views on every video he posted collabing with YouTube Titans making worldwide trending games winning huge Awards but then on the peak of all of this he just stopped and currently he hasn't posted anything for almost two years yes what the actually happened and most importantly when is he coming back now I know you've probably seen videos similar to this before and in all of them the hitting point was a comment from dining seeing if he was coming back on a certain date or at least very soon but despite this after six months it still hasn't posted anything so I knew there had to be something else and because all the information available was very outdated I decided to take on my own so first what did we already know about his disappearance well first off his upload schedule wasn't great to begin with posting on average about once every three to four months second of all this break had me slightly teased beforehand in his last video now that all of the issues are fixed it's time to finally take a break and relax a little bit please add Cosmetics to the game Bad Cosmetics the here is where things started to get actually interesting all this time he had been active on social media interacting with this community and giving fast teasers and updates but in August Daniel and completely ghosts on everything no more tweets no more Instagram posts not even a nice single word on his Discord server absolutely no activity whatsoever on social media it was as if he had died so naturally because of dany's huge following there must have been at least some information or explanation about his disappearance so I decided to go look for it I started by going into his Discord server to find any clues first I went on to his last messages on the server which were all over a month old I sifted through most of them and while I found a lot of questionable stuff I actually found some quite useful information as well you see Danny was asked this question and this is what he responded with also keep in mind this was in February meaning it happened about six months since he had wrote that message meaning his next video should be almost completed by now if nothing happened in the middle I also found an earlier message where he said he hadn't started making the video but the game was going good the game he also posted a bunch of game teasers which didn't really look like Carlson but we'll get into that later also apparently Dany is jacked I then went into General chat his community was still surprisingly quiet active after all this time side dropped the question does anyone know where danius he hasn't uploaded for almost two years and recently just won ghost on everything and in the meantime while I was waiting for a response I went on to Danny's subreddit now a lot of the stuff there was just memes here are some of the best ones there are also a lot of good theories about what Danny disappeared but this particular one stood out to me if we go on to Danny's Channel you can see that he has posted six to eight videos in total meaning his next upload would be the 69th and the theory is that he's trying to make it extra special this Theory becomes even more believable when you realize that Dany actually removed a video to make the total of 68 meeting is aware of it there was also this since the boners are somewhat of a religion what if this Danny posting situation will be mimicking Christianity when Jesus got killed and then appear three days later for Danny it might be three years but if Dan is a parallel to Jesus instead of walking on water he can walk on milk no I did not understand the single thing I just read but after scrolling through ready for like an hour I finally decided to check Discord and turns out I actually had gotten a response the message redirected me to a little thread posted which everyone who asked about Danny got sent to which was posted in January yeah but nonetheless it was still information in short basically what I said was that Danny had been working on his next video tirelessly and that it took a lot of time yeah we're not eating but there is still something missing none of these series really hit the nail in the coffin what type of thing could take almost two years to make and why has 10 completely left social media this past month so after literal days of research I think I finally had the answer and it's honestly not that exciting first off why hasn't done it uploaded in two years I think first of all he wants to Hype up the release of Carlson as it is his biggest project date and I'll get into soon why I think is Carlson specifically he's working on but naturally he would want the most anticipation in eyeballs first next upload and coming back from a two-year Hiatus would do just that but well why did it go completely ghost last month then if he had been active before that well I think this clip explains it well the expectations are just they're like way too high they're extremely high there are at the very least hundreds of thousands of people if not millions of people waiting and so the pressure is it's kind of insane and people will ask about Carlson no matter where I go or what I do you know like I go on Discord Twitter Facebook Instagram friends family even like steam Intel Nvidia epic games like all these massive companies they're all like sending me emails asking where Carlson is like I don't even comment on YouTube videos anymore because people will just tell me to off and work on Carlson which is like okay it's at the point where I'm actually getting like death threats in my in my inbox because I'm not posting Carlson devlogs and it's it's kind of weird his presence on social media even before was minimal and in combination without about pressure and constantly being bombarded with the same question he went off social media more and more until eventually I think he just had enough and took a break to just focus on development also another theory could be that he's using it to build even more hype and making content around it including this video right here and if that's the case he's probably preparing to release the game very soon don't believe me well look at this if we go into the steam statistics of Carson you can see that it was updated three hours ago meaning is working on it very consistently and in combination with the previous facts we digged up that a first stop was working on a huge project and it was a game and second of all he also said this Carlson is like my dream game I'm definitely going to finish it one day as for the game leaks I think it could just be a different theme level since he was already planning to do that and have a storyline in Carlson which may very well be a part of it so yeah that's basically it and I hate to be that guy but if you at any point enjoy this video please consider subscribing as this is my second video on the channel and the videos are only gonna get better from here now thank you for watching