Transcript for:
Advice for Young Developers' Success

three two real life hello everyone welcome to the dialogue advice to the young developers so what happens when a developer starts his career and that is totally directionless they don't know what to do and how to do and where to go and that Society impose that thought process you need to learn all those Concepts and uh like all those learnings then only you would be able to contribute like two-year experience fresh uh developers and produce that uh high quality production code but in DT with guidance of Mr Anand sir who is 32-year experience uh in the tech industry and uh currently faction city of more than five companies just guided us and uh we in DT Tech unicorns are able to build that infrastructure elements and modules budget in our uh like internship created so we learned in DT and we are implementing in DT so let's explore how you can also learn with uh yeah oh yes thank you guys okay okay so shagun said 32 years right this 32 years means nothing okay it's just a number right end of the day today still I learned coding okay I learned coding I learned coding with you guys rather with everyone I code with I actually learned from them the idea is that understanding how one gets the concept whatever may be it right coding or otherwise right okay understand the psychology understand how they get it and what kind of a help needed for them to be able to like to perform their work right that is the key okay meaning that's what I look at but that may not exactly apply to all of you guys Essence right the intent is that you know first is you are not going to learn everything in one go okay you you are not going to drink devotion in one day okay it's going to be a drip okay one drop at a time right first thing is you are going to do one drop at a time do second right foreign is about the attitude to learn things and internalize it for yourself okay I think like I don't want to get into those topics this is what exactly DT is focusing on the methodologies for you guys okay there are multiple techniques are being you know kind of been spoken about and and being like you know inculcated in you guys right using these techniques for day-to-day Improvement right in my mind those are the only two things I want to like not set up print okay which makes the difference right on weather meaning one is you know somebody can help you guide and you know give you Direction but you know right somebody can give you a hand but are you willing to like know take the hand and move forward right these two things are super important for you to be able to like move along okay the pace May differ between person to person but the end of the day you choose this path everyone will be successful okay yeah so uh to move our discussion forward what do you think that what are the outcomes that DT interns achieve uh within that it launcher period that normal intern or normal pressure even what's not able to achieve nowadays see typically like now what happens in an industry it isn't the thought process in an industry is all about okay somebody new has come I'm going to teach them all okay right so this kind of an attitude is there is there is an intent of trying to like inculcate knowledge which is beyond their capacity to understand at that given point in time right it is as if like no a child which is a born child you are not trying to you are not you are trying to figure out how to make it work right it can so you can do only so much in a given day right that that is so the key for us is get the interns to be able to contribute as early as possible and in a typical in Industry it might vary anywhere between uh three months at best and you know worst case there are like no I see in like a larger companies you know people have been in in a training mode for two years okay now training mode or bench or whatnot right okay so the at DT we are looking at Weeks okay right we are trying to achieve that in weeks that the interns are able to contribute to the project which they are associated with in about less than a month okay maybe anywhere between two to four weeks we want them to be able to contribute the intent is not how big the contribution is the intent is contributing okay contributing and not just contributing understanding what is their contribution okay which is very key because once you understand what you have contributed then it leaves you with certain level of satisfaction which gives you the motivation to learn more contribute okay the self-realization of contribution is also important okay that is again comes from our methodologies right self-realization right meaning I have seen somewhere people are talking about now the good things I did in a day or what I have achieved for the day right somebody writing a journal every day right which is a super important thing right that gives you right that kind of reinforces you to like not to do the right things repeatedly okay right so other important yeah go ahead yeah so uh my question is uh how uh the self-actualization journals and uh writing the work reflection uh sorry to interrupt uh thought the format would be nice if uh you could spend the first 10 minutes just describing what are interns have achieved sure sure so so because a lot 10 minutes is too less but I will try yeah I'm sure one R is two less yeah but trying to pack it all in an hour yeah yeah I thought for all the young folks out here if you can first spend 10 minutes to Showcase what is the significance of this intern's contribution right what I think could be very aspirational for people to then care about the process yeah sure we'll show the output first in the process maybe second off sure would love to hear your thoughts I I want to I want to kind of do a little bit you know kind of do a little journey backwards right okay how we started first at DT right maybe the first one I'll talk about is like what happened to TT in itself right the early days you know we were trying to like know set up the the duty systems and processes meaning we were trying to build that you know the entire DT system okay today it has reached a level where you know many of you may not know the routes where it came from okay so it was like no meaning uh uh we are chosen to do a like an open source software and build on top of it okay and this was done by probably like two three DT interns to start with okay and you know no nobody has like no meaning none of them is experts right nobody has dealt with open source software of that nature right but the team kind of you know together learned understood deployed the solution played around with it played around enough right they made enough mistakes but eventually like no their the first system took about three months to get something like no reasonably working which which others could use okay so there were like no things were all kind of getting into shape but it took three months to get a system which everybody else in the DTE were able to use it right we were able to put into use for some schools and the school students and stuff we were able to put into English okay which was in relation the the similar software was tried for about a year plus right tarun you can correct me if I am wrong right more than a year it was like been worked upon applied with a larger team including paid external Consultants okay so the team with limited experience we were able to do and that system has taken a mammoth proportions today like you know I think like a lot of credit should go to shavan and shagun and others who are actually like you know moved it Forward right today it's a system which consists of like you know multiple modules which you can't believe like typically it is as large as an Enterprise software I can call it is meaning education Erp or like no or I don't want to call education Erp like no to the extent like no we are using a resistance more an Erp product for a DT um kind of solution right what they are offering it it is as much as that okay which has got every parts of it right talk about like in terms of you know the uh in terms of the feature functionality right okay we have like now Community we have like no we have meaning a community of students who can come our interns come and interact okay we have project management they are time tracking we have we have bug tracking we have uh communication engine right we have uh data Sciences meaning data I would say data governance and data integration with data Sciences right ability to do data science and machine learning type activities okay so it has grown to a place where it is what would what I could relate to a 10 12 years old Erp system if you go to an Enterprise okay okay I would relate this to like something like no what maybe like I have built in my first job in Ashoka Island okay meaning I was part of building not I built it right it is to that level it is like no 1800 years of work has gone in there whereas we are talking about we are probably talking maybe uh around like you know 10 to 15 man years of work has gone in here but we have built a system which is like as matured as you know practically an Erp for any kind of an Enterprise okay and looking at in terms of Technology right they have like built on this month stack okay which is the the stack like no which everyone is talking about today okay it has got like you know things like uh they have got um streaming and messaging stuff put in there right meaning what Netflix is using today are Amazon Prime is using today to stream videos to you that's the technology we are using how the data in our system moves okay meaning these are all not uh things where people have meaning typically go to Industry people don't understand the streaming Concepts and stuff like until like they are seven eight years into into their work okay that's when you know they start trying to get this get to lay their hands on these things okay and you know so we have full fledged components UI components built for example survey uh survey components and you know places uh like even components right project various print and components were built they are completely being reused today Left Right Center in the DT system why it is like now it is like now this what was achieved in like no 80 100 man years of work we are able to achieve in 12 and 15 manners it's high amount of reusability everything was thought through as like no components widgets okay think reusability upfront right so that's where like these things were created and hence we are able to build systems once we reach a point we are able to build the system much faster because we are drifting our our own home built components to get our Solutions okay you are not even taking a ready-made solution from outside which might take some time for you to adapt given you know these Solutions are built by the team and this internal team it becomes much more easier because you know right what kind of an animal it is right you are able to build these things much faster and that's how you like when we are getting this you know the kind of phase we are getting we are we are seeing today right and uh like you know talking about you know components which handles the entire communication right whether it is email or whether it is notifications via WhatsApp right all these things were actually a components are built and engines were built by this team okay entire data governance everything happening in the DT system kind of fools around in one place and you know the entire data governance and data capturing and data Transformations all happening practically real time meaning the platform is capable of doing that today okay we are like not meaning potentially this helps you know the entire deity whatever data has being built being captured in DT can become a gold mine with all these capabilities okay and and this is all done by this just this team right now I I know like now I particularly wanted to kind of talk a little bit about this data governance and you know the the confluent based data streaming stuff I don't think I spent a lot of time I probably spent maybe two maybe three one hour session with a team maybe four put all together right I think you know meaning this this uh this stuff was all completely like built by them and you know they were able to do it why because one they were able to think at that level in terms of the ability to understand what is the vision and ability to understand like no what it takes to build an engine okay a standalone engine of its own nature right okay what are we trying to achieve and how to use whatever tools we are using how to use it right once you know what what are you looking for and it's much easier right okay you can start looking for you know how the tool will help you to do that okay I think I'm to be personally meaning it was the most gratifying Thing For Me Like Somebody built on confluent you know in in matter of about two months that platform that was a my name it's I personally feel you know it's a it's a huge achievement now all this translated further right okay vishkarma system today like now vishkarma like they enter the the the four interns are completely managing their entire system okay so they are building this um maintaining their uh the uh Marketplace website all the components underneath behind it their operational systems that sales and marketing systems okay and which Karma has got like no tons of Integrations okay whether it is the Zoho it's with mixed panel sales IQ right there are hundreds of like multiple Integrations are happening and the team is handling it okay with limited help again same thing like no grow petal right I think like no meaning I know we have done great stuff in group little but I I am not fully privy to like no the Great Stuff meaning the specific incidents there but I'm sure like in group it'll also like no the team has got team has done wonders okay and these are the early uh companies which adapted it and same thing at Kringle but it is a little bit more on the product side right the interns who came can understand the product and you know start uh becoming like they're in in a in in months in two to three months they become product managers okay writing product specifications and you know right writing like no documentation for uh customers and you know marketing okay preparing contents for you know [Music] marketing and also for customers okay so there is the there is no meaning there is more more examples right okay I think I'll stop here yeah okay I think we are good on time as soon yeah yeah right okay I mean I'd really like to thank you for this and I mean the entire Journey right like it throws back light on those initial days when it started right when you actually talk about setting up the infrastructure within three months so I mean it prevents me back up the days when we didn't do anything right and we today we have established something that's like that can be used to build on top of it right so what do you think are the processes right like what do you think other systems have been placed actually that helped us in getting this outcome so I would like you to talk more on that yeah so that we also can understand I think this is going to be a little bit more on you know both the sides right I can I can talk about you know what I think I try to do okay and then you guys can talk about you know what you guys did you know which which got us there right yeah this could not have been possible without uh like you know both parties willing to uh like no Take It Forward all right okay so I I think we're gonna see the the fundamental belief is that you know practice right it's there is a the good part of you know software is it is very easy for everyone to practice it's it it's not like a yeah yeah your project type thing which many other disciplines require you to have a lab right equipments and such right it's practically every one of you has it everyone can practice it right it's much easier to practice okay so the key is that practice is very critical okay is practice you know do you need to practice 24 hours a day no not really okay I think anywhere between two to six hours depending upon your the ability to like you know communicate things right anywhere between two to four hours focused efforts okay which is very key okay right third thing is learn and use okay do not go into this learning cycle too long okay so you are picking up a language right I think if you have seen any most of most of this you know the um learning uh good learning tools ask you to practice as you do things okay it's important to what you learn you practice okay not just the sake of an example but really understand the underlying concept how does it work right okay we'll talk about it a little bit later about that also very specifically right but learn practice it has to be a continuous cycle it cannot be that you know don't go into a learning for too long but very very clear to be very careful okay this two long Cycles you know basically creates this is what creates the effect of what happens in Infosys or TCS right there goes you are in a trainee for six months right at the end of it probably damages your motivation so much that you know you feel like no you don't know you have not done anything for six months right that that itself damage your motivation and you know your your psychologically like no you feel that you are still like not bad okay so even if your lead is not supporting make a point that your learning and practicing learn and practice learn and practice continue to keep improving upon it okay similarly as you're learning also kind of start have a more little bit focused on what you are trying to achieve right it's not that you'll learn one day a note and actually You Learn Python the third day you try to learn um let's say another uh textile this makes things very difficult okay so learn but like now take a focus for a period and you know start you know basically again stay focused on it okay and it has to be continuous right it's like no don't leave meaning but the other thing is as you [Music] you don't want to do a longer Cycles but at the same time you don't want to leave gaps out right what do you basically learned today you might want to practice it by tomorrow right you don't want that to be like no kind of in next week right okay right and you know don't leave too much gap between your learning Cycles okay this learn and practice cycle you know if you start leaving a one week Gap and after that I restart you will lose a lot more okay because you are at a stage where everything you need to be able to see the relation between what you are learning what you learned yesterday to what you are learning today you should be able to see the relationships right you should be able to draw sometimes comparisons sometimes you know how this works along with it right this those kind of dependencies the interdependencies relationship you should be able to see and if you are continuously like not doing that it is very likely you will get that okay and that is one of the reason why we meaning DT Works six days a week okay it could have always kept five days right but why this is every day is every day is this this process of you know being in the system right in the zone right it's important okay it doesn't matter even if you do two over scenario one day like I can spend only two hours it's fine okay another day one day I can spend six hours next day I can spend only two hours but it's still better than leaving that okay and then whatever you learn internalize very important thing reflect and internalize okay I I I I here I am like leaving this you know this is all everything in as part of DT methodology these are being taught okay you are uh you are this uh these habits were inculcated in you but make sure you are making yourself it's I can't I can't you know explain the importance of it okay this you will realize right it may be um I have I realized today after 35 years I still realized okay had I been had I had a habit of like not doing a reflection right more methodology methodology in a systematic way right I would have been much far better in doing that so I used to but you know meaning it was probably like no meaning I was just trying to like run it in my head rather than trying to write in a piece of paper right today your tools techniques everything available to you and you know the ease with which you can do it you can do it in your mobile right while you're sitting in a bus or in a Metro or a train while you are traveling back home you can do right that 10 minutes okay you can find it anywhere and be able to do it you know that wasn't the case you know 10 years 15 years back right okay so reflection is supremely important okay one thing which makes you or fails to make you I I would say that's one habit reflect the good things bad things what you wanted to do right okay what you should have done is is very very critical okay and understand your work okay it's not that somebody came and told write this program writing a program is generally an easier task but understanding why you are writing this program what is it meant for what are what am I trying to solve okay where does it fit in okay right okay so if somebody says like no let's go play cricket okay bring the equipment let's say if I make this statement what would you bring right you you can bring like you know the full Cricket trade like with everything like no uh with cricket ball and you know pads and or glasses and everything but I I have a like you know yeah 10 by 10 uh space to play cricket can you use any of that right so that's so you need to know like no the the system which you are living in right the context in which you are doing the work right where is your what you are solving where is it going to live right it's important to know so the problem context is to be well understood however small you are contributing but the larger problem context needs to be understood okay so you need to know where is your piece is sitting and what it will do and how it will interact with the rest of the world okay in that in that ecosystem right okay it's important to understand because that is that is half the problem solved okay you may still make mistake but how the problem solve right whenever you get in even if you take longer to do it you'd still make it work okay right okay next thing is think your program right okay like you have built this code can this let's say you have made a task management system something to do like now to manage your tasks okay should it be just like not solving that or is it a higher order problem the same thing meaning like you know managing my tasks right whatever like I'm your module I am going to write or the piece of program I'm going to write can it as it is can live in various other ecosystems okay now you are under you are making something a small piece which lives in an ecosystem which it was meant for but you start thinking can this piece live in another ecosystem okay right and if it has to live what characteristics should it have okay right okay so you say like no you you want a cricket ball like no you but you want to play cricket but you want to play cricket in Beach okay now what kind of a ball you have to take right can you take a cricket ball right now what kind of a ball will work now you see right we are changing the you you playing in a ground a proper ground versus you're playing in a 10 by 10 like you know meaning in front of your powers or in your neighborhood versus you're playing in Beach this still Cricket is being played right okay how is that how is that going to be how can you do it right so start thinking right can what I am what I am doing can it live in another ecosystem right and what will be its challenge what will be the challenges in the new ecosystem and you know how it can adapt and how it can work on it this is nothing to do with programming nothing to do with software technology this is about logically applying yourself understanding characteristics of your problem okay yeah right understanding the characteristics of the problem understanding the characteristics of the ecosystem makes sense okay I think punima has to ask something like cherries and like quite alone so yeah sorry yeah no just I have this one question about this point right so you mentioned that when you are writing anything so think of if it is to believe in a different ecosystem so what do you mean by that I'm just a little confused so that's what like I'm saying you want to play cricket right okay right your job is to get a kit for Cricket now it is not even programming you want to be like your job is to get a kit for Cricket you're just told now what kit will you bring in so first at least you should know today where are you going to play right right are we going to beach or are we going to play it in like you know in front of in your neighborhood in front of your house I hope everyone understands Cricket right like if you're playing it in a street you would probably bring a cheap ball in case it flies let's not yeah right just like no just to give you flavor of it right okay it's just that you know according to the conditions you need to like know meaning this still the game is same right there is a batsman there is a bowler they write somebody scores runs somebody gets out you know nothing is changing right till the game is cricket so I just want to like move this discussion more forward so as uh means we are going to deal with freshers and uh like in dance was just going to start their career and as uh you already told that uh in Industry took three to four months uh to deploy them on the project even in teachers and forces they are like uh teaching people for six months and they've just lost the Curiosity that to work on the original projects so when we are going to uh like handle these uh intense and pressures and uh Innovation environment so what kind of attitude that project manager uh would need to handle all these pressures okay so we'll go with the same example like this Cricket example right right a typical project management like bring a cricket kit right you don't want to be the person saying okay bring a cricket kit you as a project manager should have known first place because you are the project manager you should know where are we playing do we know where are we playing okay right do we know the condition like the meaning okay we are playing the street okay are we playing in the street where you know where all the neighborhood houses all the glass doors right yes so yeah as a proper for you it's very important to define the ecosystem okay the game and the ecosystem right I don't want to explain cricket cricket is all understood a project manager also have deck mean what is cricket okay what is the game of Cricket in a typical project setup right I'm taking that exam because it's easier for everyone to understand right someone has to explain right if I'm doing an all new game I'm saying okay like now build a software for playing bridge okay so most people know what what is the game of bridge how to play it right what are the things involved people don't know right they have to be taught right okay so a project manager need to know both the problem statement and the ecosystem where it lives in okay ecosystem consists of I just use this example like the meaning Beach versus neighborhood versus this right one is the the place or you know where it is being played right what is it brings right that brings constraints now okay right constraints is like no okay in your neighborhood like no you can't hit the ball wherever you want right if you're playing in a beach you want to get a ball which doesn't you know meaning even if it gets fat it doesn't become unplayable right so you need a material of that nature right you want you can't bring a cricket box right okay so these are the kind of things right it is important the project manager is able to put this forward okay the the problem statement or the requirement very clearly and the ecosystem and its constraints and opportunities also there are constraints and opportunities okay when you go in Beach okay I can hit any phone right so you may want to make the game little fun right so that I can get any far right you may you may do some something to make it like more fun if you are playing in a beach right whereas we are playing in a 10 by 10 neighborhood you may still want to make the game fun by bringing different elements of it okay meaning people would play cricket I will say like no one pitch catch right if you bring these elements right see this is where project manager has to be knowing things right if project manager is completely alien to Cricket think it out think of it like no the project manager is really into cricket yeah bring a kid you know you should know what what to bring okay bring stems pads and this is everything right would that work right it might work in one place it may not work in the other place right now the next part is like nothing Cricket we just said right okay we incentivize heating for and we also like you know we incentivize meaning in one case we want instant incentivized people getting power right another case we are decision meaning when you are paying in a smaller neighborhood you are disincentivizing the same thing okay so now this is a one side is an opportunity other is in a constraint but you have to design now write your challenges if you think right you are writing a function called hit the ball how you should hit right that can change based on the context yeah right so okay so this is where project manager has a role to play this is not about software programming this is about understanding the elements and then deconstructing into smaller parts not as a task more as a system right Cricket is like no you put the steps right like you know Bowlers characteristics batsman's characteristics what Batman do what bowler do right defining these things this is what a project manager has to like not many see sometimes it may be project manager sometimes there will be a product specialist sometime it could be like business analyst right right sometimes is a technical architect it doesn't matter right the person who is in control of the project should have these elements well defined whether by themselves or by an appropriate team member right which is very key right without which a person who runs the project will not be able to succeed right you might like now end up building a cricket game to play in Beach when you are like like you know you are expected to play in your 10 by 10 neighborhood right then say requirements have changed yeah so uh yeah I had one more question sure uh so initially like when and uh when a fracture is different uh like will be different into projects right so initially there is a there is a tension right like we'll I mean can he contribute can he write the uh the high quality code right so how is it that you onboard and I mean what process would you follow to onboard an intern right so that he's able to contribute right not to wait like for six months but like can be deployed very quickly yeah if you discuss earlier right important thing is like no you don't have to know everything to start coding okay right the fundamental habit we need to inculcate in interns is learn and learn practice right learn practice you do for some time right of course they have done with some of these things before before they come becoming interns they have done some of this that's why they are there right so essentially important thing is to have them do what they know to be right it's a so what kind of a work you give it right okay you have like now while you know in cricket they are a bowler then you say no no you you define it you you work on like you know bat batsman features it's not a good idea right try and find what they can do within the context of the project okay the however small it is make sure they are understanding what they are doing right and help them to do it the contributions then in itself starts making a difference okay right in cricket like no the ball boys have become great cricketers over years okay right so do what you know right what you are comfortable doing right that is where I think the project management also make a lot of difference in identifying okay what the person is capable of and give them a work in that context right the smaller contributions eventually make a big difference yeah then in that sense they will get the feeling of contribution and uh take sense of giving something to the company or the organization that they are working yeah that is that makes a lot of difference right and you know I will also go one more step as As Leaders right I don't talk project manager As Leaders right it's important irrespective of whether that individual has recognize what they have done it's important for the leaders to kind of like you know basically show it to them right right make them feel that moment okay celebrate the moment right celebrate the moment along with okay make them recognize them more importantly celebration comes after that make them recognize okay that joy that internal Joy has to come in inside them right one has to work for that right meaning that that is where a leader makes a difference okay yeah makes sense yes I think uh now it's the Open session for audience uh you guys can raise your hand and ask the questions whatever is you bring in your mind yes Aryan you can go ahead yeah uh like you mentioned that uh whenever we are learning we should do it like as fast as possible but also not leave gaps in between so could you clarify like how do we ensure that we are not leaving any kind of gaps I think this comes a lot from Habits okay so it doesn't matter whether it is programming whatever you're trying to do there is a there is a general saying that you know if you follow something for 21 days right like now it becomes a habit meaning you are slowly you start building muscle memory towards it okay if you don't do that in that time of the day or if you don't do that for a day for a day you start feeling uncomfortable okay I think this the initial period is where you need to push yourself right typically like no um I would suggest you guys to read this book Atomic habits okay all right James Clear okay it's an excellent book you know you don't have to read all the book the book entirety I would meaning this is what I've been telling my children okay read one chapter and hear okay only one chapter and a year and internalize follow it so it's so it's essentially what I'm trying to say is whatever works for you make a habit of that right and it is not you have to do fast you have to do continuously right okay the key is consistency not like meaning some people may get things faster some people may take time to pick it up it's okay it just doesn't matter right but consistency is e uh are they using referring to keep a habit of learning in this case in identifying gaps yeah whatever you choose to do right many of you you choose to like let's say you chose to learn like Android programming right make make that effort every day at least spend an hour or two every day right some days you may be able to spend more time some days you may be able to spend only less time right maybe there is a time like no I have my exams I'm going to give a break for a week yeah you have to right it's it's kind of you know understood right but just because that okay I am feeling like no uh not not so much interested today let me pause today right this passing thing is easy right you know suddenly that becomes a habit right without before you realize before you realize that becomes a habit okay so put yourself into the situation right to spend that like at least meaningful hours on a daily basis whatever it is you know it's nothing to do with you know software anything you are trying to like know uh get better at it or learn make sure it is a habit so making it a habit to learn things every day and practice them as well yes right when it comes to software practice it right yeah thank you thank you good evening everyone so so I had like two-part question yeah so I'm trying to like uh generalize thing like when we're working on a project suppose and we've encountered this uh conditionally interdependency and conservational dependencies like you mentioned ecosystem constraints right so I'm just wondering as a newcomer to this thing like are there any strategies like common strategy General strategies that like something like uh one size fits all kind of thing that we can employ to manage this interdependencies uh uh I okay to be honest I am not aware of a specific system but I think you know I'm I'm pretty sure these are not um uncommon topics I'm sure like no people have uh methodology written around it but I am not aware of one okay uh but definitely I would be interested to know like if anyone is aware of that okay but this is to me like another way I kind of do is like no this is more like my cheat sheet right okay I put these things you know meaning see if you do once you start using it you don't need cheats okay right your mind starts working that way okay what is what are the problems what meaning what can happen in which conditions right what how it's supposed to be do you think questions will keep immediately popping your mind over time okay once you start practicing it okay got it thank you yeah uh so we earlier discussed that in big companies uh people are usually put on training periods for six months uh I'm curious to know how does this training period where it's uh interns like where freshers learn a lot how does it uh take away their motivation how does it degrade their motivation a long learning period okay so I'll go back to my Cricket example only right okay you remind the ball boy for six months not playing Cricket but your remain a ball boy do you love it not exactly same thing goes there right okay see the thing is what you are doing right you are getting inspired watching right being a ball boy is what you are getting inspired by watching experienced people playing okay but if you're just getting that that you're only watching and learning from them but you can never practice it by yourself so it will just go nowhere right okay okay you may be see there are currently people who is just happy to be like in a ball box it's okay if if I'm like not happy with it I'm happy with it that's okay but that's not like no by being Ball by or not going to grow right okay so I have one question in my mind uh so why it is important for a developer to like explore the code base and architecture and experiment with it uh with some sort of examples and all because usually what happened uh in different organization they're like we are not going to give code base or architecture we developed but they won't be able to understand it but what if we'll give them and they could experiment it because in our early stages we got that growth based architecture and we were coding and experimenting see this is a little bit uh tricky question okay but I will try to answer okay uh probably now it will be difficult to use the cricket uh notion here okay it's a it's basically like now I will use my other um favorite area like no like cooking okay right this is like you prepare a let's say a dish okay following the recipe right versus okay you are given a risk you have read a recipe sometime right but you want to like know basically create a another dish out of it so would you just I'll take some you know crude examples so that you you kind of you know you have made a decision you know you want to replace salt with sugar is it okay okay not necessarily crazy right okay so what can you change so then what is that you are saying right you need to understand the taste right what goes with what right what can be like you know uh sensible thing to do right how can I give a different flavor to it right what can go what is likely to go with it which means you are actually like exploring the the the the context in which it is living right you are exploring everything not just that right everything it interacts in it okay all right meaning I'll just give a yeah my like my early days of cooking like now I did this I didn't I never realized right I just did okay I wanted to make lemon tea right I made with milk and then I just like squeeze lemon in it you know what would have happened right so that's see that is what architecture is about you need to know what will live with what right how well they will go together right you can't be like no just because it's interesting you can't keep doing right okay you'll you'll have like not meaning things which is you you create unpalatable things right that's not the intent right you are trying to make a variation which is more kind of you know which is more tastier or like not at least to certain uh expectation right meaning certain taste buds you are trying to like know uh basically like some craving of a specific taste but you're trying to solve solve for right you need to know how to like know what to address so that you can get it like you know to your taste but like if I had to make for shagun with the shravan right okay how do I make what kind of a variation should I make it right right this is making how to make a South Indian dish like a North Indian or how to make an art Indian dishes without indeed right or how to make an Indian as a Chinese or you know make a Chinese as Indian right yes is that the architecture comes okay how do you put what do you put first what do you do next right in which order like you should it be like you know meaning should you add this while it is hot uh should you add it like no later right when should you add Watts right knowing these things is where you know see your command on the system is known right okay that is when you can architect okay so you need to be able to get that level where you are able to come out okay you know what's happening right you know how things happen and accordingly you can make do some interjection and you know bring a difference yes so after means till after learning and after having this uh means after just deploying on the project when that person or pressure just achieved his first project on his architecture means he just understood what is the basic architecture of the code then we could definitely get the organizational architecture to understand and go ahead with that look at that real taste yeah so you see basically like my name I'll take you to this the cooking example right one you are just let's say you are supposed to make a paste for the cooking that's your work but you are know where the space is used what dish is being made right how the space plays a role but your job is to make the paste right you are only making the taste okay so this is like you know meaning locally understanding what you are doing how it's going to act the next thing is like understanding the dish and then how this what difference in the space can bring what kind of variations right are you still learning through what you did okay you are not trying to command over there are like at least let's say there are 10 key things the dish has right but you're doing only one place right but if you can understand how that one phase can influence their dish outcome that is knowing your local architecture right but knowing everything you know that goes into the dish how that all brings the difference is knowing that like no the the whole architect yeah okay uh we can go with uh one more question right and like due to time constraint right so uh yeah rishab you can go ahead with the question hi uh good evening everyone so so I actually uh had a emotional question like it's more on the emotional side so sir as a data scientist there's a lot of information that comes in now with this information coming in there is an overview overwhelming feeling now that sometimes comes in right now this can lead to a positive outcome whereas a negative outcome now now I had an experience where it was the negative one and um I just wanted to understand what would be the best way to cope up uh with this overwhelming feeling you know that we get with a lot of information coming in see lot of information is not your problem okay that's the computer's problem and its capacities problem right not yours you don't have to worry right whether the data set is like you know one million or one trillion it doesn't matter right it's for the computer process for you is to design right what is your metric you're trying to derive out of it and how do I derive it right what does it make sense that's all you are looking to do okay the output yeah like you are a chef you are you are only you are only like no bringing the recipe right to make it for like you know for one person or like no for a thousand people it is the cook's problem right so in your opinion what does it take for an intern to become a leader I think you know meaning uh see that for leadership two key things of importance Right leader the biggest thing is you need to understand is one you need to have command on the subject whatever you are working on right and command on the project command on the technology whatever kind of role you are playing right but the most important thing is to understand that of your teams okay every you should have a good sense of whatever with your team members what they are capable of their strengths their weaknesses their capabilities right and be able to align the work end of the day as a team you need to succeed right it's not about like no meaning somebody did great and somebody didn't do great end up at the end of the day how do you achieve that that's where the leader makes a difference okay the leader brings everyone into the plate right brings everyone into play and you know make them everyone's contribution becomes important in the longer in a larger set of things okay that one attitude right you need to be able to like you know look forward I think that's that's where like no the leadership you know doing meaning that's that's the key in my mind that's the difference between being an individual contributor to a leader right how do you get others hey everyone is worth something okay I I strong I very strongly believe everyone is worth something a good leader brings whatever is worth in you right brings you to the food that's a good leader yeah thank you sir that's a beautiful answer yeah I think we can go ahead with Akash too right yeah because you can go ahead ask one question yeah it's like another question of like a general question in my mind that I just came across it's like when you try to do some multiple tasking and multiple works here because to learn some more things at the same time and in a given time frame so uh so the question is I'll just take a little different analogy and try to explain you this okay so in computer we call like now how many processors right when you buy a laptop to talk about how many processors how many cores why do you ask the question because on a parallel process in what works we can do they have to do parallel processing what we are doing we are adding more core or you know adding more processing right yes which means each one becomes on its own instead of so instead of buying one computer you're buying four computers so parallel process don't don't try to do parallel processing to get right okay so if you need to do like in other words you need to create four compartments if you have to do four things okay right you cannot do it together you create four compartments right it's it's possible it's not impossible but it may be challenging in early days so okay when you are particularly like learning concept and trying to do things this compartmentalization you may be able to do but you know you might get confused right a lot of information will kind of uh leak between these compartments and you know that might uh if you are not have that level of maturity it might add to confusion rather than um like it adds confusion avoid it right okay do one thing do that well right that's what I would suggest until you get comfortable okay right thank you so much yes uh so anyone else would like to go ahead with the question because I think now we have time we can take uh one one or two more questions right so anyone come on guys I think yeah yes also you can go ahead yeah hello everyone so I have a question uh as you have told us sir that uh we need to like learn and practice and whatever we are learning we need to go into the depth right but um yeah but as I am experienced that itself and I can see uh there are some tool that I needed to do for that particular instance only and at that I think I really maybe like I I never have to use that app again so it is really necessary to now detail about those apps or those language uh these are um see there are times in your life you will make certain compromises depending on the context okay whether it is this app or this tool right or language whatever stack whatever it is right if you if you're indeed sure it is going to be like you know you have a very specific and a focused need for it you know you don't see there is meaning um larger value with it do use it to the extent what you have to use okay right it is fine to do that not that everyone needs to be like not learned to the deadline okay but if you are totally sure about it okay it's okay meaning we all make those choices okay so the situation demands you can do it always but typically like you know meaning when you're C then you are not learning your this your focus is to get it done okay remember right your focus is not learning the focus is to get your work done right whatever tool language whatever you want to use I will use it and get my work done does it answer your question so uh yes it has my question but it arises one more thing so is it wrong or to have your uh your project or your work work done because uh because as the technology is changing every day uh right now maybe you are using like a power via or something after some time or you will be using other thing uh you will be using those themes code on instances only because as a data scientist uh I work for the data analysis part but there are also some other workers part at that time most of the time at the time I just think that my Works will be done see if you are like just to go by the example right power I needed your advice yeah yeah so let me try right see you are using power bi right you see like oh there is Tableau there is you know there are many tools that are available today right okay so now what's your focus use your focus learning power bi or learning data analysis like no data visualization fundamentals what is it your focus you you'll find answer from yourself that analysis right if you're doing data analytics it doesn't matter what tool I use right I find out how to use the tool okay I want to do a bubble chart right this is your data analysis analyst thinking okay this data is well represented as a bubble chart okay now it doesn't matter which tool I use okay I can do it right there are hundreds of tools which can do it okay it's a representation of the tools are helping you to bring your final output it is not the code right so you may you may just because you have been using power ba you may be very versatile with it but if you would use another tool you might take some time to figure it out how to do it but concepts are same right water bubble chart is a bubble chart remains there right okay I hope it answers your question thank you sir yeah uh sorry I'm written English we won't be able to take your question because I mean I I mean because I think we are already running late right so yeah thank you guys for taking initiative but uh I would I would really think I answer right like because uh you answered like most of the questions with like uh not using technical terms but you answered it worked quite well like how a beginner can understand right so I think that's that's really good right and I mean one thing that I really like like was the approach right that we discussed right how we can bring down the six month approach to nearly a week right because I I think one of the things that we follow in detail is how we can learn less and contribute more right the bare minimum to get started with so I think that's really insightful right because if we could implement this in our daily life right say example I'm not I'm trying to learn a new tech stack right I can always start by learning the basics rather than worrying about too much complex details so I think yeah that's an interesting insight for every developer right so if you want to learn something new it's very good to learn with the basics right so I think yeah with this thought I would like to actually close the session right so thank you everyone for joining this and yeah thank you guys thank you sir thank you everyone have a great learning hope this session is insightful for you