Understanding CPU Programming Basics

Oct 3, 2024

Crash Course Computer Science: CPU Programming


  • Presenter: Carrie Anne
  • Last episode, discussed how to build a CPU from components like ALU, control unit, memory, and clock.
  • CPUs are powerful because they are programmable, meaning software can change the tasks they perform.

Basic CPU Instructions

  • Instructions include an operation code (opcode) and address or registers.
  • Example program:
    • LOAD_A 14: Load value from memory address 14 into Register A.
    • LOAD_B 15: Load value from memory address 15 into Register B.
    • ADD B A: Add values in Register B and A, store result in Register A.
    • STORE_A 13: Store value from Register A into memory address 13.
  • Program adds two numbers together.

Advanced Instructions

  • Subtract function introduced.
  • JUMP instruction: Changes program's execution flow.
    • Example: JUMP 0 returns to the beginning of the program.
  • JUMP_NEGATIVE: Jumps only if ALU's negative flag is set.
  • HALT instruction: Stops CPU processing, important for distinguishing between instructions and data.

Program Execution Example

  • Modified starting memory values to demonstrate program flow.
  • Described step-by-step execution including loading, adding, storing, and jumping.
  • Introduction to infinite loops and conditional jumps, e.g., JUMP_NEGATIVE.

Loop and Conditional Programming

  • Demonstrated how loops and conditions work with another example.
  • Showed using SUBTRACT and JUMP_NEGATIVE to create program logic.
  • Discussed calculating remainders and potential for more complex programs with software.

CPU Limitations and Solutions

  • Hypothetical CPU constraints:
    • Limited to 16 instructions and 16 memory locations due to use of 4-bit opcodes and addresses.
  • Real CPUs use:
    • Larger instruction lengths (e.g., 32 or 64 bits).
    • Variable length instructions: Using immediate values stored behind instructions.

Real CPU Example

  • Intel 4004 processor (1971): First single-chip CPU.
    • Supported 46 instructions, including JUMP, ADD, SUBTRACT.
    • Used 8-bit immediate values.
  • Modern CPUs like Intel Core i7 have thousands of instructions, with instruction sizes from 1 to 15 bytes.


  • Modern processors have evolved with many added functionalities, discussed in next episode.