Transcript for:
Fundamentals of Python Programming

foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign opening foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign all right now foreign foreign foreign again foreign integer foreign foreign foreign foreign variable now integer Syria energy in the Plus another in the equal to plus minus division multiplication operators foreign foreign foreign double quotations a equal to 10 b equal to 20 is foreign foreign foreign Arena in the string foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign hippo is get input for name and age and print it name equal to input is equal to input is my name is EMC my age is Porter foreign print my my name is colon comma name my name is print my age is AMC my age is EMC my name is EMC Urban printers foreign get input for variable name and age address printed input is my name is EMC my age is one my address is hippo print my address is come on address is EMC my age is one my address is get integer input get integer input for variable a b c input multiply all three variables add all three variables Moon variables foreign input c equal to in input okay multiply all three variables is star C hippo in the moon value multiply again foreign F equal to multiply upon the value added value already divided by e uphon is f Naf 2 foreign vanilla name of inner variable foreign foreign foreign is comma name upon a name again print my core is comma score divided by 10 Arden print my dip for meant is comma computer sorry computer left Department foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign yes else print no improviser explained if foreign Boolean value in the True Value Boolean values okay if true abena in the if um foreign if false ardentaling about r is foreign print win equal to equal to um foreign foreign we know foreign example program RCB equal to bin Abilene solution RCB equal to if RCB equal to equal to min RCB equal to equal to winner print is Allah RCB equal to equal to print voila compola is over variable okay variable in the variable foreign okay foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign Arena Surya meets Priya is get user input for variable Magna Magna bend over variable equal to input okay if if cooler Magna equal to equal to died Surya meets Priya foreign [Music] equal to died Surya means in there died aprina died equal to diet foreign oh just a normal foreign foreign foreign [Music] another Channel died or not okay [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign I know print pass ES again print fail in the syntax index foreign foreign foreign people in the videos foreign eventually 40 35 in the statement through a falsa 40 35 in the statement is 30 greater than 35 minutes okay question get input for variable income if income is greater than 7000 scholarship is available else not eligible for scholarships foreign scholarship else colon print eligible for scholarship okay foreign foreign foreign people numbers remainder foreign foreign program foreign foreign Syria 10 divided Ness eleven two five two certain reminder remember a divided a modulus and the person is 0 over 15 mod 3. foreign 12 53s are fifteen six threes are 18 okay five threes are fifteen now [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] 3 equal to equal to 0 print explains only print if it's simple by three else print not divisible by 3. okay okay foreign okay foreign foreign [Music] zero inside foreign [Music] foreign if 14 seconds 14 mod 3 equal to equal to zero I've been solid 14 Mark pre-order output in our 14 3rd divided okay one three sir three two three sir one threes are three two threes are six three threes are nine four threes are twelve five threes are fifteen fourteen area foreign foreign hippo okay three hours [Music] foreign foreign [Music] a mod 5 equal to equal to 0. and a mod 3 equal to equal to 0. 3 foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign dropper not divisible by three and five inverted is 15 mod 5. equal to equal to zero 15 mod 500 foreign 15. 0 equal to equal to 0 and 0 equal to equal to zero ES and this is foreign foreign foreign remainder one face R5 10 3 5 or 15. people two fives are 10. about 12 on the five tables 2 okay your remainder total ten portion of two um 12 mod 3 12 mod 3 Arena foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign directly okay now continue again in the program hippo get input for a number and find it is even or odd Concepts hippopotamia explained every fourth programfully or number is number one even odd numbers foreign odd number please input if a mod 2 equal to equal to zero iron print even else print or open the program okay um restart or not enter a number of included [Music] every where hippo is [Music] if 10 mod 2 equal to equal to 0. 10 result 10 10 row five twos are 10 approve your remainder 10 minus zero okay foreign foreign foreign 0 . if false are the if to all a divided foreign okay get input for score out of 100 k for input score when the 3500 poor students if score is greater than 35 um average student if score is greater than 70 good student the question is foreign foreign score equal to int input score if score greater than that effect score greater than sorry sorry score less than 36. print poor student else print is foreign conditions [Music] if core greater than 35 and score less than 70. print good student s if score greater than 70 are the print okay okay our student average student good student okay yes foreign [Music] foreign less than 35 Korean 65 35 65 less than 3500 if score greater than 35 and score less than 70. if score greater than 35 if score greater than 35 and score less than 70. score greater than 35 greater than 35 hours 65 greater than 35 um and foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign period foreign hippo in the programs if if score okay if score equal to 65 character score equal to 65 first Lane run now score less than 35 65 less than 35 less than 35 career 65 35 um [Music] foreign foreign foreign proof of alpha 34 less than 35 true a point foreign foreign and 80 less than 70. foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign invalid number invalid score input is people a score on the 150 foreign Korea is foreign get input for two numbers A and B get input from user whether to add subtract multiplication artificial if user selects add then add the two number and print the result performance okay equal to in input is [Music] B b equal to int input cooler B Photography foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] a plus b Illinois operation equal to equal to sub print a minus B L if operation equal to equal to multiplication print a star B L if operation equal to equal to division print a divided by B foreign operation okay foreign foreign foreign foreign 10 plus output 30 eventually printers control operations foreign foreign you are not eligible okay first you are eligible you are not eligible first score score percentage score equal to in input is core personalization core percentage if core greater than 70 print you are eligible else print you are not eligible [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign name equal to input enter your name is equal to input enter your age is foreign [Music] foreign foreign okay salary equal to in put is equal to in input Arizona if salary greater than twenty thousand Euros greater than or equal to okay age less than or equal to 25. print you are eligible for loan okay else print u r naught eligible okay in the programmer run okay greater than or equal to 20 000 R is foreign foreign foreign salary salary thousand again if salary greater than or equal to twenty thousand are age less than or equal to 25. salary greater than or equal to twenty thousand operations thirty thousand thirty thousand greater than or equal to twenty thousand thirty thousand thirty thousand greater than or equal to 20 000 again true of also true thirty thousand twenty thousand average 50. number true foreign foreign foreign 1 plus 0. true plus false other one plus zero one plus zero and repair one hour one into zero zero whatever is foreign 1 into 1 equal to 1. into zero 0. 0 into 0 0 okay true true one plus one Arena two okay and the number one true false hippo 1 plus 0. [Music] true false false zero plus zero zero Oppo false either true either false either false is salary greater than or equal to twenty thousand salary thirty thousand okay thirty thousand r age age 50. result in a your result true um foreign foreign okay okay eligible loan equal to develop alone [Music] is required loan amount is less than or equal to fifty thousand print you are eligible for loan um if loan amount loan amount greater than or equal to fifty thousand foreign [Music] foreign foreign print your eligible for loan okay salary 20 000 Isa AC um foreign first condition true or yes first condition loan greater than 50 000. sixty thousand greater than 50 000 r um foreign foreign average if average Mark is average foreign foreign I'll give up every practice foreign .com foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign conditional action integers n equal to input if n is odd print beard is 2 equal to 0. in 10 minutes print beard s is [Music] if n greater than or equal to 2 and N less than or equal to 5 print in the printers not weird okay if n is even and in the inclusive range of 6 to 20 print weird OS alif n greater than or equal to 6 and N less than or equal to 20 Arena weird okay if n is even and greater than 20 are now is a leaf in greater than 20 print not we are having oh in the program okay okay in the input again foreign coding practice videos [Music] so people in the diagram in the diagram in the diagram okay in the ground level starting point is foreign first first start learning in the Box is foreign [Music] foreign Apple colon print I in the syntax within our soul driver first in the line of programming here thank you a p p l e one two three four five foreign [Laughter] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign for I in apple colon print I okay in the program is in the program foreign foreign a printer yeah foreign Mercado is foreign foreign okay in Europe okay for Loop s for I in Apple for Loop syntax in the in the strings foreign Syria foreign range 500 for I in range 5. hippo is foreign foreign 4. foreign foreign Earth Day foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign enter print I even learning yeah energy okay to do in the program today EMC EMC emcs foreign foreign workout s foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign okay foreign one into two into two ten into two original print angle is for I in range one comma eleven one comma two comma three comma four comma five comma six comma seven comma eight comma nine comma ten ten already first I equal to 1 minute print I comma into two original in the line is foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign result statements start to I started appendix comma I equal to one cooler I comma into two comma I into two it is into two equal to Upper printers are two is character value to Iota value to into 2 equal to if I into tone on the in the line iron fully okay six in the Mari program update continue foreign foreign upon 1 into 3. 2 into three in the E into three equal to I into three yeah two into three twos are six years foreign foreign in the filer documents for the python folder for loops okay first program is first question is get input for number A and B print the number between a and b a and bindra integer numbers foreign hi I have bring another variable neither 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. numbers character foreign comma important foreign foreign nine 15. 9 comma ten comma eleven comma 12 comma 13 comma 14 now 15 working foreign foreign foreign foreign questions if a mod to equal to equal to zero either print enjoy even everything is Arena foreign okay if a mod 2 equal to equal to zero either equal to equal to 0. foreign if I mod 2 equal to equal to 0 print I other number two all a divided two four six eight ten minutes foreign foreign foreign if I ordered value on a one one mod two equal to equal to 0. 18 foreign either false in the function in the if functions if 2 mod 2 equal to equal to zero two modules remainder zero Oppo 0 equal to equal to 0.00 condition true if um printers if 3 mod 2 equal to equal to 0. 3. other remainder one one equal to equal to zero fals is I equal to four if four mod 2 equal to equal to zero four divided by 2 is foreign foreign foreign foreign Anna in the if one two three four five if I mod 2 equal to equal to 0. in the if conditions foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign repair a equal to 10 b equals all right okay foreign comma five foreign range for I in range 1 2 3 4 5 4 locally number review first foreign foreign false in the if conditions oh I equal to step two I equal to R is if I mod 2 equal to equal to 0. 2 mod 2. remainder zero zero equal to equal to 0 row of also zero equals foreign count equal to count plus one solution count equal to count order value on it count equal to zero plus one is foreign I equal to another 3 I equal to 3 is I mod 2 equal to equal to zero or eventually only equal to equal to zero true of fals false if area I equal to 4 I equal to foreign foreign you know I equals value I equal to 2 or counter value increase equal to I equal to 5 I equal to 5 if Phi mod 2 equal to equal to zero five are two hours remainder one over false conditions one two three four five foreign foreign questions count the number of odd and even number between 1 to 10 unprinted odd number even numbers foreign else is odd count equal to odd count plus one available print odd underscore count when the program around hippo hope you understand even counter zero heart counter zero number one two three four five six seven eight nine ten foreign I equal to 2 work foreign count Plus 1. upper e underscore count equal to e underscore counter value on the first zero zero plus one again foreign foreign foreign important foreign I Mod Five equal to equal to zero foreign count equal to count plus one else thank you I mod okay six hundreds okay in the program is people is 15 mod 3 equal to equal to zero and 15 mod 5 equal to equal to 0. 15 15 more yeah 15 and three hour dividend fifteen three hours remainder zero zero equal to equal to zero and fifteen five hours equal to equal to zero again true you don't draw in the if foreign count equal to count plus 180 plus zero plus oh foreign thank you file s examples okay first question in the five programs sixth question write the program to compute the sum of the First Financial numbers foreign First Financial numbers equal to 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 3 plus 4 plus 5. foreign range one comma six certain importance foreign sum equal to sum plus I po print sum um foreign foreign plus I first I equal to 1 hour sum equal to sum order value in a sum mode value 0 Works zero plus one value one EPO Earth sum equal to sum plus I is I equal to three you put some more value on a three sum equal to three sum equal to sum plus sum equal to 3 plus 3. six okay I equal to 4 sum equal to six plus I upo 6 plus 4 10 characters foreign to read 10 numbers from the keyboard and find their sum and average foreign foreign input b c d is people 10 numbers [Music] foreign foreign foreign print Ed on the list yeah foreign foreign requesting write the program to read ten numbers foreign foreign foreign b equal to hint input Syria is B if I explained in the cursor on the blinking um foreign foreign [Music] foreign range okay foreign number input one foreign foreign foreign input okay num is print foreign six comma foreign num um equal to foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign enter for Loops enter okay Enter num Plus I is foreign nah yes enter number one enter number two enter number three printers foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign 30 40 50 list cooler 10 20 30 40 50 storage okay first a equal to our list Syria foreign range zero comma one comma two comma 3 comma four either range foreign foreign plus Str I plus 1 okay enter num foreign nah is Tri integer Stringer cast casting okay in the first line enter num zero of I equal to First Apple subscribe zero plus one upper enter numb one I equal to one now first I equal to zero equal to one now enter num internal I plus one plus one two one plus one two obviously enter num two options foreign [Music] foreign foreign print yeah foreign foreign fifty okay print some sorry some foreign 20 30 40 50. okay foreign equal to 20 okay sum equal to sum Plus some more updated value on the 10 upper 10 plus 20. sum equal to 30. I equal to 30. I equal to 30. sum equal to sum plus I someone updated value 30 plus 30 some more value 60. 60 plus 40.50 plus 50.50 is only foreign [Music] foreign integer okay input number five options just just easy now foreign foreign I pray foreign foreign foreign foreign we'll give up nested for Loop programmable foreign foreign okay for J in range variables variable okay foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign enter for J in range 1 comma 3 print J comma Apple even is other I equal to one another J equal to 1 comma two are equal to one another J equal to one line okay um foreign print Jain naporta subscribe now one two three characters day comma um day one day today day one day to day three week two day one day two day three foreign foreign thank you week one day one day to day three week S no week one day on day to day three week two day one day today foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] m equal to ifri double quotation in the double quotations foreign Syria foreign in range one comma five times foreign for J in range foreign foreign okay now um print okay one comma I Plus 1. either result foreign foreign in the line seriously foreign foreign n equal to if um foreign two two plus one and three upper range print J comma end equal to double quotations foreign foreign Syria number foreign again again next video foreign foreign usually used when the number of iteration is foreign foreign while I equal to equal to 0. I equal to equal to zero iode value on a zero zero equal to equal to 0. foreign again um foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign something drone border foreign foreign print a number from one to five using while loop okay one two five ounces while I less than 5 print I oil I less than 5 print line the program in the programs again first I equal to oil cooler one less than 5. true of alsa 1 less than 5 true Oppo print I Upper Valley yeah while okay um now foreign print Ed I equal to I plus one I equal to I plus 1 upon already one one plus one is while I less than five oil two less than five true of also print is equal to I plus 1 are your value on a already two upper two plus one another value 3 0 character hippo I equal to I equal to 3. okay 3 less than 5r true of alpha is foreign while by your value five I less than 500 per 5 less than 5 1 fully power in the statements foreign [Music] foreign foreign print I comma end equal to every double uh string photograph s in the program explains foreign 10 plus 10 value 10 and the 10 order value 20 pi equal to 20. 20 less than 200. true of also either 20 less than 200 true um 20 plus 10. foreign equal to sorry I equal to 200 plus tendency of I equal to 210 is less than 200 are 210 less than or equal to 200 I bring fully conditions either true or false 210 is write a program to print first 10 natural numbers in reverse order reverse order numbers I equal to 10 oil I equal to equal to zero okay while I greater than zero zero average print I equal to I minus 1. ten nine eight seven six five four three two one and print diagram foreign foreign I greater than 0 9 greater than 0 over true of also 9 greater than 0. again write a program to find the factorial of a number or a number or a factorials Ebola five into four into three into two into one is five into four into three into one reverse is two into one two it is not two word factorial three factorial three into two into one equal to six three over factorial for six okay is foreign fact star fact into I I equal to I minus 1. foreign [Music] foreign [Music] 1 into IOD value in a three one into three factors current value foreign foreign into I fact into I factor the current value three three into if three into two another Factor the current value six okay Factor the current value six okay I equal to I equal to I minus one is foreign zero characters while other while zero greater than zero in the condition s foreign started python line the collections open file new file save us document python folder collection examples duplicate members okay IPO list print type type of yeah foreign up and lastly foreign foreign foreign hippo specifications insert in the Earth foreign allowed it is one two three four five six values okay position either index position zero zero zero one two three four five either index position if zero one two three four five okay zero okay friend okay not print a DOT insert 0 comma eleven position zero zero under positions foreign printers foreign a DOT pop up foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign B is growing a b equal to B 11 23. a DOT a DOT extend B reported in either print is foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign do not allow duplicate duplicate values will be removed duplicated in the curly braces foreign a of 0 equal to 12. set object does not support item assignments a DOT add the main number is foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign okay okay in the order foreign [Music] okay dictionary dictionary do not allow duplicate duplicate values will be will overwrite existing value first dictionary a equal to bracket open Money name colon EMC either not dictionary key s the value is a key value print yeah foreign one location location [Music] for the codec okay now okay okay no no no no sorry sorry [Music] foreign students in Buddha subscribe students and the list type foreign okay well values and the values in the dictionary modification AF equal to 100 . run is foreign foreign [Music] pop anyway foreign Syria is not defined yeah okay output okay python order for collections for collection data types list double set dictionary python functions in the python functions foreign foreign again new file in the files in our document line or the python folder functions e function is Def painter I've been selling our function create content okay colon enter print ing okay in the in the syntax functions [Music] um foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign input and then b equal to in put okay bro print a plus b Prime in the program is foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign program depending the first line learning foreign foreign addiction entry entropy 30. [Music] in the first functions okay in the functions foreign foreign foreign foreign community functions and the message foreign print message output in a message foreign foreign foreign foreign message colon comma MSG important is MSG equal to foreign foreign foreign get the integer number from user and pass it to the function call to find even r r let the function print whether the number is even or odd is foreign enter if number mod 2 equal to equal to 0 Sprint even number order number two or divided even else print I'll Sprint or okay wow okay functions foreign lyric if num or two equal to equal to 0. 10 yeah print and get in our number password foreign foreign foreign a equal to 10 . IPO indirectly a equal to 10 and fully program is foreign Ipana the number is if B mod 2 equal to equal to 0 print foreign else print odd put another program is find even a rodents [Music] foreign enter a column foreign in the program s get input for A and B and pass it to the function called print range let the function print numbers from A to B now yes foreign print I originally folder in the functional print foreign okay well in the 111 default entrepreneur every planet R1 comma r24 right parameter foreign foreign foreign foreign input input enter a foreign input enter B ippo in the printed um foreign hippo even in the function are called in the functions foreign foreign foreign file save us document python folder return examples foreign painter okay print I am painder painter Prime program foreign hippo return of Windows statement s return I am painter is in the paint report foreign Apple a equal to ten minutes reporting here for variable foreign valuable s I am a painter MSG equal to I am painter other than that is value of a value of n function create return tendency a equal to value of a insulin the functional hypo call contract value print directly yeah foreign foreign people okay set yes username EMC as password one to three okay first username password yes username equal to EMC s password equal to one two three username input added the password equal to password equal to input okay create a function called validate validated and the validate functions depth validate function open MoneyGram if s underscore username username username equal to equal to Union and s underscore password equal to password okay print correct else print wrong okay okay enter value for username enter value for password okay okay username username password one two three is username equal to equal to your name and S underscore password equal to equal to password print correct okay nothing function yeah EMC one two three characters okay foreign directly functions should return true or false okay return true return true render foreign false equal to validate print a if um foreign equal to password is foreign everybody function ah okay sorry def add irregular print value number okay number one comma number two return N1 plus N2 bring input Bangla equal to in put a Earth b equal to be equal to in put yeah B colon c equal to hint input C column number a plus b into C is create money added start scene solution if a print output is sealer important grams a plus b 30 into 10 300 300 print directly foreign foreign added equal to add a plus b added equal to add N1 comma N2 sorry add a comma absolutely add a comma b a what a value I mean foreign 10 n 2 equal to 20 average return N1 Plus N2 in order to Value one is variable equal to added star c order value on a 30. 30 Stars return keyword order Advantage okay functions classes foreign classes and objects is wherever foreign in the objective in the classic in the objects foreign foreign listing deaf function party and then colon enter let's party fully Syria double quotation let's party deaf Beach I mean so your functions print enjoying the Beats and the functions foreign object Ives okay go for tickets foreign foreign foreign classic go work no foreign okay hippo is that foreign [Applause] foreign foreign okay okay Ramesh dot name equal to foreign foreign okay Elena name is Ramesh a Opera foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign equal to yes dot drink equal to no um print double quotation double quotations [Applause] Dot Brink foreign foreign foreign foreign valuable number is not Suresh Dot number foreign foreign foreign enter the price is equal to zero processor equal to is Ram Ram equal to others okay foreign foreign Del Dot processor I seven Del dot Ram 16 GB okay laptop foreign foreign okay what you pull up fifty thousand sixty thousands EPO classes and objects in the class and I use extrava variables Ram let's pre-order processor it is the loader processor loader Ram is confusion foreign [Music] foreign print just display updates foreign in the laptop cooler display function okay in the laptop s in the display function s deaf underscore underscore underscore underscore people in the functions foreign foreign foreign directly now in the united functions foreign foreign foreign price equal to zero politics Ram equal to every India variable define price equal to our input over 50 000. foreign price in Buddha subscribe now number is self Dot price equal to zero self dot Ram equal to equal to some okay empty outer Earth itself Dot processor equal to empty auditor importance HP Dot foreign HP Dot processor HP Dot processor equal to I5 is [Music] foreign method work foreign foreign foreign [Applause] self dot price in fully powder print is [Applause] Ram colon self Dot Ram processor processor comma self Dot processor okay laptops foreign foreign foreign foreign in the Constructor color s HP Dot HP dot Ram abdina equal to 8gbin teleporter HP dot process ity foreign objective is display HP is fully um HP dot display HP foreign print ers foreign foreign foreign equal to 16gbin solder Del dot Ram equal to 16GB a Del Dot processor equal to i7 the solution Delta displaying solution here okay okay or laptop classic laptop foreign control speakers Ram equal to HP dot processor equal to a predefined arrow objects equal to HP Dot processor equal to apricate Arrow okay objects foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign create a class called student class students foreign space underscore underscore init underscore underscore foreign self Dot resistor number equal to is okay well yeah foreign space display okay self is print pretty name comma self dot name print is register number comma in a register number self dot resistor number okay equal to student brackets [Music] Dot resistance foreign student s foreign glass okay yes maripo register numbers foreign display another name cell plot name register number self-register number is one time Dot name equal to is shown Dot register number equal to 1 and border is 2 dot name equal to cartoon S 2 Dot register number equal to okay display display is okay 200 glass cooler register number in the display functions in the name is foreign foreign mantra is self dot name comma name okay in the object order name in the object is foreign [Music] foreign class fruit okay create a variable called color using init method s Constructor use foreign underscore underscore init underscore underscore Constructor create content functions self Dot color equal to equal to any small black color available foreign create an object called Apple create an object called Apple pause the color variable as a parameter through objects foreign [Applause] Apple Dot color equal to foreign okay what is a functions red value okay arguments but two were given takes in it takes one positional argument okay foreign foreign [Music] red foreign foreign hippo fruit and glasses in the fruit class cooler color or attributed okay in the color s in there equal to fruit s or variables foreign foreign foreign in the teacher okay for a Constructor in the constrictor cooler self comma name comma rich okay self Dot self dot name equal to name self Dot register number equal to Rich display print name self Dot name print register [Music] number comma self smaller self Dot register number okay objective T1 equal to teacher is Thomas come on teacher rotation number one T2 equal to teacher teacher name is number two okay T1 Dot Des Plains all right T2 Dot display s display takes zero personal argument it was given one okay foreign foreign in the in the class order register is so third program sorry fourth foreign A and B create a function called add sub multiplication division is so in the program in English okay first number calculator class calculator underscore underscore in it underscore underscore self colon enter number one equal to number one self DOT number two okay random number okay B originally number password number one equal to e a Circle Number two equal to B depth add cooler hippo print a plus b add print a plus b okay obj one obviously equal to calculator in the calculator cooler a random number password ten foreign parameter okay in the add functions self Dot numbers Plus self Dot num2 foreign give up like Construction [Music] [Music] article analysis so in the four foreign foreign self Dot foreign um self print brand comma self dot brand price comma self dot press print charger type comma self Dot charger type is something equal to phone or objective foreign something [Applause] come up raise another charger type B typological [Applause] Samsung dot display foreign foreign password foreign okay in the Constructor is energy in the price variable foreign [Music] foreign Samsung dot charger type equal to in the charges okay foreign logic okay okay foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign wrong okay instance variables in the classical charger type equal to C type operations foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign diagram is equal to ten thousand foreign in the ten thousand I'll put ten thousand okay either the class variables variable instance variable okay let's say Upon This is director foreign foreign different types of methods different types of functions in classes last video different types of variables different types of variables different type of methods allow the functions functions render variable self dot price equal to price equal to price get price foreign equal to 34 and then charger type C type okay either class variable either and no instance variable s foreign printers HP dot set price twenty thousand operations okay functions okay well foreign HP Earth value price equal to 20 000 price equal to presence foreign foreign class variable character is self prices class Dot charger type equal to charger type B type class dot charger type B type and fully Matra IPO Ena class objectives laptop Dot set charge type I've been Selena in the functional set charge type change okay change charge print charger type change to be in particular is laptop has no attribute change charger type okay okay argument foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign this is laptop class originally border okay is foreign foreign glasses and objects in The Inheritance um class ES print dad's phone or insulin dad's phone okay okay hippo class San Andreas self print Sons laptop Cuba is sunglasses foreign hello there is a foreign foreign foreign class functions okay foreign foreign foreign foreign class render class functions under variable success okay foreign Grandpa phone Aditya class dad okay class that um print that's money um self print Sons laptop foreign Dot foreign foreign okay foreign foreign foreign foreign laptop use MoneyGram okay now is Grandpa dad sun in the moon glass connected foreign foreign Sun 3. okay [Applause] in the Moon is foreign money okay spilling up it's okay dad money I've been foreign Sun two Sun three classes inheritance Hybrid inheritance Hybrid inheritance let us say ing class land okay foreign foreign foreign connection either multiple level inheritance either multiple multiple multiple inherents multiple level multiple inheritance hierarchical inheritance inheritance single multiple multi-level hierarchical is foreign in the class a cooler depth display you are in class okay why you are in class B grade Class B grade one class a application you are in classification okay foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign constructed in the class in the class okay foreign I love this is foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign underscore underscore super dot underscore underscore init underscore underscore from a parent class order you need method called again okay governing here in the b class definition foreign foreign [Music] class classical multiple inheritance multiple inheritances foreign foreign Class C evenings okay foreign foreign multiple inheritance are in the left um foreign foreign deaf is foreign foreign foreign repair 10 plus 20. okay foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign control foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign create a class called animal with a method called sound that prints animal makes a sound in the question of create a class called Animal class animal with the method sound soundings foreign A1 Dot foreign foreign class called doc that inherits from animal classes the danger is from animal and overrides the sound method to print dog box foreign print dog box having um foreign foreign open our D1 dot sound in quota animal makes sounds correct up in the animal classes foreign foreign foreign foreign equity aprina in the dog and over class create money is foreign foreign foreign area Nations foreign area foreign foreign foreign foreign okay methods to calculate and return the area of rectangle in the method area of rectangular rectangles print l into B okay in the rectangular object the rectangle core object create and then in the rectangular dot area in the area in the area L into B 10 into 20 percent into twenty two hundred average in the glass in the glass foreign okay create a baseball called person with a Constructor that takes name as parameter creator class called person foreign enter that takes name as a parameter command name that takes name as a parameters put in the name or variable credit okay create a derived class called student yeah student in the derivative that inherits person and has a Constructor and has a and has a Constructor that takes a parameter called grade English grade okay self dot grade equal to grade write a method in okay he's working first actually foreign in the student class person class okay foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign equal to grade grade okay write a method in student to display the name and grade of the student use super keyword to achieve this okay in the in the student class name and grade of the student okay foreign foreign self dot name comma self dot grade name gradient in the function on the print panel uh in the objectives foreign foreign [Music] foreign a Indiana self dot grade equal to grade arena self dot grade equal to grade average student object self up into the objective is in the Constructor foreign super use money super Dot underscore underscore init underscore underscore in the Constructor okay person dot in it missing on argument name is foreign foreign foreign in the John of gender value in the name cluster name equal to John other than the end value in the grade regular storage equal to a um foreign foreign okay well okay create a base class called vehicle with the method start that prints vehicle started create a derail class called core that inherits from vehicle and over its the start method to print car started in English create a base class called employee with properties name and salary okay create a base class called employee employee insolute Base Class create control create a base class called employee either a name and salary or principally property created equal name and salary or a property foreign and the funderscore underscore init underscore underscore self command name comma salary self Dot name equal to name self dot salary equal to salary okay and then create a derived class called manager class manager derivative class of developer employee is a property Department updated property self comma Department colon enter self dot report equal to Department okay okay write a method in manager to display the name salary and Department of the manager def display is a display name salary and Department of the manager print self dot name self Dot salary self Dot Department class class employer class manager okay manager M1 equal to manager okay foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign okay company name is not callable okay C1 Dot company not typing error so others C1 Dot company name equal to Google Google community double underscore powder okay double underscore either private variables foreign foreign deaf company name of insulin our function create in the functions print self dot underscore underscore company name sorry again C1 Dot company under company name of Prince Alina in the functional foreign in the company cooler underscore underscore company name is a private variable private variable classical and the variable is now in the underscore underscore company name is repair in the functions private variables can be accessible within the class classes okay Google so in the in the functions foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign next type of error logical error in The Logical errors be equal to 20 print a plus a prime number foreign foreign [Music] are the third type of error third type of error runtime error a equal to [Applause] in equal to okay [Applause] okay equal to input b equal to in put [Applause] print a plus b equals in the time foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign exception print something foreign foreign foreign foreign okay in the exceptions invalid literal foreign foreign a equal to input and motor border okay b equal to input inverter is important numbers okay foreign foreign value error comma in solid program foreign foreign C divided by a okay okay foreign error number except ions foreign foreign foreign foreign print print okay printfully your variable your variables first okay uh 10 20 High foreign foreign something wrong faster a equal to 10 b equal to 24 c equal to high sold high input foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign in the folder cooler or a text file create text document or a text document create in the text documentary Apple Orange fruit Apple Orange foreign new file in the file save us number document now create under files folder in the files folder in the fruit sub in the text documents foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign and the variable cooler F dot readout in the content difference is F Dot F dot right first create control okay okay fruits in the fruits dot text cooler already Apple Orange right now not writeable unsupported operation in the files foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign F Dot read again input output operation on closed file s so again F dot read Infinity not readable unsupported operation foreign foreign foreign the data already data is High important is data already is foreign foreign foreign thank you happy learning