بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاه والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين ا بعد ان شاء الله تير bl one and reas الله سبهالى all سانتال فته امن بربهم because they believer they go and se prot cave and prot them second is of two and whats what ca be arr and here is as get to there the solution is to that this is tempor that allah gives and you give that all that you have be tak and so the of money is the second main doled عل humar because peopleware مانه [موسيقى] andies [تصفيق] ch تلك السك نزلك ابن حئ سلذ سلام حتى مطع الفجر منهال الصل عليه وسم ح حح so saidi so all is come tri and said i among i be arent protect against مسلم حج ف اكم light next fr fr it as fr all next frid tri manua a be given man think man he shall be able to stop the water the rain from flowing that whoever rejects him he will perish or die he will be able to be killed whoever believes inal daal will snap his fingers and the water will fall and the plants will flourish and the people be able to eat so whoever rejects theal will be tested and tried whoever accepts theal claim that he is god will flourish on earth so he will be tested and tried people be tested and tr him like no other so what got to do الهى from and exactly what they to the mountain and s caves and ex what also one triest able الكه الله سبحانه وتالى جاعل ما على الارض صعيدا جرز are thees make earth and the do that want نا اتنا من لدنك رحمه وه لنا من امرنا رش 11 11 11v tells that toite 10 veres is every few and you take because it be you listat however requ have all fr والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته