Well, good morning again to every person; we are dealing with the fasting forward challenge as our fasting Community. We just released our Telegram group, where our fasting group joins every time we fast because God restores our hunger through fasting; we fast because it is part of humility and helps us to receive God's favor; it doesn't move God; it moves us. It helps us to exchange the physical for the spiritual; it's a good Soul detox; it helps us to embrace the Crucified Life. It's a response to God's grace, not a way to earn it. it's the key to Fresh Fire, and it helps us to be directed to God's perfect will as well as prepares us for Temptation; in today's teaching, I would like to share with you about a season of transition, yesterday's teaching I talked about what to do while waiting. It was very impactful; eight things you need to do. I would encourage you to rewatch that, but today, I will build on what to do in transition to keep these 10 truths in mind when you are in transition the season of transition. I believe that today, some of you will transition, and some of you will step into a new season. Suppose you believe in a new season in your Life. In that case, drop number one in the chat, and let's dive in. Number one thing that I want to share with you is that the Scripture teaches that Life is made out of Seasons, so seasons are part of what the Scripture says: Life is broken into, you must recognize everything moves in Cycles night and day, Life and death, you must recognize God said in Genesis 8:22 that as long as the Earth remains, there will always be a seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer day and night shall not cease. Ecclesiastes 3:1 to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose on Heaven under Heaven, meaning not only there's a purpose, but there's also God's timing for it; Galatians 6:9 let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we will reap if we do not lose heart. Somebody drop this in the chat: due season, meaning some seasons are ripe. Seasons you are ready to step into. Psalm 102:13, you will rise and have mercy on Zion for the time to favor her. Yes, the set time has come, the time to favor her, yes, the set time has come on. Somebody by Faith, drop that in the chat. My set time has come. This prophetic Scripture favors the time for a favor. The set time has come. Psalm 30:5 says, his anger is, but for a moment his favor is for Life, weeping may endure for a night. Still, joy comes in the morning, meaning there is a season of the night, a season of the day, joy in the morning and weeping in the night. Paul tells Timothy 2, Timothy 4:2 preach the word, be ready in season and out of SE season and so forth, and so on Daniel 2:2 21 it says he changes the times and the seasons, he removes Kings and raises up Kings, he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding, please understand this your Life is broken in Seasons, think of your natural year; it has four Seasons. Now where I live, we have winter, we have spring, we have summer, and we also have a fall in each season, which leaves appear in some Seasons they become green. Then they fall away. Fruits appear in some seasons. In other Seasons, fruits fall. Seasons also change the temperature in some Seasons it's very hot in some Seasons, and it's very cold in some seasons is just perfect. Your year has Seasons. The Bible says that your life will have seasons, so it's important not to be discouraged when you hit a season of your life where it's cold where it's freezing or where it's difficult because those seasons will not last and also it's important that when you hit a good season when coming into good season in your life to also understand they don't last sometimes God will take you from a good season to a great season and that's what we're going to talk about today the second thing that I want to highlight and that is this change of seasons causes stress. I know this is not positive, but I want you to drop this in the chat still because this is going to help somebody change of seasons causes stress for example think of Abraham Hebrews 11:8, he was called by God to go out of a place where he would receive the inheritance, the Bible says he went out not knowing where he was going; that's pretty stressful, Joshua 3:4 and Joshua says there should be a place between you and the Ark of the Covenant he's like do not dream draw near to it that you may that you may know the way you must go for you have not passed this way before, meaning when you are in the transition, you're stepping into a new season, most likely, you're stepping into something you're completely unprepared for you feel like it's a new territory, you feel like it's a new season, and it's stressful. Think of Solomon Solomon is stepping into the role of his father he's stepping into the shoes of his father and in his prayer Solomon gives us honestly his frustration, his stress, his inadequacy, and he says this now Oh Lord my God 1 Kings 3:7, you have made your servant King instead of My Father David, but I am a little child, I do not know how to go out or come in; when you step into a new season, it will bring stress new stress why because this stress comes from something like change stresses result from changes, in fact, the social Readjustment rating scale that was created by Dr Holmes and rock in the 1960s it studied the link between stress and illness, and this is what they found there is a correlation between stressful events and an increased risk of illness, personal factors such as resilience and support system will affect individual's stress reactions not all stressors have the same impact. Some are more stressful than others. Both positive and negative life events can be the sources of stress and affect your health in other words, when you experience a change of season it's natural to come under more stress now some of us do not like stress and I'm with you but you must understand there is no such a thing as a stress-free season again not super positive extremely important to drop this in the chat there is no such a thing as a stress-free season if you think that when you get married that would be a stressfree season that's not true if you think when you get children you will be stressfree, not true if you think you'll be retired you'll be a stressfree season, that's not true; every season will have certain stress and changes in the season increases that stress until you adapt to that season. When I became a youth pastor, it was stressful, then I got used to it when I became a lead Pastor; it was extremely stressful now I got used to it, and then when our church started to grow, I had to transition from being a manager to be a leader of the church, it was also very stressful, very stressful, in fact, that's the transition I've been in the last uh nine months the first few months it was just overwhelming I I wasn't accustomed to this new thing it's kind of like you know when people get sick when the season changes when the weather changes people just get allergies or they get uh sick quickly that's kind of what happens in life the moment your life changes and there's a shift of Seasons you start like man, starts getting a little bit sick, a little bit irritated, a little bit overwhelmed, a little bit stressed out so don't pray the prayer Lord remove the stress, and ask God to increase the strength, drop this in the chat, when your seasons change don't ask God to remove the stress, ask God to increase your strength, drop this in the chat. I'm going to say that again: when seasons change don't ask God to remove the stress ask him to increase your strength, why? because it's natural to experience stress when seasons change, the same way it's natural in the natural world when seasons change, some people get sick, and Studies have shown that most of our stresses are connected to changes in our Life good changes and bad changes. Not all stress is bad; in fact, they tell us this about stress that e stress EU stress is a type of stress that motivates an individual to make positive changes, achieve goals, and grow unlike this stress which can be harmful and detrimental e stress is actually considered to be beneficial to the individual, meaning this stress is part of the changes that happen in your Life, and the Lord teaches us to wait upon him, and he renews our strength and then we run we walk, and we soar with wings like eagles Jesus said in John 16:33, in this world you will have tribulation, he didn't say because you walk with me you'll never have hardship he actually says in me you will have peace in the midst of all these stresses and challenges and difficulties that accompany your Life, you cannot experience a shift in your season without God increasing your capacity to live with a certain level of stress in the first initial stages of your Life-changing will bring a flood of stress and that's why you need to Anchor yourself more and more in God, and then you get used to that, you get used to that new change, and then you don't don't experience that stress anymore it's still there, but it's no longer high-stress stress it's now low-stress high stress is challenging, low stress is normal, you know, when I was younger I used to think that good season is coming and that good season will completely be stressfree but now I am in the season of challenges transition difficulties and therefore, it's just a difficult season where I have a lot of stress, and I heard this One Pastor say something one time that changed my perspective and he says that good times and bad times in Life are like two train tracks. They go simultaneously; in other words, your best seasons will have the worst days, and your worst seasons will have the best days. Again, Let me say that your best seasons will still have bad days, and worst seasons will have good days. It will be like train tracks. They will go at the same time so don't postpone your joy to another season rejoice in God today don't postpone your being in God's word for another season, be in God today, find peace in the storm, find joy in the trial find this rest in God when Life is challenging and difficult renew your strength now don't wait for the stresses to be dissolved ask God to increase your strength amen if this is helping somebody drop a fire Emoji right now in the chat transition could be a process of pain because it takes you from one state and condition to another it could be a hard season a dark season why? Because it takes a lot to adjust now about transition and about our Seasons. Let's recap. The first thing I mentioned is the Bible teaches Life is composed of cycles and Seasons. The second thing I mentioned that when you are in the transition of Seasons it's usually more stressful time than before for those of you who are under heavy stress right now if you be very honest you'll be able to see that something changed in your Life somebody either passed away somebody either exited in your Life or you have picked up new responsibilities new roles change of a job change of college change of a church change of a location anytime there is a change it increases your stress for a short season, that's why in that season, instead of quitting instead of running away, you should seek God to increase your strength. Now, let's go to the third thing about the transition and the shift of Seasons before you can enter the new season you have to exit the previous season in other words before you enter the next, you have to leave the X before you enter you have to exit you can't cleave the Bible says to your spouse until you leave your father and your mother, God's principle is always this: you have to leave to cleave, you have to exit to enter, you have to leave the X and the stuff behind to enter the next things in front Isaiah 43:18-19 says do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old behold I will do a new thing and now it shall spring forth shall you not know it somebody drop this in the chat a new thing God wants to do a new thing, but to do a new thing, God is asking you to forget the former things, meaning leave the things behind where they happened, this is one of the challenging things for people in transition, they tend to bring bags of the past with them, they carry a lot of baggage with them a lot of hurt a lot of things that they enjoyed in the past that they need to leave behind and they cannot enter Paul said in Philippians 3:13 I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one the thing I do forgetting things that are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead one of my favorites verses in the Bible that deals with this is Samuel Samuel anointed Saul, and Saul went rogue Saul was not someone that was pleasing to God and Saul was rejected by God. 1 Samuel 16:1 these words may they true may they ring true for you today how long will you mourn for Saul? Seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel, fill your horn with oil and go. I am sending you to Jesse the Bethlem, for I have provided myself a king among his sons. How many of you here today you are mourning over your past there were good things that happened there God may have did amazing things maybe somebody walked away from your Life maybe you lost a position an opportunity maybe you lost a place that you really thought would be permanent but it wasn't permanent, perhaps you are in the place now where you had some good things that happened in relationships and those things now are no longer that those those people walked away, maybe you're a pastor or Minister and some people exited your Ministry and you're Mourning over the loss, you're hoping for them to come back, you're hoping the good old days to come back instead of looking forward to the future God comes to one of his prophets and he says stop weeping, God says you grieved long enough for what used to be fill your horn with oil meaning get a fresh Vision get a fresh fire, and go because the best days are not behind you, I know it may feel like the best days are behind you because the best people left your Life the best times left your Life and you feel like you are just sitting and nothing is hopeful and optimistic, but the Lord said to Samuel. I believe that this is the same thing for us our God is not stuck in the past, our God moves forward in the future your future is greater than your past where you are headed is brighter than where you are coming from and to do that, you have to wipe the tears you have to grieve as long as you need to, but that grieving period has to have an end and you have to close that casket and realize what is gone is final, you have to understand, that we all need necessary endings, there are seasons projects and people and relationships that will serve its purpose and they will come to an end, we have to grieve those endings and let that go why so we can open ourselves up for New Beginnings so many people are stuck in this because they're not embracing new things they're holding on to the old thing that died the old thing that doesn't work anymore the old thing that doesn't help anymore these sucker branches that God wants to trim, and we're like no, but I want to hold on to them and God's like I have something new for you, but you can't step into the new if you don't let go of what you're familiar with that is served is no longer useful for you, that is no longer going to be a part of your future it's the brook dried up you got to move forward you got to Pivot you got to shift but sometimes we stand there we're like but I believe for Resurrection well sometimes you have to also have a proper burial Samuel believed Saul to turn around but there's a time when God puts an exclamation mark on something and says it's over when God says don't remember the former things when God says it's done move on, move forward but I'm scared I don't know what the future holds well you know someone who holds the future it's God and he's the one that's asking you to fill your horn with oil fill yourself again with optimism, faith, trust, with vision, don't have memories bigger than your vision come on somebody doesn't have your past greater than your future think think about when you're driving a car what happens in your car in your car you have this front windshield that's very big and very spacious and then you have a rearview mirror it's small one you need it to be aware of what's Happening behind you imagine if you would have a large river uh rearview mirror and a very small windshield and a lot of us that's what happens to us we are accustomed to our past we are used to where we lived how we did things who we did with what we did and now the Lord is transitioning us into a new season we're scared, we're like man, but I love the familiarity I love how it used to be man I love those things but those things are gone you have to transition which means grieving the past, wiping the tears, filling your horn with oil and go forward go to Jesse the Bethlehem, go because God has provided something something in your future that's greater than in your past come on somebody drop this in the chat God has something more in your future than what you've seen in the past, somebody on Instagram, drop this in the chat where you're headed is bigger than where you're coming from pruning is a painful necessity for those who want to step into a new season of fruitfulness, grieve things that used to be, grieve things that got sick and won't recover I'm not talking about people grieving things that are dead, project, relationships, maybe they're they're just gone there's no Resurrection; there's no life there grieve that and move forward many of us handle endings poorly by dwelling on the past we use busyness as an excuse to avoid grieving and finding peace in God, we suppress the pain of our losses instead of confronting and learning from it Henry Cloud in his book Necessary Endings as well as Peter Scazzero in his book The Emotionally Healthy Leader, really deals with that and he helped me to navigate that because before what I used to do is I would step into a new season and I didn't properly let go of the previous season and, in the new season I would be frustrated I would be uneasy because I still honestly missed how things used to be I grieved and I didn't allow myself to acknowledge the fact that I was grieving and it's okay to grieve as long as there comes a point and you heed the instruction God gave to Samuel you wept long enough this ending is final accept endings like death endings are final and a lot Of times, we're there at those endings, and we're like, I wish I could make it work. You're exiting Egypt is like, man, but I missed the cucumbers and the onions. I mean, I know God is taking me to a new place. Still, you begin to think of all the good things that happened there and a lot of times, you want to return back to your old ways, old past old friends, old things that are gone. That's Israel's biggest mistake is always trying to relive the past instead of embrace the future Embrace necessary endings to receive new beginnings in Jesus' name, is this helping somebody? If it is, drop number one in the chat, as we are sharing today how to transition into a new season, let's recap: seasons are part of the biblical view of our Life on this Earth, we have good times, and we have bad times, and the Bible is very clear about it secondly we said when seasons change we tend to experience more stress and it's proven by people who do research and this stress is normal because of the changes we experience as Christians instead of running from changes, we should run to God to increase our strength number three thing we mentioned is this is in order to embrace the new we have to grieve and let go of the old it's okay to grieve, but we must get to the point where we let go, and we embrace the new uncertainty of the new the fear of the new we don't know we've never done this before the new, we're not going to feel good at first with the new discomfort of the new navigate endings more proactively move toward God moves toward the purposes of God even if it's not comfortable now let's go to number four: what to do in the transition and how to Pivot in the new season new season requires a different Spirit drop this in the chat a new season requires a different spirit, and if you're taking notes, write this down next to the spirit attitude when I say Spirit, I don't mean the Holy Spirit, your human Spirit, I mean an attitude, a perspective an Outlook Numbers 11:24, now my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed me fully I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it. Matthew 9:16, no one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment for the patch pulls away from the garnet, and The Tear is worse is made worse. Matthew 9:17, the next verse, Jesus says nor do they put a new wine into an old wineskin or else the wineskins break, and the wine is SP spilled, and the wine Skins are ruined what does this mean? you can't step into a new season with an old mindset, you can't step into a new season with the wrong Spirit, or wrong attitude; let me give you one major thing that ruins people's New Seasons bring a lot of challenges: your attitude and perspective have to be you see opportunities in obstacles you see blessings in battles, and you see God's provision in your problems, if you don't have that attitude, you cannot rise in your new season you the new season will squash you if your attitude is one of pessimism instead of optimism, fear instead of Faith is trusting in God instead of complaining all the time you will step into a new season, and you will never embrace it as God's gift. You will despise it and curse it. Joshua goes to the promised land. This is his promise, but he sees challenges, and other people see problems, Joshua sees breakthroughs, a new Spirit, a different Spirit, so let me ask you a question: what kind of a spirit do you have? what is your default setting in your attitude? Are you a complainer, or are you a grateful person? are you a person who trusts, or are you a person who whines? are you a person who sees problems in every blessing, or do you see blessings in every problem? Joseph had a dream, Joseph translated the dream for Pharaoh a lot of problems 7 years of famine, and 7 years of plenty but I want you to notice something Joseph finds a solution to the problem for a problem his season switches he becomes the Prime Minister, pretty much he becomes the right-hand man for Pharaoh every person who is successful in the new season they're a problem solvers, they're not problem finders problems will always be there but a person that is effective faces every obstacle they trust in God they have an optimistic attitude let's find us solution with God's help, faith with trusting Jesus, we're going to find a resolution we're going to find a solution. We're going to get through that those people thrive God's favor seems to follow them they seem to be we call them lucky # or blessed but in reality, they have a different Spirit they have a different attitude, they have a different perspective on life they don't see the cup as empty they see it half full, some of you may say oh this is just mental gymnastics you're just talking about positive thinking, no, I'm not talking about positive thinking I'm talking about an attitude of Faith because the new season creates a new set of challenges you never faced before you will feel ill-equipped, you will feel like you don't have what it takes you will feel like, man I wasn't I didn't go to school for this, I was never trained for this, I never had experience of my dad didn't teach me this my mentors didn't teach me this I don't know how to do this listen if you complain if you whine if you always see problems you will be like the 12 Spies the 10 spies out of the 12 they died like grasshoppers not because God wasn't faithful it's because they were fearful of new season requires a new spirit which means I have to be an optimist I get to see opportunities every problem is an opportunity, every closed door is an invitation that means that every sickness is an opportunity for God to heal which means every problem is an opportunity for God to intervene. I no longer look at problems as that's it they have the final say I know that with God these problems will help me to rise higher because solving them brings a reward, Life you don't get rewarded for finding problems, in Life, you get rewarded for solving them, you go to a new level not because you discover a problem nobody ever gets promoted for finding a problem usually, you get promoted for solving it even when organizations hire a consultant to find problems with the really looking okay find a problem but can you give us a solution we need a solution and many of you many of us I'll be honest with you became experts at fault-finding problem finding glorifying our problems and we step into a new season that has more problems than before and we're like I can't do this you have to switch your mindset you got to switch your Spirit your attitude got to switch you got to look at every problem as an opportunity for you to be rewarded for solving it you don't get rewarded until you solve a problem and God presents those problems. David did not become a giant killer until a giant was in front of him Giants expose true giant Killers these problems are meant to elevate you when you solve them but if you don't solve them Joseph did not become a prime Minister because he won a lottery it's because he solved a riddle and then he solved the problem he spent his whole life solving problems, and Jesus, even on this Earth went around doing good healing of those oppressed by the devil the Bible says that are good works to shine before men so men will praise God for being idle and being scared of problems scared of challenges being scared of limitations being scared of like oh but I don't know what to do well you don't know yet but God knows he will give you wisdom he will give you Insight he will guide you and he will lead you so don't be a person who always says no to every new opportunity just because you see an obstacle there be a person that is a learner, not a complainer learner says Lord teach me Gideon didn't know how to fight like that like God used him Moses didn't know how to lead a nation Noah didn't know how to build an ark, none of them Solomon didn't know how to fill in the shoes of one of the greatest kings that Israel had Joshua didn't know how to lead a nation into a new land this never happened before none of them knew Apostles didn't know how to lead this new movement that will kind of stand in opposition to the Jewish faith what do we do how do we multiply how do we go into the Gentile Nations but God was with them, and they had a different Spirit With God all things are possible Every Mountain is a molehill with God we will conqu we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us you can do it through Jesus stop allowing victims negative I can't this never happen this is too hard this is too difficult I can't learn a lot of us need to Become learners instead of being lazy learn new skills stretch yourself allow God to stretch your Faith like a rubber band Faith is like a rubber band it's it's useless if it's not stretched and how does God stretch our faith when we step into something we have no experience in when we step into something that's super overwhelming, and it seems like everything there is a problem it's a problem for you to solve, and on the other side of that solution is promotion is God's breakthrough and we say Lord I claim promotion, but God's way to promotion is to give you a problem to solve so when you face a problem please understand you need a different attitude a different spirit that sees problem as an opportunity to see new Miracles have brand new Faith experience new ways that God can move, and then you see God's breakthrough, and on the other side you see God's blessing hallelujah thank you, Jesus a problem is an opportunity, drop this in the chat, drop this in the chat that you will see opportunities in obstacles drop this in the chat that you will see blessings in your battles drop this in the chat that you will have a new spirit and new attitude when You Face new challenges through the strength of God. So let's recap as we talk about transition script scripture talks about how our life is made out of seasons and Cycles we also see science and research tells us that when we experience change we experience a higher level of stress so our desire is not to reduce the stress when it comes because of change but to ask God to increase the strength number three we also mentioned that we have to grieve the previous Seasons so that we can truly embrace the new seasons, but we shouldn't allow grieving to let us be stuck in those Seasons, we got to embrace the new thing God wants to do number four we mentioned that in order to embrace the challenges of the new season we have to have a new spirit you have to have a new mindset and it has to be more faith-based than fear-based you have to have a mindset of God is going to do a miracle instead of I'm going to die here, you have to have a mindset where a mindset of abundance, God is going to move Faith is really looking into your problem and expecting God to show up. Fear is looking at your problem and expecting the devil to show up, come on somebody, drop this in the chat, this is going to help somebody, faith is looking into the problem and expecting God to show up, fear is looking at the problem and expecting the devil to show up and you choose what you have, you're like, oh no you know, I don't know what's going to happen, fear is false evidence appearing real we must have faith looking into the future number five new season will change your scene scene s c e n e your scene your seat it will change your scene well that's what happens naturally right when the new season comes we can see it on our trees we can see it on our grass, we can see it U not only we feel colder or hotter, but we can see the scenery, changes new season changes your scenery now let me give you an example of Joseph. Joseph had these four seasons in his life, find it very interesting because you know every year has four seasons and Joseph has these four seasons the first season is the tunic of Many Colors Genesis 37:3, the second season is the season of a garment of a Slave Genesis 39:16, the the third season is the clothing of a prisoner Genesis 41:14 and the fourth season is the garments of the fine linen Genesis 41:42 so Joseph goes through four seasons and these four seasons are actually characterized by four different garments, the first one given to him by his dad, the second one was the one that was taken by Piper's wife in false accusation the third one is the clothing of the prisoner, which was replaced when he was called to go see Pharaoh and the last season was given to him as clothing by Pharaoh himself where he stepped into his purpose so four seasons four different dress codes and his scenery changed that was reflected in his dress code, so this is what I want to say, recognize the season and adjust accordingly recognize your season, and dress accordingly budget accordingly, manage your time accordingly, recognize the season and adjust your life to this new season your goal is not to conform to the season but to adapt to the season, and drop this in the chat. Our goal is not to conform to our season but to adapt. For example, when it's winter we don't wear shorts, right now you don't walk around in flip-flops. I know some of you don't care but the rest of us, normal people, it's freezing also when it's hot, you know, and it's summer we probably wear lighter garments we don't walk around in with, like you know, a hoodie and then a jacket, why? because you have to adjust your dress code according to the season sometimes exactly the same thing happens with our time in finances in the Ministry and you know when the church is growing you got to adjust to that get a different building maybe add more services when the church is not growing there needs to be an adjustment that happens to that maybe you're financially exploding, God is blessing you there probably is going to be an adjustment to your giving adjustment to your spending and that's completely normal what begins to happen is when people do not adjust to their season, they don't cut their coats according to their size and they still wear things from the previous season, they still have a spending habit of the previous season, they still have their dress code, if I could say according to the previous season new season will change your scene it will change your dress code will change your Life and adjusting according to this does not mean that you forsake good qualities and character it just simply means that you have to adjust to it um one person Dave Martin said this about the difference between adapting and conforming Conformity is a negative quality of blending in, becoming average, refusing to stand out or capitalize on one's uniqueness adaptability is a positive quality of being able to sense the shift in wind direction and proactively adjust one's course to take advantage of that wind shift while Conformity is a weakness based on fear of rejection adaptability is a strength based upon confidence in oneself and in one's own judgment and abilities this was really good. We'll drop this in the comment, that whole quote is something that we need to keep in mind is when seasons change our scener changes we must adjust accordingly sometimes people downsize sometimes people they you know, cancel meetings because they're like I remember when I had to you know just when I launched my Ministry and things started to kind of pick up a few years ago and I still traveled, and I honestly became overwhelmed so I canceled all my travel for a whole year and I simply focused on Building Systems and getting accustomed and adjusted to this new season that I'm in I have both my Ministry and I have a local church because for some 20 years, I only pastored a local church I didn't have my Ministry, and once in a while I traveled, and you know I had to readjust to I had to take some time to adjust my life accordingly right now I'm going to be stepping into a new season where I and my wife are expecting a baby and so we have to adjust our home accordingly we have to adjust our schedule accordingly you know like I'm going to Italy this weekend and you know my wife can't travel because now we have to make some adjustments there are certain adjustments you have to embrace when you enter into a new season if you never adjust with a new season you will freeze to death or you will burn you will burn or freeze, think but if you go into a summer um and you are still wearing the dress code of winter or you go into winter and you're wearing the dress code of Summer, uh it will be very painful so learning to adjust making proper adjustments in your budget proper adjustments in your schedule Proper adjustments even in your attitude typically it's these two things it's in your schedule and it's in your budget where you have to make adjustments if you don't make these adjustments you will arrive at the new scene, you will arri arrive in Siberia with flipflops or you will arrive in Hawaii with a fur Cod and just looks weird you will feel wrong, and it just will not be right, and it will add unnecessary stress to your life that God wanted you to avoid in his wisdom is this helping anybody drop this in the chat adjust accordingly or drop this in the chat adapt do not conform I hope this is helping somebody how to handle the transition in their life let's recap Transitions and Seasons number one, we said the Scripture teaches us it's part of a cycle of life to have seasons, number two we see that when you enter into a new season, you experience a new level of stress instead of just running away from it, we should run to God and increase see an increased strength that stress usually doesn't last very long because you get adapted, and you learn, we also said number three that we have to be a people that grieve the past and embrace the future number four we've mentioned that we have to have a different spirit that sees Solutions instead of problems because that's how the reward comes in the new season number five is we have to have a new SC we are on the new scene and we must adjust accordingly when we hit the new season dressed accordingly spend accordingly just really tweak our life a little bit number six are you guys still with me is this helping anybody if you are rewatching this right now uh drop in the chat I'm rewatching and if you're just tuning in don't forget to hit like and share this with other people I believe it's going to be very helpful and if you're listening to a podcast um make sure you drop a review of this is helpful for you number six, and this is somebody who needs this today God does not change when your season does drop this in the comment God does not change when your season does you know when Joseph, remember, I mentioned about Joseph's seasons four different seasons he went through four different changes of clothes and I love this because when his Seasons got hard and that's when he became a slave and then he became a prisoner those are the two difficult seasons in his life in those two difficult Seasons, the Bible says in Genesis 29: 2 and 3 the Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man and then in Genesis 39: 21 and 23 it says but the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy and he gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison so it's almost like God wanted to highlight that because like Joseph you and I most likely feel that God left us when our Seasons changed but the Bible specifically highlights in these two difficult seasons in Joseph's life the Lord was with Joseph which means God does not leave you when your seasons change come on somebody this was worth just joining this live today drop this in the comments God does not leave you when your seasons change God doesn't love you less God is not now not with you oh but if God is with me that means that all of my seasons will be great sometimes the seasons change God does not and God didn't make his life easier, but he made him more successful even in the difficult Seasons they can take your code but they cannot take your anointing they can ruin your reputation, they cannot destroy your character they can take away they can take you from your family they cannot take you from your God stay attached to God not to your Seasons fall in love with God not with your season when in the good times praise God in the hard times pray to God but do not leave the Lord just because your seasons change whether it's good Seasons or bad seasons and that's why the wife of job says Curse God and die why because your seasons change but God didn't leave a job just because his season changed and the job is like absolutely not he's like I'm going to praise God in the difficult season I'm going to praise God in a good season why? Because God does not leave me when my seasons change I can lose all my Prosperity, but I don't lose the presence I can lose my reputation, but I don't lose the presence of the holy spirit so therefore I am not going to leave the Lord because he's never going to leave me he's with me through every season yeah I walked through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for you are with me though you walk through the fire it won't burn you you walk through the flood you walk through the water it won't drown you because the Lord is with you lo I Am With You Always to the End of the Age the Bible says he will never leave us and never forsake us, that means in the good times or in the bad times when the seasons change when it gets cold when leaves fall when there is no more fruit, and it seems like the tree is dead you are rooted put your roots in the soil of God's promise and God's word, and remember God does not change when your season changes come on somebody right there that's a word for somebody when you're transitioning when it feels chaotic when it feels scary it's a new country, new territory, new place, new job, new employees, new friends, new family members everything new new language God is with you Emmanuel God is With Us. He doesn't abandon us when our seasons change. He doesn't leave us when we go through the valley, or we go through a transition. period. People might leave you, people will talk about you, people will judge you based on your season people will look at you and judge you based on your season when it's a fruitful season they will say you're blessed when it's a Valley season, they will say you're cursed, but sometimes you're in the Valley season because that's where you have to walk through and God doesn't leave you Joseph goes from a slave to a prisoner and the Lord doesn't leave him and I believe the Lord is not leaving you either in Jesus' name somebody drop this in the chat Emmanuel God With Me the Lord is with me, amen, now let's go to number seven. This is going to get a fire right now, I believe the Lord's going to minister to each and every one of us new season means a new Supply come on put this in the comment right now new season brings new Supply now the verse for that is Joshua 5 and verse 12 then the Mana seized on the day after they had eaten the produce of the land and the children of Israel no longer had Mana, but they ate the food of the land of Canaan that year when God removes Mana, it's because he's preparing for milk and honey when God removes provision Mana was provision it's because God is preparing you for Prosperity when God removes just enough it's because he's positioning you for more than enough when you walk through the valley you know it starts with Psalm 23:1 says I will not lack then verse four I go through the valley and verse 5 My cup runs over God takes us from just enough to more than enough one of the ways you know that your season is Shifting is when God changes the supply in how he provides for you God is always the source but he changes the resource when you experience a new season your Source doesn't change your resource changes God provided for Elijah from the brook the brook dried up the source didn't dry up the resource, and God tells him I want you to go to a widow and I will feed you from there when your season shifts your Brook dries up it's time to pray and pivot drop this in the comments pray and pivot meaning you trust in the source when your resource dries up and you trust that God will find a different resource it could be a different job it could be a different career it could be a different opportunity it could be a different idea Supply your God is Jehovah Gyra the Lord who provides your God is El Shai more than enough your God is Jehovah nii he is the god who is your Shepherd and he will lead you to Green Pastures he will provide for you seek first the kingdom of God and everything else shall be added to you that means that God has a resource, but he's always the source that's why don't look at your job as your Source drop this in the comments my job is not my source it's my resource God is my source one of the ways that you know your season is changing is when God switches the resource think of a resource job as a host, and God has that faucet the source is God the job is the resource the host God blessed them for 40 years with Mana they step into a new season Mana stops, and sometimes that's what happens in our life is that you walk into a new season, and you get fired you walk into a new season, and you get caught you know that you get caught off, you walk into a new season, and you know, or maybe there's an opportunity somebody leaves, and the place is vacant, and now you're about to step in there's a different pay there's a different benefits and I really believe that the Lord wants to prepare each and every one of us for a new season he's a good shepherd he's a good father this is not some prosper gospel this is the gospel of the Kingdom This Is Us believing in God for all of our needs and looking to God as our source, we don't trust God only for salvation we trust God for everything the Lord is our provider he's a good father, and every good perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights with whom there is no shadow of churning so we trust in God as our source that's all this doesn't mean we don't work on the opposite it means we work, we pray, and we pivot we worship, and we work hard, but we trust in God to bring a new resource and sometimes that happens when your Brook dries up sometimes that season shifts when the business that you were doing seems like the economy tanked, and you have to Pivot you have to maybe switch to business and do something else sometimes you have to receive a word from God that stay at this particular thing and things will turn around, and sometimes you have to Pivot completely and jump to something else completely that's a shift of a season number eight new season brings new sacrifice Joshua 35 says, sanctify yourselves for tomorrow God will do wonders in your midst drop this in the comments new season comma new sacrifice today's sacrifice is tomorrow's Supernatural Israel walks into the promised land, and the first thing God asks them is to be circumcised they walk into a new season Mana stops they walk into a new season cutting begins, they walk into a new season, and they're finally about to conquer this first city in the promised land Jericho and God says I want to take all the spoil and keep it for myself uh God we've been waiting for 40 years for this Promised Land We suffered for years in Egypt we finally can taste in the spoil of the land, and we can finally receive this, and God's like, uh-uh, I want you to put me first I want you to put me first because a new season is about putting God first it's acknowledging where your blessings come from. It's acknowledging who is your Source we can type God is my source, but it has to be reflected in our spending of time and spending of our money on the things of God meaning put God first in your finances put God first in your day but spending time in His word because the new season requires a new sacrifice, in other words, a new season requires new systems, a new sacrifice, God comes first imagine how much it took to put God first by giving up the whole city of Jericho to God and that's a sacrifice that is a sacrifice you know what the Temptation in the new season is to save what God called you to sacrifice that's a Temptation when you walk into a new season, and God says I want you to sacrifice you're like nah, I'm going to save When God says I want you to fast you're like no I'm going to eat when God says I want you to pray and spend time in my word like no I'm just going to scroll to Instagram every single day and I won't even open my Bible that is a Temptation, and if you fall into that Temptation, you might find yourself with ain's problem aen he did not give to God what was God's he didn't put God first, in the promised land, he put himself first in the promised land, and then he lost his family he lost everything this is not a a fear message or a threat message what I'm just encouraging is this is if you don't put God first in your new season, and if you don't put if you don't learn to sacrifice for those of you who have never given before to begin to give and put God first in your finances trust that God will bless the rest of your 90% 80%, whatever percentage you choose to give God first trust him to provide for you, and God did for Israel. They conquered the rest of the cities, and it was their cities to eat the spoil of, but the first city God says is mine you will see in the Bible God many times marking different seasons in people's lives with a sacrifice you see this with no he entered into the new world, the first thing he did was offer the sacrifice Abraham God said to bring a sacrifice, and then God spoke to Abraham about his future sacrifice shifts Seasons a sacrifice is a Mark that a season has shifted; drop this in the chat sacrifice shifts a season a season why does a sacrifice shift seasons is because you're putting God first and now God begins to move mightily on your behalf all of these other things the Bible says will be added, meaning God is now involved in your Affairs sacrifice shifts season we don't sacrifice to manipulate God for personal gain a sacrifice is a thankful response for His blessings it's affected by the Forgiveness of our sins and restored fellowship with God and our neighbor we don't sacrifice to earn a blessing we sacrifice because we acknowledge where our blessings come from it comes from God so for some people to put God first in a day is a sacrifice for some people to put God first in the month through fasting is a sacrifice for all of us to put God first in our finances is a sacrifice, so I want to encourage you to put God first in your finances and partner with Ministries like ours to support God's kingdom, to give toward expanding God's kingdom, why? Because when you do that you you're planting seeds and that's how sometimes the shift happens in our Seasons you know, and this is not a teaching on giving, but I got to tell you that almost every season of my life I've seen a drastic shift in the season it was preceded by a sacrifice and usually, it was preceded by a financial sacrifice where I and my wife would pray about it feel inspired by the Lord to to take a large sum of money and then to give it toward God's kingdom it happened 9 years ago, right around the time when a big shift took place in my Ministry happened uh around the same time that you know I was I dated my wife for one date and then I broke up with her and didn't want to uh marry her because I kind of had some little issues and then we went to a fast, and the Lord spoke to me to give a large Financial sacrifice to his kingdom uh this was not connected to marriage anything I just was obedient to God I didn't have anything in my mind when I did that I just wanted to be closer to Jesus, and the next thing I know, you know, that was the money that I was saving to get married but I had a hard time getting married and so when I gave that sacrifice, you know something just kind of changed in me, and a few weeks later I started talking to Lana again and 3 months later I proposed and then four months later after the proposal we were married and so I'm not in any way saying if you sew a seed you're going to get this and this and that what I am saying is that a sacrifice has a way of really shifting your heart toward the things of God in God's Direction because one of the biggest competitors for our hearts is our money and so sometimes the Lord will go straight for the heart, and he wants your heart to be anchored in him him so you acknowledge where your Source come from comes from you know and then we would start me and my wife would start to give cards, and after you know we gave cards then we would empty our our our savings again nobody has to do that I'm just simply using myself as an example that I've seen shift in my life because of that and you know it could start for you all of us it could start with something simple when you get paid you know put your gut first start with 10% 15% 10 12% whatever it is but put it away and give it into God's them if you go to a local church give it to a local church if you don't have a local church you can give to this ministry, and we promise to turn it toward giving books for free courses for free and just doing more things for God with it so that God's kingdom can spread you know last year when our church was in the building campaign right now and you know we sold one property flipped another property and kind of was waiting for that money to be used to buy land where one day we can you know build our home uh for our family and um you know and both of us felt that this is supposed to be a seed it's not a harvest and so and how do you know when it's a seed versus a harvest is because when what you have in your hand is not enough to meet your need then what you have in your hand is your seedoo that's a word for somebody, drop this in the chat when what you have in your hand is not enough to meet your need what you have in your hand probably is your seed, and so we felt that it was not enough to buy that land that we wanted so uh plus just didn't feel right about the land um we decided to just give all of that away to God's kingdom and you know like and big shifts started to happen you know another land became available after that and just one thing after another we started to see a shift in our season uh in some areas when we gave that sacrifice and then 3 weeks later I felt the Lord wanted us to take my salary from the church and give it back to the church until we move into a new building and for me to become a volunteer at the church that's also a sacrifice and stuff so I'm a fervent believer in living a life of obedience that leads to a life of sacrifice we don't do it to manipulate God we don't do it so that we can get a blessing we do it because we acknowledge that God is the source of our blessings and we look to him, and it's about the principle of prioritizing God putting God first so new season new sacrifice when what you have in your hand is not enough to meet your need sometimes what you have in your hand is actually your seed and if you're a farmer you know one thing you shouldn't be eating seeds you should plant them. Number nine is everybody still with me did I lose anybody at the sacrifice part everybody's like man as long as you were saying that God is with me I loved it now when you got to the sacrifice I think I got to do I got to do something I gotta leave this livestream come on hang in with me number nine new season will require new strategy new season will require new strategy then the men of Israel took some of their Provisions but they did not ask the council of the Lord Joshua 9:14 tells me that a new season will require a new strategy man where do I get the strategy I'm so glad that you asked you must understand we must understand this we can't live on yesterday's success or dwell on yesterday's defeats let's drop this in the chat we can't live on yesterday's success or dwell on yesterday's failures when you enter into a new season something wants to remind you to live by God's principles and be led by God's presence let me say that again and some of you can drop that in the chat for your neighbor live by God's principles and be led by God's presence Joshua when he entered the promised land God wanted him to depend on God for every decision and trust in him and seek his advice Joshua did that but in some occasions he just kind of relied on yesterday's Victory and yesterday's success and he actually found himself in defeat because he didn't ask God he did not allow the Lord's presence to guide him God's peace to guide him God's spirit to guide him you may say there are a lot of you know Common Sense decisions that we don't need to get God's opinion trust me we need God for everything it's good to pray for everything to thank God in everything but one of the important things is to live by God's principles and to be led by God's presence so like every month I give as my tithe, and it's more than my tithe that's my principle I live by that but then I open myself up for the Lord to Lead Me by his presence when God gives me an impression when God gives me that directive um guidance in those areas where there is no command in the Bible like the Bible doesn't say Vlad give your car the Bible doesn't say empty your savings account there are no specific direct instructions like that but his presence will lead me in that his presence will guide me in that uh one uh billionaire said success is a lousy teacher because it seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose don't let your success be your strategy let the Holy Spirit be your strategy um babe um Ruth said this yesterday's home runs don't win today's games yesterday's success can not be today's strategy we must rely on the Holy Spirit we must lean on the Lord today new strategy will come from God you can't always imitate other people, you got to develop your own intimacy with God and have the Lord guide your steps every single day so in this new season you got to live by God's principles, but you got to be led by his presence don't be surprised if the Lord's presence sometimes will specifically directly Lead You In a place that's not contrary to God's God's word or God's principles but it guides you into places that you might not think of yourselves yourself and the Lord might be in that now the last thing I wanted to share and um this is I believe is very important the last most important thing new season new stewardship new season new stewardship what does this mean that means it's always easier to obtain something than to maintain it drop this in the chat new season new stewardship it's always easier to obtain something than to maintain it Joshua enters the Promise land and half of the Book of Joshua is about him defeating the enemy and then there's the other half Book of Joshua, the most of us Skip it's when Joshua is dividing the spoil so Joshua defeating the enemy dividing the spoil why because it's not just about obtaining it's also about managing it's not just about subduing it's also about stewarding it's not just about a miracle it's also about your management it's how do you manage that Miracle Jesus himself did when he multiplied the loaves of bread in John 6: 11 and 12, what was the instruction he gave them? He says when they were filled, he said to his disciples gather up the fragments that remain so that nothing is lost just because you entered into a new season and God is blessing you you experienced a new thing you will need to learn new way of stewarding what you have because God wants to take you from glory to glory from Faith to Faith he wants to take you from fruit more fruit, much fruit and fruit that remains and the reason why some people lose the season of blessing is because they don't Steward it yes if you have a good season and you handle it poorly, it will turn into a Bad season if you have a bad season, and you Steward it good it will turn into a good season generally, there are exceptions of course, but generally, you must learn to Steward the good season if God brings a breakthrough, you become arrogant, you become irresponsible, you start becoming lazy with your devotions and your disciplines, you don't have time for God, you don't have time for your family you don't have time for church, you start drinking, you start numbing Yourself by dealing with stress with illicit drugs and other stuff, it's a matter of time before scandals, poverty, prison sentences DUIs, divorce, and total Calamity will hit your life, and it was not God's will. It was not stewarding things, let's ask the prodigal son, he got a great blessing, why did he lose everything? Because he wasted it with prodigal living, there was no stewardship there was no Integrity there was no walking righteous With the blessings that God has given him with the influence that God has that he would he received and a lot of people who obtain their new season quickly they seem to lose it quickly, and those of us who walk through the process and we learn things in the process, we learn those things that are beneficial for us to Steward something that we obtain, and when you Steward it right, the Lord multiplies it when you Steward it right the Lord grows it when you steward it right; the Lord spreads it because it's to his benefit. He glorifies his name through that by spreading his influence and goodness on this Earth because our God is a good God, and he wants to bless people who Steward things well, so my understanding is that every blessing from God Ministry family: I am a steward of it; I'm not an owner of it. I am bought with the blood of Jesus Christ, that means I don't belong to myself; I belong to Jesus, and stewardship is really a management of what belongs to somebody else for me, stewardship is my calling. It's not an option I don't own anything of those things that are mine, quote unquote; they belong to the Lord, and I'm a steward I am not an owner and therefore, I have to constantly walk in Integrity. We have to constantly walk in Purity we have to constantly walk in righteousness, why? So that we Steward would we received we manage what the Lord has made in our life if we don't Steed properly the good times you know Joseph had seven years of plenty he sted it properly he saved 20% of all of those good times and they increased their savings instead of increasing their living and when the hard times came, he was able to feed Egypt and the world because he stewarded hard times good times properly many people what happens is when Good Times come, when seasons of shift come in a lot of times, what begin to do what we begin to do is we begin to crank up debt. We begin to raise the level of our living, we begin to have an inflated self-worth walk around like we we got it all figured out, and this Pride leads to a fall. We have more debt, we are don't have breathing room, we're overstressed, overweight because we're not stewarding the blessing well, we're not stewarding our health well, we're not stewarding our family well, we're not stewarding our gifts well, we're not stewarding our finances well, and next that happens is that very soon small incident, a Small Change in the economy small shift that happens in the church, and boom, everything is going down the drain; you're like man, the devil came against me; sometimes it's not the devil; sometimes it's foolish decisions that were made in good times, and for some of us, those bad times we inherited were a harvest of seeds we sowed in Good Times. That's why when things are good, when you're in a good season, prioritize God prioritize your sacrifice, prioritize your discipline, prioritize living with Integrity, be attached to God, not to your good season or to a Bad season. Remember, God is the source. Stay close to him in your Seasons, God will take him from good to great. He took Joseph's good season seven years and Joseph steward it well, and then seven years of famine, Joseph stewarded really well that Pharaoh became the wealthiest person probably in the world at that time, and Joseph Rose to the top through a difficult time, it actually was a benefit to many people; he he helped his family through that but Joseph was a steward and a manager; he was a wise Steward and a wise manager, and that's what we must do in order to Steward our Good Seasons and our Bad season Seasons amen new season new stewardship let's pray. I hope that this was helpful for each and every one of you. I want you to drop a prayer Emoji in the chat as I'm going to recap just quickly of what I mentioned, number one, I've mentioned that the Bible breaks life into seasons and Cycles; number two, we mentioned that change of seasons can cause stress. Number three, we mentioned that sometimes, before you enter a new season you have to grieve and exit the previous season. Number four; we mentioned that a new season requires a new spirit number five, we've mentioned that we have to understand that God does not change when our seasons do number seven, we have to understand that a new season means a new Supply number eight we mentioned that the new season brings a new sacrifice number nine; we mentioned a new season needs a new strategy and number 10, we mention that the new season needs new stewardship, so those are the 10 things that we've shared about Seasons right now, and as we are dropping that in the chat, I want us to right now, just take a moment and to just pray that the Holy Spirit is going to bring that wisdom and that shift that we need in our lives so that we can Embrace those changes Lord, I come in agreement right now with every person who is watching this broadcast I come in agreement right now, with every person that is rewatching this broadcast, dear Holy Spirit, you're the one that changes seasons in Daniel, it says that God changes Seasons. Lord, you're the one that brings a set time of favor, you shift things in our life, you give us Grace in due season we reap Lord your word says that as long as Earth exists, there will be reaping sewing that there will be night and day, there will be cold and warm winter and summer, and Lord, I pray for my friends and my brothers and sisters who are watching this right now, I pray for those who are in between seasons, for those who are stepping into a new season for those who are in transition right now that you will give them wisdom help them to deal with the stress that comes with those changes help them to navigate with wisdom help them Steward the the resources, problems, and challenges that they're experiencing, and help them to have a different attitude of gratitude attitude of seeing, believing, and trusting that God will show up in their situation to help us not to get addicted to good times and help us not to get distracted, discouraged or deeply disappointed by difficult times, Lord, I ask you that you will help us to make sacrifices in our Seasons to make new systems new habits of always putting you first in our life Jesus I ask you for those who are maybe stuck in a season that is painful in the season that is dark in the season that is hopeless Holy Spirit, you're the one that changes Seasons would you lead them, would you pull them out of the many clay would you set their feet upon the rock would you help them to be faithful in between the seasons? Would you help them to walk in the valley, swim in the flood, and go through whatever they need to go through with you. Help him not to expect help him, Lord not to postpone walking with you to a different time but to walk with you now in Jesus' name I break off every Spirit of death, a break of every Spirit of disappointment depression, anxiety, fear of the unknown fear of the future, chronic fear in Jesus' name, Lord Jesus Let Your Presence come right now. Let Your Presence come right [Music] now may The Winds of Change come may they blow in our back, may we experience God's acceleration, may we experience God's favor, I pray for those that are fasting, Lord may you open your favor. May the set time of favor begin to come in their career, in their Ministry in their job, and in their family. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen I want you to drop the word amen if you are receiving this prayer with me right now. I want to also come to a time right now and invite those of you who are watching this broadcast on both Instagram Tik Tok, Facebook, and YouTube, and rewatching it, I want you to consider today to make a sacrifice to the Lord by partnering with our ministry. If you have never done it consider giving today to our ministry when you seow those seeds of generosity into the soil where, like in our ministry, we impact over 2 million downloads on the Bible app over our reading plans subscriptions to those plans over a milli1 100,000 subscribers on YouTube, millions of people receive the teachings that we provide books that are being downloaded by hundreds and hundreds and thousands every single day in different languages for free, over 100,000 students on our vad school e-courses that we provide for free, as well as our Russian YouTube channel, our Spanish YouTube channel, and so much more ebooks and PDFs reading plans podcast that we provide, so this is a Ministry that really believes in ministering to people, and so I want to invite you you've never done it to consider doing it for the first time if you've done it before, you know whether it's a one-time gift or a recurring gift to the ministry so that we can give this even more more push. These donations don't go to me they go to the ministry we have a nonprofit organization, and I know some few people get triggered by that, um that we have a nonprofit. We have accountability um proper stewardship accounting and all of the stuff so that these funds go to help us spread the message of Jesus in the most effective and efficient way, and so thank you so much for doing that; thank you so much for believing in our ministry, praying for our ministry, and sowing today your best seed for the Lord's work if you are not able to give today, I want to let you know God is with you; we are here to serve you if you're going through a difficult financial time, we want to let you know we are standing in a the gap with you and believing that the Lord is with you. He will provide for your needs. Don't give un credit card or uh money that you don't have money that you need to feed your family don't feel feel pushed, don't feel compulsion or pressure um I don't make any promises the only promise I make is this when we see God's kingdom first, He will begin to take care of us and God wants us to give with a cheerful heart, not by being pushed pressured, manipulated, or all of those gimmicks that people use nowadays, but he wants us to give because we feel in our heart and we have peace or purpose in our hearts, so God bless each and every one of you. You can give through our website, cash app, Venmo, PayPal, crypto, um, you can give through mailing a check, that usually cuts off all the fees and uh, and you can set up recurring on our website as well, so thank you each and every one of you who is doing that today.