Transcript for:
Deep Dive into Biblical End Times Prophecies

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day but I hardly understood a single verse I read in the whole book and as a result never read it again for many years after that in early 2021 whilst I was sitting at my desk in my office working on a session for our Eagles Wings online conference the Bible from a medical perspective and medicine from a Biblical perspective all of a sudden unexpectedly I heard God's voice speak to me very clearly in my spirit giving me a promise that he would crack open and reveal the meaning of the entire Book of Revelations for his people one verse at a time referring not only to me personally but to those who are walking close with him and seeking him worldwide at this time this was not something I ever thought of to even pray about or ask for and it C Me by such a surprise because it was the furtherest thing from my mind at that time but I was so impacted by the experience of how clearly ABA father spoke to me that I immediately wrote what he sat down on a paper that I had on my desk and sure enough since then without even trying or going to look for it Revelation has just been flooding in as one verse at a [Music] seriousness and weight of it all in Acts 2:17 God said that in the last days he would pour out his Spirit upon his people there are also several scriptures in the Bible such as Hosea 6:3 and Joel 2:23 that prophesy about the latter Reigns this is a picture of God opening up great Revel of his word in the end times by his holy spirit for his people Daniel 12:4 says but you Daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until the time of the end when many will Rush here and there and knowledge will increase in Daniel 12:4 God spoke of a seal or a veil that would be put over the prophecies in his word that speak of the end times until the appointed time at the end times when he would remove this Veil so that his people can see and understand the meaning of it well we are now in that time we're not just for me personally and those I'm sharing this with but in God's people and the remnant Army of his bride across the globe God is now opening the spiritual eyes of his people and cracking open the meaning of all that was prophesied in The Book of Daniel The Book of Revelations and everywhere in scripture where it prophesies about the end times because now is the time that we need to understand it because now is the time that all these prophecies are beginning to unfold in literal reality in front of our very eyes and so from this session and the rest of the videos that are a part of session 10 I am going to explain a lot of this to you I guarantee you that it will be a very worthwhile investment of your time this is very urgent and vitally important knowledge wisdom and understanding from Abba Father for his people in this critical time in history it is not only life saving in terms of having the potential to literally save your life now but potentially has very weighty consequences in terms of Eternity and so I encourage you to make sure that you listen to this whole message right through until the end and go on to watch the next videos that follow this one as you have probably already seen this video is very long and you're going to have to have patience and bear with me because it does take me time to lay a thorough Foundation of essential background understanding but towards the second half and the end is where everything starts to come together and it will open your eyes to understand what is unfolding on the world stage right now especially in terms of the Health crisis we are currently dealing with what the Bible has to say about it and where it is all leading and remember that with you receiving this knowledge comes the responsibility of in turn sharing it with others so please feel free to pass on the links of this video and the ones that follow onto your friends family and loved ones as knowledge greatly increases in these times so does confusion these are days of great deception including significant deceptions that are being brought in through the medical field on the pretext of health and a purposeful and very effective successful campaign and strategy that was launched by the creators of these deceptions was to flood social media and all information platforms with such an overload of information misinformation and conflicting information that it has made people so confused that they don't know what to believe and are struggling to discern what is truth and what is genuine fact this misinformation was purposefully put out there and then pieces of it disproven as rubbish and labeled as conspiracy theories so that when the truth is attempted to be exposed the baby is thrown out with the bath water and labeled as conspiracy theor as well so all of this has been a very successful campaign to conceal the truth from people and leave them confused so that they will fall into the deception of these times even the medical field has now been so compromised and so corrupted that one cannot even rely on all that is quoted as medical research to be genuine medical f facts so I caution you to not be quick to believe everything that is quoted as so-called medical research so we have only one completely reliable information Source left to turn to that is infallible and that is the word of God to shine the way for us through all this confusion because as Psalm 119: 105 says is his word is a lamp for our feet and a light to our path and we can rely on his word to reveal the truth and light the way for us amongst all this confusion therefore everything I am sharing is going to be heavily based on the word of God everything that I'm going to cover in this video was summarized in the video that you just watched in the introduction it's a long message but as they say you eat an elephant one bite at a time even if you just watch 10 or 15 minutes a day you will eventually get through it and the beauty of it being online is that you can stop and start again as you please but at the end of the day you can go as deep into the word of God as you want to as Jesus said in Matthew 5:6 blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied I pray that these messages will be rich spiritual food and a deep spiritual drink for you that sustains you in the times ahead but before we continue I just wanted to bless you with the Priestly blessing that my friend Lisa vit from hadasa song is going to sing over you which comes from Numbers Chapter 6 verses 22- 27 which says the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his Shalom peace [Music] I don't [Music] for [Music] [Music] iight for [Music] [Music] he so on know [Music] but [Music] shalom [Music] don't he [Music] don't [Music] [Laughter] [Music] know you I don't know [Music] he so [Music] on [Music] shom this message is a follow one from session 10 part one of the online conference which was titled God's genius Life Style road map in the seven biblical feasts and session 10 part three which was about what it practically means to be ready when Jesus comes to fetch his bride those two sessions are essential background foundational knowledge to gain the full understanding of what I am going to share in this session so if you haven't seen it already before watching this session I strongly recommend that you watch session 10 part 1 and session 10 part three first which is also freely available on YouTube the various parts of session 10 of this Eagles Wings online conference is a series of messages on the end times described in the Book of Revelations to help us understand what is currently unfolding on the world stage and will crack open the meaning and revelation of much of the Book of Revelations that you may not have understood as in depth before it is very interesting spiritually enriching and helps us prepare for the time ahead however I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to watch session 10 part 1 and part three first before watching this message of session 10 part 4 because each session Builds on the foundational knowledge of the previous sessions so it's really best for you to make sure that you watch the series of teachings of session 10 in order as you just won't be able to fully understand a lot of the important key Concepts that I'm going to explain in this teaching without that essential foundational background of the previous sessions we saw in detail in the last video of session 10 part three how applying the blood of the Lamb through repentance and the word of God God through renewing our mind and living according to it cleanses our wedding garments so that we are ready for the marriage Feast when Yeshua comes to fetch his bride Revelations 22: 12-14 says behold I jesus am coming quickly and my reward is with me to give to each one a according to the Merit of his deeds Earthly works and faithfulness I am the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last the beginning and the end blessed happy prosperous and to be admired are those who wash their robes in the blood of Christ by believing and trusting in Him the righteous who do do his commandments so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter by the gates into the city what I would like to share with you in this message is how the blood of the lamb and word of God that leads us to wearing white wedding garments spiritually not only makes us ready for Jesus's return but it also takes us into the Ark of ABA father's Supernatural protection which is vitally necessary as the dangers and deceptions around us continue to increase as a part of the end times this is the most dangerous time in history to have a lifestyle of fleshiness worldliness and lukewarmness not only in terms of not being ready when Jesus J comes to fetch his bride like the five foolish virgins in the parable of the 10 virgins but it makes us very vulnerable to what scripture describes as the great deception and great falling away that will take place in the end times and which is already here and has literally started happening in reality and it also makes us vulnerable to the dangers and destructions coming upon the Earth and which we are currently seeing the beginnings of as the world moves into this critical time in history where all that is prophesied in the Book of Revelations is starting to unfold so in this message in session 10 part 4 I am going to talk about and explain some of the destructions that that will be coming upon the Earth as a part of God's judgment in the end times which is represented by the four horses of Revelations the Seven Seals and the Seven trumpets and also about the great deception and great Falling Away of the end times that is a part of this so that we can gain knowledge wisdom and understanding so as not to be swept up in the these things but to walk in discernment and to stay in Abba father's protection as I speak about and explain the Seven Seals and the Seven trumpets of Revelations and many events scripture teaches us about in the end times it's going to sound horrific and gruesome at times and unfortunately the reality is that it is and so I really want to emphasize upfront not to go into fear over what I share because us going into fear is not the reason that Abba Father revealed end time events to us ahead of time through what he prophesied in Scripture it is so that we can understand what is taking place when it happens so that we can understand ABA father's plan in the whole process and most importantly understand what he wants to do in and through Us in the refiner fire of these times and how he wants us to respond in Repentance and to sanctify ourselves in this time to prepare as his bride for the wedding feast and marriage supper of the Lamb when it comes to discussing the end times and the Book of Revelations there are so many views interpretations and perspectives to consider there are several different scenarios in how things could play out in the end times and it's concerning when people say it can only happen on this day and it can only happen in this way Etc because how do we know we don't that's why why we need to keep our hearts open and stay teachable as we pursue the truth of the scriptures together as we watch and pray in the light of all the events unfolding on the world stage at this time as hard as I have tried to stay as accurately close to the correct interpretation of scripture as possible I certainly do not profess to know it all and to understand everything perfectly we are all learning and we are all growing and it's okay to differ on elements surrounding the end times there are lots of different perspectives out there and when it does all finally play out we will find that we've all got something right on the end times and we've all got something wrong because as scripture says we only know in part I've chosen to dare to enter the tricky Waters of discussing the end times in the Book of Revelations mainly for the purpose of emphasizing and explaining some essential things to understand concerning the times we are currently in so that I can do my part in hopefully equipping God's people not only to be ready for Jesus's return but also not to fall into the present and coming great deceptions and destructions of the end times several of the deceptions that are part of the end times are being brought in through the medical field and therefore I feel an urgency to speak about these things so that hopefully you can be equipped through the sharing of this knowledge and Revelation to walk with the Holy Spirit in wisdom and discernment and to stay in in the covering of ABA father's protection furthermore in the midst of sharing all that Revelations prophesies will soon take place my goal is to highlight Abba Father's Heart for us not to have to go through his judgments coming on the earth in the Great Tribulation but rather to let him judge us now through choosing to allow him to reveal the things that are not right in our hearts and lives now and to deal with those things now in Repentance and to remove the sin worldliness fleshling and lukewarmness from our lives now what is happening in the world around us are signals that these are times that we need to become like the wise virgins and start preparing our wedding garments whilst this is a conference that focuses on health the sanctification process that we need to go through to overcome and prevent diseases has the ultimate purpose of equipping us to be ready and prepared when Jesus comes to fetch his bride in the midst of bringing out these important points I'm going to share my current understanding understanding of how end time events are most likely to play out and which I believe is the most probable to take place because it has the most validity in terms of evidence and support in the scriptures and so are very plausible possibilities to consider I want to put this information out there so that as these things begin to unfold you will have a good road map to help you understand what is going on and most importantly what ABA father's plan is in the midst of it all there are four horses mentioned in chapter 6 of The Book of Revelations that symbolize destructions that will come upon the Earth in the end times there are a series of events that are also described by Jesus in Matthew chap 24 as the pre-birth pangs and birth pangs that are the buildup towards and catalysts that eventually lead the world into the time of the Great Tribulation the four horses in Revelations chapter 6 symbolize destructions that are hares of God's judgment that will come upon the Earth in the end times the word Harbinger means a forerunner of things to come so these four horses are forerunners of God's judgment that will hit the earth in all that the day of atonement or yamer represents so let's read it in Revelations chap 6 between vers 1 and 8 then I saw as the lamb Christ broke one of the Seven Seals of the scroll initiating the judgments and I heard one of the four living creatures call out as with a voice of thunder come I looked and behold a white horse whose Rider carried a bow and a crown was given to him and he rode forth conquering and to conquer we're going to look at this white horse in detail in this video where I will show you how this represents plagues virulent infectious diseases pandemics and a lot of deception surrounding it with the ultimate purpose to subdue the world population under the control and dictatorship of a one world leader who is The Great Deceiver and false Messiah but for now moving on to the second horse that is described in Revelations chap 6 veres 3 to 4 when he the lamb broke the second seal I heard the second living creature call out come and another a fiery red horse of Bloodshed came out and its rider was empowered to take peace from the earth so that many would Slaughter one another and a great Sword of War and violent death was given to him so this red horse represents worldwide war the worldwide war of the second red horse will give the opportunity for the Antichrist who at that time will be masquerading as a peacemaker to make a seven Year peace treaty that brings an end to this worldwide war and the world will hail him as the great hero and solution to all of the world's problems this 7-year peace treaty marks the beginning of the 7-year tribulation period this was prophesied in scripture for example in Daniel 9:27 he will confirm a covenant with many for 1 seven which means one set of seven years in the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice an offering and at the temple he will set up an Abomination that causes desolation until the end that is decreed is poured out on him as the scripture says halfway through the 7-year period at the three and a half year mark a significant event takes place where the Antichrist will set up an Abomination that causes desolation this is where the Antichrist sets himself up in the holy of holies and proclaims himself as God and this Abomination causes desolation which means destruction and is referring to the bringing down of God's judgment on the earth which is the events that begin at The Sixth Seal which we will learn about later in detail at this point there is a transision from a time of trouble distress and tribulation to the time of the Great Tribulation which The Book of Daniel prophesied about and for example what Jesus spoke about in in Matthew 24: 21 which says for at that time there will be a Great Tribulation pressure distress and oppression such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will be again so in summary the 7-year tribulation period is divided into two periods of 3 and 1/2 years the first 3 and 1/2 year period is a time of tribulation and the second 3 and 1/2 year period is a time of Great Tribulation however in a later part of session 10 I will show you in depth how this 3 and 1/2 year time period of the Great Tribulation will be cut short as Jesus said in Matthew Matthew 24:22 in a moment we will look at Matthew chap 24 in detail where Jesus spoke about the end times including these four horses of Revelations after mentioning the first horse and the second horse of War Jesus said these things need to happen but the end is not yet in the natural when it's getting very close to the time when a pregnant woman is about to go into labor a few days before she will often have what is called Braxton Hicks contractions which is where the uterus muscle starts warming up in preparation for the sooncoming labor during braxon hick contractions the woman starts to experience the feeling of her uterus is tightening and then relaxing almost like a contraction in labor and especially if it's the first time she is pregnant she will often think that she is in fact in labor and will rush to the hospital and the doctor will say no don't worry you are not in labor yet but it is a sign that labor will be starting soon in the same way with the white horse representing worldwide plagues and pandemics and the red horse representing worldwide war it's going to feel like labor has begun but Jesus says the end is not just yet but it means it's starting soon so the first two seals are the Braxton Hicks contractions which you could say are the pre-birth pangs after after mentioning the first two seals in the next verses in Matthew 24: 7-9 Jesus said for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places but all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs of the Intolerable anguish and the time of unprecedented trouble here Jesus mentions the 3D fourth fifth and sixth seals which we are going to learn about and he defines these as the birth pangs which lead up to the delivery of God's judgment hitting the Earth in the time of the Great Tribulation now in the natural contractions or birth pangs progressively increase in intensity and they get closer and closer together before the baby is delivered in the same way the tribulation events of the seals will increase in intensity and get closer and closer together so that for example the fourth and fifth seals are so close to the Sixth Seal that they are nearly all happening at the same time I will explain each of these seals to you in detail as we go through session 10 but for now I just want to show you a timeline of how everything falls into place so in summary you have the Braxton Hicks contractions or pre-birth pangs of the first White Horse representing worldwide plagues and then the second red horse of worldwide war then between the second seal and third seal you have a transition to the proper birth pangs which is the start of the tribulation this is a final 7-year tribulation period that begins with a 7-year peace treaty which is made by the Antichrist after the worldwide war this 7-year period is split into two 3 and 1/2 year periods the first 3 and 1/2 years which is a time of stress trouble and tribulation on the earth is where the third fourth and fifth seals take place as birth pangs that culminate at The Sixth Seal where God's judgment hits the Earth at the 3 and 1/2 year midpoint the second 3 and 1/2 years is a time of Great Tribulation where the seven trumpets of Revelations take place and we will learn about all of that as well and see how it all fits into the pattern of the seven biblical feasts where God reveals to us his end time plan so the first two horses are the pre-birth pangs and now we transition to the actual birth pangs which starts at the third horse as a forerunner to God's judgment and we read about that in Revelation 6: 5-6 when the lamb broke the third seal I heard the third living being say come I looked up and saw a black horse of famine and its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand and I Heard a Voice from among the four living beings say a loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley will cost a day's pay and don't waste the olive oil and wine so this black horse represents famine starvation and hunger this is where there will be a great shortage of food and inflation of the cost of food as a result so that a day's work only buys enough for one meal for one person not enough for the whole family after what we've just read in this scripture about the third black horse representing famine we Revelation 6:6 specifically speaks of the rider holding a scale which represents measuring out rations of food and setting a price for these food rations I would like to read a prophecy given by a lady called Christine beadsworth in April 2020 where I rarely recognized the voice of the Holy Spirit and God's truth of scripture in it this is a portion from her prophecy titled a vision and word from the Lord you can find this and a treasure chest of many others of her prophetic words at her website fres oil releases. on the storehouse page but to set the stage for this prophetic word I first want to remind us of a miracle that Jesus performed in Matthew 14: 15 to 21 which is a miracle that we are going to personally experience and see it happen again many times for God's people who trust him in faith in the end times as evening approached the disciples came to Jesus and said this is a remote place and it's already getting late send the crowds away so that they can go to The Villages and buy themselves some food but Jesus replied they do not need to go away you give them something to eat but we have here only five loaves of bread and two fish they answered bring them here to me he said and he directed the people to sit on the grass taking the Five Loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he gave thanks and broke the loaves then he gave them to the disciples and the disciples gave them to the people they all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up 12 basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over the number of those who ate was about 5,000 men besides women and children now with this scripture about the miracle where Jesus multiplied the Five Loaves and two fish enough to feed 5,000 men and their families and Revelation 6:6 describing the third seal and third black horse of famine which specifically speaks of setting a price to rations of food I'm going to read chrisan beadsworth prophetic word and I really encourage you to take the time to write this prophecy down in your own diary or personal notebook so that at the relevant time this will be there to encourage you and strengthen your faith to begin reading as I pondered this the Lord began to speak when they set the prices for food you will know that it is here it has begun what has begun I ask the Beast Kingdom remember as I explained to you around the time of the third seal of famine is where the seven-year tribulation begins coming back to the prophetic word I will provide for you as I did for my children in Egypt during the famine there will be goans end time refuges and Joseph's who Supply what I have instructed them to store up I will multiply meals the Loaves and Fishes are the Prototype and that's why I refreshed your memory of the miracle of Jesus multiplying the Five Loaves and two fish to feed 5,000 men and their families to carry on reading lift up what you have and bless it no matter how small and I will feed all at the table with that offering the animals will come and lay themselves down willingly that you may use them to feed a multitude these will be days of glory and days of Miracles and just to comment I've said that many times in this conference the condition for a miracle is not difficulty but impossibility and because of the extreme circumstances of the times we will be living in it will be necessary for ABA father to perform miracles of Supernatural provision protection and so on for us on a daily basis and as hard as the times will be it will be exciting times in the sense that they will be days that are filled with amazing miracles for God's people who choose to trust him in faith so rather than making compromises With the Enemy now we need to start trusting him now and strengthening our faith muscles and our trust muscles now so that we are ready to trust him in the difficult times ahead but I've interrupted myself too much so I'm going to start reading the prophecy again because I want you to absorb the flow of of it as I pondered this the Lord began to speak when they set the prices for food you will know that it is here it has begun what has begun I asked the Beast Kingdom I will provide for you as I did for my children in Egypt during the famine there will be goans end time refuges and Josephs who Supply what I have instructed them to store up I will multiply meals the Loaves and Fishes are the Prototype lift up what you have and bless it no matter how small and I will feed all at the table with that offering the animals will come and lay themselves down willingly that you may use them to feed a multitude these will be days of glory and days of miracle news media will come like bees to a Honeypot and compete to carry the stories of my hand moving and yes this exposure will bring persecution but I will shine brighter and brighter in you and those who seek to harm you shall be blinded as in the days of lot when they sought to break down the door to lay a hold of him my angels know their dispatch orders and they stand ready to go to their posts protecting my bride my doves shall not be slaughtered before their time only the rich shall hide in the Cavin of the Rocks but you shall be rich in the presence and power of Heaven in these days May that word strengthen and encourage you for the time ahead amen so the third black horse of Revelations represents a time of Great Famine now things are established first in the spiritual realm and then manifest in the Physical Realm in other words as it is in the spirit so it is in the physical at this time not only will there be a famine of food in the physical but also a famine of God's word spiritually something sign ific that Christine beadsworth said in a prophetic word about a vision Abba Father showed her is I move past the kitchen in the building that had been repeatedly preparing the wrong meals and serving them at the wrong times this refers to that part of the church that has no understanding of the times that we are in in other words they were for example busy preaching feel-good messages about God's blessings Etc and God's blessings and Promises in his word are wonderful and important to learn about but that's not the right meal to feed God's people in these times the Urgent Message when you have an understanding of the times we are in is to equip God's people to awaken from spiritual Slumber lukewarmness worldliness and compromise and to urgently start preparing our wedding garments through sanctification of our heart and soul through repentance and the washing of the water of the word so that we can be ready and prepared for Jesus's soon coming and also so that we can be equipped with wisdom understanding and discernment not to fall into the deceptions and destructions of these times this reminds me of what Jesus said in verse 45 and 46 of Matthew 24 when he was talking about the end times just before he returns where it says who then is the faithful thoughtful and wise servant whom his master has put in charge of his household to give to the others the food and supplies at the proper time blessed happy fortunate and to be envied is to is that Serv vant whom when his master comes he will find so doing this scripture has several layers of meaning firstly it is referring to what Christine beadsworth mentioned in her prophetic word God has specifically raised up and called people in his army and in his bride to be like Joseph who stored up food to feed his people in the end time famine when God's people will not have access to the world's system or for example will not be able to go to the shops to buy food one Ministry I know personally that has carried this calling and has been doing so for many years is farming God's way which later became known as foundations for farming and there are many other people in God's Remnant company around the globe that are doing the same but secondly in a deeper layer this scripture is talking about blessed are the teachers of God's word who are feeding God's people the right meal spiritually at the proper times equipping them for the times that they are in to be prepared for his coming so coming back to the four horses which are also the first four seals of Revelations there is the first first White Horse which I will show you in detail is related to worldwide plagues there is the second red horse of worldwide war and the third black horse of famine both physically and spiritually now moving on to the fourth seal which releases the fourth horse we read about this in Revelation 6:7 to8 and when he had opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth Beast say come and see and I looked and behold a pale green horse and his name that sat on him was death and Hell Followed with him this fourth pale green horse Springs death it is also closely linked to the fifth seal which is a time of persecution of God's people where some will be martyred the Greek word for this horse is cloros which means green which is the traditional color of Islam and I will show you the link to this in detail in scripture as we go along continuing with the next verse in Revelations chapter 6 after describing the four horses it goes on to say they meaning these four horses were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword which is war famine and plague and by the wild beasts of the earth so in summary there's the opening of the first seal that releases the White Horse which represents plagues or worldwide infectious diseases which is basically pandemics the opening of the second seal releases the the red horse representing worldwide war the opening of the third seal releases the black horse representing famine and the opening of the fourth seal releases the pale green horse representing death which I will show you is symbolically represented by the dangerous wild beasts that scripture describes these four horses and their Riders bring distractions on the earth from the enemy that are allowed by Abu father as instruments of judgment in his hands now to ensure accuracy of interpretation of scripture it's best to let scripture interpret scripture these same horses and the same words describing the meaning of them were prophesied in the book of Zechariah 1:7 to8 and Ezekiel 14:21 and then also by Jesus in Matthew chap 24 Mark 13 and Luke 21 Ezekiel 14: 21 for example says for this is what the Lord your God says how much worse will it be when I send my four devastating judgments against Jerusalem sword famine dangerous animals and plagues in order to wipe out both man and animal from it in in other translations the word plague is mentioned as virent infectious diseases or pestilence so here we see the four horses plagues or virulent infectious diseases War represented by the sword famine and dangerous wild animals of the first four seals and four horses of the Book of Revelations the first seal and the first White Horse is the one that I would like to really focus on in depth because it is very relevant to what we are currently dealing with Worldwide in the area of Health however to understand this first seal and first White Horse I first need to go into more depth about the fourth seal and the fourth horse of Revelations as it will help set the the stage to understanding the rest of the seals and the bigger picture in which they fit and how this is all relevant to what is unfolding on the world stage today so whilst it may initially seem like a deviation please bear with me because you will see how this background knowledge will bring a lot of understanding to what we are dealing with in all of our Lives worldwide at the moment and and how this all fits into what the Book of Revelations said will unfold in Matthew chapter 24 Jesus literally summarized all the events that would take place in the Seven Seals of Revelations and we are going to work through Jesus's explanation of end time events in Matthew chapter 24 verse by verse a little later in this message so you will understand more later regarding the foundational basis of why I say this when we go through Matthew chap 24 in detail and we will see how everything falls into place in context there but for now I would just like to say that the fourth seal is linked to what Jesus said in Matthew 24:7 where he said Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom now in history there's been many wars between many nations but in Matthew 24:7 when Jesus said Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom he was not talking about any typical War he was talking about a specific Nation rising up against a specific nation and a specific Kingdom rising up against a specific Kingdom to understand the two specific Nations Jesus was speaking about in Matthew 24:7 it takes us back in history to two sets of Brothers Isaac and Ishmael and Jacob and Esau Isaac became the father of Jacob from whom the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel came the nation that yah went into Covenant with as his people then we learned in session 10 part 1 that through the centuries God's people have been split into two parts the tribes of Benjamin and Judah which is the Jewish people of Israel today and the Christians who come from the other 10 tribes that have been scattered through the Gentile Nations the descendants of Ishmael became a nation consisting of 12 Tribes of Arabs which includes the Muslim people today that are associated with Islam to understand all of this let's go back to Genesis God had promised Abraham and Sarah that he would give them a son called Isaac through whom a multitude of people would come to form a nation that would be God's people that he would Covenant with Genesis chap 16 tells the story of how Abraham and Sarah took matters into their own hands when it seemed that God was delaying in his promise to give them their son Isaac and Sarah convinced Abraham to take Sarah's servant called Hagar as his wife and she conceived a baby boy but from the moment that Hagar became pregnant there was jealousy Envy contention and strife between Hagar and Sarah Sarah mistreated Hagar and eventually Hagar had to flee into the desert where an angel of the Lord met her picking up from here in the story in Genesis 16:7 the angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert and he said Hagar slave of sari where have you come from and where are you going I'm running away from my mistress Sarai she answered then the angel of the Lord told her go back to your mistress and submit to her the angel added I will increase your descendants so much that they will be too numerous to count the angel of the Lord also said to her you are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son you shall name him Ishmael for the Lord has heard of your misery he will be a wild donkey of a man his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him and he will live in hostility towards all his brothers notice that Ishmael is symbolically referred to here as a wild animal this is an important connection to understanding the fourth seal of the end times concerning the descendants of ishma now having just said that I would like to emphasize that I'm not referring to any people or Nation as wild animals each and every person is precious and has value in the eyes of ABA father for example in a historical literature the nation of Russia is sometimes symbolized as a wild bear that does not mean to say that the Russian people are literally wild bears it's just a symbolic picture representing that that nation in the same way I am just pointing out the symbolic Connection in scripture of wild animals or wild beasts to Ishmael and his descendants to help bring understanding to the meaning behind the picture in Revelations of the fourth pale green horse that comes with the fourth seal which is where we see the rise of Islam as the descendants of ishma resurface as a key player on the world stage in end time events let's read these scriptures again which describe the elements of the four horses that represent the first four seals Revelation 6:7 to8 and when he had opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth Beast say come and see and I looked and behold a pale green horse and his name that sat on him was death and Hell Followed With Him they were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword famine plague and by the wild beasts of the earth Ezekiel 14:21 again says for this is what the Lord God says how much worse will it be when I send my four devastating judgments against Jerusalem sword famine dangerous animals and plague in order to wipe out both man and animal from it later in this message we're going to look in detail at how the first White Horse is related to worldwide plagues the sword mentioned in these scriptures is connected to the red horse of war the famine to the Black Horse of famine and now you can understand how the pale green horse is connected to the mention of wild beasts of the Earth or dangerous animals because this is where we see the descendants of Ishmael and the rise of Islam coming back to where we were in Genesis where it speaks of ishma Genesis 6:1 the angel of the Lord also said to her you are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son and you shall name him Ishmael for the Lord has heard of your misery he will be a wild donkey of a man his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him and he will live in hostility towards all his brothers again with all three scriptures together on the screen here we can connect the dots and see the symbolic connection of Ishmael and his descendants represented by mention of the dangerous animals or wild beasts to end time events prophesied in Ezekiel and the Book of Revelations then in Genesis 17:1 15-22 the story continues God also said to Abraham as for Sarai your wife you are no longer to call her sari her name will be Sarah I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her I will bless her so that she will be the mother of Nations Kings of people will come from her Abraham fell face down and he laughed and said to himself will a son be born to a man 100 years old will Sarah bear a child at the age of 90 and Abraham said to God if only Ishmael might live under your blessing then God said yes but your wife Sarah will bear you a son and you will call him Isaac I will establish my Covenant with him as an Everlasting Covenant for his descendants after him and as for Ishmael I have heard you I will surely bless him I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers he will be the father of 12 rulers and I will make him into a great nation but my Covenant I will establish with Isaac from whom Sarah will bear to you by this time next year and when he had finished speaking with Abraham God went up from him so we see two brothers who each became the father of of two great Nations Isaac became the father of Jacob from whom the TW tribes of the nation of Israel came the nation that Yahweh went into Covenant with as his people and the descendants of Ishmael became 12 Tribes of Arabs from whom came the nation of the Muslim people of Islam Today now to understand the heart of the generations of people that came from Ishmael you need to understand the very severe and deep spiritual and emotional wound of rejection that took place when Ishmael was 13 years old up until this point he had grown up as Abraham's firstborn son and usually in the Hebrew custom at the age of 13 the father would throw his son abom mitz for party which marked his transition from being a boy to becoming a man and during the celebration his father would bless his identity as his son and affirm his love for him as his son and he would bless him with his inheritance and speak a blessing over his Destiny but at this time that was critically important for Ishmael where his identity and Destiny needed to be blessed by his father and at this key time in his development when he needed to be affirmed with his father's love and acceptance because of Isaac who had now been born Ishmael and his mother were rejected and kicked out the house and the resultant very deep and severe wound of rejection has been carried spiritually and physically in the DNA of ishmael's bloodline and this wound and hurt has fueled the hatred enity strife and contention between these two brothers and their descendants to this very day because of this generational wound of rejection of the Father's Love they don't know love their whole culture is driven from the foundation of fear because as 1 John 4:8 18 says he who has fear has not been made perfect in love and so I have learned from practical experience that if you want to reach the Muslim people today the starting point that you need to begin with is Aba Father's Love because they don't understand or have never experienced the love of ABA father and so as I mentioned this I feel that it's important to divert from the teaching for a moment and I feel prompted to pray for and to intercede for the descendants of Ishmael and ABA father I come before you with all my heart and I pray for healing of this very severe and deep generational wound of rejection of a father in this nation of people and I pray Ephesians 3:14 to20 for them which say I bow my knee before the father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom every family in Heaven and Earth is named that father from whom all fatherhood takes its title and derives its name may you grant the nation of Ishmael out of the rich treasury of your glory to be strengthened and reinforced with Mighty power in the Inner Man by the Holy Spirit himself self indwelling in their innermost being and personality May Christ through their faith actually dwell settle down abide and make his permanent home in their hearts and as I give Thanksgiving in faith for the Salvation of many of them ABA father praying that they will be saved and born again father I pray that they would be rooted deep in love and founded sec purely on love that they may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints God's devoted people the experience of that love what is the breadth and length and height and depth of it that they may really come to know practically through experience for themselves the love of Christ which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience and that they may be filled through all their being with all the fullness of God and have the richest measure of his divine presence and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God himself I bless the descendants of Ishmael with this scripture and with this prayer and I bless them with the revelation of the love of Abba Father in the name of Yeshua Yeshua Jesus of Nazareth amen we read about the rejection of Ishmael in Genesis 21: 8-21 Isaac grew and the time came for his mother to stop breastfeeding him on that day Abraham prepared a big celebration but Sarah saw Ishmael making fun of Isaac Ishmael was the son ha had by Abraham Hagar was Sarah's Egyptian slave Sarah said to Abraham get rid of that slave woman get rid of her son that woman's son will never have a share of the family's property all of it belongs to my son Isaac What Sarah Said upset Abraham very much after all Ishmael was his son but God said to Abraham do not be so upset about the boy and your slave Hagar listen to what Sarah tells you because your family line will continue through Isaac I will also make the son of your slave into a nation I will do it because he is your child early the next morning Abraham got some food and a bottle of water the bottle was made out of animal skin he gave the food and water to Hagar placing them on her shoulders then he sent her away with the boy she went on her way and wandered in the desert of B Sheba when the water in the bottle was gone she put the boy under a bush then she sat down about as far away as a person can shoot an arrow and she thought I just can't stand to watch the boy die and as she sat there she began to soop God heard the boy crying then the angel of God called out to Hagar from heaven and he said to her what is the matter Hagar do not be afraid God has heard the boy crying as he lies there lift up the boy and take him by the hand I will make him into a great nation so there several times we have seen mention of Ishmael becoming a great nation then God opened Hagar's eyes and she saw a well of water so she went and filled the bottle with water and gave the boy a drink God was with the boy as he grew up he lived in the desert and learned to shoot a bow and arrow while he was living in the desert of pan his mother got a wife for him from Egypt I took the time to read this whole passage of scripture to you mainly to show you that from Ishmael came a great nation and take a special note that Ishmael and his descendants became Hunters who learn to shoot a bow and arrow I will explain the significance of this a little later but so far we see that through these two brothers Isaac and Ishmael two nations were born two Nations whose significance resurfaces in the end times where they each play a key role on the world stage the other set of two brothers that's important and relevant regarding these two specific nations of the end times is ISU and Jacob this takes us to Genesis 25: 21-23 Isaac prayed to to the Lord for his wife because she was unable to conceive children and the Lord granted his prayer and Rebecca his wife conceived twins but the children struggled together within her kicking and shoving one another and she said if it is so that the Lord has heard our prayer why then am I this way so she went to inquire of the Lord praying for an answer the Lord said to her the founders of two nations are in your womb and the separation of two Nations has begun in your body the one people shall be stronger than the other and the older Shall Serve the younger when you read the story of Jacob and ISU in the Bible you see that there was strife and contention between them where they struggled against each other most of their lives right from the womb for for example Jacob tricked ISU into selling his Birthright to him and then Jacob stole isu's firstborn Blessing by deceiving their father Isaac and then for many years after that Jacob ran from Esau fearing for his life in the fourth seal of the end times we will see the struggle and conflict between these two Nations being reignited like never before Genesis 25: 27 describe the characters of Jacob and ISU when the boys grew up ISU was an able and skilled Hunter a man of the outdoors but Jacob was a quiet and peaceful man living in tents notice that Esau also became a hunter with a bow and arrow just like the descendants of Ishmael in the end times we will see a Resurgence of the hunters the descendants of ISU and the descendants of Ishmael as a part of the judgments God brings for Rebellion against him in the end times this was prophesied in Jeremiah 16:16 but now I will send for many fishermen declares Yahweh and they will catch them after that I will send for many hunters and they will hunt them down on every mountain and Hill and from the crevices of the Rocks first the scripture speaks of Yahweh sending out fishermen this refers to the time period of the message of the Gospel being spread to All Nations throughout the Earth Earth for example in Matthew 4:19 Jesus said to his disciples come follow me and I will make you fishes of men and then in Matthew 24:14 Jesus said this good news of the Kingdom the gospel will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end of the age will come so first Yahweh is sending out the fisherman then he said in Jeremiah 16:16 that after that in the end times he will summons the hunters which is the descendants of Ishmael and isau to deal with those of his people who have rebelled against him and rejected his word by not living according to it let's read revelation 6:7 to8 again because there's something I now want to point out to you and when he had opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth Beast say come and see and I looked and behold a pale green horse and remember pale green is the Greek word CL chorus which means green the color of Islam representing the rise of Islam and his name that sat on him was death and Hell Followed With Him notice that in the fourth seal there are two figures that are a part of the rider of the fourth horse it says his name that sat on him was death and Hell Followed With Him the two figures that are a part of this Rider is the descendant of Ishmael and Esau this is where we see the Epic end time clash between Ishmael and Isaac and the clash between Esau and Jacob and why scripture describes this time of tribulation around the fourth seal as Jacob's trouble this is where the descendants of Ishmael and ISU will persecute God's people who are basically the Christians and the Jewish people of Israel so in summary Isaac's son was Jacob Jacob had 12 sons which formed the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel the Jewish people of Israel consist of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah and the Christians come from the other 10 tribes that were scattered and lost through the Gentile nations in Matthew 24:7 where Jesus said Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom he was describing the events of the fourth seal where the descendants of Ishmael and Esau would come against God's people being the Jewish people of Israel today and the Christians this is why the fourth seal is very close to the fifth seal where some of God's people are martyred Jesus said in Matthew 2 4:9 then they will hand you over to endure tribulation and will put you to death and you will be hated by All Nations because of my name could what we are seeing currently happening in Afghanistan be the early flames of what builds up to be the climax of the final epic battle between these two nations in the fourth seal well time will tell but so far we Now understand that the two figures that are a part of the rider of the fourth pale green horse describing the fourth seal are symbolically referring to the rise of Islam and the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of ISU that come against God's people Jesus said Nation will rise against Nation the nation of Ismael against the nation of Isaac the nation of ISU against the nation of Jacob but as I mentioned before things happen first in the spiritual realm and then manifest in the Physical Realm the conflict between the two Nations Jesus spoke of of in Matthew 24:7 is the physical manifestation on Earth of the conflict in the spiritual realm in the heavens between the two kingdoms that Jesus mentioned which is the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan this epic Clash between the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness is also described in Revelations 12 in verse 7 it says and war broke out in heaven Michael the Archangel and his angels Waging War With The Dragon the dragon and his angels fought but they were not strong enough and did not Prevail and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven and the Great Dragon was thrown down the age old serpent who is called the devil and Satan he who continually deceives and seduces the entire inhabited world he was thrown down to the Earth and his angels were thrown down with him therefore Rejoice O heavens and you who dwell in them in the presence of God but woe to the earth and the Sea because the devil has come down to you in great wrath knowing that he only has a short time remaining so in Revelations 12 we see a war breakout in heaven between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan and then Satan and his army of demons or fallen angels are thrown down to earth and the war transfers from the Heavenly spiritual Realm to the Physical Realm where Satan's kingdom now pursues and persecutes God's people on Earth let's go back to Revelations 12:1 for a moment now a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of 12 Stars the woman is symbolic of God's people the 12 Stars around her head is the 12 tribes that make up God's people which as I previously explained consists of the Christians and the Jewish people of Israel after the war in heaven between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan we saw it described in Revelations 12: 7-2 Satan is thrown down to earth and in verses 13-1 17 we see the dragon or serpent Satan pursues and persecutes the woman representing God's people in verse 13 it says now when the dragon saw that he'd been cast to the Earth he persecuted the woman but the woman was given two wings of a Great Eagle that she might fly into the Wilderness to her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the presence of The Serpent and I will help you understand this verse in depth in a later part of session 10 but skipping to verse 17 for now and the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her Offspring who keeps the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ so in Revelations 12 we see a war breakout in heaven between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan and then the war transfers from the Heavenly spiritual realm to the Physical Realm where Satan's kingdom now pursues and persecutes God's people on earth which as Revelations 12 said keeps the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ and the vessels he uses to do this is the descendants of Ishmael and ISU and I'd like to explain the connection some more the descendants of ISU became what is called the which is a nation that has always been against God and his people and through the centuries became part of what is known as Freemasonry today there are many different religions and I think part of the enemy's plan in this was to create confusion where people would think well how do we know which one is correct in the truth but it's not really confusing because there are actually just two camps those that are in a love relationship with Abba Father through his son Jesus and who live according to his kingdom ways in scripture and then there are many different religions outside of a relationship with Jesus and the word of God but all of these religions outside of the Bible channel into Freemasonry whether you look at Islam Hinduism Satanism Buddhism new age or any religion outside of the Bible the sign and symbols of that religion are the signs and symbols of Freemasonry because all of those religions channel into Freemasonry they were all all started by Freemasons and are all headed and run by Freemasons the leaders of all these different religions ultimately answer to the leadership of Freemasonry which is called the Illuminati Freemasonry is the modern version of the ancient Pagan religion of Egypt which in turn comes from the ancient occultic religion of Babylon which is Bal worship which serves and worships the same ancient enemy of old the serpent Satan so that is why the signs and symbols of Freemasonry are the same signs and symbols of the ancient Pagan religion of Egypt to give you two examples of many two prominent Egyptian symbols of Freemasonry is the Obelisk and the pyramid which are prominent symbols that you frequently find in various aspects of society today and which has unfortunately even infiltrated many church denominations the main agenda of Freemasonry is to bring in what is commonly called the New World Order which was prophesied in scripture just as an example out of interest on the US $1 bill you have a pyramid and below it in Latin it says novice order sorum in English this means New World Order the New World Order is where all the different governments of different countries are progressively fused into a one world government that sets the stage for the one world leader prophesied about in The Book of Revelations which is the Antichrist and this is the Messiah of the Freemasons in this one world government there will be a One World economy where all the different currencies of the world will very soon be fused into a one world digital currency which will be used as a method to completely Dominate and control all the people of the Earth this was for example prophesied about in Revelations 13: 7 to18 he meaning the anti Christ was also permitted to wage war against the Saints God's people and to overcome them and authority and power over every tribe and people and language and Nation all the inhabitants of the earth will fall down and worship Him everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb who has been slain as a willing sacrifice skipping to verse 15 and he is given power to give breath to the image of the Beast so that the image of the Beast will even appear to speak and cause those who do not Bow Down and Worship the image of the Beast to be put to death also he compels all the small and the great the rich and the poor the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand hand or on their forehead signifying allegiance to the Beast and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the Beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let the person who has enough Insight calculate the number of the Beast for it is the imperfect number of a man and his number is 66 6 which is 666 so as you can see in Revelations chap 13 it describes this one world leader the Antichrist who has Authority and Power in the form of a dictatorship over every nation of the world and over all people of the earth and he will try to force every person on Earth to receive a mark which has his name on it which is basically a pledge of allegiance to him worshiping him as God without this Mark you won't be able to buy or sell you won't be able to take part in any business transactions or even buy any food or buy or sell anything because the Mark is combined with the One World digital currency now again as I explain all of this don't be alarmed or have any fear because Abba Father will protect and provide for his people as necessary and he has a plan for his people in the midst of all of this at the moment I am just explaining the enemy's plan so that you can understand all that is unfolding on the world stage today in the New World Order there will not only be a one world government and a one world economy with a one world digital currency but there will also be a one world religion as you just saw described in Revelations 13 where everybody is made to worship this one world leader where most will be deceived into believing that he is the Messiah and the true Son of God but in reality this one world religion will be another version of what is currently Freemasonry the same ancient occultic religion of Bal worship of Egypt and Babylon which worships Lucifer and his son who is the Antichrist that is why all the religions outside of the Bible channel into Freemasonry because eventually they will be United as one under this umbrella so so in the end times there will be the choice between two options to choose to worship Yahweh and have a love relationship with him through his son Yeshua Jesus and to live according to the kingdom principles of his scriptures the word of God or what is called the Bible or the one world religion of the Antichrist so bottom line it is a choice between the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness which is connected to the end time conflict between the two Nations so in summary what I have explained with regards to the fourth seal is in Matthew 24:7 Jesus said Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom the nation against nation is where we see the surgence of the conflict between the nation of Ishmael against the nation of Isaac and the nation of ISU against the nation of Jacob the fourth seal releases the pale green horse that has two figures that are a part of the ryer the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of ISU that come against God's people this war first breaks out in heaven between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan and then it transfers from the Heavenly spiritual realm to the Physical Realm where Satan's kingdom now pursues and persecutes God's people on Earth and I've explained how the vessels he uses to do this is the descendants of Ishmael associated with Islam and the descendants of ISU who I've just explained are the who are associated with the ancient religion of Babylon and Egypt which is Freemasonry today that serves the agenda of the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of Hell to bring in a new world order the rider Called Death of the pale green horse representing the rise of Islam is the descendants of Ishmael associated with with Islam the figure of hell that follows with it is the descendants of ISU the the Freemasons that serve the kingdom of darkness which is literally the kingdom of hell now remember that both the descendants of Ishmael and ISU are hunters and they are connected to a Biblical f which is very important to end time events called Nimrod who is mentioned in Genesis 10:9 which says he was a mighty Hunter before Yahweh that is why it is said like Nimrod a mighty Hunter before Yahweh when you look at the Traditions passed down through Valentine's Day for example cupid is baby Nimrod a hunter carrying his bow could there be a connection between Nimrod and his bow to the first seal in Revelations the seal where we see the White Horse whose Rider is holding a bow we're going to learn about that in detail in a moment but first let's get a bit of background understanding about Nimrod I mentioned in session 10 part 1 that the seven biblical feasts are all about our bridegroom King and Messiah Yeshua Jesus and they lead us to becoming the bride of Christ through leading us to apply AB father's Kingdom ways to our lifestyle the seven feasts of the world are all about the counterfeit the false Messiah who is the Antichrist it is all about Nimrod and the Feast of the world lead to the counterfeit bride the Harlot of Babylon described in Revelations chapter 18 where its Traditions lead people into the ways of Babylon and Egypt Valentine's Day just like Christmas Easter and all the other seven feasts of the world is about nimrod we just saw in Genesis 10:9 that Nimrod was known as a mighty Hunter valentinus was a common Roman name for Mighty coming from the Latin word valin in the ancient Babylonian language the word for heart is B again it's about ball worship a heart is shaped like this the shape of the heart associated with Valentine's Day is not a heart it is symbolic of a woman's reproductive area where she is lying down on her back with her legs open it's the shape of a woman's Vala open symbolic of the occultic Babylon traditions of sexual lust and sexual immorality associated with the celebration of this feast in Jeremiah 10:2 God said not to learn the way of the Heathen and in Deuteronomy 7:26 God said not to bring occultic idols and symbols into your home because it gives the kingdom of darkness a legal right to operate in your life and bring a curse and destruction in your life in the case of the occultic symbol of the heart it opens the door to the evil perverse sexual Spirit of lust and sexual immorality so Valentine's Day is a celebration of nimrod Nimrod physically existed as a man although actually he was a Nephilim which is why he was referred to as mighty because the Nephilim were giants known as the might Mighty Men of old they were The Offspring of Fallen Angels described in Genesis chapter 6 who had unnatural sexual Union with woman to produce a hybrid human race of half demonic and half human DNA and because Nimrod was a Nephilim he was not only Mighty in terms of great physical strength but he had Supernatural knowledge and intelligence coming from the occultic Demonic realm which is how the Demonic principles of the kingdom of Satan were brought back into this world after the flood but I will explain more about Nephilim later on Nimrod was a type and Shadow of the Antichrist in the Book of Revelations and the New World Order the Antichrist brings in so it's important to get some background about Nimrod and nimrod's connection to modern-day Freemasonry because it's necessary in understanding both the first seal and the fourth seal the Book of Revelations is basically a story about two women the faithful woman and the Unfaithful woman which symbolizes the Bride of Yahweh and the of Babylon which is described in Revelations chapter 18 I mentioned earlier that Freemasonry is the modern version of the ancient Pagan religion of Egypt but that originally comes from the ancient occultic religion of Babylon that is why scripture refers to the ways of Satan interchangeably as the ways of Egypt or the ways of Babylon Nimrod was the grandson of Noah he became a great Mesopotamian King who founded the city of Babylon and established the first great Empire after no's flood Nimrod was the architect of many great cities in Mesopotamia and he became the king of Babylon and Assyria you can still see remains of a fortress of n nrod near the golen heights of Israel today Nimrod was the first great postf flood rebel against God Nimrod led the people to build the Tower of Babel that the Bible talks about the building for the European Union for example which is one of the small steps that has progressively led the world towards a new world order is built in a design sign specifically echoing the Tower of Babel in honor of nimrod Nimrod was a type and Shadow of the Antichrist we will see in the end times and nimrod's goal was to turn men away from God by setting up a tyrannical One World Government and setting up a new satanic occultic one world religion this new religion centered around Nimrod and his wife semiramis and eventually evolved into Bal worship from which the Pagan religions of Egypt Persia Greece and Rome eventually developed and the modern day version of this is Freemasonry but although it took on different forms through the different empires of the different centuries it is all still the same ancient occultic satanic religion of Bal worship that is the mystery religion of Babylon spoken about in Revelations chap 18 that will be the same one world religion of the end times that is why Nimrod is considered as one of the founders of Freemasonry because Freemasonry is the same ancient religion of Babylon for example according to the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Nimrod is the man who the Freemason view as the true originator of their order when a person joins Freemasonry one of the first demonic occultic Oaths these initiates have to take that binds them to the kingdom of darkness is the oath of nimrod from the very moment that initi GES take the oath of nimrod Freemasons are plunged into a very powerful dark demonic world based on the ancient Babylonian mystery religion Freemasonry has always very closely identified itself with the first great postf flood rebel against God Nimrod who was a tyrant and a purveyor of false religion El of the religious system which Nimrod helped establish can be found in virtually every major world religion outside of the Bible again that is why all religions outside of the Bible all eventually channel into Freemasonry which is rooted in the Babylon religion of nimrod and the goal in the end is to reunite all these religions which all orig orated from the same Roots under one Banner of the one world religion when Nimrod died he was deified as a sun god which is why the ball worship of Babylon and modern Freemasonry is centered around sun god worship nimrod's wife was deified as the Queen of Heaven renamed ishar from which comes the occultic worldly Feast of Easter she was known as the mother of harlots she was an adulterous and idolatrous woman who gave birth to an illegitimate son called tamus he was born on the 25th of December which is why Christmas is specifically celebrated on this date semiramis or ishar claimed her son TUS was Nimrod reborn she claimed that her son OS had no human father that he was supernaturally conceived and that he was the promised seed the Savior and Messiah promised by God in Genesis 3 verse1 15 this became the foundation of the Unholy Trinity of the mystery Babylon religion in the Bible the Holy Trinity consists of ab father Yahweh his son Yeshua Jesus and the Holy Spirit the counterfeit Trinity of the ancient Babylonian religion is Nimrod instead of ABA father Yahweh his wife semiramis instead of the Holy Spirit and their son tus again a foreshadow of the Antichrist the son of Satan the counterfeit false Messiah this Unholy Trinity takes on different names in different religions today that are outside of the Bible but they are all essentially the same thing as will be shown on three tables on this slide and another two slides following I encourage you to press pause to have a look for a few seconds at the tables on each of these three slides all the holiday traditions in the seven feasts of the world can be directly traced back to ancient Babylon and to Nimrod for example as I mentioned EA comes from the name ishar which is another name for semi Ras the tradition of Easter bunnies and Easter eggs comes from the ancient Pagan religion of Babylon and through all the centuries even up until this day this Feast is celebrated by those in the occult by dipping eggs in the blood of three-month-old babies that are sacrificed in Satanic rituals associated with this Feast as Christians do we honestly want to take part in holiday traditions that are rooted in the occultic religion of Babylon and have our children hunt for Easter eggs in the garden a practice that has such horrific meaning associated with child's sacrifice of course we did this through lack of knowledge because we just accepted these Traditions passed down to us through our generations and we thought that it was all about Jesus but in Deuteronomy 12: 45 God said not to worship him in the ways of the pagans he wants to be worshiped according to his kingdom principles and his ways not according to the ways of Babylon and the kingdom of darkness in Deuteronomy 12:4 to5 God said do not Worship the Lord your God in the way these Pagan peoples worship their gods rather you must seek the Lord your God at the place of worship he himself will choose from among all the tribes the place where his name will be honored but I just mention all of this to show how the occultic traditions of nimrod and the religion of Babylon has permeated every aspect of modern society and was even bought into the traditions of many Christian church denominations by the leaders of those denominations who were Freemasons remember Nimrod Was An Architect who built many great cities also remember I explained earlier that because Nimrod was a Nephilim he had Supernatural knowledge and Intelligence coming from the occultic Demonic realm and the principles of the occultic science taught by nimrod are learned by Freemasons as they go through the degrees of Freemasonry and that is why Freemasons embed many of the principles of the kingdom of darkness and this occultic religion of Babylon and Egypt in the signs and symbols of architecture that is why you find obelisks and other Freemason symbols in the buildings of many influential institutions that are are all under the leadership of Freemasons to give you an example in bucking and Palace you see many typical freemasonic signs and symbols of architecture because yes the members of all royal families worldwide are Freemasons in Freemason architecture as an example of what you typically see is a triangle with on either side like in this picture showing an example at Buckingham Palace and also these triangles above the windows and you can also see it in the White House in America where you see the triangle alternating with a half circle representing sun god worship above the doors and windows start looking around in your own City and and you will see the same freemasonic symbols in the buildings of all political economical and other influential institutions worldwide all run by Freemasons another common Freemason symbol you will see in buildings is the leis Stone which you will find in the middle of an arch for example like here at Buckingham Palace let's zoom in on it this typical pattern with a Le Stone in the middle is symbolic of the Lewis curse that is put on the firstborn son if the son of a Freemason does not walk in the footsteps of his father and also become a Freemason the Lewis curse takes effect on him unless this is broken in Repentance by the blood of Jesus when the Lewis curse falls on the first firstborn son it causes Financial poverty and it prevents him from making a success of anything in life and so this is one of the curses that we deal with when we get to the category of diseases that are caused by occultism but I just mentioned these few examples so that you can see the occultic principles of nimrod in the form of Freemasonry is still very prevalent in our modern world world today once you learn to identify the elements of the ancient Babylonian mystery religion and the signs and symbols of Freemasonry you quickly recognize that they are virtually everywhere in all the different parts of modern society but the main foundational points of understanding I wanted to establish so that we can understand the seals of Revelation is that Nimrod was a type and Shadow of the Antichrist who wanted to bring in a one world order or New World Order consisting of a tyrannical one world government with a one world dictator a one world economy and a one world religion the ancient occultic satanic religion of Babylon that is centered around the ball worship of Lucifer all religions outside of the Bible evolved from this ancient religion of Babylon which is present today in the form of Freemasonry and I explained that all religions outside of the Bible channel into Freemasonry they were all started by Freemasons and are all headed and run by Freemasons and the purpose for this is to eventually unite all these religions into a one world religion as we see The Return of nimrod so to speak in the form of the Antichrist as a one world dictator who in the end times will bring with him a new world order where just like in the days of nimrod he will establish a tyranical One World Government a one world economy and a one world religion the same ancient religion of Babylon that is centered around the Bal worship of Lucifer the return of nimrod in the form of the Antichrist was prophesied about in Revelation 17:8 and 11 it says the Beast was a king Nimrod was a king a king who once was but wasn't at the time of this writing but will come up out of the Abyss again in the end times remember Nimrod was described in Genesis as a hunter and not only in scripture but in all Pagan religions and traditions that stem from Nimrod such as what we saw for example with cupid in Valentine's Day Nimrod is pictured with a bow and arrow this is why we see the rider of the white horse in the first seal with a bow and arrow which is symbolic of the return of the elements of nimrod in terms of the ushering in of the New World Order of the end times that sets the stage for the global population to be enslaved under the tyrannical rule of the Antichrist the one world leader and this new world order is brought in on the pretext of many deceptions surrounding a worldwide plague so now we have enough background understanding to study in detail the first White Horse of the first seal that begins in time events a quick reminder of the four horses that come with the first four seals and the meaning behind them that we saw previously Revelation 6:8 they the four horses were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword which is war famine and plague and by the wild beasts of the earth we saw these horses mentioned in Zechariah 1:8 to10 and Ezekiel 14:21 which described sword famine dangerous animals and plagues we've learned in detail how the fourth seal where the fourth pale green horse of death is released is related to the rise of Islam and the Resurgence of the hunters the descendants of Ishmael and ISU which are symbolically referred to in Scripture as wild beasts or dangerous animals we saw in Revelation 6: 5-6 that the third seal releases the third black horse that is related to famine and we saw in Revelation 6:3 to4 that the second seal releases the second red horse that is related to worldwide war and now we are going to look at the first white horse in detail which is related to worldwide plagues other translations use the words virulent disease or pestilence for plagues scripture shows us that the first destruction which is the first event or first pre-birth Pang that serves as a forerunner to a series of events that are catalysts that eventually lead the world into the time of the Great Tribulation is represented by the White Horse with a rider holding a bow and wearing a crown symbolizing pestilence or plagues or virulent infectious diseases which is basically pandemics which by the way won't just be one pandemic which we've been dealing with between 2019 and 2021 but more so-called pandemics to come given that the White Horse represents plagues or infectious diseases I find it interesting that the word Corona virus in Latin means crown of the serpent Corona virus is a family of viruses that got its name from its appearance that have crownlike thorns on their surface the word virus comes from a Latin word meaning Venom or poisonous secretion from snakes and describes an agent that causes infectious disease plagues in the end times was prophesied in several scriptures to mention one example besides what we've already seen in Zechariah 1:8 Ezekiel 14:21 and Revelations 6 is Revelations 18:4 where God warned his people to come out of the hry of a worldly lifestyle of fleshling and lukewarmness and to come out of the ways of Babylon so that we would not receive or be part of the plagues of Babylon in the end times concerning the crown of this Rider of Revelations and what I just mentioned that the word Corona virus in Latin means crown of the serpent the Latin word Corona also refers to the crown of white light surrounding the sun this is also a prominent freemasonic symbol for example when you see pictures like this it's not Jesus it's somebody who appears like Jesus but is the counterfeit of Jesus it's tamos in the ancient Babylon religion that I just explained that Corona Sun behind his head is the Freemason symbol of the Antichrist who is the serpent in other words the Corona Sun behind his head is a picture of the crown of the serpent it is a reference to the Pagan or satanic sun god worship of Freemasonry which is the modern version of the ancient occultic religion of Egypt and Babylon the White Horse of Revelations chap 6 is different to the White Horse that Jesus will come back on that is described in Revelations 1 and chapter 19 the Greek word for the crown that Jesus wears in Revelations chapter 19 is diadema which is a crown of royalty or crown of a king the Greek text in Revelations 6 reveals that the crown worn by the rider on the White Horse is the Greek word stefanus which is a crown of Victory worn by a military conqueror the rider of the white horse in Revelations chapter 6 is not Jesus this White Horse carries a rider who is a powerful aggressive military conqueror running unrestrained over mankind with his out of control lust for power and whose entire purpose is to conquer the Earth and to dominate and subjugate the people of the earth under the grip of his control he is the One World dictator the chief Son Of Satan who is the Antichrist described in Daniel 8:24 which says he will become very strong but not by his own power he will cause a shocking amount of Destruction and succeed in everything that he does when Jesus comes back on his white horse in Revelations chapter 19 he will be accompanied by Heaven's armies and his worshiping Warrior bride and he will bring a thousand years of Peace on the Earth but the rider on the White Horse that comes before Jesus in Revelations chapter 6 is the Antichrist Satan's demonic false Messiah who initially looks like Jesus but is a counterfeit dressed in a white facade that will come promising World Peace but will in reality bring a global blood bath represented by the red horse of war and he will bring famine starvation and hunger and a shocking amount of death and destruction on the earth which just in the birth pangs represented in the four horses kills a quarter of the Earth's population which is about 2 billion people never mind the buan killed in the time of the actual Great Tribulation he is is The Great Deceiver not Jesus he is the mighty Hunter Nimrod who holds a bow in his hand that shoots arrows which I'm going to show you in a moment represents the lies and deception of the devil the bow that the rider of the White Horse carries with it symbolizes the destruction that comes on the earth that is bought by the enemy but which is allowed by God as an instrument of his judgment on the earth for Rebellion against him and people's refusal to repent a bow is also frequently used throughout scripture as a symbol of God's judgment six scripture references as an example are shown on the screen although there are many more I'll read three of them as an example Psalm 7:12 says if one does not repent God will sharpen his sword he has bent and strung his bow in Jeremiah 50:14 it says yes prepare to attack Babylon all you surrounding Nations let your archers shoot at her and spare no arrows for she has sinned against the Lord Jeremiah 50:29 says summon archers against Babylon all those who draw the bow encamp around her let no one Escape repay her for her Deeds do to her to her as she has done for she has defiled the Lord the Holy One of Israel so the bow represents destruction that is brought by the enemy but which is allowed by God as an in instrument of God's judgment and the arrows that are shot from the bow represents lies and deception for example 2 Thessalonians 2:1-11 says because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them for this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie the Greek word word for powerful delusion means deceiver or impostor he is the false counterfeit Messiah a deceiver and impostor that brings with him lies and deception bow shoots arrows which is symbolic of thoughts words ideas or concepts that lead to believing something that is like rise and deception of the enemy and the kingdom of darkness six scripture references as an example of this are shown on the screen although there are many more you can pause to read the scriptures if you want to I will just read the first two as an example Jeremiah chapter 9:3 and verse 8 says they bend their tongues like bows lies Prevail over truth in the land for they proceed from Evil to evil and they do not take me into account declares the Lord and in verse 8 it says for their tongues shoot lies like poisoned arrows they speak friendly words to their neighbors while scheming in their heart to kill them Ephesians 6:12 says that that we don't war against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness and it describes the armor of God that we must wear including the shield of Faith to block the fiery dots and arrows of the enemy which again represents the poisonous lies and deceptions of the devil Ephesians 6:1 16-17 says in addition to all of this take up the shield of Faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God the word of God which is the truth is represented in scripture as the sword of the spirit as we see for example in Ephesians 6:17 and also in Hebrews 4:12 when Jesus comes back on his white horse as described in Revelations chapter 19 he is holding a sword which symbolizes the word of God which is the truth but the writer in Revelations chapter 6 carries a bow that shoots arrows which represents a counterfeit truth or a false gospel and lies and deception explaining the meaning of the symbolism in The Book of Revelations is very tricky Waters and can seem highly speculative which is why it's important as I mentioned before to use scripture to interpret scripture in order to discover the accurate understanding and meaning of it the key to decode the mystery of the meanings of the four horses and the first four seals of Revelations and the destructive events that they represent was also given by Jesus himself to his disciples on the Mount of Olives when he spoke about the end times this is described in Matthew chap 24 Mark 13 and Luke chap 21 in Matthew 24: 3-9 it says while Jesus was Seated on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately and said tell us when will this destruction of the temple take place and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age Jesus answered be careful that no one misleads you deceiving you and leading you into error for many will come in my name misusing it and appropriating the strength of the name which belongs to me saying I am the Christ the Messiah the anointed and they will mislead many here is the first White Horse which represents false christs or false Messiah and deception carrying on with verse six you will continually hear of wars and rumors of wars here is the second red horse of War which is the second seal see that you are not frightened in other words don't go into fear over these things for these things must take place but that is not yet the End of the Age there will be famines and earthquakes in various places now that phrase various places and the way that this whole passage is written is not properly translated or should I say is too Loosely translated so much so that you miss the meaning of what it is saying because it sounds like it's just talking about wars in general and famines in general and earthquakes in general those words various places in the original Greek is K tupos which means according to places or according to the passages in other words according to what has been written or prophesied about in various places in Scripture it is referring to the Great War and the Great Famine and the great earthquake in the end times that was specifically prophesied about in various places in scripture this this earthquake is a massive worldwide Global Mega earthquake that takes place at The Sixth Seal which I will explain in detail in a later part of session 10 but here Jesus mentions the third black horse of the great end time famine in Matthew 24:7 Jesus goes on to say for nation Will Rise Against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and now you can see the context of what I went into detail about earlier about the fourth seal and the fourth pale green horse with two figures that are a part of its Rider Kingdom will rise against Kingdom the kingdom of darkness against the Kingdom of Light the kingdom of Satan against the kingdom of God Nation will rise against Nation this is the Epic end time conflict between the nation of Ishmael against the nation of Isaac the nation of ISU against the nation of Jacob the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of ISU that come against God's people who are the descendants of Isaac and Jacob which is the 12 tribes of Israel that consist of the Jewish people of Israel which come from the tribes of Benjamin and Judah and the Christians from the other 10 tribes in the Gentile Nations the descendants of Ishmael are associated with Islam symbolized in the pale green color of the fourth horse and the descendants of ISU who are the who are associated with Freemasonry the ancient religion of nimrod and Bab on that serves the agenda of the kingdom of darkness regarding the end time New World Order of the Antichrist these are the two figures of death and Hell of the fourth pale green horse after mentioning the four horses of Revelations Jesus carries on to say in Matthew 24:8 but all these things are merely the beginning of the birth pangs of the Intolerable anguish and the time of unprecedented trouble so again looking at the context of Matthew 24 Jesus was not talking about wars in general and famines in general and earthquakes in general he was specifically mentioning and referring to events that were prophesied in Scripture that take place in the end times that leads up to the time of the Great Tribulation which is described here as the time of Intolerable anguish and the time of unprecedented trouble so there we see the series of destructive events represented by the four horses and four seals of Revelations listed by Jesus himself which he explained are part of the birth pangs that eventually lead the world into the time of the Great Tribulation in this chapter He also mentioned the fifth sixth and seventh seal which sets off the seven trumpets of Revelations which includes his second return but I will explain that in depth in later videos of session 10 the same account is given in Mark 3 13 and in Luke chap 21 where Jesus mentions false christs or false Messiah and great deception where many are deceived the White Horse wars and rumors of wars the red horse famine the Black Horse and Nation Rising against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom the pale green horse but in extra detail we also see is mention of the worldwide infections deadly and devastating pestilences plagues and epidemics which the White Horse represents which was also mentioned in Ezekiel 14: 21 so in summary the White Horse and its Rider has the symbols of the color white the crown the bow that shoots arrows and its purpose to conquer the crown is that of a military conqueror the One World dictator the chief Son Of Satan the crown of the serpent crown of the serpent in Latin which is the language of modern day medicine can be translated as Corona virus which is an interesting possible correlation although there will be more much were so-called pandemics associated with this White Horse soon to come the white is a false piece brought by a deceiver who initially appears like the Lamb of God but is not he is the false Messiah whose white facade is deceptive concealing a deadly demonic purpose to kill and subdue he is the one who commences and ultimately causes the beginning of Sorrows described by Jesus in Matthew 24:8 which is the Great Tribulation this Rider brings with him the bow representing destruction that comes on the earth that is brought by the enemy but which is allowed by God as an instrument of his judgment on the earth for Rebellion against him and the arrows represents the poison of lies and a lot of deception of the kingdom of darkness that comes with this first White Horse representing deadly and devastating plagues worldwide infectious diseases pestilences and pandemics which serves the purpose of the ultimate goal to conquer to bring the world population under the total control domination and Rule of the Antichrist Christ I took the time to explain all of this to establish a foundation of understanding from all of these scriptures put together that the first event of a series of events to follow which are the pre-birth pangs and birth pangs that eventually lead the world into the Great Tribulation is plagues worldwide infectious diseases and pandemics which has a lot of lies and deception from the kingdom of darkness that comes with it and which serves the ultimate purpose of bringing the world population under the control dictatorship and Rule of the Antichrist where they are programmed by deception to submit to him having said all of that there has been several worldwide plagues in the the past for example about 2/3 of the population was wiped out in 430 BC by a pandemic that was likely to be typhoid fever there was another widespread plague in 165 ad there was a plague that kept recurring over three centuries between 250 ad and 444 ad from 541 ad there was the spread of the Bubonic plague that killed 26% of the world's population which was about 50 million people and at that time many thought that that was the apocalyptic end times of Revelations leprosy became a pandemic in the 11th century there was the Black Death Bubonic plague in 1350 that killed a third of the world's population at that time there was another one in 1492 the Great Plague of London in 1665 the chera pandemic of 1817 a measles pandemic in 1875 the Russian flu of 1889 the Spanish Flu of 1918 the HIV aids pandemic that started around 1981 and the SARS virus of 2003 so there has been many worldwide plagues in history but what is different about this one we are currently dealing with that started in 2019 this could Fade Out like all the others and life in the world carries on as normal but I think most agree that that is not a likely possibility what makes this current worldwide plague a serious possibility to consider as a highly probable correlation with the first White Horse of Revelations what sets this particular worldwide plague apart from the others in history is the fact that this particular worldwide plague and the many deceptions surrounding it are being HED to bring in measures to subdue the global population under the new world order or one world order which sets the stage for the tyrannical rule of the one world leader who is the Antichrist that's why I previously went into all that detail about Nimrod and how this false Messiah an antichrist Rider of the first White Horse with a bow and arrow is linked to Nimrod and a one world order or New World Order where you have a one world government a one world economy and eventually a one world religion which is the same ancient religion of Bal worship from Babylon and Egypt now how are these measures towards a one world order on the pretext of this worldwide plague currently being brought in laws are rapidly being brought in by governments worldwide the majority of whose leaders are all Freemasons to enforce vaccine passports otherwise known as the green Pass Health pass or immunity passport this is a major step towards putting the structures in place for the mark of the beast we read about in Revelations 3 13 without which you cannot buy or sell or participate in any business transactions or any aspect of society let's have a look at Revelations 13: 16 to 17 Again also he compels all the small and the great the rich and the poor the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on on their right hand or on their forehead signifying allegiance to the Beast and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the Beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let the person who has enough Insight calculate the number of the Beast for it is the imperfect number of a man and his number is 666 which is 666 laws are rapidly being brought in by governments worldwide the majority of whose leaders are all Freemasons to enforce vaccine passports which means a person will not be able to go anywhere without proof of having the vaccine in March 20120 emergency laws were passed in Denmark stating that without the vaccine a person will not be allowed to travel work go to any public areas including grocery stores or buy or sell in any form and even risk going to prison and as you can now see these same laws are rapidly coming into effect worldwide vaccines delivered by a needle and syringe will soon be replaced by a patch device that looks looks a bit like a plaster or Band-Aid that has micro needles that can deliver the contents of the vaccine into the body the full name for this is the human implantable quantum dot Micron needle vaccine delivery system this Band-Aid device has tiny micro needles that are referred to as Tiny fangs that were developed after to studying the fangs of a viper snake one key ingredient in the vaccines that these small snake fangs in the quantum dot micro needles will administer to the body is called luciferase a form of nanotechnology aptly named given the satanic agenda behind all the occultic science involved in this luciferase is a unique chemical where it is a near infrared bioluminescence enzyme which is a type of Mark on a person that you cannot feel or see with the naked eye it travels throughout your bloodstream it is trackable and photo receptive where it lights up on your skin and will be able to be seen through a special mobile device app on smartphones and will for example be used at checkpoints such as when traveling through an airport or before entering a grocery store shop or business and it will have a unique pattern for each individual formed by the quantum do die like a barcode this will serve as a digital certificate that will carry the person's vaccine history and eventually you won't be able to buy or sell or go into any public spaces or participate in any aspects of society without it all in the name of Public Safety many Global organizations that exist for the purpose are progressively moving the world into a one world order such as the global EC economic forum and United Nations on their websites describe their intention for a digital ID to be provided for every person on the planet it would be a worthwhile investment of time to go have a look at the United Nations sustainable development goals where this is stated note that these immunity passports will ultimately not be a physical paper document all the information will be digitally stored in the person's body in a human implantable device steps towards the mark of the beast is progressing at a rapidly accelerating rate as this immunity passport not only has proof of vaccination but will be combined with a digital identification mark and human implantable device for buying and selling cryptocurrency which is where the One World economy with a one world digital currency will eventually come in so in summary the coming immunity passport will have three components proof of vaccination which the enzyme luciferase provides a digital ID and and a digital currency through what is called blockchain technology this immunity passport will contain all of that person's personal information for example their name id address where they live Etc their medical history their financial information and absolutely everything about them in a moment I'm going to explain where this is all leading but first I would like to explain how inaccurate the PCR tests that have been used to diagnose a person with Co really are and why you cannot draw any genuine medical conclusions from them PCR stands for polymerase Chain Reaction the principle of how it is supposed to work is that a virus is isolated and the DNA it contains is supposedly identified I use the word supposedly because there are no medical studies that I am aware of at least that have shown proof of properly isolating a virus so I have a lot of personal doubts surrounding this but I don't have the time to get into that in detail once the genetic sequence of the vir virus has been supposedly identified a PCR test is performed by taking a sample of the person's body fluids such as saliva from the mucosa of their mouth or from their nasal passage and the DNA in that sample is then multiplied or replicated in a laboratory and then studied to see if it contains the genetic sequence of the virus to use an analogy to help those with no medical background to understand say that the components of the genetic sequence of the virus is like words that make up a sentence and the PCR test looks for the presence of any word combinations in that sentence such as and the however but so then and if any of those word combinations within that sentence are detected that test is considered as positive the problem is that those words are not unique to only that sentence you can find those same words of that sentence in many other articles magazines books or information on the internet in the same way the sections of DNA that are supposedly in the virus that cause a PCR test to be positive can be found in the genetic makeup of just about everybody for example the genetic waste material called exosomes that are released from a body cell when a person is stressed or exhausted or when they are sick with other infections or for many other reasons and for this reason the PCR test was never accepted as a gold standard test in medicine before and I believe this has been a tool to bring a lot of deception surrounding this pandemic especially in the beginning to push up the numbers of supposed confirmed Co cases now let's have a look at where this is all leading to when many Christians think of the mark of the beast in the end times they imagine an RFID microchip for example the size of a grain of rice being inserted into a person's hand or head no no medical technology has advanced far beyond that that is misinformation to throw people off to be specific the medical technology that exists today is literally 1 million times more advanced than micro technology medical technology is far more advanced than most most of the general public and even doctors in normal mainstream medicine are aware of we are now in the era of nanot Technology Nano particles nanorobots Nano dust and smart dust and the fusing of technology and biology known as synthetic biology and this is where transhumanism comes in the UK Government website sums it up like this the fourth Industrial Revolution is of a scale speed and complexity that is unprecedented it is characterized by the fusion of Technologies such as artificial intelligence human gene editing and advanced robotics that is blurring the lines between the physical digital and biological worlds these same statements were made in the world economic Forum to emphasize the point of how advanced science is when it comes to nanotechnology if you divide 1 mm by 1 million that is the size of a nanometer and the scale in which these highly sophisticated Micro Devices operate imagine how sophisticated and advanced Science and Technology must be to build nanor robots and devices the size of 1 millionth of a millimeter funded by the bull Gates Foundation researchers at the John Hopkins University have engineered a tiny star-shaped machine the size of a spec of dust called a thermal grip it was inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into the hosts intestines or blood brain barrier these Micro Devices can latch onto mucosa and release drugs poisons or even nanoparticles into the human body this brings me to the point that without most of the general Public's knowledge or consent various forms of nanotechnology can be introduced into a person's body through the vaccines as well as through the testing especially the nasal test swabs the politicians and media say that this virus and its variants are so infectious that it can be spread through the air even just by speaking with a pathogen so highly cont ages as they claim surely one would just need to swab the saliva on mucus membranes in your mouth like they've done in the past for DNA tests so why then are nasal swabs used that are put so deep up your nasal passage at the top of your nasal passage you have what is called a c form plate that separates your brain from the nasal cavity the kifor plate is made of a soft porous piece of bone which means that it has small holes in the bone which provides the easiest access for substances to cross the bloodb brain barrier into your brain and bloodstream this also has some interesting ties to Babylon and Egypt from which I was explaining will come the same one world religion of the New World Order in the in time times sticking an object up a person's nose was a form of punishment for slaves in Egypt where various toxic substances were introduced and they suffered from entis among other problems nasal test swabs can also be used as a method of vaccinating people without their knowledge or consent this is a quote quote from the abstract of an article that is titled nanop particles for nasal vaccination among other mucosal sites nasal delivery is especially attractive for immunization as the nasal epithelium is characterized by relatively High permeability low enzymatic activity and by the presence of an important number of immunocompetent cells in addition to these advantageous characteristics the nasal root could offer simplified and more cost effective protocols for vaccination with improved patient compliance the use of nanocarriers provides a suitable way for the nasal delivery of antigenic molecules the Deep nasal test swabs are far more than a supposed test they are a multi-purpose trans humanism technology and along with the vaccines can be used to introduce various forms of nanot technology nanop particles and smart dust into the body as well as possibly the bioengineered weaponized virus through the cior plate across the bloodb brain barrier into your brain and bloodstream these tiny smart dust particles have GPS capabilities ities for example they have a magnetic sensor to track Direction they have an accelerometer to track speed a light intensity sensor humidity sensor pressure sensor a temperature sensor and in short are able to record every detail of the biometric data of your body for example how fast your heart is beating the level of your blood pressure the release and level of each type of hormone and chemical in your body A woman's menstrual cycle if she falls pregnant the sex of the baby when you are having sex Etc there would literally be no more privacy they will know absolutely everything about you these nanop particles introduced into the body will transmit all of the starter of your body through Wireless Wi-Fi to the soon coming 5 G and 6G smart grid internet of things in the cloud literally hooking up its human biological host to its smart grid tracking system the ultimate purpose of this digital surveillance being to track Monitor and totally and completely control not only all resources on Earth but every body cell of every human being on the planet right from the level of the DNA not only does the nanotechnology powered by AI have the ability to record all the biometric data of the human body but also to affect change interfere with adjust and control it for example to affect the rate at which your heart beats the level of your blood pressure the amount of insulin released from your pancreas as well as every other chemical and hormone in the body the neurological flow in your brain which affects your ability to think and the levels of your hormones which affects your emotions if the soul is your mind will and emotions it will eventually not only completely control your body but also your soul Global mental illness depression anxiety disorders aggression violence insanity and suicide will be at an alltime high more than ever seen in history before coming back to the immunity passport which consists of the three key components of proof of vaccination a digital identification Mark and a digital currency which I was explaining is a key stepping stone to the New World Order many different transhumanism patents had already been filed years before this current worldwide pandemic of Co was ever heard of by the general public and that in itself should set off warning bells in your mind related to the fact that this whole thing has been pre-planned and purposefully orchestrated if all that I've just shared about the introduction of nanotechnology to the body such as smart dust through which all a person's biometric data is measured and recorded is just a conspiracy theory then why would these important patents have been filed such as the Microsoft patent from March 2020 which whose number is shown on the screen and its World patent with the patent number w2020 06 06 06 note the three sixes those who think that this is just a coincidence don't know much about Freemasonry just like every detail in yahweh's Kingdom and in his word has intentional meaning and significance so everything in the in the occult and kingdom of darkness has significance to number numbers dates symbolism and the way everything they do is done so the 666 number of this patent is no coincidence it is part of the Beast system progressively leading the world into the new world order this patent is for a cryptocurrency system using body activity data to read from it human body AC AC ity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a crypto currency system a server May provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server a sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user the cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified now what does this practically mean while in the coming new world order dominated by a one world government and One World Currency absolutely every aspect of life will be connected to the previously mentioned smart grid internet of things for example water electricity transport and travel all business and economic transactions Etc will work through this allowing complete control of all resources and every aspect of society in this cashless Society if a person wants to get paid the digital cryptocurrency salary they will have to do whatever they are told to do and the nanoparticle devices in their body surveilling them will check that they've actually done it here is a hypothetical example of how it would work the government allseeing AI which stands for artificial intelligence instructs you to go to a specific building and clean the toilets all day and you will get paid whatever non-negotiable amount of digital cryptocurrency credits that they decide into your bank account if you don't do it because well you don't want to be a toilet cleaner this will be detected by the nanom smart sensors inside your body which are broadcasting your every location movement and biometric data of your body back to the government AI through the wireless 5G sensor interfaces your social credit score will be lowered to restrict all allowed activities in society and limit all travel possibilities and you will not get paid any digital currency credit into your account as a consequence for failing to complete the task that you were told to do in the New World Order you won't be able to choose anything for your life what clothes you wear what you eat or choose what you want to do for a job all of that will be allocated to you and remember the Devil is a slave driver there's no adequate rest in sleep at night or a Sabbath day of rest which is a blessing that God's people enjoy the Devil is a slave driver that will work people into the ground this reminds me of Revelations 14:11 which says and the smoke of the torment will rise forever and ever there will be no rest day or night for those who worship the Beast and its image or for anyone who receives the mark of its name that's not only talking about eternity but also how life will be for people on earth is this the type of life which is a literal living hell really worth buying into most people would rather die than live in the hell on Earth that this technology takes you into in the New World Order but eventually people won't even have the luxury of the personal choice to commit suicide because their bodies are controlled through nanotechnology by an outside Source Revelations 9:6 prophesies of the time of the New World Order In the End days where it says during those days people will seek death but will not find it they will long to die but death will elude them just out of Interest I would like to show you a two-minute clip from a popular children's cartoon which is programming kids for the soon cominging New World Order and the human implantable devices and technology that I've just told you about this is a very accurate depiction of the near future take a special note of how when they switch on the New World Order system it affects people's thinking and literally turns them into walking robots arter city is stunned by the sudden roll out of Rook unlimited's most fantastic device ever the smart Mark throw your other devices away because the smart Mark is more than just a phone it's part of you use it as cash book your travel and even shoot video distribution points are all over the city and don't let the lines discourage you The Rook unlimited smart Mark is worth the wait I never realized how wonderful technology could make me feel the smart Mark has brought order to my life and the best part it's absolutely free a gift of thanks to our city for Rook [Applause] unlimited 23% of the population has been given the smart Mark number one time to test our system number six the flex Fighters are out there somewhere teaming up with Jonathan Rook let's put our new recruits to work subtly we should find the flex Fighters I ought to find the flex fighs we should find should find the growing up in this city the streets of Oldtown I saw the worst mankind had to offer chaos disorder I vowed to make it all change to make it all better all these years working in secret rising up the ranks of the tech men it was all leading to this day order has finally been established in Chara City no child will have to fear for their safety again the people owe you the greatest of debts number one for liberating them from the chaos of their lives this is where the immunity passport brought in on the pretext of this worldwide plague is eventually taking the global population with without this immunity passport eventually in the very near future people will not be able to buy or sell the Bible tells us how to recognize the mark of the beast when it gets to the point where the entire global population cannot buy or sell without having a certain thing implanted in their bodies that thing then meets the criteria of the mark of the beast described in Revelations 13: 16- 17 in 2021 we are not there yet but you can see how it certainly does appear that we are witnessing the mark of the beast system described in Revelations 13 being rapidly assembled right in front of us in preparation for the kingdom of the Antichrist which is a new world order that consists of a one world government and one world economic currency which aims to completely Dominate and control every person on Earth at the moment whenever you enter a shop or business Etc your arm or hand or forehead is scanned by a machine that measures your temperature this is merely a very effective mind control programming exercise getting people used to their heads or hands being scanned whenever you enter a business restaurant or public space currently when you enter a shop or business it says no mask no service this is merely PR preparation for no Mark no service so now you can see the Practical relevance of the meaning and symbolism of the first White Horse of Revelations in terms of how this specific worldwide plague and pandemic and all the deception associated with it serves as a pretext to Institute measures that bring brings in the New World Order of nrod that eventually subjugates the global population under the tyrannical Rule and dictatorship of the Antichrist with his One World Government One World economy with a one world digital currency and eventually one world religion and now you can see where we are in history we are most likely at the time of the first White Horse of Revelations and understanding the four horses of Revelations gives us a road map to understanding what is happening in world events around us on the news in time to come we'll start hearing about the next red horse of worldwide war but remember when Jesus spoke of the four horses of Revelations in Matthew 24 he said do not fear and so I will be bringing this message into balance in a continuation of this video where I will share some encouragement to edify and strengthen us and I will share some Kingdom keys that Abba Father has given us to walk through the difficult times ahead with peace joy and fearless faith when Jesus described the four horses and Seven Seals of Revelations in Matthew 24 which includes the Rapture and his second return in verse 34 he said I assure you and most solemnly say to you this generation the people people living when these signs and events begin will not pass away until all these things take place if this is indeed the first White Horse of Revelations which as you can see is highly plausible then that is exciting because it means that we are the generation that gets to witness and experience the the Rapture and the triumphant second return of Jesus Jesus said in Luke 21:28 now when these things begin to occur stand tall and lift up your heads in Joy because suffering ends as your Redemption is Drawing Near That Word redemption in the scripture is the Greek word parasa which refers to the Rapture when Jesus comes to fetch his bride in other words all that is taking place is signs to say that Jesus is coming is literally very very soon ladies and gentlemen while 666 is arriving flight 777 is preparing for taking last night I heard the Rapture trumpet in my dream uh it shocked me and I woke up immediately and at least I had enough wits about me to lean over and grab my computer and haphazardly sing the two notes that I had heard in the uh dream I am a musician and uh I was able to sing the notes into my recorder later on during the day I came downstairs and I searched for a sound that was very similar on my synthesizers and my Samplers and Etc keyboards and I found something very similar to the sound and it is the exact notes that I heard in the dream the two notes that I heard in the dream ironically the two notes work as an interval of a seventh and we know how highly regarded number seven is within the Bible here is the sound I heard as best as I can duplicate [Music] it actually the two notes were D to C so that's the interval of a seventh so it goes from d e f g a b c that's seven letters I was so excited to hear that and so glad I heard that and once again there is no coincidence and I am I am serious as a heart attack when I got this file recorded onto my computer and transferred over to the computer while I have to make the video file I looked up and the time was 1:11 in the morning another little confirmation at least from me now right after I had heard that that uh trumpet sound in my dream I went and immediately back to sleep cuz I was very tired I'm amazed I even was able to grab my recorder but I think it was because I was so excited that I just had to do that um I had another dream right on top of that and that dream was also very short but here's what was so so different about that dream um I was in my living room and I was doing something with a guest on the floor here and uh all of a sudden there was a lot of commotion going on outside in the air and it seemed like there was stuff on my roof and and uh we were all frightened on the inside um I kept my cool and all I knew is I had to get ready I had to get ready quickly we had to get ready everybody get ready that's all that's all I it was impressed upon me is Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get ready now that dream was so intense that I woke up and my heart was beaten like a rabbit I mean it was boom boom boom boom boom and I I was like wow was I having heart attack during my dream but it was just so physical so emotional I have not dreamt like that since I was a kid I mean wow I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest there was so much excitement going on so many thoughts going through my head in that dream it was so vivid and so colorful and and uh whatever it is I I think the only the only message I can get when from that is is be be prepared be prepared get ready it's quick it's very quick I mean to hear the Rapture trumpets and then have and then go right back to sleep and have that kind of a dream and wake up and have my heart pounding like that wow he's coming soon Jesus is coming soon people ah that was so intense I had to share this I mean there was no praying about this this was like I will pray about it most definitely and I have but wow I mean I'm not kidding you not one bit hang in brothers and sisters words of encouragement he is coming whilst anticipating Jesus's return is very exciting this also means that time is very very short and it emphasiz IES the urgency and importance of making sure that we are ready for his return which is why in session 10 part two I went into extensive detail to explain what it practically means to be ready and it also means that we need to be alert to the fact that we are in the days of great deception remember remember a huge part of the symbolism of the first White Horse is that it comes with great deception and its Rider is The Great Deceiver in Matthew chap 24 where Jesus spoke about all these things related to the end times one thing he spoke about in verse 24 was the fact that in the end times it would be days where the there is great deception in the earth and where even the very elect which is great Christian leaders will be deceived if possible with the very serious result that they will lead many of God's people that they are shepherding into deception as well what I am noticing today is that people's lives are more busy than ever before at a time that we should be spending more time than ever before in ABA father's presence because it is such a serious time in history where all that was prophesied in The Book of Revelations is beginning to unfold before our very eyes and we need to be walking very very close with him one of the greatest mistakes that especially Christian leaders in Ministry make is that they get so busy doing things for God in their Ministries that they spend less and less time with him personally and the reason that it is such a strategic tactic of the enemy to keep not only Christian leaders but all people so busy and so distracted in these times is because without noticing it they start drifting further and further away from Abba Father as they spend less and less time with him in his presence and in his word and don't even realize that they are hearing his voice less and less and the result is that they are not walking in a spirit of discernment and as a result they are vulnerable to falling into the great deceptions of the end times and you know the scary and sobering thing about being in deception is that we don't even realize that we are deceived and that is why we need to earnestly seek ABA father in this time and stay close to him by spending lots of time with him and something we must pray about on a regular basis is for the Holy Spirit to give us discernment so that we don't fall into the deception of this hour there will be several deceptions that come upon and grip the whole earth increasing in severity or depths of deception that will deceive the majority of people on the Earth the first layer of great deception that is already here which is connected to this White Horse of plagues and pandemics was also prophesied about in Revelations 18:23 which said by sorceries were all nations deceived that word sorcery comes from the Greek word phakia which means Pharmacy or dispenser of medicine or a drug or poison in other words according to the Book of Revelations one of the great deceptions that would deceive the nations of the Earth in the end times is pharmaceutical deceptions that have been bought in under the pretext of a worldwide plague or infectious disease that the first White Horse of Revelations represents which people are currently being greatly pressured to receive and is being delivered by syring and needle although as I explained earlier the way it will be delivered will be changed in time 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a great Falling Away first and the man of sin be revealed the son of pedition 2 Thessalonians 2:3 prophesies about a great falling away that will take place before the son of pedition and man of sin which is other scriptural names for the Antichrist comes onto the world stage in the end times the Greek word for great falling away that is used here is apostasia which means falling away from truth into deception the great falling away is where people will lose interest in a relationship with God and his word and fall into deception which ultimately results in them accepting the mark of the beast and worshiping the Antichrist eventually believing the ultimate lion deception that he is the Messiah let's have a look at the possible connections between the pharmaceutical deceptions on offer and how it is contributing to the beginnings of the great falling away that we are currently starting to witness we have certain genes that are related to a person's ability to seek out spiritual truths or spiritual experiences and to grow spiritually this is basically the wiring in our creation where God built into us the desire to know him to seek him out and to have a relationship with him suppressing or altering these genes through Medical Technology basically achiev snuffing out spiritual Pursuit where it stunts a person's ability to connect spiritually with God and to have an intimate love relationship with him and it permanently stunts their soul development in terms of their ability to renew their mind in short it deadens the person spiritually and it deadens their soul a man called Rudolph stainer who himself was deep into the occult spoke more than a hundred years ago about the agenda of occultic medical scientists who are Freemasons and who serve the agenda of Freemasonry to use medicine to eliminate the soul and a person's capacity for Spiritual Pursuit these are his words in the future we will eliminate the soul with medicine under the pretext of a health point of view there will will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible after birth so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of Soul and Spirit to materialistic doctors will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity as today people are vaccinated against this disease and that disease so in the future children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced prec precisely in such a way that people thanks to this vaccination will be immune to being subjected to The Madness of spiritual life he would be eternally smart but would not develop a conscience and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles I would like to rather call it a cultic circles with such a vaccine you can easily make the etheric spiritual body loose from the physical body once the etheric spiritual body is detached the relationship between the universe and the etheric spiritual body would become extremely unstable and a man would become an automation like a physical robot so through the vaccine man becomes materialistic in Constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual how you will see the effects of a person being deadened spiritually and deadened in their soul through this medical technology being manifested for example in Christian leaders and pastors is that their sermons will become more and more spiritually empty and D as will many people sitting in many churches who will not even realize how spiritually dead they have all become and eventually it can result in people completely falling away from God the great falling away prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 which sets the stage for the arrival of the Antichrist who is the man of sin or the son of predition referred to in the scripture also called the son of lawlessness in the Book of Revelations please listen carefully to this important point that I am about to say by the time that the Antichrist arrives on the world stage most people in the world will already be programmed to worship Him programmed spiritually programmed in their soul and programmed in their body right from the level of their DNA now is this current vaccine in 2021 the mark of the beast platform of the pretext of this pandemic and please realize that it's not going to stop at two or three doses of this current vaccine the population will be progressively told that they have to receive more and more doses firstly on the pretext of different variants of the virus and secondly on the pretext of more so-called pandemics please realize that this Co pandemic is just the beginning it is highly likely that there are going to be several so-called pandemics I'm still to explain some of the medical detail of the life-threatening effects and complications of these vaccines on the body which God willing I will do in a later part of session 10 hundreds of thousands of people have already died or been severely maimed by these vaccines but when the complications of the vaccine start to take widespread effect it is designed to look like another pandemic time will tell exactly what future pandemics will unfold but just as a possible example it is well known by now that the vaccines have significant effects on the ability of the blood to clot where it causes both blood clot ing as well as Hemorrhage where a person bleeds and through the media which is a Major Tool in the enemy's hand to spread deception the general public can be led to believe that this is another pandemic of for example a virus causing a severe viral hemorragic fever whatever virus that ends up being described as the point is the complications of the vaccines will be designed to to look like another pandemic which will then serve as a pretext to enforce more vaccines on the global population and if you think you've seen panic and fear with Co that is nothing compared to what is coming but please remember as terrifying as it will look that everything surrounding this is a smoke screen and nothing is as it seems in terms of what initially meets the eye remember that the multiple plagues of the first White Horse of Revelations that enables the new world order to be brought in is clouded with deception but the main point for now is to emphasize that there will be multiple Doses and multiple vaccines Each of which will progressively be setting up the Beast system until until eventually it is the literal mark of the beast and again we will know when we are there when the entire global population cannot buy or sell without it but one of the main things these vaccines and the ones leading up to it are accomplishing is through a progressive process of steps and stages it is programming people in Spirit soul and body to get to the place where they will be willing and ready to receive the mark of the beast when it comes Jesus also spoke about this great falling away that would take place when he spoke about the end times in Matthew 24:10 to11 we he said at that time many will be offended and repelled by their association with me and will fall away from the one whom they should trust and will betray one another handing over Believers to their persecutors and will hate one another many false prophets will appear and mislead many because lawlessness is increased the love of most will grow cold I would like to explain some more about the statement Jesus made in this last sentence about the great falling way where the love of most for God will grow cold because lawlessness will be increased and again show you how this is linked to the DNA modifications through medical technology and pharmaceutical deceptions of the end times through what is called crisper technology and other various forms of advanced nanotechnology entire genes can be pressed deleted and replaced with synthetic ones Genesis 1:27 says that God created man in His image and Psalm 139 which describes the formation of a baby in the womb explains that the information of his creation on a physical level is encoded in our DNA and of course we know that to be true in medical science through Medical Technology people's DNA will be progressively altered to such an extent that theoretically you couldn't consider that person fully human anymore and ultimately that is what Satan wants to achieve removing the image of God from the face of the Earth right from the level of our DNA and I spoke about this this in more detail in the last 35 minutes of Session 8 part 3 which I very strongly recommend that you watch if you haven't already it's also freely available on YouTube in Matthew 24:37 Jesus said that in the end times it would be just like it was as in the days of Noah now this has many spiritual parallels and meaning one of which is that in the days of Noah the DNA of mankind had been defiled altered and polluted by Nephilim which is described in Genesis chapter 6 and as I mentioned earlier this was where demonic Fallen Angels had unnatural sexual Union with women to produce Nephilim which were a hybrid human race consisting of partly demonic and partly human DNA examples of this that we see in the Bible is the Giants with Supernatural human strength such as the Giant Goliath that David killed and the Giants described in Numbers Chapter 13 that the Israelites saw when they first came into the promised land Satan's agenda with the Nephilim at that time was to attempt to defile the DNA of the whole human race so that there would be no genetically pure bloodline left through which Jesus could be born and in that way stop his first coming so one thing about Noah and his family is that they were the only genetically Pure or fully human people left on the earth as a righteous Remnant and we are about to see history repeating itself where the only genetically pure people left on Earth will be a righteous remnant of yahweh's people his bride in the days of Noah described in Genesis 6: 11-2 people had lost the capacity to do good they only had the ability left to think and do evil and the Earth was covered with wickedness violence depravity evil and darkness from a medical perspective that was because mankind had been so perverted and altered and programmed according to the kingdom of darkness right from the level of their DNA because of the genetic altering of their DNA through the Nephilim the information and image of God had been erased from the DNA and replaced with demonic DNA of the Nephilim which holds the information of the kingdom of darkness and the image of the serpent so the image of God was replaced by the image of the serpent by suppressing or deleting certain genes and changing the information in the DNA you can influence a person's thinking patterns and behavior in the end times it's going to be as in the days of Noah where once again you will see history repeating itself with the genetic altering of the DNA of mankind where as I said before an average person will be so genetically modified to the point where they can no longer be considered as fully human and it will result in wickedness upon the Earth where mankind loses the capacity to do good just like it would was described in Genesis chapter 6 and only has the inclination left to think and do evil and hence the great falling away and people's hearts growing cold in the end times as Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24:1 to1 as you heard in Rudolph stain's quote that I read to you earlier about the elimination of a person's soul through medicine a person's capacity to experience empathy and compassion and basically have a conscience can also be targeted and removed on a genetic level so that to give an example they could be involved in heinous crimes such as the murder or sexual abuse and rape of a child or a close family member with no remorse or feeling or conscience and this reminds me of what Jesus said in Luke 21:16 where he describes the end times where he says you will be betrayed even by parents brothers and sisters relatives and friends and they will put some of you to death these genetic modifications is how we will see wickedness in the Earth as it was in the days of Noah Before the Flood when mankind only has the inclination left to sin resulting in the great falling away where the love of most for God grows cold and the great deception the apostasia where the majority of people fall away from truth into deception Revelations chapter 18 describes how in the end times apart from the true bride of Christ there will also be a counterfeit Harlot bride even in the church when we have mix seed which means that in our daily lifestyle we have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of God it's like mixing cold and hot water which makes us what Revelations 3:16 describes as lukewarm in Luke 21:34 Jesus said but take heed to yourselves and be on your guard lest your hearts be overburdened and depressed and weighed down with the giddiness and headache and nausea of self-indulgence drunkenness and worldly worries which includes being too busy and then that day when the Messiah returns will come on you suddenly like a trap as I mentioned in the beginning this is the most dangerous time in history to have a lifestyle of fleshling worldliness and lukewarmness not only in terms of not being ready when Jesus comes to fetch his bride like the five foolish virgins in the parable of the 10 virgins but it makes us very vulnerable to falling into the great deception of the end times and being swept up in the great falling away I would like to read page 351 of the Shar book where ABA father gave Sarah a vision of a snake representing Satan with two fangs which is pride and deception 1 John 2:6 describes a worldly lukewarm lifestyle as one that is filled with the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life the pride of life or Pride is where we exalt ourselves above him as we live for ourselves and for the temporary pleasures of this world and the things of the Flesh and the more we live in the flesh the more it desensitizes us to the Holy Spirit and as a result we won't clearly hear his voice or walk in discernment that comes from the Holy Spirit and we are therefore vulnerable to deception even though we are born again children of God if we are living a lifestyle of fleshling and lukewarmness through compromising with sin and where our lives are mixed with the ways of the world we will be vulnerable to the present and coming great deception of The Serpent and the Beast system of the end times and all the devastation and destruction that comes with it in these in times Satan is after the lukewarm Christians who are vulnerable because they are not living in right standing with Abba Father and not abiding in his Covenant principles of life in his word they are living a lifestyle of wiliness and compromise and a lifestyle that is full of the lust of the Flesh and the pride of life with that explanation let's read page 3 351 of the Shamar book which is titled the Harlot and the Beast Revelation 17:14 to15 says they will wage war against the lamb and the lamb will triumph over them for he is Lord of lords and king of kings and those with him and on his side are chosen and called elected and loyal and faithful followers and the angel further said to me the waters you observed where the Harlot is seated are races and multitudes and Nations and dialects which is different languages I saw the Beast sitting on a throne and the Harlot gave the Beast a drink through the cup of her fornication the cup is blood the blood of sexual sin abortions Martyrs the Beast is the Antichrist Spirit who is operating where there is a lack of repentance and Holiness I saw the Beast walking on the earth and at the same time it is a snake with two poisonous fangs poison was dripping from the snake within the Beast and I heard Holy Spirit saying that its poison is pride and deception I saw the Beast Spirit walking into the churches and the snake poisoning people because they didn't live a covenant relationship with Messiah and therefore they were not sealed the church was a harot and therefore the Beast entered they intoxicated the people with pride deception and compromise because the serpent twists so that the people will have mixed seed and not only walk in right standing with Yeshua the people didn't see the masked face of the Beast nor did they know that they were a part of the Harlot because they were deceived the whole church that was white inside became gray and people attended but they were deceived I started to cry because of the vision and I asked yesu why these people were so deceived because they looked so innocent hear my words I know that it is harsh but the Mysteries have to be revealed I am removing [Music] I ask you to do because that is your Warfare the serpent is breeding harlots so that they can be programmed by deception to submit under the rule of the Antichrist spirit that last sentence was important so to repeat it again the serpent is breeding harlots so that they can be programmed by deception to submit under the rule of the Antichrist Spirit remember that is the purpose of the poison of lies and deception that comes with the first white horse in Revelations which serves the ultimate purpose of ushering in the New World Order that brings the world population under the control dictatorship and Rule of the Antichrist where they are programmed by deception to submit to him carrying on to finish the page I was reading in the Shar what is said next is very very important so please listen very carefully you are protected from hry as your DNA is purified through repentance because if you don't have Satan seed in you he cannot see you and he cannot touch you because you are white the serpent cannot see light and is blind to White you will be white and transparent because of Purity repentance and because you abide in my Covenant many will be saved and many will be deceived it depends whether you are willing to war according to my War order or conformed to denial of the spiritual reality remember the war is in the spirit and when the spiritual is established it will manifest into the natural don't wait for the Antichrist to appear because then the Harlot will already be programmed to worship Him fight the harlotry of fleshiness lukewarmness and worldness in your life now in the section of the Shamar book you saw how Yeshua showed Sarah the same things that I've shared with you where he said to her don't wait for the Antichrist to appear because the Harlot will already be programmed through pride and deception to submit to him to accept the mark of the beast and to worship Him by the time he arrives on the world scene and again remember that Pride means where we live for ourselves in a lifestyle that is filled with fleshiness wildness lukewarmness and compromise which makes us vulnerable in the first place to deception there are not only many deceptions surrounding this pandemic but also many more greater deceptions to come and this emphasizes more than ever the importance of spending time in God's presence and removing the Hol R of fleshiness and worldliness and the idolatry of counterfeit Comforts and things of the Flesh and compromise in our hearts and lives now through humbling ourselves before him in Repentance and using the weapon of his word by living according to it Hosea 4:6 says that God's people perish for lack of knowledge and because they've rejected knowledge if you took the first one or two doses because you didn't know better don't panic Thank God now that you are receiving this knowledge and understanding it is giving you the opportunity to repent after I finish sharing and explaining everything related to this first in a later part of session 10 I will do a Ministry session which will include a guideline repentance pray to help address the different parts of the spirit soul body and DNA that has been affected by vaccines both past and present and I encourage you to go through this without delay before complications of it take effect you can also freely download this guideline repentance prayer from our website www.g golden eagles. Africa let me encourage you by reminding you that there is power in the blood of Jesus that was shed for us on the cross 1 John 1:9 explains that the blood of the Lamb which is applied to our lives through repentance is able to cleanse heal and restore the blood of Jesus can wash off the Black Ink Spots of the kingdom of darkness not only on our wedding garments spiritually but even on our physical DNA it's still not too late although time is getting very short we are in the last seconds of Grace where we still have the chance to repent but when you repent remember that you will have to face the test again because it's not going to stop at two doses as I explained there will be many more that the general public will be pressured to receive in time to come and true repentance means that next time we choose to trust God in the fire rather than to bow to Babylon like in the story of Daniel that I spoke about in session 10 part 3 also I explained how the progressive DNA modifications through various Technologies introduced into the body are deadening a person spiritually and deadening their soul so that eventually they will completely lose the desire to repent as they are swept up in the great falling away and fall away from truth into deception so it's critically important to repent now because time is very very short before it's too late incredible pressure will eventually come on everybody to receive these pharmaceutical deceptions and the intention is to make life so difficult without receiving it that most will relent because without it people won't be able to buy or sell work or engage in any form of business travel or even buy food from the grocery store and eventually even risk imprisonment as I explained earlier and this is where we will have to rely more than ever on Abba father's Supernatural protection and provision in previous sessions of this conference I shared in depth how ABA father is calling his people to take an exodus Journey out of Egypt and the ways of the world and all it represents and go through the Wilderness Journey which represents a time of a the blood of Jesus Through repentance and sanctification of our soul through renewing our mind with the word of God and living according to it so that we can inherit the fullness of the promised land which represents His abundant life of Health provision protection and blessing and fruitfulness in spirit soul and body and in every dimension of life and we saw that the biblical borders of the promised land of Israel included where the Garden of Eden originally was and just like the Israelites were on a journey back to the Garden literally in the physical so he is calling his people in this time to come back to the Garden in terms of all it represents spiritually as we become like a fruitful Garden of Eden as we abide in in a covenant love relationship with him and we saw how the full meaning of the Garden of Eden which is the Hebrew word gun means an enclosure for a BRI fenced in with pleasure and Delight which is Eden and hedged in the boundaries of the instructions of God's word in other words living in the boundaries of the instructions of God's word which is what a garden lifestyle represents is what makes us inaccessible to the enemy remember Psalm 91 God's promise of protection says he who dwells in the secret place of the most high will remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the almighty whose power no foe can withstand for he will give his Ang a special charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways of obedience and service a thousand may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you only a spectator shall you be yourself inaccessible in the secret place of the most high as you witness the reward of the wicked there shall no evil before you nor any plague or Calamity come near your tent in the last video of session 10 part 3 we studied in detail the scriptural meaning of Shar the Hebrew word that means a lifestyle of listening to and obeying the word of God and we saw from scripture how the kind of gold represents the priesthood which is the transformation of our inner life through putting God's word in our hearts gold is storing up the treasures of God's word through reading it studying it meditating on it memorizing it which is committing it to heart and writing it on our hearts and renewing our minds with it and we saw how the color blue represents the kingdom which is the transformation of our outer life through putting the word of God into practice by doing it in our daily lifestyle and we saw how in science when you combine the color gold which is listening to God's word together with the color blue which is doing God's word it creates white light which spiritually in scripture points to the white garments of the bride of Christ that comes through her Shamar lifestyle of listening to and obeying his word and we saw an amazing Revelation in the page of the Shamar book that I just read to you about how wearing white wedding garments not only prepares us to be ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb when Jesus comes to fetch his bride but in the meantime it also protects us from The Serpent and the deceptions dangers and destructions of the end times around us Revelations 12:11 says they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony so they overcame the enemy and the Antichrist Beast system of the end times by the blood of the Lamb which practically means a lifestyle of repentance and the word of their testimony which is the word of God in other words renewing our minds with the word of God and living according to it so here we see the significance of communion as a major weapon for the end time bride of Yahweh and why several times in this conference I have emphasized how important it is to take communion daily because of the times that we are living in not only does a spiritual transaction take place when we take communion in faith as a physical prophetic Act of spiritual warfare but more importantly it's a daily reminder for us to live out what the two elements of communion represent which is a lifestyle of repentance symbolized by the grape juice and sanctification of our hearts through renewing our mind with the word of God and living according to it which brings healing symbolized by the bread in communion to transform both our inner life of our heart and mind and our outer life of our outward lifestyle which ensures that we are wearing white wedding garments and are ready and prepared when he comes back and also these white wedding garments that we are wearing spiritually as we abide in Repentance and his word is what keeps us in his Supernatural protection which we will need more and more as things in the world build up towards the end times and his coming where many disasters devastations and perilous events will take place around us and it protects us from the great deceptions of these days that that we are in when you are wearing white spiritually as a result of repentance and abiding in the word of God the serpent who is the devil and his agents who serve him won't be able to see you because the serpent is blinded to White Light you are protected when your DNA is purified through the blood of the Lamb which is applied through repentance and sanctification ation of your soul through Renewing Your Mind with the word of God if you don't have Satan's seed in you in other words his ways of thinking speaking and living he cannot see you and he cannot touch you because you are white he cannot see you because you are covered by the blood of the Lamb through abiding in Repentance and the word of God and you won't have to fear any of the diseases or any of the dangers of the world around you because you are inaccessible to the enemy just as we saw in Psalm 91 so once again communion representing the blood of the lamb and the word of God is a major key of the bride of Christ in the end times when we understand how to live out in our practical everyday lives what communion represents and living a lifestyle of repentance sanctification and obedience to the love Covenant principles of life in his word and his kingdom ways and instructions in scripture earlier I mentioned how Jesus said that just as it was in the days of Noah so it will be in the end times one of the parallels in the story of Noah to the end time bride is the fact that just like Noah and his family did just before the storm and the flood came so we need to enter the Ark of his protection before the storms and the flood of God's judgments and all the destructions that are coming in the end times just as God protected Noah and his family who were the righteous people left on Earth from the destruction of the flood and his judgment that came on the world so he will protect his remnant bride who is clothed in white garments representing righteousness from all the coming destructions on the earth Isaiah 35:8 describes a Highway of Holiness removing sin fleshiness lukewarmness and compromise with the things of the world and remove removing the pride of life by taking off our self shoes so that we no longer live for ourselves but crucify the Flesh and die to self leads us into a lifestyle of Holiness just like Moses when he took off his shoes and was standing on Holy Ground and this Highway of Holiness is what leads us into the Ark of the Covenant in the holy of holies and the Ark of ab father's protection for the end time bride from the coming destructions on the earth just like in the story of Noah Revelations 12 verse4 says but the two wings of the Great Eagle were given to the woman so that she could fly into the Wilderness to her place where she was nourished for a time times and half time which is 3 and A2 years away from the presence of the serpent Satan Jesus promised to protect his bride in the end times in Revelations 12:14 but remember we need to do our part and once again we enter the Ark of his protection through a lifestyle of Holiness through a pathway of repentance where we apply the blood of the lamb and through using the weapon of the word by living according to it listen to this important message on page 395 of the Shar book which is titled the last days in Matthew 24: 37-46 Jesus said as were the days of Noah so will be the coming of the son of man for just as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking men marrying and woman being given in marriage until the very day when Noah went into the ark and they did not know or understand until the flag came and swept them all away so will be the coming of the son of man at that time two men will be in the field one will be taken and one will be left note this is talking about the Rapture two women will be grinding at the handil one will be taken and one will be left watch therefore give strict attention be cautious and active for you do not know in that kind of a day whether a near or remote one your lord is coming but understand this had the householder known in what part of the night whether in a night or morning WI watch the thief was coming he would have watched and would have not allowed his house to be undermined and broken into you also must be ready therefore for the son of man is coming at an hour when you do not expect him who then is the faithful thoughtful and wise servant whom his master has put in charge of his household to give to the others the food and supplies at the proper time blessed happy fortunate and to be envied is that servant whom when his master comes he will find so doing I saw an ark in the spirit it was as if it was like a canopy now just to explain that canopy mentioned here is firstly the canopy or pray Shaw that makes a hoopa that people would get married under in the Hebrew customs of marriage which I explained in previous sessions the Tabernacle is also referred to as this canopy because the Tabernacle lifestyle of repentance and sanctification that I've been speaking about leads us into this intimate marriage covenant relationship with him represented by the Ark of the Covenant in the holy of holies and it's also interesting to note that Noah's Ark is also symbolic of the Tabernacle so that is what is being described here to carry on reading this page of the Shamar I saw an ark in the spirit it was as if it was like a canopy whilst I was looking at it and it was white the ark dripped with golden oil there was a red path going from the Wilder nness into the ark do you know what that's describing the Highway of Holiness which is a pathway of repentance that's what leads us into the ark there were two angels standing at the entrance of the Ark I could hear the storm there was Thunder and dark clouds inside the clouds I saw the face of the serpent that I had seen before with its fangs of pride and deception the enemy was angry and bloodthirsty but AB father's hand was over the ark until those who were sealed were inside the trumpet blew continually saying Grace Grace repent repent but suddenly the trumpet sound changed and again I heard the Thunder the voice of the bridegroom said enter in enter in for the last days will be like the days of Noah there were people running into the ark every second there was such a rush and it was as if everything started to shake a little I just want to pause for a moment to say take note of this description here of everything starting to shake at the time where people are running into the ark at the last seconds this is is 100% in line with scripture so far we have studied the four horses of Revelations which is the first four seals and the destructions on the earth that they represent as a part of the birth pangs where it is now a time of trouble on the earth that is a buildup to Leading the world into the time of the Great Tribulation in a later video of session 10 we're going to look at the the last three seals in which there is indeed a great shaking that will take place at this exact time that is being described here where a massive worldwide Global Mega earthquake that scripture prophesies will take place at The Sixth Seal just after the bride enters the ark which is symbolic of the Rapture just like the righteous remnant of Noah and his family entered the Ark just before God's judgment fell with the flood so this is very scripturally accurate to carry on reading from the Shamar book The Voice of the bridegroom said enter in enter in for the last days will be like the days of Noah there were people running into the ark every second there was such a rush and it was as if everything stoed started to shake a little and I saw the bridegroom in the clouds he had the trumpet in his hand now remember when Jesus blows the trumpet that is the Feast of trumpets which is when he fetches his bride in the Rapture so this is describing the bride entering the Ark of ABBA father's ultimate Supernatural protection in the Rapture just before the flood which represents when God's judgment hits the Earth in the time of the fullon Great Tribulation but to carry on reading he stood for a moment and he cried as he was looking down on the earth because it was a time of trouble a time of great judgment and destruction because remember the destruction of the first four horses or four seals is taking place plagues War famine persecution the death of at least two billion people Etc meditate upon my words and abide in me so that you can be inside the ark when the trumpet sounds and your bridegroom comes I don't want you to stand before a closed door therefore run in many will hear but not listen many will hear and even reject the message the way that they have rejected me but my eyes are upon you will you enter in and be save follow me do you know I'm not do you know I'm waiting here [Music] do you know I'm not do you know I'm waiting here for you to invite me in for you to be still again for you you to hear me calling you open the door for me I'm calling you're not hearing cu the world is drowning out the still small voice of my spirit that will keep you from the times that are coming from the darkness all around to consume you and draw you further away from me so watch now and be ready for the time is near than you first believed of my coming in glor just as the days of Noah were before the flood you were feasting and enjoying and so will it be when I return so stop now what you're doing and sense my presence wanting to invade your life now call you closer open the door for [Music] me do you know I'm knocking [Music] [Music] he