[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] down [Music] so you following what's been coming out so far okay so what we going over right here Deuteronomy the 28th chapter this is the sign for the nation of Israel in these last days to understand who they are according to the Bible because you won't find terms like africanamerican or color or afroamerican or black in the Bible as a nation of people the whole whole Bible is written to who M PE who is the Bible written to huh to the Israelites to the Israelites so the things written in this Bible they don't they don't belong to any other people but the Israelites you understand that Miss Pearl so watch what God told you miss Pearl cuz you are Israelite according to the Bible watch what God told you miss Pearl to understand in these last days read verse 45 the book of Deuteronomy 28 and verse 45 moreover all these curses shall come upon thee and shall pursue thee and overtake thee till thy be destroyed so God said the children of Israel will be cursed and the curses will pursue them so curses that's are they good or bad they bad generational curses from generation to generation God said curses would chase the children of Israel wherever they went so it don't matter if you hit the lottery and you get the move out of stop six you get to move into North richd Hills now you amongst the white people guess what God said we going to be right there with you curses generational curses we can't you can't get rich enough you can't get famous enough there's nothing you can do to be outside of these curses if your nationality is an Israelite cuz the is cuz the curses for us breaking God's Commandments will pertain to the nation not just one or two families or one or two people that's why they call it a generational curse you pass it down from generation to generation you inherit the curse come on because thou hearken not unto the voice of the Lord thy God so to this day the reason we are cursed is why because thou hearken it not unto the voice of the Lord thy God when you look at the so-call Black and Hispanic Community we don't listen to God we don't do anything God said do so God said because that very reason you don't obey my word these curses are going to cleave to you that's why we are under generational curses that's why we red line into the ghetto that's why we the last High and the first fire because we don't listen to God and when we go to these Christian churches they not teaching what God Said teach right you know what they giving us they giving us the white man's sermon they giving us something to control the masses of our people but not the medicine that God said we need to get out of captivity read to keep his Commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee and they and they the curses since we didn't listen to God to apply his Commandments these curses read shall be upon thee for a sign for what for a sign a sign does what m PE what does a sign do what what is the job of a sign cuz God said generational curses will be on the children of Israel for a sign what does a sign do so miss Pearl if you driving down in state 30 and you and you like man I'm hungry I Ain ate nothing all day what's your favorite thing to eat vegetables so you like I'mma go to Whole Food a lot of times when you're on the highway they got that little sign on the side to tell you if you looking for food you can exit here so and then you can find food right God said when you read through Deuteronomy the 28th chapter these are the identifying markers or the signs to know who the children of Israel are on the earth you you know what it mean what's your name bro Maxwell Maxwell you know what it mean to wonder on something Ponder think about think about right think about watch this the this the definition of wonder wonder says a feeling or surprise mingled with admiration caused by Something Beautiful unexpected or unfamiliar it's unexpected and unfamiliar to our people to hear that they the children of God that they are the Israelites I ain't going to even use that cuz in in society the children of God has become a generic term everybody say they're the children of God but when you read the Bible it's only one people group that's the children of God and that's the Israelites and that's who we are so it's unfamiliar to our people to hear this and like the brother Maxwell said one of the synonyms for um for Wonder is Ponder or meditate on so God said you need to hear these curses in the Bible and meditate think about what's being said in the Bible to the children of Israel so you can do what reflect on things that's happened in your life things that's been said to you things you've been brought through and all see that those are signs point back to God people to repent in these last days right he said meditate on these things that I'm going to read in this B that's going to be read to you in the Bible so you can change your ways that way when salvation or Redemption is sent to the Earth you can be found on the side of God all right read that and they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder and upon thy seed forever there go again and upon your seed forever you going to pass these curses down as long as the nation of Israel as of people are not keeping God's Commandments you going to pass these curses down you going to pass them down to they your kids your kids going to pass them down to your grandkids generational curses read Because thou servest not the Lord thy God with joyfulness and with gladness of heart and in this society called America we've never been taught how to serve god with joyfulness and gladness of her heart what goes on on the church and Sunday that's not serving God they not serving God in there because in Christian they teach us we don't got to keep the Commandments of God have you ever heard that Miss pearl of course what about you Maxwell yeah you can drink yeah I mean you drinking is there there's no well I'm going to say this you can drink but you're not supposed to get drunk when you drink to get drunk that's where the sin lies but you can't you right you can't smoke but miss Sally what about you have you ever heard that you don't have to keep God's Commandments you said you never heard that okay so how do how do we achieve the kingdom of heaven cuz that's the goal in life right keep Comm that's that's the goal in life you said you said what Maxwell Comm what you say Miss s reborn be reborn which means what make it plain like that's your that's your daughter right there your granddaughter if you was explaining reborn born again to your granddaughter how would you explain to her what what being born again means okay you got to get your soul clean by doing what cleanse is our soul that's I like that answer what cleanse is our soul that hey this Pearl you on point you said what Miss Sally you said you was brought up to believe in God watch this Miss Sally I'm going to answer your question with the word of God uh John 15 and3 what you got yeah uh get John 15 and3 then we going to get Psalms 119 and9 then we going to get Matthew 19 John 15:3 watch what Jesus Christ said cuz you have you noticed miss Sally when you read the Bible the the um letters in red who is talking Jesus so this is what Jesus Christ said this is um John 15:3 the letters aren't read watch this Maxwell what you say Miss uh per read that the Book of John 15 and verse 3 now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you read it again now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you so how do we cleanse our spirit Miss Al read it again now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you you see that miss Sally Jesus Christ said you clean through the word which I spoken unto you so when he say that do that mean you just got to hear the Bible or you can sit down and read it every day and you going to be clean you said no so what you got to do know that huh give me Romans 2:13 you said do a whole lot of praying what what else all right watch I'm going to make it I'm going to make it plain for you right here that was that was John 15 verse3 Jesus Christ said you clean Through The Words which he spoken unto you so now we going to go to the book of U Romans Paul is going to expound on the point Jesus Christ was making read the book of Romans 2 and verse 13 for not the hearers of the law are just before God but the doers of the law shall be justified you see that miss Sally Paul said in the Book of Romans you just not clean by only hearing the word um in the physical sense you got to hear the word and do whatever it says do he said the doers of the word shall be justified that's how we justified in the sight of God we not only pray not only read our Bible but we apply the things that's written that's how we justified in the sight of God that's right you understand that M Shalom Israel this is Bishop methel I want you to know that you can view all our Sabbath classes live on iuic TV that's right I said on iuic TV download the app today shom the book of Ephesians 6 and verse one children who children so this is for the children cuz we all got laws statutes and Commandments that we must abide by read obey your parents what obey your parents so we got to be obedient to our parents that's the role of a child to obey our parents now the parents got to be teaching what what should a parent be teaching to the children what you say sis about God right the Commandments that should be the main um lessons taught to our children and not only do we teach in um word we got to teach in action cuz I know a lot of times in the black community and the Hispanic Community your uncle your mama your daddy they might be like they might be rolling up a blunt smoking some weed and they'll look at you dead in your ey say hey don't smoke weed that's hypocrisy we can't teach like that we got to be an example our actions got to mat match what we say cuz it's it's hard for you to guide somebody or teach them if you saying one thing but you doing another cuz cuz the child going to look at you like you do it what you mean I can't do it so so not only do the children got to obey their parents the our us as parents we got to be a righteous example so we can't say one thing and do another read children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right honor thy father and thy mother which is the first commandment with promise he said God said this is the first commandment with promise meaning what the promise behind honoring your parents is that you will have a long life I need to know more about it because God said he going to kill the disobedient child that's right that disrespect they that disrespect their parents that dishonor their parents cuz what's not taught in the black Hispanic Community whether you like what your parents say or not understand this it's it's dishonor you disrespect yourself when you disrespect your your parents cuz God is our parent and he gave us commandments so as a nation when we when we don't keep the Commandments we disrespecting [Music] God nation is men leading by example [Music] [Music] nation is family nation is communed nation is children with robs we have a we a nation is unity [Music] nation is you and finally my Breen be strong in alone his one his one his one his one