Transcript for:
Among Us Gameplay Highlights

[Music] I'm going to kill myself so you can save yourself yes I love myself work no good imposter Ron again we never get the bomber though it's me and Scara I know how Scara please don't kill Peter man don't do it don't I see him going for Peter I see him going for him oh thank God Peter if you're on cameras I have to kill you man it's how it is let's just follow scar around and just Spam double kills okay do it Scara do it I I can't look wait someone's on cameras guys because if people camp cameras we we have to kill them you know what I mean it's it's Peter it's Scara Scara why are you camping cameras you're the impostor oh Christ oh no I bet it's the only possible way no that's why I was screaming guys I have valuable information I have valuable information I saw the vent open in like the fog which um the one um like above uh what's it called the top one of the three that are connected I guess what's Med Bay Bay yeah yeah that one uh well Scara randomly showed up in cams with me and I was on the one I was the one on cams so but yeah I was waiting for you to come yeah but where were you before that I was coming down from Med those three do connect they do connect mhm mhhm I don't think it's Lily cuz I saw Lily do wires in the dark which I don't think an imposter would do that saw Selen going on a little date that was cute yeah we're just being cute couple of B girls it's not sit I mean I'm not saying it's wait where's jod and sha yeah what about jod and Shawn they've been missing I was with li I saw Sean inning of admin but wait guys scar voted for someone and he only does that when innocent like when he voted for me in the first download and then pull the thing down for leave like I'm in the bottom right oh I don't know I don't remember okay remember that Sean sus what you know what I voted for Sean you're right far for me guys I feel like scar votes instantly when he's innocent like when I was the Imposter and Scar was innocent he instantly voted me no he was imposter he instantly voted you guys yeah in the first game Scar's a man of chaos that's well I'm just going to skip to be safe then I guess CU it sounds like I think I think that's fair yeah we should all skip wait why is Sean sus again because I wasn't with Lou the whole time I saw his his Tekken play it's very sus wait what's s about his he only plays Tekken so I guess we're all skipping or skipping okay few votes going out few VES going around y y yo chill these two guys next to me I don't know these guys man Scara barely survived that meeting that was lucky we only need a few more kills but that was a lot of sus we got to keep Shawn alive he's the most sus looking in fact I think we could even just kill near there's five people here this is crazy I can't leave it's locked there's like five people here what am I supposed to do what the yo there's a bomb no you killed me scar you um did I kill him one did he work oh that's a bom he killo what okay now before you think someone's really good at the game I just saw a large radius which I'm assuming is the B it turns out like to be what really good bombed I just saw a large radius which I'm assuming is the bomb a mate and for whatever what now before he think was really good at the game I just saw a large radius which I'm assuming is the bomb it was it turns out like to be like a little red cloud and for whatever reason these two people just sat in it okay I didn't know what it was I I didn't know what it basic never seen outside the door closed the door and dropped the bomb and then I don't I that was actually a really good play like it it was a good play but it just uh it was Sil oh man oh man he got a 3K on was there with us right Jody do you think that the bomber would bomb themselves to take two people down with them well no no there's only there's only is just laughing cuz of how ridiculous that sounds this no there's only two oh my God would only two bodies but I well I don't know where Sydney is or sorry I don't know where Selen I don't know who it was sauno was one of them for sure yeah I was one of them I can't remember I was with PP on the right you guys can vouch for each other oh I mean yeah right until yeah the lights went out and then I couldn't see I do feel like Sy is the type of guy to lock himself in with Sid and blow them both up I agree I feel like they're giving me so much credit they're just you vou for Peter they're giving me so much credit but I'm like an absolute piga I just ran into Friendly Fire scar I don't know how to feel guys like what are you doing they're they're thinking like I think about these plays and I got these big brain strats and I just ran into my teammate's bomb cuz I didn't know how it worked but they're like I feel like sauno might do a big play like that that's pretty crazy P walking through who do you think it is I think it's I don't think it's Scara what are things doing next to me huh I can't believe it they got him for they got him I voted for you I want to let you know damn that bomb kill was sick for my POV though it's not him oh my [Music] god I've never seen the bomb and I accidentally walked into it own he friendly fired me on accident I didn't know what the bomb did I've never seen it before I locked them into electrical and it put the bomb outside and I was like this is the hopefully kill people it definitely did it got it got a lot of us like I just can't believe it actually killed you guys three of us scar just got a triple kill and killed his teammate bomb radi is really big actually really big yeah no I did not think I was going to kill him [Music]